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A sincere question

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I am trying to find out how to do the correct thing. I am also asking for courtesy from posters.

I have a question for the smoking crowd. I have read many messages about rude non-smokers ordering smokers about. We do not want to be thought of that way.

We are non-smokers. My youngest son (15) and I have asthma. Strong smells, like smoke, sets my asthma right off. It does not keep us off cruises. We deal the best we can. We always have a blast.

But let's say, hypothetically, that a neighbor is smoking on their balcony and the wind is such that the smoke is blowing straight into our stateroom. Would you want to know? How would you want to know? I know everyone pays for their cabin and has the right to smoke wherever they want to. Are you ever concerned about others being affected by smoke?

We just want to be polite cruisers, happily co-existing, without insulting anyone.


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"But let's say, hypothetically, that a neighbor is smoking on their balcony and the wind is such that the smoke is blowing straight into our stateroom. Would you want to know? How would you want to know"


I don't understand the question...:(

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The question is - if it was you smoking on your veranda and it was bothering you neighbor, how would you want your neighbor to let you know that you are bothering them? A call on the phone, a knock on the door or just yelling across the barrier?

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fireguy, I think the OP wants to know if you care that your smoke is bothering your neighbor and what would be a good (ie. non-offensive) way for your neighbor to let you know that it is bothering them.


For my own two cents worth--I concur with Clarkk!

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This isn't a direct answer to your question because I'm not a smoker. I think you are trying to find out how to politely let another person know their smoke is bothering you. If I were out on my balcony and my neighbors smoke was bothering me, I would go inside my cabin or shut the door if already in my cabin. I know it would be frustrating, but I would just wait until they are not out there smoking to enjoy the balcony. I'm not sure you could let a smoker know their smoke is bothering you without offending them.

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When I was on another line,I can't remember which one one side of the ship was smoking and the other wasn't.It worked out pretty well.The majority of people are not on their balcony that long and when they are they aren't smoking all the time.If you closed your door for a few minutes it would probably be fine.On the other hand if you are in a non smoking area and someone is smoking I would politely point out it is a non smoking area and you have asthma.

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i tend to agree with Danjjj.


but then again I'm a non-smoker who has a girlfriend who also is has similar reactions to smoke.


We were just on the Carnival Triumph, and it was loaded with smokers, and the only non-smoking area on the ship was the dining room.


We couldn't escape it, even when we went in our room it seemed the smoke would find it's way in.


She never went out on the balcony, because it seemed the smoke was always coming in from one side or another.


But she did just that, she never went out there.


In the future we're only sailing RCI because in our years of cruising NEVER until this cruise did we feel trapped from smoke.


I too would be interested to hear how smokers feel about this.


I tend to say it's my problem and we just avoided it. We got our drinks in the bar and drank them in the hall if the bars were crazy smokey. We just made the best somehow.



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It's gonna be luck of the draw as to if your balcony neighbors are smokers or not, loud or not, or even out there much or not.


I've read stories about non smokers who had their vacation ruined because they simply could not use their balcony because they had smokers on one side or the other or both.


I felt bad for them as I read their stories.


I think there indeed IS something you can do about it though.


First, if you can do it, I'd suggest an all the way aft cabin. We've had smokers on either side of us and it's been difficult to notice, Either that or one all the way forward, like the very first cabin on either side of the ship, At least when the ship is in motion you'd have a better chance of the smoke not bothering you.


If it's that bad though, maybe you should consider an inside or oceanview cabin and just plan on spending time on the open decks, the side that is non smoking.


Bring some Fabrese and/or Ozium to cleanse the air wherever you are positioned.


The other option would be to confront your balcony neighbor and try to make them not smoke. We all know that's not gonna happen.


This is where I really do wish there were some designated non smoking cabins on every ship like in hotels. I've been on both sides of the fence on this issue having smoked/quit/smoked again/quit again, etc. When I am a smoker I am totally respectful of non smokers rights. Unfortunately for you, there are none of those rights on balconies.


Good luck!

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I'd rather someone let me know. I could move into the cabin. I'm a smoker but do not care for cigar smoke so I think I can understand how nonsmokers feel. A vacation should be relaxing - for everyone.


BTW I never want to be aft of a tobacco chewer :o

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We had a cigar smoker on one side of us who hung over the railing while smoking it and a chain cigarette smoker on the other side of us on the Brilliance. My husband has emphysema. Would we ever tell anyone to stop smoking on their balcony? Never. They paid for their cruise too, just as we did. It is perfectly legal for them to smoke in their cabins or on the balcony of their cabins. I say if it bothers you, go inside and close your door. That is what we did if it got too bad. If they were out there and we had our cabin balcony door open, there were times we had to close it.

I really can't see me telling someone that I prefer they didn't smoke on their balcony. I don't think I would want to hear their answer to me.

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Neither of us smokes cigarettes.


DH will enjoy a cigar on the balcony at the end of the day, with a glass of wine. He does the same at home occasionally in the hot tub.


Sometimes, depending on the wind or how fast the ship is travelling, it will blow into my face...I simply ask him to butt it out.


I would think that if someone was on the other side of the barrier and said...."you know your smoke is really bothering me, could you butt it out." I would think that he would refrain from smoking, until the other person stepped back inside....I would hope he would


I think that if someone was polite when asking, a reasonable person would oblige.



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I love a good cigar and my wife is a non smoker so sometimes I smoke on the balcony. If you tell me kindly that you have a medical condition I will take two more good pulls and out my cigar with respest.

If you are obnoxious to me about my smoking on my balcony be prepared to inhale some smoke.

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The question is - if it was you smoking on your veranda and it was bothering you neighbor, how would you want your neighbor to let you know that you are bothering them? A call on the phone, a knock on the door or just yelling across the barrier?


All of the above,lol but I don't smoke but if I was doing something else that pi$$ed em off al of the above still works,...:)


How about closing your door until they are done smoking.

I'm glad smoke doesn't bug me that much. I wouldn't have a job,lol. I just can't see smoke from a cig. on a windy balcony bothering anyone...:(

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Cigarette smoke I can live with it is that nasty cigar smoke which is the worst. Should only be allowed in your own home.


Hope you are not sailing on the NOS on 31 December as I will be there with my cigars. Not that I want to offend anyone purposely but nothing can beat a good cigar a glass of port while enjoying a lovely sunset. Now that's what you call a vacation.

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fireguy - I'm an ex-smoker and am lucky that smoke doesn't bother me because my dh smokes. I would just go into the cabin or just close the door or just put up with it.


All of the above,lol but I don't smoke but if I was doing something else that pi$$ed em off al of the above still works,...:)


How about closing your door until they are done smoking.

I'm glad smoke doesn't bug me that much. I wouldn't have a job,lol. I just can't see smoke from a cig. on a windy balcony bothering anyone...:(

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Well, I am a smoker and yes I would want to be told. Let me explain. A cigarette last what 5 minutes? All you would have to do is say nicely" Hi I really hate to tell you this but the smoke is killing me I have asthma we have come back to enjoy the balcony. Could you finish that one and give me alittle time to enjoy the balcony? That's all it would take for me. No hard feelings and no worries. I would be cautious from there on out to see if you were on the balcony and if you were and you stayed forever I'd ask the same courtesy of you possibly or I may just go for a walk who knows.I smoke outside at home so It's not something I'm not use to anyway.

Now what happened to me last cruise was wrong. I always stay on the smoking side on the pool deck, I never smoke in the lounges (we don't drink anyways, and during shows I just go outside to the smoking deck no problem) But this one occurance will always stick in my mind and my nonsmoking husband's. We were passing Cuba and you really couldn't see much of it anyway just a small bit of land out in the horizon, but this couple came over to the smoking side of the ship to see the ittsy bitsy piece of land and started the *cough, *cough, *cough sound.They were crowded right by us. I immediately put my freshly lit cigarette out, and said "i'm sorry". No acknowlegement was made. As they walked away the woman said They shouldn't even be able to smoke on cruises . So unfortuately if I am ever in the smoking section and something of this nature should occur again, I may just light up another. If I'm in the desinated "smoking Section" there are signs on the tables and overhead on most ships saying smoking or non smoking. I'd rather be told anything compared to that cough cough hand wave thing!

I am where I am suppose to be. they invaded my area and I was kind and accomodating.

We live in Florida and smoking in Restuarnts is not allowed.

That's my 2 cents!


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My name is Jim and I am a smoker. First, let me say I started when you could smoke in your office, railways, stadiums, and airplanes so I'm still having a bit of culture shock.


I do, however, try to be considerate of others. I don't smoke in restaurants unless it has a separate room for smokers. When with a group outdoors, I go a distance away where I can smoke without it blowing to them. So yes, I would want you to tell me if my smoke is bothering you, but please do it as nice as you would want me to treat you.


I know some smokers can be jerks, just like some non-smokers can. I've had people walk several hundred feet to climb my case about smoking when I had gone that far to be considerate of them. I've also seen smokers light up where they knew they were not suppose to and would know that they were bothering those around them.


I understand your dilemma worrying about whether the smoker is considerate or a jerk. Maybe start a conversation with them and just mention you have asthma. Many of us will pick up on that and ask if we are causing you a problem. If we don't, tell us. Yes, they give me the right to smoke in my cabin and probably on the balcony but you also have the right to enjoy your vacation without it ruining your health.


I just wish everyone would be honest about whether smoking does cause them allergies or they just think they have the right to control others. I had a lady come over where I had gone to smoke and tell me she was allergic to my smoke, even though it was not blowing towards her. She wasn't nice about it either. That night, I saw her in the casino between two smokers pulling the handle on that machine. I guess she found a cure that day.

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Hi All,


My DH and I are both smokers.15_4_115.gif I have no problem in someone telling me NICELY that my cigarette is bothering them. I'll put it out..no big deal. I can always have one somewhere else. I have friends that don't smoke so when I'm with them, I try to refrain, as well as NEVER smoke in someone's car who doesnt smoke, never smoke in their house etc...that's just not done and it just plain rude. Again, thats if I'm asked nicely or politely. What I cannot deal with is someone who "demands" I put out my cigarette or who plainly sees me smoking and insists on coming right by me or sitting by me and then starts the cough cough cough, waving of the hand thing...Hello???? What part of me smoking did you not see? I live in Las Vegas and you wouldnt believe the amount of people who get extremely hostile about smoking in a casino...It's a casino..people are going to smoke...You ask me nicely and I'll gladly put out the cigarette so that your not uncomfortable, but do the cough cough, waving of the hand, dirty look thing...and watch out...the chain smoking begins..and I know thats not right and childish (I'll be the first to admit it) but it just annoys me. I don't drink and can't stand the smell of alcohol but will I ask someone to move their drink or move themselves..nope...I just deal with it...I will be having a balcony on my cruise and if I'm still smoking then, (hopefully not) then I'll be smoking out there.....if it bothers the people next to me, I'll try to be considerate, but only if they are too. Again, just my .02...take it for what it's worth :rolleyes:

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If the wind is blowing smoke into your stateroom, close the door. And before I get flamed, I am a non-smoker.


The question is more complex than just "close your door". You paid as much for your balcony as the smoker paid for his. You have as much right to enjoy it as he has to enjoy his cigar or pipe or whatever. His smoke is making you sick. Is it the smoker's right to make you sick or to reduce your enjoyment so he has his enjoyment?


As a lifelong asthmatic, I have had to deal with this problem for years. It isn't only smoke that makes me ill, strong smells such as perfume and men's cologne make me very ill. I've always been the one who gave in, got up and left, stayed away, avoided music concerts, whatever. But I have begun to ask this question. Why do those who are making others ill have the right to enjoy bars, concerts, cruise ship balconies, casinos and public places at the expense of others who cannot tolerate smoke?


Honestly, it just doesn't make sense to me. Smoke is a public nuisance and hazard to health. A smoker who sits on his balcony smoking while he tells himself it is his right even if it bothers others, is just as thoughtless as if I sat on my balcony playing heavy metal music at the highest ear-splitting volume I can because it is my right. Afterall, I paid for the balcony.


Now how does one deal with the situation stated by the OP? The only recourse I know without risking an angry confronation is to call Customer Relations. But you know what? I bet you will get NO HELP from them either.


Sad to say, you are basically stuck, though I'm tempted to use a stronger word. Many a happy moment has been ruined for me when smokers lit up. They get to stay and smoke. I have to leave. It isn't right, but in 2005, smokers on ships nearly always win.

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Both DH & I smoke. We try to be very rspectful of others, and would never think of smoking in a non-smoking area. But I have one question, just when did smoking become the scurge of society? I am getting really sick of being told I shouldn't smoke, where, when and how....the looks, the rolling eyes, the coughes, all of it. Somehow, somewhere, non-smokers have decided it's ok to treat smokers rudely, and like they have committed some terrible offense. At some point, it has become ok to go out of there way to be offending themselves, and all we smokers seem to put up with it, and even feel guilty. Well all I have to say is if your in the smoking area, and it's bothering you, GET OUT! If we are outdoors, and it's bothering you, GET AWAY! Move farther away from us. Until they pass some law making smoking illegal, GET OFF MY BACK!

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People always get so passionate about smoking. I'm a reformed smoker, I stopped 17 years ago and I try my best to be considerate of smokers. I do remember how I was treated when I still smoked.


A non smoking co-worker of mine was on a cruise with her smoking husband this past summer. She said she never realized how awful the smoke was, I guess because he always goes outside to smoke at home, but the smoke just came right into the cabin from the balcony.


I think if I were still a smoker, I would probably go up to an open deck to a smoking area so the smoke wouldn't bother anyone in the cabin area. I've had smokers next door to us (oceanview, not balcony) and was sick for the week because the smoke seemed to come right through the walls!


After 20 years of smoking, quitting, for me, was the easiest thing I've ever done for myself, much easier than dieting. But, I think it was mind-set. I made up my mind to do it, set the date for my last and cut down by 2 smokes a day until the last day of smoking. I've treated it like a dear friend of mine gave up drinking, realizing I can never smoke another cigarette again. I'm actually a little envious of some friends who can smoke on rare occasion because I believe I would become instantly addicted if I smoked just one.

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Both DH & I smoke. We try to be very rspectful of others, and would never think of smoking in a non-smoking area. But I have one question, just when did smoking become the scurge of society?


Smoking became the scourge of society when the medical profession became aware of the damage tobacco smoke does not only to the smoker, but also to those around the smoker.


If smoking damaged only the smoker, society might be more tolerant, but unfortunately second hand smoke can be very dangerous especially to children, the infirm, asthmatics and those whose lungs are impaired for whatever reason.


I appreciate the fact that you are careful about where you smoke. I wish more smokers had the same attitude. But for every non-smoking eye roller you must endure, we non-smokers must endure thoughtless smokers who light up in inappropriate places. I know it is a battle between the smokers and non-smokers. There are no easy solutions in which each side will be fully satisfied.

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People always get so passionate about smoking. I'm a reformed smoker, I stopped 17 years ago and I try my best to be considerate of smokers. I do remember how I was treated when I still smoked.


A non smoking co-worker of mine was on a cruise with her smoking husband this past summer. She said she never realized how awful the smoke was, I guess because he always goes outside to smoke at home, but the smoke just came right into the cabin from the balcony.


I think if I were still a smoker, I would probably go up to an open deck to a smoking area so the smoke wouldn't bother anyone in the cabin area. I've had smokers next door to us (oceanview, not balcony) and was sick for the week because the smoke seemed to come right through the walls!


After 20 years of smoking, quitting, for me, was the easiest thing I've ever done for myself, much easier than dieting. But, I think it was mind-set. I made up my mind to do it, set the date for my last and cut down by 2 smokes a day until the last day of smoking. I've treated it like a dear friend of mine gave up drinking, realizing I can never smoke another cigarette again. I'm actually a little envious of some friends who can smoke on rare occasion because I believe I would become instantly addicted if I smoked just one.


Good for you! ....as someone who is a professional quitter on smoking I have the utmost respect for your resolve.


Way to go...and continue going

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