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Scotland to Seattle to Solstice Alaska May 16


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Okay - I will try to relay this story - there are a few "Bleeps" so you can fill in the blanks with words of your choice.

For the benefit of those who can speak the lingo I will relay some in Scots tongue - followed by a translation.

First - the plan.

Having researched as always, our plan for Skagway was to conquer our fears (whit eedgit had that stupid idea) and take on the Grizzly Falls Zipwire and Marshmallow Cook Excursion. We are BOTH scared of heights - although to be fair - I think my husband more so than me.

I did my first ever Scuba dive early this year - it took me over 45 minutes to step off the boat - I was sure, having conquered that - I could take on the world (hmmm).

So - plan was - after yesterday(Juneau) being a busy day - we would book the 1.30pm excursion giving us the morning to relax - enjoy a late breakfast - and not have to rush around.

Celebrity's website, as we all know does silly stuff at times. Somehow - they managed to really BLEEP up our reservation and we had an 8.30am tour instead of 1.30pm! Honestly - you have no idea what it took to get me to get them to change it - this was all pre cruise. There were two people in London - four people in Miami - and no one could get it to change the time on the booking back to the 1.30pm. In the end - I thought as a businesswoman - and said - "Okay what is your cancellation policy and do you have space on the 1pm tour" Their reply "No charge and Yes" - Me "well duhh - cancel my booking and re book me on the 1pm". In all honesty - the pre cruise experience with Celebrity tours was a bit of a mess. They did do as I said - refunded my card and re charged me. Again we had problems with our Victoria tour - but will get to that.

Anyway, sorry - prattling here..

We are now successfully booked on the 1.30pm tour.

Its a beautiful day in Skagway - it really is a gorgeous place and we do need to go back and see the town itself as the tour took up all of our time.





The ship docks right at the pier. For those of you who are looking to book the Yukatan (sp?) railway - its right there at the ship. There is a (what I would call a Butler buggy) golf cart type people carrier right at the ship who will take you the length of the pier - Very easy stop off.



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So - before I go any further I have to warn you if you are looking forward to any photos of the Grizzly Falls Zipwire - move on - there aren't any.

There is one photo each of my husband and I geared up - and that is all we have left of our zipwire memory - and perhaps all we want to remember. (well aside being traumatised for life) -(Stay with me here I will get to the story).

Anyway, there was a bit of a caffuffle at the pier waiting for the tour bus to arrive. It was very warm - we had layered up as we thought it was to be very cold "up there on them hills" ...

Honestly - it was so disorganised - there were people everywhere - all waiting on various tours - at that point I think I was up for selling our tickets - but as the Gods had planned for us (we really must have been wicked in another life) - the tour bus unfortunately did turn up.. late - but .. there.

It was a pleasant drive to Grizzly Falls - the rivers were very green and actually reminded me of rivers in Kenya ..


I was kind of enjoying the nice wee coach tour - when we arrived at some no mans land - and were told we would walk to base camp where we would board the vehicle (some kind of army type truck) which would be able to get us up the mountain side..

I think it was around this point I stared to get the heeby jeebies (I was beginning to get nervous!).


This is where they park the coach and you start walking from here to basecamp.







After this - there are no pictures until our return journey - if you don't want to read the story just skip on to the next photographs - bear with me on this one folks - its a tale to tell and you do need to put yourself into our shoes...

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The area of Grizzly Falls is VERY much like home territory for us -

THIS is our home forests and waterfalls - We have many small wooden bridges which cross the falls and rivers throughout the forest - and I - am even scared walking across those bridges -

SO - this is homeland - just to give you an idea of what we are used to walking around all the time - so why are we such a "Perra Fearties" (Pair of people very afraid!).








And one of my baby girl - note the forest background - very similar..




There are a LOT of people around - its making me very nervous. I had read that people get scared in the truck going up the hillside, that really didn't worry me - I was just starting to worry about all these people around - and my gut was honestly - telling me NO NO NO!

We were taken to basecamp - to a loud and cheerful WELCOME - where we were kitted out in our gear and our harnesses.

At this stage we were split into groups - This is where I really started to feel my knees going wobbly.....

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Ah, Skagway - where the midgies wear tackity boots!


Are you kidding - In Scotland and in particular my wee corner, our midgees eat live men for breakfast! Last week - ugh - they were SO bad with the humidity!

Millions of species of the midge - we have seen Professors supposedly here to study for six weeks last two days at most ..



Skagway - yes indeed - our wee adventure.. :D

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Waaaaaaaaaaaaaarghhhh - just spent ages writing and my internet went and I lost everything :mad:

I have lost all will to type now - will try again tomorrow but see how much I can get done now.

To give you however a clearer picture how the zipwire works - there are eleven lines in total - and a number of suspension bridges going over waterfalls and scarey stuff. The groups cannot all go together - I am not sure where each group started but lets say for talking sake our group started at number 3 - this is pretty much where our journey began.

Our group was a mix of six packs and muscle tone - and then there were the youngsters ;) They were clearly no' feartys like us - they were all testosterone and vitamin highs. Then - there was us. Two wee pair folk - trying our best to act nonchalant and sporty.

To get to our first zip - our group took a steep hike up a mountain pathway - this - I can do - not a problem.

When we got to the top - I was awfa quiet. As in - silent. Silent isn't good. Silent means I am REALLY not in a good way. Kicking off and shouting and bawling is normal - silent for me - I am not good...

I watched as our leader Charlie proceeded to explain the various ways in which to approach the wire - and demonstrated how on the first line, we should all basically just take one long run and jump right off the edge of the "cliff" ...



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So - having looked at what was expected -

I shook my head and said - without shame or doubt


(I am off, I am out of here, I am not wanting to kill myself"

This conversation goes on for several minutes but my bottle's gone (Ive lost all courage) - I am just sick to the stomach and nothing and no one is getting me to jump off that cliff..


Hubby looks at me - we Scots don't like to waste ££££S ...


"You sure" he says -


"Watch my lips" - I am history, gone - oota here"


He says "Well - do you mind if I go ahead" (remember those words!)


"Och nae problem darling" "SEEEEEE YA"


And with that - the leader radio's the base camp and has someone come to collect me..

BYE HUSBAND - awra best tae ye!

Team are all "oh never mind honey - you know your limits" blah blah blah and a whole load of niceties trying to make me feel better..


Without looking back - I was so out of there




To be continued...:D

Yes ..there's more..

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Although I’m a grown woman – the five year old never really has left me. Once out of sight of “my team” I decide to throw a Scottish stromp.

That’s an awfa thing tae dae tae onnybody – tae jist expect them first aff – tae jump aff the bleepin grand canyon – whit on earth – whits the score man – how come the video disnae show this – how come the video shows ye getting a wee practice on a wee thing jist aff a wee tree – how diz the video no show that yer expected tae half kill yersel jumpin aff a Bleepin cliff..

Hike hike stromp stromp

The poor guy has no clue what I am saying

And so this barrage continues all the way back down the hillside.

Once at the bottom – I say to him in plain English

“look – from what I was given to understand – and before I parted with our hard earned ££s – there was some kind of practice line – giving you the chance to experience the zip at a lower height just to get the feel for it..

“aaaaaaaaaaaah” says Zak – relief is all over his face – In fact, his face lights up – he has a plan!

“How about” he asks –“I have a family right now on the practice wires – what if I put you in with them – and if you think its okay, you could join their team and go ahead”..

I think about it – and well – “okay I say” lets have a look.

Zak takes me to meet this lovely family – and also one younger couple who were in this team. I think there were around eight in total including an elderly lady, and an eight year old girl.

Now remember – at this point I have now lost all communication with my husband – as far as I am aware – he is off with the six packs and having a whale of a time.

So – I go to what I now know is Zip number 1. Its on a low platform – no great scarey stuff – just a simple way of getting from plinth A to plinth B..

I get through it –

I am still not overjoyed – but decide to give zip 2 a go

Mom, Dad, little girl, grandma and the couple are all rooting for me – COME ON YOU CAN DO IT!

SO I do… I complete Zip 2 and feel I deserve a bronze medal.

NOW I am at the point where I have to make a decision – its now or never. Zak tells me I can get off here and go back to camp OR its back to where I started at the scary “jump off the cliff number 3”..

My heart and stomach are screaming “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO”

Little Girl, Mommy and Daddy, Nice couple and grandma are all out American hero telling me “YESSSSSSSS!”””

I did what any self respecting Scotswoman would do..

I opened my mouth to say “NO” and somehow I thought of my country, my national pride, my inner brave






– out came a feeble but audible

Well – okay then (did I really say that!) I will give it a go!”.


A round of applause and I had my new family for the day.

And so the terror begins...

Edited by Blondie008
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Blondie, I can just hear the tone of your lovely Scottish accent in your writing! Have you ever considered writing a novel? I'm so glad you're still alive after your ordeal so we can hear the rest of the story! BTW, I would never go within a mile of a zipline!


Love your dog. As you can see we are partial to Beagles but we love Golden Labs too

Edited by TeaBag
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Blondie, I can just hear the tone of your lovely Scottish accent in your writing! Have you ever considered writing a novel? I'm so glad you're still alive after your ordeal so we can hear the rest of the story! BTW, I would never go within a mile of a zipline!


Love your dog. As you can see we are partial to Beagles but we love Golden Labs too


Aww - thank you - although I think this IS turning into a novel hah!

I cant see your furbabies - I have signatures turned off due to our slow broadband here - but I am sure they are adorable. Funny we don't see so many beagles around anymore here - years ago they were everywhere.

Our shop and bistro has a dog friendly garden so we get to meet lots and lots of lovely pooches. I love my baby girl - she was my late lab's pup and I brought her into the world - spoiled beyond all reason of course.

Thanks so much for following and have a great day!

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Blissfully unaware of my husband's dilemma (I will get to that!) - I find myself back at the cliff jumping number 3 -

I didn't quite run - it was more of a tip toe to the egde, looked up to the skies, stepped off - screamed and found myself whizzing through space.

Did I love it - NOOOOOOOOOOO!! I hated every second of it.

As you zip from platform to platform you have one guide with you sending you on your way, and at the other end - is another waiting to grab you and get you safely hooked up to the tree.

My knees were like jelly every "peeinmapants" moment of the entire course.

I cried. Yes . I cried.

Clarissa my saviour (guide) would say to me through each and every obstacle.

With two fingers eyes to eyes "Look at me" "Eyes on Me" "I've got you" "Look at me"...

With each zip the big burly ginger guy (thank God he was a strong one - am sure he came from Scottish stock and they tossed a caber) - would catch me at the other end - I think to be honest he was a bit tired of me -who wouldn't be - this bubbling wreck who at each platform when he asked "hey, how was that one" My sad reply, with a tear jerking tremor was "Another one down"...

I figured out it was safest to go third in line. The platforms get really busy. And Lily the eight year old was trying to steal MY tree.

NOT getting it - its MY TREE! I clung at each one for dear life..





There is one where which was really bad. It had like a slack as you jumped off - so instead of zipping straight across - you took a death dive first -

Oh yeah "I loved that one" :rolleyes:


And then - came a suspension bridge over a waterfall ...




I went as soon as I could - I figured once that bridge got crowded it was going to get more shaky than I could possible live with.

There is a rope either side, and you are connected with your zip to the wire above -

I just head down at each plank and kept going - I didn't look ahead the whole way - I really felt so sick here -

There is no way I will ever ever ever step on one of those bridges again.


I would love to say it got easier and I started to enjoy it - but it didn't and I didn't. I lived through it in sheer terror all the way.

There was one which was very long - you couldn't see the end - but to be honest it wasn't so high and was probably one of the most bearable.


Another issue was overcrowding on the platforms. Who were these immigrants from another group? Our wee family house was already full up - But other groups would catch us up (perhaps something to do with me holding up the process huh?) - and we would end up with way too many on a platform. Hence why I opted for third in line. The lovely couple would go first, then me - then the family.

There was one really bad hold up - we later learned someone had got stuck :eek: and our platform just became a mass of bodies..

I hung on to my tree for dear life.


It seemed like forever -

There is another line of terror - this one means climbing up steps halfway up a tree - standing backwards - and jumping backwards off the cliff onto the line - oh yeah - just the ticket for me...

Luckily for me at this point Clarissa told me that after the second last zipline - there was a set of stairs and I would be able to get off and avoid both the last zipwire AND another suspension bridge..

So estastic was I - that I fell off the step - kind of sideways backwards and somehow ended up down the line anyway..

"wwhooooooooooooa I'm off" I am shouting ..


As I zipped along my very last line I could see my husband on the ground below me - obviously he was groups ahead of me so we never encountered one another throughout..

I didn't wave -

My right arm ached for days afterwards from the grip..

"Ah well" I thought " He's alive, I'm alive" = RESULT..


I duly got to my final platform where I was able to climb down a set of stairs having completed ten zipwires in total.

My legs shaked, I certainly wasn't up for marshmallows

With a HUGE sense of relief my feet were firmly on forest ground - and I happily hiked off to a road where a buggy took myself and the elderly lady (how on earth she did it goodness knows!) back to base camp.

And then..

My husband - OH BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I made it - back to basecamp - everyone is cheering me







I run to my husband's open arms - he is a wreck - he is a mixture of laughter, terror and says to me



and then - out comes his story....


So - Remember back at Zip 3 when he says to me

"Do you mind if I go on"..

Apparently - he just didn't want to lose face - he too was trembling with fear.

He said that his stomach turned when he saw Charlie doing his demonstration..

He was a quivering wreck!




Being a man - he could not cry as I did. He could not release his fears and let it all out - Instead - my poor husband is terrorised as he zips through numbers 3 and 4 ... and with them both - he is ill. He is feeling sick and he knows he has to get out of there. He is with the six packs remember - and they are already warming up to summersaults and triple axles in the sky...




I have repeatedly said, over the years, "Always have a plan"..

So, as he is standing there on the platforms (he says he now knows the real meaning of a knee trembler and it's not in a good way) - He comes up with a plan!

He sees, at the end of Zip 4, a set of stairs.

SO - being the kind husband he is - he says to Charles and the others..


"Listen folks - I'm awfa worried aboot my wife" "I ken (know) she will be in tears" "I think I am going to head back and make sure she's ok"..

Six packs are like "awwwww - you sure?"...

Hubby "Aye guys, I'm having a fantastic time - this is superb - (nose is growing longer by the second) - amazing set up you all have here - but honestly - my wife, she will be in tears, think I will head back"...




Charles asks him does he want someone to come get him - Hubby says "och no - yer fine - I know every step of the way - I can find my way back nae problem..

So with a "Have a great time y'all" and some hearty cheers of "Awesome time - loved it" blah blah blah

My husband is heel clicking it down the woods and thinking, without losing face, without Mousing out -

YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM OUT OF THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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So - hubby makes his way back through the woods. Loving the trees loving "home territory" - and loving that he is literally "out of the woods".

Breathing a sigh of relief he heads to base and finds Zak.

"Hi" says hubby - "Have you seen my wife?"


"OOOOOOOOOOOOH" says Zak - "She's away!"..


Hubby " Oh, you mean she's away to base camp - away for a coffee?"


Zak - "NOOOOOOOOO - Isnt it marvellous - she has joined in with another family - SHE IS ON THE COURSE!" "SHE'S DOIN' IT"


Hubby - "OMG - OMG _ OMG - THATS BRILLIANT (WHICH bleepin' silly bleep talked her into that one - I'll wring her neck - the stupid wummin!")...





Zak then explains to my husband bout practice zips 1 and 2, and then asks my husband does he want to join me and my group..

Hubby very quickly realises if he joins me he will need to repeat 3 + 4..




"Och naw" - "I really don't want to disturb her now that she's settled - I'm just happy to chill around here - I'm fine mate"


Zak "Noooooooo - don't be daft - lets get you back to your team"


Hubby "Och no - honestly - we have troubled you enough and my team will be away on now"


Zak - "Noooo - its fine - I have a shortcut - you wont even miss out one zip"


Hubby - "OH BRILLIANT - ( waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh) - that's fan- tas - tic!


Zak the proceeds to lead hubby, through the woods, BACK to his team - where they are still on zip 5...

"I'M BACK!" he proclaims in a loud cheerful voice

"She's done it"

"Brilliant" says his team "That's awesome!!"Well done her!"...

Choruses of cheers were all around - and hubby was back in his ManPack..

The poor wee love.......


And so he went on - just as I did - terrorised at every move - clinging on for dear life - He did let Charles know eventually that he had vertigo - and Charles helped him through it - and the suspension bridges he loved - he ra over those no problem -


BUT - all in all - we have decided that Ziplines for us are just not for us. We both tipped generously btw however, we both agreed - and shouted at the top of our voice as our truck pulled away from base camp




With huge sighs of relief - we cuddled into one another on the coach - and enjoyed the scenery on the way home - (coach windows were dirty not my camera).





As if our day wasn't scarey enough - we noticed our driver was driving awfa slow...

Our ship was sailing at 5.30pm - it was 5.27pm when we got to the pier where one of the buggies was waiting to take us to the ship.

I know the ship of course would wait - but didn't stop the crowds thinking we were pier runners...:o

Anyway, we were back - alive - and headed straight for a stiff drink!


Never again!!

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As a note - for those who love adventure of course you will LOVE this excursion - please don't let our terror put you off - Everyone (except us) loved it - and hey - we laughed so much that night about hubby thinking he was off the hook - and having to go back...



That night we had Tuscan Grille Booked - for 8pm - we had prime location centre aft - but have to say, the food and service didn't live up to the view - it was a bit of a disappointment. We hadn't been to Tuscan before - wouldn't rush back - still had a lovely evening - just wasn't our favourite.


Martinis first and then Tuscan -







And perfect setting for dinner.




Next up a sea day and a visit to the bridge.

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Day 6 - day at sea.

We have rarely done 7 day cruises - a few around the Med last minute - even done one to the Med once and never ever got off the ship -

For us - we are usually on a minimum two week vacation and business dictates when we go. Transatlantic cruises work for us simply because the timing is right - and in fall - we get two weeks of nice weather and a relax after a busy season.

We truly enjoyed the ship - Solstice really did win us back to Celebrity, and although we have NCL booked for the next few Transatlantics we will 100% be back when the time and cruise is right.

Our visit to the bridge was late morning - We have been on the bridges of many ships - including Millennium and Constellation. In fact, our daughter and niece "blew the horn" coming out of port on Constellation - but this was our first time on Solstice - so of course was nice to visit.

Its really a bigger version of the M Class bridge in many ways.

We were a fairly small group - and the young officer was terrific in his chats and Q&As.



Looking back from the bridge to our cabin




A lot less scarey than the zipwire!








I have some great personal pics - nice memory of a lovely day at sea.

Officers were all friendly and easy to chat with.



And with that, we said our goodbyes and set off for our usual lunch on Bistro on 5.

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We enjoyed our sea day - its been the first cruise in a long time we have not been sunbathing - but that's not what we came here for.

Shops were open of course with the usual sales and watch bargains.

I bought some tat - coffee mugs etc - usual rubbish.

I am not a casino person (I do like Roulette but I have to stay clear as I usually end up the loser!). I have no clue how to work the fruit machines. Somehow I started out with 3 credits and kept playing for around an hour on different machines and at the end - cashed out on $50 :D


Instead of putting it back - I cashed it in - and bought a nice Alaska wooden condiment set with the value .




Evening Chic night again - I had yet to see a Tux -

We were SO glad we had left all the formal stuff at home. Honestly - I had dresses with me but wore jeans, heels and glitzy top - felt terrific.

My husband on the other hand had a suit on and his waistcoat buttons just about popped out - think maybe we ate rather a lot this cruise!

The food - honestly - superb! It really was some of the best ship food we have experienced.

The Lamb Shank in BLU - that's a don't miss!

And my goodness - they even had Sauternes for dessert wine -

100% fantastic Solstice - great job on both food and drinks!


Martini Bar was jumping as always - and we love the loud music, the upbeat ambience - Celebrity - NOW we see your Modern Luxury!

We love you!





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Day 7 - our final day.

Originally we had booked the HoHo Tour for Victoria - this was another pre cruise admin disaster - anyway, bottom line was they cancelled it.

We made a decision that as it was unlikely without an excursion that we would be able to get off the ship until at least 6.30 - 7pm - we would give Victoria a very sad miss.

We knew we had a long day ahead of us - a long flight home - and then - a nine hour wind the clock forward ..

Instead having made that decision we got packed up - and opted to merely enjoy the ship and enjoy our day.

We had a blast. Really let our hair down and hmmm - drinks were for sure on overflow -

We knew we had a late flight so chose to take a 9.30am departure from the ship. This would allow for us to have a leisurely breakfast -

So - Martini Bar and Molecular Bar crazeee it was.

We met a fantastic group of people- so sad it was our last night - would love to have spent more time with them.

Dinner in Blu - final night - fabulous - as was breakfast on our last morning. I have to say despite auto grats - hubby and I tipped throughout - and had an old fashioned envelope for the team in Blu on our last morning.

I honestly don't think many do this - each to their own I guess. But we felt they did an amazing job - and deserved a little extra .


Disembarkation was relaxing - after breakfast we gathered our carryons - and simply chilled out in Café AL Bacio until our time was called. I love that Celebrity don't shove you out the door like cattle (NCL LOSE on this score for sure!) - all very pleasant right up until the very end!




We called Dawoot our loyal Seattle cab driver and he assured us he would pick us up. We were to call him again once we collected our luggage.

Poor Dawoot - this guy was awesome beyond belief and if anyone wants his number for Seattle let me know for I have it and have his permission to give it out.

Outside the ship it was utter chaos!

We had a bell boy and a luggage cart - and we just could not get through the crowds. Dawoot was messaging me - and I made it through - and all the way up the end of the road to him -

I then climbed a post - and waived and waived until my husband and the luggage cart guy could see us

This took absolutely ages.

Seattle port is a total disaster area - just a mass of people, carts, cabs, cars, ugh - too many ships all in at once - just crazy stuff!


Anyway, our plan was that Dawoot would pick us up, take us to Artful Ashes where we would pick up "our girls" - and then on to the airport where we had day passes to the Club at Sea Lounge - where we could relax before our long flight(s) and car journey home - its pretty much a 24 hour battle.


THAT WAS the plan.

BUT - it went belly up - BUT as it turns out - in ever such a nice way...

Next up - Seattle - here we are again :)

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BTW - what is it with the crazy law on bars in Canadian waters?

During all times that we were in Canadian waters the ship is only allowed to open one bar per deck.

The up side of that was that we discovered the passport bar on deck 3 (eh -were on Equinox for 14 nights and were never at it). They had a VERY nice cocktail menu there.

But yeah - one bar per deck?

Needless to say it didn't deter us from drinking :D

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