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Friends backing out on cruise week before final payment


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That's very disappointing! You clearly did make it optional and really wanted it to work for everyone, so you did all you could. I'm sure if they could, they'd all go! If you can't afford to pay for your mom, you probably can't pay the solo rate either, so that's not an option. What about offering to pay half of your mom's fare?? I really hope you get to go and have fun! A bachelorette cruise was a great idea!



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She booked with a non refundable rate. The deposit was only $50 because she booked during a reduced deposit promotion. Unlike Royal, Carnival offers several fare types and often run deposit specials.


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I did contact carnival this morning to verify and the rep said that if I wanted to rebook I'd have to pay out another 50$ for a administrative fee . This would not go towards the price of when I wanted to rebook. She also let me know I need to decide before final payment or I'd really be hurting because they would end up charging me something else to change. If they end up bailing I would be incredibly upset. I'm already at my wits ending with this wedding. Eloping is sounding mighty nice right about now.



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I did contact carnival this morning to verify and the rep said that if I wanted to rebook I'd have to pay out another 50$ for a administrative fee . This would not go towards the price of when I wanted to rebook. She also let me know I need to decide before final payment or I'd really be hurting because they would end up charging me something else to change. If they end up bailing I would be incredibly upset. I'm already at my wits ending with this wedding. Eloping is sounding mighty nice right about now.



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my suggestion would be to take that offer! Go ahead and pay the 50$ and book a cruise for next year WITH your new husband? That gives you time to pay monthly on it or however is easiest for you. If you don't have a honeymoon plan yet that would be a good option!

I am sorry everyone is bailing, but in the long run everything will workout.

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my suggestion would be to take that offer! Go ahead and pay the 50$ and book a cruise for next year WITH your new husband? That gives you time to pay monthly on it or however is easiest for you. If you don't have a honeymoon plan yet that would be a good option!


I am sorry everyone is bailing, but in the long run everything will workout.



Were actually honeymooning on rccl in July. So idk what I'd do with that. We can only travel when my son is out of school. But we will see what happens this week. I'm giving them till Monday to tell me the decision. If I can make a partial payment on the due dat then pay the rest on my next payday I will see if I can pay for mom if they won't cancel. If she can come up with some I'll pay the rest. I need a vacation!!!!!



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Were actually honeymooning on rccl in July. So idk what I'd do with that. We can only travel when my son is out of school. But we will see what happens this week. I'm giving them till Monday to tell me the decision. If I can make a partial payment on the due dat then pay the rest on my next payday I will see if I can pay for mom if they won't cancel. If she can come up with some I'll pay the rest. I need a vacation!!!!!



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AHH gotcha. Well there is a FB page( i know im not supposed to talk about that but youre in a crisis and need all the info you can get lol) that is dedicated to single travelers... pretty much you find a "roommate".. I know that going alone isn't ideal, BUT you will still have a great time!

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AHH gotcha. Well there is a FB page( i know im not supposed to talk about that but youre in a crisis and need all the info you can get lol) that is dedicated to single travelers... pretty much you find a "roommate".. I know that going alone isn't ideal, BUT you will still have a great time!


and rooming with a complete stranger doesnt sound appealing.. but still options!

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I would also go and enjoy yourself, however I would be minus some friends unless it was a health issue or something valid.


We planned a cruise once with another couple and thought we were great friends. She emailed me telling me her husband was going to ask some of his family to go as well. I politically let her know that this was just a friends cruise and didn't want it to be a family reunion and if he could do it another time. It was unbelievable, no matter how nice or how I phrased it her answer was always that she couldn't control who booked...or who he asked! :rolleyes: It ended up being the 4 of us, but I cooled the friendship after that.


So you felt you could dictate who someone else brought on a cruise? Your thinking was skewed. It's a public vessel open to ANYONE, who books and pays. Not just who you think should or should not go.

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Were actually honeymooning on rccl in July. So idk what I'd do with that. We can only travel when my son is out of school. But we will see what happens this week. I'm giving them till Monday to tell me the decision. If I can make a partial payment on the due dat then pay the rest on my next payday I will see if I can pay for mom if they won't cancel. If she can come up with some I'll pay the rest. I need a vacation!!!!!



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If you have PayPal credit, you can order Carnival Gift Cards from PayPal Digital Gifts on eBay and any purchase over $100 qualifies for 6 months no payments, no interest. I don't normally recommend putting things on credit, but this is a way to get the funds you need quickly and without additional cost. Just make sure you pay it off otherwise the interest rate is insane.

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Sometimes it all sounds good especially when the deposit is only $50. But I have to agree with the posters stating that it is a huge burden on bridal parties to put all this money out. The regular wedding stuff is enough at times (showers, dresses, special shoes, presents, time it takes to help out etc) and it is alot for most young people.


Most people (friends and families) are happy to be a part of the bridal party when asked and expect the usual costs. As the costs go up the bridal party (mostly the girls as there are so many more costs on the brides side) participants are put in a very awkward and touchy situation. Better they back out of the most costly things then to go into debt for someone else, that is a lot to ask or expect. Brides really should think about the burden they expect others to assume amd not get upset when it becomes too much. I would guess most people would be familar with the financial situations concerning their family and friends to know what is too much.


Weddings have gone extreme and seem to be a one up contest between friends or facebook acquaintances.

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If you have PayPal credit, you can order Carnival Gift Cards from PayPal Digital Gifts on eBay and any purchase over $100 qualifies for 6 months no payments, no interest. I don't normally recommend putting things on credit, but this is a way to get the funds you need quickly and without additional cost. Just make sure you pay it off otherwise the interest rate is insane.



Oh I wish that was an option right now. I'd so take it. You know my struggle with planning this cruise lol. I should have taken my flight being cancelled as sign to hang it up and that whole fiasco. Why add fttf and pay for it and then not go last minute [emoji58]



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If you have PayPal credit, you can order Carnival Gift Cards from PayPal Digital Gifts on eBay and any purchase over $100 qualifies for 6 months no payments, no interest. I don't normally recommend putting things on credit, but this is a way to get the funds you need quickly and without additional cost. Just make sure you pay it off otherwise the interest rate is insane.


This will probably be the best solution at this point. If you know you can pay it off before the 6 months.

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Oh I wish that was an option right now. I'd so take it. You know my struggle with planning this cruise lol. I should have taken my flight being cancelled as sign to hang it up and that whole fiasco. Why add fttf and pay for it and then not go last minute [emoji58]

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Yes I do! Honestly, this is the route I would take. It's not like it's a thousand dollars. If you can pay some now, then some next payday, and the next, you'll have it paid off in no time. Oh and you don't need great credit to get approved in case you're worried about that.

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I think it's very selfish to have a destination wedding and put your friends and family in a difficult situation.


Ummm it's the couple's choice WHERE to have their wedding and NOT selfish at all..after all it is THEIR wedding. YOU have the choice of if you can afford to and want to attend. If you can afford it and want to go then cool, if you can't I'm sure the couple would have enough class to say they understand.


To the OP ...I'm sorry people are bailing out on you. Go by yourself and have a blast hon! I'm sure you'll meet some awesome people! Best wishes on your upcoming nuptials! :D

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I'm just adding my two cents, the main question for me is --- DO you want to go? If so, don't give anyone the power to stop your show. Life is full of ups and down, I've personally lost money on things related to cruises, and sometimes you just have to take the loss and keep moving.


Other times in life, you have to just decide, do I want to go alone, can you possibly make it a pre-marriage trip for you and your honey?


Don't stress yourself, life is too short and if you are a cruise lover, as many of US are, this won't be your last cruise so if you decide to cancel, you will make up this trip 10 fold in your lifetime of cruising.

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Well to begin I did not force them to go I said hey what about a cruise? I got a good rate. I'm talking 171 pp when it comes down to it. I'm the only one flying in everyone else is already living in Florida. The wedding is in Florida. Both women are in the wedding and I've been friends with one since I was in 7th grade the other a sophomore in high school and she is also my sons god mother. I even offered for that same person if she didn't have money I'd pay for her dress blah blah. I'd bend of backwards for my friends. I asked their opinion on every decision, even about this trip. Also, suggesting to stay within the U.S.A. They picked the time frame for this trip and when it was gonna be...dresses and what everyone could afford. I know my wedding isn't the only thing going on in their life. But wow.



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Ok, a little math here. $50pp has already been paid on $342 and you have your money put aside for your balance of $122. It will cost you $50 to change that to something you're not sure you will be able to take later or $122 to pay the balance of Mom's fare. So the difference between these two options is $72.


I'm sorry, but that does not seem like a huge cost in the overall scheme of a wedding that includes a bachelorette cruise (I think that's like 6 drinks on the cruise including tips). Cut something else from your wedding budget and come up with $122 (which is really only $72 since your gonna be out 50 bucks anyway) and pay your Mom's fare off.


How you approach your Mom once her fare is paid, is up to you. You could say "It's paid and I'm going with or without you" or you could make it her "Thank you gift" for being part of your wedding (do kids still do that these days?).


In any case, there's gonna be a lot of give and take $ with respect to the wedding and hopefully for the duration of your long and happy marriage and your mom's long and happy life.


So I encourage you to find a way to be generous with your mom on this front - I suspect you'll find it to be a good investment.













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I did contact carnival this morning to verify and the rep said that if I wanted to rebook I'd have to pay out another 50$ for a administrative fee . This would not go towards the price of when I wanted to rebook. She also let me know I need to decide before final payment or I'd really be hurting because they would end up charging me something else to change. If they end up bailing I would be incredibly upset. I'm already at my wits ending with this wedding. Eloping is sounding mighty nice right about now.



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Eloping always sounds good in the midst of wedding planning. lol. But don't go there. Stick it out. I encourage you not to dump your friends over this as some have advised. Life will go on after the wedding. Have it out if you must, then find a way to get past it. For as much as I think they are wrong to leave you on the hook, no cruise is worth years of friendship.


I would keep the date and take my mom. I know you said it's not possible but maybe just maybe, you can make it happen. Please keep us posted.;)

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Ok, a little math here. $50pp has already been paid on $342 and you have your money put aside for your balance of $122. It will cost you $50 to change that to something you're not sure you will be able to take later or $122 to pay the balance of Mom's fare. So the difference between these two options is $72.


I'm sorry, but that does not seem like a huge cost in the overall scheme of a wedding that includes a bachelorette cruise (I think that's like 6 drinks on the cruise including tips). Cut something else from your wedding budget and come up with $122 (which is really only $72 since your gonna be out 50 bucks anyway) and pay your Mom's fare off.


How you approach your Mom once her fare is paid, is up to you. You could say "It's paid and I'm going with or without you" or you could make it her "Thank you gift" for being part of your wedding (do kids still do that these days?).


In any case, there's gonna be a lot of give and take $ with respect to the wedding and hopefully for the duration of your long and happy marriage and your mom's long and happy life.


So I encourage you to find a way to be generous with your mom on this front - I suspect you'll find it to be a good investment.













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With a 3 person cabin it's 171 pp roughly including tax it's 221$ pp with on a double occupancy price goes up 305 pp. I set aside 221 for me alone. I'd be short 309$ roughly. If I had a magic ball and saw this coming I would have went ahead to do it. My upcoming money is already spent to say the least. Otherwise I would and make it a mother/daughter trip. She'd be just as happy with me flying into visit. So if doesn't happen I still get to be with my mom regardless....I'm a mommas girl lol



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This wedding is causing you a lot of drama . First was the drama over the room is not as large as the pictures on the RCL board and now this . You need to chill .



How do I need to chill if things keep happening. If you have a problem with my posts then ignore them no on asked for your two cents thanks.[emoji849]



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If you booked interline, that's not considered Early Saver. I replied to your post about the Oasis a week ago!! Things aren't working out for you lately. Sending you positive vibes!



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Yes whole thing is turning into a crap shoot. Thanks. Only positive thing I can say is rcc is settled and we just accept it and continue with our honeymoon plans.



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I am so sorry you are going through this. I can't tell you what to do. But for me I just don't do vacation with other people just for these type of reasons. For me it is just drama I don't need. If you can't afford it on you're own maybe you can find some nice land vacation to enjoy and save for a cruise later on. Your mom is a whole different issue if it comes down to the money. Even Hubby and I can't afford vacations right now.


But congrats on your upcoming wedding.

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