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Norwegian Escape Trip Report 3/12 - 3/19. OK, Pre-Trip report for a little while!


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Hi Everyone! Thought I would do a trip report for our upcoming cruise on the Norwegian Escape. We will be on the 3/12 sailing doing the Eastern Carribean.


I hate to disappoint, but I won't be doing this live. I can't/won't pay for the internet fees onboard...plus I've seen some of the stories of how bad and frustrating it is! We only pay for Internet when the kids don't come along...they are with us so time to *gasp* :eek: completely unplug. Whoa..I know..but stay with me kids.


We are certainly not cruise newbies...though this is our first Norwegian cruise. We have been on Disney Cruise Lines 7 times, Carnival twice (never again), and Royal Caribbean once (doubtful ever again). Huh...hard to tell which one we liked. Disney is all about entertainment and service...so it is very hard to compare that to other cruise lines I realize. If someone wants I can share the reasons whey we are not likely to every do Royal again, the reasons are varied and plentiful...and you don't need to see a sob story right out of the gate (likely I will whine at some point. I tend to do that...let's just say that I warned you out of the gate...so those of you already lining up to get a refund...just back off! There will be no refunds here! You get what you pay for...and I mean it! :).


We are currently T-4 days (depending on your math), and soooo excited We booked this sucker back in the fall, then my lovely bride made me keep it secret so we could give it to our kids as a Christmas present. Well, let's just say I suck at keeping secrets. Wait..that's not fair...they didn't figure out we were going on a cruise...but I did drop a few pretty dang obvious hints in conversation. Completely, uh, on purpose. yeah. For instance, a friend is joining us, and he told me he was able to get the balcony cabin a few doors down via text. I was happy about that, looked up at my bride and said "hey! Ben is going to get a balcony".


You know that dagger look that some women have? One of those... "You are a complete and total moron" looks? Yeah, I got one of those....both boys were sitting on the same couch. BUT..luckily these are your average every day teenagers. What do I mean by that? Think on it a second, I'll wait.






OK...yes both were on their phones and not paying attention at all. See? No harm, no foul. What? have I had trouble keeping secrets like this in the past? Can you claim the 5th on Cruise Critic? I choose to do that. Nough said about that subject.


Anyhoo...I digress...which is something I'm likely to do. I'm like the dog on the movie "Up". So I'll try to yell "squirrel!" every time I go off topic. Please feel free to skim if I start to wander. I won't...er..um..*sniff*..cry or anything. Really.


So...without any further ado (what exactly is an ado anyway? And doesn't it suck that you can't just wonder about things anymore? These crazy phones in our hands give us instant answers. Like now I could look up what "ado" means. but I won't. I'm not even sure I'm spelling it right. I'll assume someone on here is smarter than I am. Pretty safe bet. and I just realized I only have 11 emoticons to work with here. Come on people. I CANNOT express myself with 11 emoticons. Someone help save me there...please??


where was I? Oh...trip report. Squirrel?


That was a lot of ado now that I think about it.


So who is coming with me...let me do introductions.


Me - I'm Drew, 45, old, fat and lazy. Well fat is questionable, depends on which scale you use...or I use. Let's say I could stand to lose some weight.


DW - I need abbreviations and I can't keep typing bride...or Deanna every time. so Darling Wife she is. DW. I shall patent that abbreviation. If you use it you must pay me $.0000001. OK, I stole it from the Disney DISboards. She is slightly younger than me, and definitely my better half. She keeps me sane, also is the keep of the journal which I will likely be using at some point because my old brain will forget some of the important details and I might get off track. Shocker.


DS17 (Dude my Son) - crazy! he is 17! That's Nick. QB, athlete, crazy teenager looking to drive me slowly insane. Slob, and thinks the entire house is his closet. I am NOT kidding. :eek: (damn the emoticons)


DS13 - My youngest. Also a teenager, also trying to drive me slowly insane. He is the computer guy of our family, and likely will be building the next super computer.


Also traveling with us:


Parents - Kim and Ben - Ben and I have been coaching high school football together for 4 years. Which means he and I have been driving our wives crazy for 4 years. Soon we expect they will make a movie about us like they did with De Lasalle. So I expect all of you to pay to go see it when it comes out! I would insert a thumbs up if I had emoticons. Damn you emoticons!


Son - Matt (16) - So I coached Matt last year when he was a freshman...he is a great kid. I'm sure he doesn't drive his parents insane like my teenager. yeah right!


Our friends fly down Thursday night on a red eye. We do not. you do NOT want to see me after a red eye. I'll have a hard enough time just flying during the day. Grumpy Drew is not good. Not good at all. Just ask my family. ;). weak emoticon...weak.


We fly down Friday morning on Jet Blue. Ah yes the wonders of TV while traveling. This is DS13's biggest excitement. maybe of the whole trip. He still reminds me that the last time we flew Jet Blue apparently his TV didn't work. I gave him mine at some point in the trip (half way he says) and he is still bitter about that. Note that DW didn't get hit with that guilt trip. That seems almost unfair. Insert really pissed off emoticon here. Oh wait..I don't have one. I have a frowny face, but really???


We are staying at one of the many fairfield inns. Ah luxury. Oh wait...wrong hotel for that. Clean, efficient, and most importantly free breakfast. I believe it is important to not let the stomach shrink when heading to a cruise. From what I understand there will be some food onboard for us...but it might be an hour or more before we can get it. Yikes!


We are renting a car...one way from FLL to MIA. Why you ask? Because I'm a genius. You could probably save yourself some time and accept this as a fact right now. Or, perhaps...my favorite saying about the government will be a better explanation: It makes sense if you don't think about it. So we fly into FLL because it was the better deal. And there is, apparently, a free shuttle to the port from MIA rental car companies.


so the plan is....get up early, chow down so we don't starve (I know, right??), then head to the port. We will drop the ladies and kids off...then head to the airport, drop the cars...catch the shuttle...and it is off on vacation!


We really can't wait, feel free to ask anything here...or anything you want me to find out while onboard. I'll start posting when we get back...pictures and all!


Thanks for making it this far....that keyboard mark on your face when you fell asleep will go away in a few days...never fear.



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Hi Connie...this is Drew's other half, Deanna. How cool that you won the cruise! How did you win it (if you want to answer, that is)? I would have also upgraded as well on a free trip. We are also in a balcony but on deck 13. I can't wait to get on the ship and get into vacation mode!

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Hi Connie...great job at the casino! Maybe your luck will continue and you'll hit it big on the ship. We are coming from California so we will be flying most of Friday. I love RI...we have friends who have a sail boat in Newport, so we have been there many times with them. Great place!

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We will be on this cruise also. We are bringing my son and his best friend, both 17. They will have their own room with rules!!!!


Come on over to the Roll Call. Let me know if you would like me to add you all to the Meet and Greet!


Looking forward to meeting everyone and a very needed warm break!

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Bon voyage, have a great time.




Can't wait to read your review. Have a wonderful time. And I totally understand being "unplugged." Good luck with that.


Actually looking forward to that. Too much screen time. Of course I'll have my Kindle. LOL


Hi drew .... we will be there as well. I am connie...husband Steve. Deck 14 balcony....we are 50 ..'first time cruisers ...I won the cruise...well then we did upgrades..bought sdp and ubp ....can't wait


Hi Connie! We are so jealous as you have already heard from DW! We will definately have to meet up!


Enjoying your report.




Thanks Keith!



We will be on the Escape this Saturday too!


Terrific...you are almost at vacation time!


We will be on this cruise also. We are bringing my son and his best friend, both 17. They will have their own room with rules!!!!


Come on over to the Roll Call. Let me know if you would like me to add you all to the Meet and Greet!


Looking forward to meeting everyone and a very needed warm break!


Yikes..their own room. we may not be far off from that...but we are cheap so we stuff ourselves all in one room. Sure, go ahead and add us to the meet and greet. Thanks!


Thanks for the comments everyone...always more fun to do a trip report when people are engaged. Nothing more to report yet..just the boring slog to when we drive to the airport friday morning! Can't wait!



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We will also be on this sailing! Me, husband and 2 girls 16,17. We have sailed Disney 6 times ourselves when the kids were much younger (and disney was way cheaper. 6 of us did transatlantic on the magic for about 900 pp. Best 14 day cruise ever!) For an inside room on Disney on March 19 date, OVER $12,000 --- so NCL it was! Have been on 1 RCCL. A bit nervous about NCL after reading thru reviews BUT keeping an open mind and won't sweat the small stuff!

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We will also be on this sailing! Me, husband and 2 girls 16,17. We have sailed Disney 6 times ourselves when the kids were much younger (and disney was way cheaper. 6 of us did transatlantic on the magic for about 900 pp. Best 14 day cruise ever!) For an inside room on Disney on March 19 date, OVER $12,000 --- so NCL it was! Have been on 1 RCCL. A bit nervous about NCL after reading thru reviews BUT keeping an open mind and won't sweat the small stuff!


Love your name. ;) Hope you all give us your thoughts when you return as I'm looking at a November one and have never gone on NCL and am also very nervous based on reviews.

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We will also be on this sailing! Me, husband and 2 girls 16,17. We have sailed Disney 6 times ourselves when the kids were much younger (and disney was way cheaper. 6 of us did transatlantic on the magic for about 900 pp. Best 14 day cruise ever!) For an inside room on Disney on March 19 date, OVER $12,000 --- so NCL it was! Have been on 1 RCCL. A bit nervous about NCL after reading thru reviews BUT keeping an open mind and won't sweat the small stuff!


Always good to travel with other pats fans:p. We looked at Disney first as well and just couldn't pay that price. I am hoping there is enough to do for everyone as we have found that on the other cruise lines we have tried since Disney, there is not enough to do. Our favorite cruise of all time was the Panama Cruise crossing on DCL...which we did it without our kids and we always had something to do. I would do that again in a heartbeat!

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I'll be onboard as well with my twin 17 year olds :) You can't miss them, they're 6'9 and 6'7.


Looking so forward to it!!


Wow! And I thought my 17 year old was tall at 6'2. Sounds like there will be plenty of teens on board so hopefully they'll get to know one another.

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So I believe everyone on these forums like pictures with their trip reports. As I obviously cannot give you any pictures of our cruise yet....thought I would tantalize you with some pre-cruise preparation. We are in good shape, ready to head out the door tomorrow. Today I finished these:




For those of you who have been on Disney Cruise you will recognize these as door magnets. I'm not sure if anyone else does this...but it's one of the things I do. I did similar items for our friends that are along for the ride.


I am clearly all packed. This is how I roll...I like to pack way in advance and be all ready. If you have not heard before....to pack for a cruise....lay out everything you are bringing and then put half of it away before packing. We are the family that will do a 7 night cruise out of a carry on. Impressive I know.


20160310_131946_zpscmugde40.jpg Oh wait...this isn't my suitcase. That's right...I have not packed at all. And DW won't pack for me! What the heck is that about!


And DW bought out the entire candy section of Walmart. So we are ready for the flight there, the cruise and the flight back.




and finally the ever important big bag of drugs.




So we are ready...well except I have not packed yet. Guess I should get on that...


so until we return...



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I'm loving your pre-trip report. Our first cruise was on Disney (gty-balcony and ended up with a Deluxe Family Suite). We had a fabulous time and was spoiled for life! The next two cruises were on Carnival (never again) and RCCL (a little better than Carnival). Two years ago we sailed on the Getaway and loved it. The details and service is not quite up to par with DCL, but it was better than the other lines. There was plenty for my DSs 24, 21, & 18 to do. They are looking forward to our upcoming Getaway trip in June.

Edited by daisyh
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Well, I guess it's good I didn't have anything in my suitcase that I didn't want everyone to see:eek: I just never know what Drew is going to post, but I'm used to it by now. Daisyh, good to know you that you loved the Getaway...sounds like you had similar cruises on Carnival and RCL.

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Hey there, we are also cruising with you guys in Saturday. It's my hubby Tony and I (Stacy) (mid 40's couple) and our 3 Kids. Sons are 17 and 14, and daughter 10. We are also in a balcony on deck 13 and the kids right across the hall in an inside that have a gazillion rules! Lol

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Hey there, we are also cruising with you guys in Saturday. It's my hubby Tony and I (Stacy) (mid 40's couple) and our 3 Kids. Sons are 17 and 14, and daughter 10. We are also in a balcony on deck 13 and the kids right across the hall in an inside that have a gazillion rules! Lol


Great...our boys are pretty much the same age! They both intend to go to the teen club to hopefully meet up with some other kids their ages. My 13 year old has just finished packing, but the 17 year old isn't home from football training yet, so he has some work to do. Of course Drew still hasn't packed either, so it may be a long night for him.

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