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Hmmm....just not feeling it?


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Based on all you've said, if it were me, this would be the "I'm staying on the ship, relaxing on my balcony, and at the quiet spa zone only" - I wouldn't pre-plan any excursions, maybe I'd decide to do one spur of the moment. I would fully embrace the pampering aspect of cruising. Meals and dishes provided for, clean cabin daily, clean linen each day, and more.


Just go. No plans. Let the cruise happen! There will be plenty of "planned" trips. Let this one unfold.


I hope it's wonderfully restorative and healing for you.


First, your feelings are real and they valid. It is okay to NOT be looking forward to a cruise. It is okay to be stressed and feel like the upcoming cruise is just one more thing you "have to do." Lastly it's okay to not have a good time. You don't owe it to anyone to "have a good time". Don't force yourself to feel something that isn't genuine. Don't feel guilty for the feelings you are having. If this isn't the "perfect" get away from your troubles that everyone thinks it will be. It really is Okay. You need to care for yourself. Part of self care is accepting the feelings you are having as being real and legitimate. Feel what you need to feel.


Next. You have said you have PTSD. This can be debilitating, it can creep up on you and run havoc in your life. This sounds like a very new condition you are learning about and experiencing. Please before you leave have a session with a councillor. They can give you some coping strategies. Make sure they know you are travelling and build a plan for yourself. If you have a panic attack, having a plan or strategy in place to deal with it will be very helpful.


You have a few people in hospital and I'm certain you are going to want to keep in touch with your family back home. Make a quick plan with your extended family. Will you call them to touch base? Or should they call you? How and when will you keep in touch. If nothing is life threatening maybe you don't need this plan, but it doesn't hurt to have a discussion, so you won't be worrying at the back of your mind while you are away.


Lastly, don't over schedule. A few others have suggested the same thing. You are exhausted. If all you do for a week is sleep and eat, than do that. Sit by the pool and stare at the water, do nothing and let yourself heal. I say heal because mental exhaustion can be physically exhausting too. Book excursions if something interests you, but don't force yourself. Take it moment to moment. If you are at the sail away party and the noise is too loud don't force yourself to stay. Just go. If you need to take a quiet walk on deck go do it, live in the moment.


I don't know if any of this advice will help. I do know that for myself and my PTSD the first step to helping myself was accepting that my old rules didn't work, and sometimes I need to live my life differently and that for me was healthy.


Enjoy this cruise as best you can, and if you can't that's okay too. No guilt.


I so agree with the idea of taking it easy on this cruise. We, my DH and I are on the same cruise you will be on. I remember your name from the roll call because you mentioned something about a cabin crawl. I hope we get to meet you, we have an informal meet and greet set up at 2pm, embarkation day, Red Frog Pub. The group is getting bigger by the minute.

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I cruise on the Vista in less than 3 weeks and I can not get excited...I don't know if it's everything going on in my life ( dad in hospital, uncle in hospital, totaled my only car in a 4 car pileup on a bridge ( not mu fault, hit from behind several times), having panic attacks and been diagnosed with ptsd from the accident, husband losing job after 21 yrs on Dec 20th.) I need some pep talk from my cc friends to get me cheered up.....Gapearl, I know you will be there with me on cruise. This is my 14th cruise since Nov 2011 and its two new ports so I should be happy happy happy. Maybe when I actually get on the boat moving it will help. Sorry guys, just needed to vent.



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You will have a blast! It going to be a fun five fast days! My group (wife & and another couple) are super friendly and can't wait to meet you and everyone on the thread. Grand Turk is a great place. Super mellow or crazy party... It has it all....(go to jacks shack down the beach). Sounds like you need a well deserved break....cya on board! Delete the negative; accentuate the positive!

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First, your feelings are real and they valid. It is okay to NOT be looking forward to a cruise. It is okay to be stressed and feel like the upcoming cruise is just one more thing you "have to do." Lastly it's okay to not have a good time. You don't owe it to anyone to "have a good time". Don't force yourself to feel something that isn't genuine. Don't feel guilty for the feelings you are having. If this isn't the "perfect" get away from your troubles that everyone thinks it will be. It really is Okay. You need to care for yourself. Part of self care is accepting the feelings you are having as being real and legitimate. Feel what you need to feel.


Next. You have said you have PTSD. This can be debilitating, it can creep up on you and run havoc in your life. This sounds like a very new condition you are learning about and experiencing. Please before you leave have a session with a councillor. They can give you some coping strategies. Make sure they know you are travelling and build a plan for yourself. If you have a panic attack, having a plan or strategy in place to deal with it will be very helpful.


You have a few people in hospital and I'm certain you are going to want to keep in touch with your family back home. Make a quick plan with your extended family. Will you call them to touch base? Or should they call you? How and when will you keep in touch. If nothing is life threatening maybe you don't need this plan, but it doesn't hurt to have a discussion, so you won't be worrying at the back of your mind while you are away.


Lastly, don't over schedule. A few others have suggested the same thing. You are exhausted. If all you do for a week is sleep and eat, than do that. Sit by the pool and stare at the water, do nothing and let yourself heal. I say heal because mental exhaustion can be physically exhausting too. Book excursions if something interests you, but don't force yourself. Take it moment to moment. If you are at the sail away party and the noise is too loud don't force yourself to stay. Just go. If you need to take a quiet walk on deck go do it, live in the moment.


I don't know if any of this advice will help. I do know that for myself and my PTSD the first step to helping myself was accepting that my old rules didn't work, and sometimes I need to live my life differently and that for me was healthy.


Enjoy this cruise as best you can, and if you can't that's okay too. No guilt.



This has to be the best response to any post I have read in a long time, and even though it was intended for the OP I just want to say Thank You!! Also, a great big THANK YOU to the OP for actually bringing this up. I am feeling the same-- I have a ton of stress in my life right now and doing a Disney trip and quick cruise in a week and am just feeling like it's another huge stress that isn't helping at all. I'm so glad that I'm not alone in those feelings, and that it's okay. I'm also grateful for all of the other people that have responded to this thread-- I'm feeling way better about it all. Thank you all for the reminder of just how much fun and relaxation is coming my way!! To the OP, I hope your situation improves and you find some Happy on your cruise as well. Hang in there!!!

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Thank you everyone for the boost of confidence and support. I have the best hubby in the world and has helped me tremendously thru some panic attacks and PTSD episodes. He will be with me every step of the way. I hope to meet several of you on the cruise and to those I can't meet y'all are awesome cruise critic friends and I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.



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First, your feelings are real and they valid. It is okay to NOT be looking forward to a cruise. It is okay to be stressed and feel like the upcoming cruise is just one more thing you "have to do." Lastly it's okay to not have a good time. You don't owe it to anyone to "have a good time". Don't force yourself to feel something that isn't genuine. Don't feel guilty for the feelings you are having. If this isn't the "perfect" get away from your troubles that everyone thinks it will be. It really is Okay. You need to care for yourself. Part of self care is accepting the feelings you are having as being real and legitimate. Feel what you need to feel.




Next. You have said you have PTSD. This can be debilitating, it can creep up on you and run havoc in your life. This sounds like a very new condition you are learning about and experiencing. Please before you leave have a session with a councillor. They can give you some coping strategies. Make sure they know you are travelling and build a plan for yourself. If you have a panic attack, having a plan or strategy in place to deal with it will be very helpful.




You have a few people in hospital and I'm certain you are going to want to keep in touch with your family back home. Make a quick plan with your extended family. Will you call them to touch base? Or should they call you? How and when will you keep in touch. If nothing is life threatening maybe you don't need this plan, but it doesn't hurt to have a discussion, so you won't be worrying at the back of your mind while you are away.




Lastly, don't over schedule. A few others have suggested the same thing. You are exhausted. If all you do for a week is sleep and eat, than do that. Sit by the pool and stare at the water, do nothing and let yourself heal. I say heal because mental exhaustion can be physically exhausting too. Book excursions if something interests you, but don't force yourself. Take it moment to moment. If you are at the sail away party and the noise is too loud don't force yourself to stay. Just go. If you need to take a quiet walk on deck go do it, live in the moment.




I don't know if any of this advice will help. I do know that for myself and my PTSD the first step to helping myself was accepting that my old rules didn't work, and sometimes I need to live my life differently and that for me was healthy.




Enjoy this cruise as best you can, and if you can't that's okay too. No guilt.



Thank you, Foxinspace for such a thoughtful, helpful answer.


OP, if you step onboard and feel your stress melt away, great! But if you don't, please don't think it's wrong. You cannot turn everything on or off like a switch. I don't have PTSD, but I have learned that I can't just turn off panic attacks or anxiety by relaxing, nor can I turn off depression by "being happy." There is often so much pressure on people to "get better" from invisible illnesses. The best advice I have received from others is to make my own path, be present in the moment as much as I am able, and most importantly be kind to myself. I hope you find those things help you as well.



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First, your feelings are real and they valid. It is okay to NOT be looking forward to a cruise. It is okay to be stressed and feel like the upcoming cruise is just one more thing you "have to do." Lastly it's okay to not have a good time. You don't owe it to anyone to "have a good time". Don't force yourself to feel something that isn't genuine. Don't feel guilty for the feelings you are having. If this isn't the "perfect" get away from your troubles that everyone thinks it will be. It really is Okay. You need to care for yourself. Part of self care is accepting the feelings you are having as being real and legitimate. Feel what you need to feel.


Next. You have said you have PTSD. This can be debilitating, it can creep up on you and run havoc in your life. This sounds like a very new condition you are learning about and experiencing. Please before you leave have a session with a councillor. They can give you some coping strategies. Make sure they know you are travelling and build a plan for yourself. If you have a panic attack, having a plan or strategy in place to deal with it will be very helpful.


You have a few people in hospital and I'm certain you are going to want to keep in touch with your family back home. Make a quick plan with your extended family. Will you call them to touch base? Or should they call you? How and when will you keep in touch. If nothing is life threatening maybe you don't need this plan, but it doesn't hurt to have a discussion, so you won't be worrying at the back of your mind while you are away.


Lastly, don't over schedule. A few others have suggested the same thing. You are exhausted. If all you do for a week is sleep and eat, than do that. Sit by the pool and stare at the water, do nothing and let yourself heal. I say heal because mental exhaustion can be physically exhausting too. Book excursions if something interests you, but don't force yourself. Take it moment to moment. If you are at the sail away party and the noise is too loud don't force yourself to stay. Just go. If you need to take a quiet walk on deck go do it, live in the moment.


I don't know if any of this advice will help. I do know that for myself and my PTSD the first step to helping myself was accepting that my old rules didn't work, and sometimes I need to live my life differently and that for me was healthy.


Enjoy this cruise as best you can, and if you can't that's okay too. No guilt.

Well said.

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Gosh girl I'm sorry you have so much going on! I think this cruise is happening at exactly the right time. Hopefully you'll be able to forget all your troubles once you're onboard and will be able to relax and enjoy yourself for a few days. Send me a message so we can be sure to meet up at some point- gapearlcruiser at yahoo. :)

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Thanks for the encouragement! Like the OP, this year has been filled lots of challenges/setbacks/health issues for our family. I am soooo looking forward to getting away from it all, if only for a week. We are flying in on the 3rd, staying at the Hampton Inn Blue Lagoon. Here's hoping and wishing for a successful voyage!


You're welcome :)

We too have had a terrible year. My husband's father passed away unexpectedly in January, my mother passed away unexpectedly from cancer in June. It was all very shocking as she had no idea she had cancer, found out and passed away only a couple weeks later at only 69 years old. So in our grief we tried to think about anything that might bring us a little relief so we booked this cruise since the service was so great on this ship and we liked the itinerary.

I plan to spend a lot of time on my balcony, I just find that so peaceful.

We also fly in on the 3rd and we are staying at Hotel Urbano.

Only 5 days to go !!!

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Sounds like you need a vacation... but I see how it would be hard to get excited. Just think about how much fun you're going to be having, how this is a great way to not think about all the drama in life. Vista looks beautiful, how special to be one of the first people to cruise on her out of the states! Be grateful for what you have, time for a cheesy quote... worrying about tomorrow only steal's todays peace.




I cruise on the Vista in less than 3 weeks and I can not get excited...I don't know if it's everything going on in my life ( dad in hospital, uncle in hospital, totaled my only car in a 4 car pileup on a bridge ( not mu fault, hit from behind several times), having panic attacks and been diagnosed with ptsd from the accident, husband losing job after 21 yrs on Dec 20th.) I need some pep talk from my cc friends to get me cheered up.....Gapearl, I know you will be there with me on cruise. This is my 14th cruise since Nov 2011 and its two new ports so I should be happy happy happy. Maybe when I actually get on the boat moving it will help. Sorry guys, just needed to vent.



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I cruise on the Vista in less than 3 weeks and I can not get excited...I don't know if it's everything going on in my life ( dad in hospital, uncle in hospital, totaled my only car in a 4 car pileup on a bridge ( not mu fault, hit from behind several times), having panic attacks and been diagnosed with ptsd from the accident, husband losing job after 21 yrs on Dec 20th.) I need some pep talk from my cc friends to get me cheered up.....Gapearl, I know you will be there with me on cruise. This is my 14th cruise since Nov 2011 and its two new ports so I should be happy happy happy. Maybe when I actually get on the boat moving it will help. Sorry guys, just needed to vent.



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My problems don't compare to what you are going through, but maybe this can help: I was diagnosed with a 100% cardiac artery blockage in early September and my major local hospital said they couldn't resolve the issue.

I had a trip planned to the Westin Playa Conchal in Costa Rica for mid September, and I went on it, saying if anything happens, I'll be doing what I love to do in a place I love to be at. It turned into a lovely, relaxing vacation, even if I didn't go white water rafting or zip lining. When I returned to NY, I found a NYC hospital that used state of the art cardiac intervention techniques and had the blockage removed.


A month later, I was on the lovely Vista for an 11 day cruise, it is an amazing ship! I do hope you get a chance to relax on her and let your cares float away, even if only for the time being.

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I cruise on the Vista in less than 3 weeks and I can not get excited...I don't know if it's everything going on in my life ( dad in hospital, uncle in hospital, totaled my only car in a 4 car pileup on a bridge ( not mu fault, hit from behind several times), having panic attacks and been diagnosed with ptsd from the accident, husband losing job after 21 yrs on Dec 20th.) I need some pep talk from my cc friends to get me cheered up.....Gapearl, I know you will be there with me on cruise. This is my 14th cruise since Nov 2011 and its two new ports so I should be happy happy happy. Maybe when I actually get on the boat moving it will help. Sorry guys, just needed to vent.



Ugh, wow, I'm happy I clicked on your post and read all of the (some most excellent) responses. I had been employed at the same place for 12 years, then bought the company some 6 years ago only to have it burn to the ground this past Spring. We were not able to get back up and running again and unfortunately, had to close the doors for good. Tomorrow is actually the closure date. After the cruise, I am faced with pounding the pavement (snowbanks actually, lol) looking for a new job. On top of that, I have lost 2 of my 3 pets in the last 11 months (15 and 17 yrs old)....our basement is flooding (long story short, City problem with old pipes that they claim they cannot locate the breaks in), my Uncle passed away yesterday...I am SO SO done with 2016 ! I had thought I was handling everything well, but I don't think I am. We are booked on the Vista for Dec.31st and I could not be less excited. In fact, I think I am feeling guilt and anxiety because it is costing so much because of our crappy Cdn dollar. Sure hope that changes once I am onboard - and I do hope you relax and enjoy your cruise. Do what you want, when you want.....and de-stress your mind and soul !

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