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MITSUGIRLY'S birthday cruise on the JADE review/pictorial


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I set our alarm for 8am, but I'm pretty sure I was up before then and hungry. It was execution day and I wanted my last big meal before they kicked me off.


I headed outside to check out the weather.


We were docked already.





There were people out fishing beside the ship.














I went over to the other side to confirm we were in the right place. Yep, back where we started from.



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I think the crew was already getting a head start on the cleaning. They had to make the Jade presentable for the next weeks guest. One thing that NCL does...constantly clean!





We headed to breakfast at the buffet for our last meal. We took our time. We were not in any hurry to get off this beautiful ship. We had late flights (3:30pm). Since we are Platinum, we get the VIP walk off whenever we would like. So, I was going to take advantage of that.


They started calling self assist walk offs at 7am until 8:30am.

Then came the yellow (us), green and blue at 8:30am.

8:45 gray or navachez??? (That's what it sounded like)

8:52 purple

9:00 light blue


Ok...I guess they have passed up our color a long time ago. We might as well go ahead and head off.


BUT WAIT, hubby had to use the restroom. Actually I did too. He spent most of the day yesterday in the restroom and complaining of stomach pains that were real sharp. He would stop in the middle of walking and hold his stomach. By the end of last night, I had a case of the "poops"...like several times over and over. Not good.


We used the restroom and headed down stairs. Wait, we need to go again. Yikes!! We were almost afraid to step foot off the ship in fear of not being next to a restroom.


Since I had the drivers card that dropped us off from the hotel to the port, I knew I could call her and she'd be on her way. I told her we would not be in a hurry and would probably call around 10am.


We walked off and it was so simple. Not really too much of a line and it kept moving. Our poor little brightly colored luggage stood out like a sore thumb and it was the only yellow luggage left. LOL Hey, I said we weren't in a hurry.


We walked out of the terminal and called Janet at 9:25am. She said she was on her way with another couple dropping them off at the port and she'd be there in about 20 minutes. She showed up in...20 minutes exactly!


We were happy to see her and it was a nice ride to the aiport.


I looked out the window and seen this person sitting with a sign. Now normally I think people have a "Homeless, need money, Will work for food" and so on. This was a little different and I had to get a picture.


(No he's not headless...I did this to protect his identity and out of respect).




Now can someone explain this to me? I have no idea what it means. Could this be Jared??? It's only 10am and my mind is already on food.


(Also, notice the little dog in the pink tutu).



Edited by mitsugirly
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Ok, I just found my laundry slip and here is what it says:


Enjoy laundry service any day during this sailing, another benefit exclusively for Latitudes Rewards Platinum members.


Please be sure to write your full name, stateroom number and Latitudes Rewards status on your laundry slip. then simply have your laundry bag ready or hand in your laundry bag by noon on the date you'd like to receive service, and we'll take care of the rest.


THAT IS IT!! It does not state ANYWHERE on there that you have to give them 48 hours to do the laundry or that 2 days (which happens to be when we actually turned it in and last time I check 48 hours DOES = 2 days) prior to getting off the ship is the latest you have. :confused:

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We made it to the airport and knew we had about 5 hours to spare before our plane was to take off.


Well that's cute...now move along because I need to go to the restroom...and so did the hubby.





I did not think I could get off the toilet this time. I'm sure I was sweating like crazy and I had Sakari by my side patting me on the back, giving me kisses and telling me it's going to be ok. "Why are you pooping so much mommy?" Ohhhhhhh!!!! I think I'm having a baby I don't know about. Crap (literally)...what the heck is going on with me??? My stomach hurt so bad I couldn't stand it. I swear I'm having Sakari a baby sibling at the moment.


I headed out of the restroom and looked at the ceiling. Yea, that's about what my stomach looks like inside. A twisted red mess!





We sat inside. We used the restroom. We sat outside. We used the restroom. We got to the point where we could barely sit. I felt like I had ate some spicy Mexican food loaded with jalapeños and hot sauce. My arse was on fire! I started to panic. I didn't know how we were going to make it on the plane. I have heard (read) the horror stories of people complaining about people on the plane using the restroom and it smelled so bad...being in a confined area on the plane is not good. I was seriously worried and sweating bullets at this moment. Would we even be able to catch our plane? Or would we be stuck in the restrooms when it was time to board? I really didn't know at this point. I was scared.


When it was finally time to check our luggage in, we went to the area for Southwest and found this...




Self assist. Where are the humans that know what they're doing? Give me humans. I don't want to press 1 for English. Just give me some service please. I'm in pain. Excruciating pain. Don't make me endure more.


Sigh. We used these terminals to check in Sakari. Then the hubby...then...I had to use the restroom. Screw this. Off I went, doubled over, wondering if it's too late to find a change of clothes from our luggage before checking it in.


I made it back and went back to the self-serve check-in. Machine after machine wouldn't work. They would tell us to move on to another. Some of them would print our boarding passes, others wouldn't and we had to have the person at counter that took our luggage print them. They really need to work on this process.




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There is a replica ship in the library of the SS United States:













One nice thing about taking the SS United States to Europe is all the deck space we put at your feet (five acres to be exact)! Makes it easy to take a hike...or enjoy a fast set of deck tennis...or curl up in a deck chair away from everyone else.


It's hard to believe a ship so big can be so fast. Yet the fact is, the SS United States is the fastest ship in the world. An average crossing takes just four-and-a-quarter days. This is a big advantage whether you're going to Europe on pleasure or business. Since most of our crossings include a weekend, you spend only three business days traveling.


Best of all, when you travel to Europe by ship you arrive at the top of your form! Step ashore and tour a museum...or close a business deal. There's no need to spend valuable time recuperating.


What else will you find aboard America's Superliner? Food in the classic tradition of Europe's great inns...everything from steamed finnan haddie for breakfast to Schaschlick a la Russe fro dinner. The wine cellar is the largest afloat...stocked with the finest bordeaux, burgundies, moselles, ports...and 5000 bottles of vintage champagnes. Staterooms are large and beautifully appointed--and every one is air conditioned with individual room control. There's swimming, dancing, professional entertainment, the latest movies, a huge free baggage allowance...and for your peace of mind, the highest safety standards on any ship in the world.


So, this year, travel to Europe with us. There's no ship in the world quite like the SS United States. For information and reservations call your Travel Agent or United States Lines, One Broadway, New York, N. Y.





Information online about the SS United States (again, only information I found)


SS United States is a luxury passenger liner[/url] built in 1952 for United States Lines designed to capture the trans-Atlantic speed record.Built at a cost of $79.4 million ($724 million in today's dollars) the ship is the largest ocean liner constructed entirely in the U.S. and the fastest ocean liner to cross the Atlantic in either direction.


United States operated uninterrupted in transatlantic passenger service until 1969. Since 1996 she has been docked at Pier 82 on the Delaware River in Philadelphia.


Crystal Cruises has signed an option to buy the SS United States, refurbish her, with the plan to put her into service as a luxury cruise ship.

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Sakari was "starving" and starting to get cranky about it. We had seen a BBQ place right by the doors. Honestly, the thought of putting something like that in my already tore-up stomach just wasn't appealing to me.


We walked down to one end of the building...nothing.

We walked down to the other end of the building...nothing.

Are you serious? This is the ONLY place to eat here? The one thing I did find, after-the-fact, was the HUMANS that were checking in Southwest people at the end of the terminal. Ugh! I guess the idea is to place to self check-in as you walk in the door so that you will use that first. If not, you'd have to walk down to the regular counter at the end of the terminal. Ya gotta work for it!


We ask a lady about other food options. She said the BBQ place was the only place. Sigh. Back to the other end of the terminal we went...only stopping once on the way to use the restroom...while Sakari had puppy dog tears in her eyes because she was wilting away from starvation and I had dog tears in my eyes because I was starting to feel dehydrated at this point.


We made it to the BBQ place: Pappas Bar BQ


Even though my stomach was killing me and I couldn't stand the rumbling of my stomach turning, I still felt hungry.


The hubby had a pulled pork baked potato





I had a pulled pork-HOLD the bbq, and fries





Sakari wanted mac & cheese and cole slaw, but also had some of my sandwich.






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A couple more trips to the restroom and it was hard to walk at this point. TMI but I couldn't even wipe either. It was a dot dot dot dab dab dab. OMG...seriously. This was getting worse by the minute.


We checked in and headed on the people mover escalator. The quicker we got there the better we'd be and honestly, the least amount of walking and moving my legs, the better off I was.


















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I feel for you all and the stomach issues. There's a stomach bug that has been going around all over. It has been hitting lots of schools really hard. We've had students, parents, and teachers hit with it. Teachers were going home sick mid day! And it lasted up to a week or so. Not fun.

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Poor Sakari's face was peeling now. But her belly was full.




When it was time to start boarding the plane...I bet you all can guess where my hubby was? Stuck in the restroom. My heart was beating fast, I was sweating again, I was determined to get on that plane! Sakari was starting to whine because she was afraid daddy was going to get left behind. I assured her if he didn't come out before we got on, we would save him a seat and he would be fine. Right as we walked up to hand them our boarding pass...the hubby ran up behind me. Whew...that was close.


We had a "delay-over" in Georgia...ha! NOT! The first restroom after getting off the plane, the hubby went in. I told him the gate number and told him we were heading that way and I would text him when they started boarding. (You see, we only had 45 minutes I think it was before our plane was to take off. They always board about 30 minutes before take off. NOT GOOD!).


We headed all the way down to the end (from gate 24??) and then had to turn right and head all the way down to the end (maybe gate 4???). I seriously thought I was going to make it. I really did. But not, my stomach failed me. Into the restroom I darted and texted the hubby to let him know where I was and just how far the terminal was. I told him "Run Forest Run".


I was coming out of the restroom doubled up as he was coming down the hall quickly. They were already lined up and getting on. We jumped in line and on we went. I told him...We are getting the VERY last seat on the plane right beside the restroom...and we did.


We took off and the sky was beautiful. I sat in the aisle seat, so pictures were hard to get and I wasn't really putting much effort into it. But this sky was the most amazing thing I had ever seen from up there.








Have you ever seen anything like this? It was amazing!



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The plane was still ascending and I told the hubby...I have to go. I have to go now. I unbuckled my seat belt and as I got ready to get up, the steward said "No!" and pointed down. I told him, there's no "no" and if I didn't go to the restroom right now, there was going to be a pretty big mess to clean up. He actually rolled his eyes at me and turned around.


I got up and headed in...where I didn't think I would be able to get up. I crossed my fingers that there wasn't anyone waiting in line outside the door after some time passed. Thank goodness there wasn't.


I tried to sleep the rest of the way to take my mind off of it. I found that the more still I was, the better I felt.


We got closer to home and I could see the city lights. I was so happy to see the lights if I had the strength, I would have jumped up and down.








YES! We are within minutes of landing! I couldn't wait.








We landed, headed to the restroom and then down to get our luggage. Caught the shuttle when we felt that our stomachs could settle long enough to make it to my car. Drove home with only the hubby saying he had to go, but was going to hold it.


I arrived to a birthday cake, 2 cards and flowers from my youngest son at home.




Thanked him and headed to the restroom.



I would spend the next week attached to the restroom. Thank you NCL for the parting Norovirus gift. I appreciate it. :p



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I am so sorry to hear your cruise ended this way. As if your steward issues weren't enough, you had to deal with the laundry problem and then Norovirus. :( I hope Sakari didn't get it, too? Also, were they able to find her a shirt identical to the one they "lost"?

I hope your Breeze cruise is smooth sailing! :)


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Thanks Once again for another great review, always very enjoyable!


Sorry to hear it ended up the way it did.


You have way more patience than I would have with that cabin steward I would have lost it completely with him long before you even showed any anger. I am shocked that he could be that way, I have never experienced that although I have had a real lazy one where the littlest request seem to be asking allot of her. I just ignored her behaviour and carried on because she did eventually fulfill the request but it took allot of effort on her part and it really wasn't much of a request.


What a job you did by getting through the 7 day review and try to get ready for the Breeze. Can't wait to read all about it.


Have a great time.


P.S. Sakari is still as adorable as ever and in some of these pics she really looks allot like your oldest daughter. The mermaid is something else and her modelling skills were even better, precious!

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Loving this review and I can sympathize with you on the sleeping , especially on vacations. Don't wake me when I finally am able to fall asleep!!!. I used melatonin also for quite a while before it stopped working. I'm taking a break from it and I have used benadryl which helps.


As for your steward, you have more patience than I would have had and I agree, you need to write someone, anyone that will listen.


Oh gosh. Don't tell me the Melatonin stops working after awhile. My heart will break. I think I've been taking it now for about a year or so and so far, it works great.


That's a beautiful picture of the waves! So glad she got her shirt back. That Mario, ugh!


Thank you and yes, so glad she was able to get another shirt.

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I might request more than a simple apology. It's not like they don't give out bottles of wine and strawberries at the drop of a hat. Plus she didn't get platinum laundry service this cruise so she should get double on the next.




I think once you've had time to reflect, you'll write the letter. I know that if you want feedback on the letter, you could post it on the forums on Chris Elliott's site.



People do that frequently and there are moderators and other posters who have quite a bit of experience with travel related things.


The biggest thing for you is the level of service was not to par. That's the simple fact. Mario needs retraining. He's a bad example of the level of service that is expected from NCL.


Thanks for all the advice. I appreciate it.


I have to ask...who is this Chris Elliott anyhow? We already are supposed to get double the laundry service since we are both Platinum, but for some reason they didn't bother to give us 2 coupons this time. I'm not sure why and it clearly states it's per Platinum person on it. Unless you are supposed to use just 1 coupon for both of us...but I wouldn't think so.




First, Happy Belated Birthday! I just finished a marathon reading of your review - what are Friday nights for anyway :D Loving your review. We were hoping to go on the Jade next year but it looks like she is full of music charters in February. So at least by reading your review, I feel like I kind of have been there.


Can't believe the treatment you received, that is really unfortunate. Hopefully the rest of the cruise was great. I love the different things you have done on this trip. We might do the Dawn next year which is the same itinerary so you have given us lots to think about! (Oh, ya, I pulled your Dawn review up earlier this week!)


Thanks so much for a great review.



Thank you for the birthday wishes. Yes, we had a great cruise despise a few bloopers along the way. :cool:

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I have read many reviews and by far this is one of the best I have seen.


Thank you for your candid review, it is helpful for many people!!!


Please continue.


Aww thank you for the compliment. I appreciate it and glad you enjoyed it. :)


Crystal Cruises has signed an option to buy the SS United States, refurbish her, with the plan to put her into service as a luxury cruise ship.


That's pretty cool. Will you be going on it when she's finished?

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I feel for you all and the stomach issues. There's a stomach bug that has been going around all over. It has been hitting lots of schools really hard. We've had students, parents, and teachers hit with it. Teachers were going home sick mid day! And it lasted up to a week or so. Not fun.


There's been a lot of reports about it hitting the ships hard too. I believe I read just a few weeks ago the Athum had to completely turn around and cancel a cruise because of the amount of people on it sick. There was a report from people saying there was a bunch of people sick with it on the Breeze for awhile, but people are now saying that it got a clean bill of health with 100% satisfaction a few weeks ago. So hopefully, fingers crossed, we won't have any issues with this again. The hubby just said to me last night "This isn't going to happen again right???"



I am so sorry to hear your cruise ended this way. As if your steward issues weren't enough, you had to deal with the laundry problem and then Norovirus. :( I hope Sakari didn't get it, too? Also, were they able to find her a shirt identical to the one they "lost"?

I hope your Breeze cruise is smooth sailing! :)



She was lucky. She didn't get any symptoms at all. Not even after we got home.


Yes, the shirt they gave me is the exact same shirt. :D

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Great review! That you for sharing.


You are welcome. Thank you.



Thanks Once again for another great review, always very enjoyable!


Sorry to hear it ended up the way it did.


You have way more patience than I would have with that cabin steward I would have lost it completely with him long before you even showed any anger. I am shocked that he could be that way, I have never experienced that although I have had a real lazy one where the littlest request seem to be asking allot of her. I just ignored her behaviour and carried on because she did eventually fulfill the request but it took allot of effort on her part and it really wasn't much of a request.


What a job you did by getting through the 7 day review and try to get ready for the Breeze. Can't wait to read all about it.


Have a great time.


P.S. Sakari is still as adorable as ever and in some of these pics she really looks allot like your oldest daughter. The mermaid is something else and her modelling skills were even better, precious!



It has been a rough few weeks of trying to finish all my homework to complete this current class while trying to get this review done. Whew! I'm glad it's over now.


Sakari has been posing and modeling for me since she was about 3. She really gets into it most of the time. I take pictures of her that look like a studio did it. So she's use to it and can stop at the drop of a hat, pose, then go about her business. :p

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I am getting on the Jade in a few hours, and I am armed with purell, clorox wipes, and disposable gloves.



Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk



LOL...way to go! I hope you'll be fine.


Have a TERRIFIC cruise on the beautiful Jade!!! I hope you have wonderful weather the entire time. We have had beautiful weather since returning home from the Jade with temps up in the 70's. Today it's SNOWING!! Uh. I envy you right now. :)

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LOL...way to go! I hope you'll be fine.


Have a TERRIFIC cruise on the beautiful Jade!!! I hope you have wonderful weather the entire time. We have had beautiful weather since returning home from the Jade with temps up in the 70's. Today it's SNOWING!! Uh. I envy you right now. :)


OMG....it took me FOREVER to find you. A little help please. I was just on Trip Advisor....looking up Tobacco Bay and lo and behold, I saw a picture you had posted. We have been to Bermuda 4 times and this time we want to go to Tobacco Bay. Do you have a review. (love your reviews).

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