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On ANTHEM 3/27, lazy notes and quickies

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Muster was hilarious; technical difficulties with the video in the main theatre and audio as well. Got the good old 'down and dirty live as crew scrambled to get life jackets on. We laughed and applauded.


Funny....we were on the Anthem in February and they had technical difficulties with the muster then as well. You would think they would have it fixed by now...:)

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Didn't disappoint; high expectations were delivered. I remember Chops for the colossal shrimp cocktails; the are the largest I've seen and they sort of stand them straight up for presentation. I also have enjoyed the jumbo scallops; both of these being apps. My wife doesn't do fish, so of course WE ORDERED ON OF EACH FOR "BOTH" OF US. She enjoyed the bread, I started some Sav Blanc white wine. The apps were great. My wife loves beef and had the petite filet with truffled side fries. I had the 'everything crusted tuna with garlic smashed side. Wife's filet was perfect at medium, fork tender and crunchy fries. My tuna was huge, ordered med-rare to rare and it was a consistent red throughout evenly. I could not tell how the cooked it, as it was warm (seasoning or heat). It was as high end as a similar sashimi would be. It was great. Again, wife did a couple of samples of 3 desserts, I asked for tawny port wine. The manager came over and said they didn't have tawny port; didn't know if there was any on the ship. I said I had it at Jamies; he sent someone down. They iced the bottle next to me and I think I had 4 small glasses; nice. We had a GREAT experience. Manager asked "if everything was alright?" Wife said it was 'very good. I said 'no, it was not, it was FANTASTIC. He smiled and thanked. WORTH THE PRICE.


Strolled around and mingled on the way to 270. Nothing special planned.




At sea most of day on way to San Juan. Solarium hot tubs at sun up until about 9 and breakfast in the Solarium. Bloody mary's from the bar.


RIPCORD iFLY at 1:00 and headed down to sign in. Did it on Quantum, still excited. Very serious about the instruction video, hand signals, etc. I was in a small group, wife skipped out as she had broken her arm in November and they said it was 'too much for at least one year. Everyone did well, I had a blast as I learned to relax last year and just float. Our guide would push us up about 8 feet; fun. They took us to a viewing station for photos (this was new for me) and I left to meet wife.


After getting off wife said she really didn't get any videos as they had me aimed at the ship's cameraman and the area was restricted. Then we put 2+2 together; a new marketing tool for the experience. We looked at ours on the iPhone and the side view was good enough to show everyone at home.


IT WAS FUN, SAFE and a 'MUST DO if you can.




Pax are starting to converse about the weather; went through rain to enter port and it was very cloudy and dark. We've had a tough time getting real sun. We are getting heat and humidity, just not sun. I did see some pax with really bad isolated sunburns; said they fell asleep on upper decks.


Did our laps on the track, stayed on ship and got ready for SILK.



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OK, now we've done the shows and the headliner. Already weighed in on THE GIFT; the scheduled 2nd tier show.


WE WILL ROCK YOU (@ Main Theater) was fun, unique, a throw-back. It would be a great 2nd tier show. As the tier 1 show, it simply would be at the end of the list (see our cruises below). It was a good time, we laughed an we had fun. It is what it is as far as comparison to other cruises; not close.


SPECTRE'S CABARET (@ 270), was, well odd. The TECHNOLOGY of 270 was great. There actually was a discernible story line. There was no 'song voice by the lead or support. However, 270 is an event by itself; so we leave it at that.


HEADLINER(@Main Theater) was a husband and wife acrobatic performance. Nice couple, hard workers, etc. However, this was not like any HEADLINER we had seen before.


Again, we had fun and all were entertaining; just at the bottom of the list of cruises we've been on.

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JAMIES - As I opened the cruise I raved about Jamies 'calamari as the best that I had had. We went again, it was no longer a 10/10; it was a 4/10. The oil was dark, the calamari way overcooked and the presentation looked like someone took our 1st Jamies' calamari and took a blow torch to it. NOT TO FEAR, everything else was JUST AS GREAT as the first visit.


SILK - Had low expectations, was so far off; it was great. I had a tempura mahi-mahi and shrimp which was EXCELLENT; the Korean short-ribs my wife had were 'really good she said. We had basic apps that were good: the Vietnamese Tacos were GREAT; we asked for another serving. The spring rolls were good. The service was INVITING, INVOLVED and RESPONSIVE. Again, the tempura mahi-mahi and shrimp was EXCELLENT. We canceled Grande for later on and replaced with 2nd visit to SILK?


IZUMI - This is the 'tease of RCCL. It is right above the promenade and high traffic area AND NEVER OPEN (in a relative sense). It is A FEE venue; why it is not open 11am - 11pm? It appears the staff there is not dedicated to THAT VENUE; rather work elsewhere and this is an assignment. Don't know that for sure. Arrived for a SCHEDULED 5:30 RESERVATION and was told the restaurant "doesn't open until 6pm." I showed the reservation, the reply was "that was online months ago." My wife took out the RESERVATION SUMMARY we were give in print boarding the ship; the reply was "that's not from us." We left and went to Jamies for a 2nd visit as per above. There were 6-7 other parties getting the 'same answer.


We did stop by IZUMI's after the headliner show. The greeting was awful and the service simply uninterested. We started with the tempura shrimp and vegetable tempura and the chicken soy/ginger marinade. It was REALLY GOOD. We finished with the 'house top IZUMI RYU FUTOMAKI.


It was, no doubt, SPECTACULAR.


So, GREAT FOOD, hardly ever open, poor greeting and service; but GREAT FOOD.


CAFE @270 - Has become our mid-cruise breakfast and lunch venue; great options, great view, no crowds. VERY NICE.

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For a couple of reasons, we're shipbound during this cruise; wife recently broken arm, uncast, the primary issue.


On many cruises, port days for those that stay on the ship can be a dining and activities BONANZA.


Not on Anthem.




The lunch dining options are basically windjammer, 270; I recall once so far there was a main dining restaurant option. Even the FEE VENUES ARE CLOSED; Izumi and Michael's pub (open on the schedule some days, but no one there?). This compares "poorly" with ALL of our other cruises and makes no sense. Even MOST OF THE BARS are closed (except 270, Solarium); even the bionic bar is offline.




These are pretty much open in the morning and then shut down in the afternoon until late afternoon. Again, not what we've experienced on other cruises (flowrider, seaplex in 'just hoops open mode, ifly, etc.).


270 is open for bar and lunch; what a great opportunity to REPLY a couple of nighttime productions; streaming band and especially the panoramic vista's. NOT SO. Oh well.


THE 270 BAR:


The best drinks on the ship for 'pouring ''what you want. They don't use the little silver shot measuring devices and if you want a 2-grey goose vodka martini you get it. Schooners and Solarium wouldn't do 2-grey goose vodka in same glass with the Premium Package. You had to order one, sit there; the order another one to go.




The computer was trained by the 270 bartenders. You get what you want. Really nice. HOWEVER, IT IS HARDLY EVER OPEN other than peak hours (can't be labor cost:)).




Even with the above 'sort of disappointments, totally enjoyable venue in any port.

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Thank you for your review. Question on the locations that are closed during the day. Is this a sea day or a port day? I know on port days there is less going on / less open, etc. Looking at Compasses from Merion_mom it shows Izumi open for lunch on certain days,

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Thank you for your review. Question on the locations that are closed during the day. Is this a sea day or a port day? I know on port days there is less going on / less open, etc. Looking at Compasses from Merion_mom it shows Izumi open for lunch on certain days,


Will take a look at all of the Compasses to date later on. It will easier to list what is "open" versus what is "closed;" on port days.

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Will take a look at all of the Compasses to date later on. It will easier to list what is "open" versus what is "closed;" on port days.


My question was based on what you noted


ACTIVITIES:These are pretty much open in the morning and then shut down in the afternoon until late afternoon. Again, not what we've experienced on other cruises (flowrider, seaplex in 'just hoops open mode, ifly, etc.)
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My question was based on what you noted


Oh, I get it. I inquired about the ship for a list by activity (florider for example) and when it was open on the cruise. The reply was look at the Compasses.


Later on I'll use our Compasses and make a list with timetable for some of the top attractions (and indicate 'at sea versus 'in port).

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This may sound silly, but I've read many posts about the inability to keep the staterooms cool. That, sometimes, unbearable.


In our balcony stateroom one night this cruise this happened. We have our room set at 68F and it had crawled up to 76. I finally got the cabin steward and she got maintenance.


Two things:


1. If you look at the thermostat control unit near the stateroom door (very, very hard to read the little icons that indicate various items) and focus on the upper right corner a little 'triangle sort of thing appears if the balcony door is not closed AND LOCKED. When this happens, the A/C is shut off. It is an apparent energy saving feature; balcony door open, it must be OK to auto off the A/C.


To see this yourself you need one person at the balcony door and one at the thermostat. Try it. Give it 15-30 seconds to recognize changing it from closed and locked to vice versa to see the icon appear and feel the A/C come on/off.


2. There is a sensor we are told for this feature; with a fully closed and locked balcony door the 'sensor may be out of adjustment or has failed. Our balcony door was closed and locked so we assume they adjusted or replaced the sensor.

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We really do 'just the zipline (me). We used to do the mountain coaster and walk the beaches but we've been here before, live on a fresh water lake have boat and sea doo's; so we head back to the 'billion dollar Anthem. I really do get overly 'rushed on the zip line. Pre-zip anxiety, the rush, post zip adrenaline rush (used to run for 20 years, reminds me of endorphin kinda) and back to the ship for 'a couple of something.


We got our gear set up in the Solarium near one of the 6 open windows* (more on those later). It was hot, but overcast quite a bit. We haven't had one of those pure sun days yet and I haven't even used any lotion (but aware). Wife and I talked to bartenders about the zip line and that I need a 'really good Vodka martini. We talked about the experience and tried to coax on of the bartenders to try it one day with her onboard working husband. NO WAY she says.


So, chilling out in the loungers, about half hour passes, I thought I'd get another drink and try to take a nap as my wife does with ease (I'm used to coffee at work after lunch). That's an 'excuse not a 'reason.:cool:


I started to walk the 50' to the Solarium bar and saw out of the corner of my eye this elderly woman 'go down hard. She was walking toward the bar and caught the rounded corner of the last lounge chair and she went down; sort of stuck on the lounger and face into the deck. She immediately had a pool of blood the size of a small dinner plate below her knee and calf area of one leg.


(Now, I was a ski patrol for 8-10 years and a youth, teen league multi-sport coach for three sons; so first aid "intro" is about the most I've done. T-bar ski injuries to the face, baseball bats to the head near the on deck cage, etc. All I remember was ICE - Ice, compression and elevation.)


So, I go in a position to secure her leg and requested clean towels from nearby pax (all great). She had really, soft, aged skin and it was torn open; varicose veins, and I just compressed everything gently into the first towel. We got ice and I wrapped another layer and kept compressed. Then a lady assisted me in putting folded towels under her leg to elevate while I held compression.


A firefighter vacationing had taken up at her head, secured her head and spoke to her. At first she appear 'out but she was responding. We asked about meds and if on blood thinners. She sort of popped up once and he helped her relax. I told him when she did that I felt blood flow (squirt); he then kept her still.


This seemed like an hour. It was mere minutes before the 911 alpha crew of 10+ arrived. They were awesome, a lady knelt next to me, I told her the above, she took over. They had me go soap and water the blood off and that was that. They had her on her way in minutes. Pretty impressive.


Had a drink with the firefighter shortly thereafter.


In the meantime my wife is 'wondering where the heck I am. She see's the commotion, worries it is me, then see's my head. Many pax came to say nice job. I had another drink and laid down on the lounger. Between the zipline and this, SLEPT almost 3-hours RIGHT THROUGH North Star reservation.


Showered up, and off to Chops Grille.


The above is unique and leave this post at that. Will get to Chops, then on to San Juan on DAY 4, a post dedicated to 'onboard thoughts on some things (* Solarium windows and use of Solarium at night or Adult late night DJ parties) and 270 during non-show times).


- - - We tried to follow-up at medical center that evening but we were not family members so (appropriately) couldn't tell us much other than she was OK and that she had family members with her. An officer informally told me that she may need medical attention in San Juan, an again said she had family with her. - - -


Just wanted to say my wife and I are on this cruise and loving every minute. Have to agree about the cloudy days, but Barbados and St. Kitts were a wonderful end.


That said, I was just watching the late night/early morning show and heard a shout out to two firefighters for their help provided during an incident in the Solarium!

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Can you tell me any movies that have been shown outside on the screen in the evenings? Do they show one every evening?


Movie times are 7 and 10pm, here's the listing so far for 3/27 sailing

Night 1---no movie

Night 2---Selma

Night 3---The Great Gatsby

Night 4---The Intern

Night 5---Creed

Night 6--- Bridge of Spies

Night 7--- Teen only Pool movie

Night 8---Wizard of Oz

Night 9---Selma

Night 10--Spectre

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Movie times are 7 and 10pm, here's the listing so far for 3/27 sailing

Night 1---no movie

Night 2---Selma

Night 3---The Great Gatsby

Night 4---The Intern

Night 5---Creed

Night 6--- Bridge of Spies

Night 7--- Teen only Pool movie

Night 8---Wizard of Oz

Night 9---Selma

Night 10--Spectre


Thanks Linda!

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Just wanted to say my wife and I are on this cruise and loving every minute. Have to agree about the cloudy days, but Barbados and St. Kitts were a wonderful end.


That said, I was just watching the late night/early morning show and heard a shout out to two firefighters for their help provided during an incident in the Solarium!


Yep, the weather those two days really was an uptick. Lot of tanning people, and some RED ones. :eek:


Too FUNNY re: the two firefighters; he (the guy that had her head is one, nice guy), I'm not.


My wife has more to the tale, as she wondered where I was and worried I had an incident (late 50's, geeze) she got closer and saw my head. A lady was next to her and said I was a Doctor on vacation. She said 'no he's not, he's a CPA. The lady smiled and said 'well he sounds like he knows what he is doing AND HE IS VERY BOSSY!


We laughed and laughed.


Enjoy the cruise back north. We keep hearing comments about weather off of Hatteras? Can't really see anything on the weather maps. Our ship was charting high north (last I looked) off shore quite a bit. But I don't know the normal Anthem return, so it could be the typical return course.

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Right after that post the Captain announced the position and short-term weather and seas forecast. Apparently, today is the great sun day. Tomorrow could have some heavier seas, clouds and rain. However, the good news was the storm front they were tracking as we approach Hatteras has sped up and is expected to clear through before we get there. Yeah. He then said the final sea day should be quite pleasant for this time of year.

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Hello, can anyone suggest best option for texting on the ship . I really do not want to spend $$ on wifi ( although Son 19 & Daughter 17 ) would love it ) .. we are on vacation so do not want them on their phones, BUT I want to be able to text them if needed..do I have to buy internet packages..any personal experience with this..thanks

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