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If you want College Football, NASCAR, choose another line!


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We were on the Getaway a few years ago when the NCAA Basketball championship took place and they showed it up on the big screen in the atrium. A lot of people watched the game and everyone was having a great time.


This past December we were on the Sky and some good football bowl games were scheduled. We asked if they would be showed and they said no because they didn't have the rights. Only to the big games did they have rights.


So I am not sure if they are only granted rights to certain games.

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No game that can be settled with a tie is worthy of anyone's attention.



So two teams have a great battle for the entire game, they have an equal effort and equal score but just so you can feel better about someone beating someone else they have to invent a way to force one team to win. Oh yeah I see your logic.

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Ignoring advice about engaging the unarmed in a battle of wits....


Hockey is little more than a third tier sport for short and slow surbanites whose parents have the money for sweaters and ice time. There is little appeal for the game outside North America and Northern Europe.


I guess congratulations should be in order for out-drawing the WNBA, but that is as far as you'll ever get. There is exactly ONE World Game, and you can denigrate it to your hearts content but the reality is you will never have the draw and your players will never make Messi level $.


Please continue to enjoy your Ice Boxing occasionally interrupted with senseless skating in circles.


You are laughable. It takes far more skill to play hockey than it does kickball. Which by the way is played around the world as well as kickball.


Lets see kickball...


1) run

2) kick a round ball




1) Skate with the speed of a speed skater

2) Skate with the agility of a figure skater

3) Control an object 3" round by 1"thick travel at upwards of 100mph.

4) Make plays similar to those in basketball.

5) Try to score into a net 6' x 4' guarded by an opponent wearing enough padding to cover damn near the entire net (not a couple of hundred square foot net with one guy wearing shorts in front of it).

6) Be tough enough to take a hit by other very large and quick players and when the rules are broken they do not just wave a credit card in your face and put your name on a piece of paper.



That is just the short list.


The amount they pay a player has zero relevance to the discussion at hand whether the is a messy player or not. There are no messy players in hockey.

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Ignoring advice about engaging the unarmed in a battle of wits....


Hockey is little more than a third tier sport for short and slow surbanites whose parents have the money for sweaters and ice time. There is little appeal for the game outside North America and Northern Europe.


I guess congratulations should be in order for out-drawing the WNBA, but that is as far as you'll ever get. There is exactly ONE World Game, and you can denigrate it to your hearts content but the reality is you will never have the draw and your players will never make Messi level $.


Please continue to enjoy your Ice Boxing occasionally interrupted with senseless skating in circles.



LOL so kickball is popular in the third world, like I said because all you need is a ball of tape, or lion skin, or anything at all and start kicking it around to say you are playing kickball. Your lack of knowledge of hockey and real sports is laughable. As I stated before there is more fighting in baseball than hockey. The game has evolved way past the goon days that you seem to relish so much. Kickball is one of those libtard games where they give every kid a participation trophy so his feelings won't get hurt. It is not even a sport.

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So two teams have a great battle for the entire game, they have an equal effort and equal score but just so you can feel better about someone beating someone else they have to invent a way to force one team to win. Oh yeah I see your logic.


Why play the game if you're OK with not having a winner?

Oop! I remember. That's what the 8yr old kickball teams do. As a plus, they get a trophy for participation.

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Nothing I said showed any ignorance what-so-ever about kickball or anything else. One, I never discussed football, but my team is horrible this year, the Eagles. Boring (non)sport where you have to 1) kick a round ball, and 2) run. Gee no wonder so many people 'enjoy' it. Can some of those guys do some neat tricks with the ball, yep. Does that mean the game is exciting, well I guess if you think watching a freshly painted wall dry just in case a drip forms and runs down the wall. I am NOT a fan of kickball. Lame (non)-sport.


And you insist in showing ignorance about football in particular and sport in general.

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This is a funny thread. But not being grown up enough to call a sport by its real name is laughable itself. 'Kickball', come on. It's real name is Football, Soccer is acceptable.



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Oh now, this has been addressed. I'm certain that what you meant was 'futbol'.

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We were on the Norwegian Jade over Thanksgiving 2016. Enjoyed food, fitness center, and ports (although would have liked more time in Belize so there would be time to visit mainland), but last day at sea "jaded" our trip. Why? NCL refuses to pay for NCAA broadcasts, but broadcasts European sports 24/7. Big Problem was that the Saturday after Thanksgiving (Rivalry Weekend) was our sea day and NCL crew harrassed anyone trying to set up private NCAA football viewing parties (Ohio State-Michigan, Alabama-Auburn, Florida-FSU). They would not listen to any arguments that the games were on Broadcast Networks (CBS, ABC). During the last game, the Cruise Director pulled the plug in the middle of the 2nd quarter. The party of 75+ was trying to watch UF-FSU on a tiny laptop screen. He accused a group of passionate and inebriated fans of misappropriating NCL equipment. This resulted in a brawl. NCL could have made piles of money if they charged passengers for "pay per view" for those games. Fans would have paid whatever it cost. There wasn't enough bandwidth on ship for everyone to stream the games, fans had to share.
this has more to do with who they have contracts with at the time. We have gotten good coverage from time to time on NCL and crappy other times: same with HAL and Princess. I don't know about RCI; haven't cruised them during the football season I guess.
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We were on the Norwegian Jade over Thanksgiving 2016. Enjoyed food, fitness center, and ports (although would have liked more time in Belize so there would be time to visit mainland), but last day at sea "jaded" our trip. Why? NCL refuses to pay for NCAA broadcasts, but broadcasts European sports 24/7. Big Problem was that the Saturday after Thanksgiving (Rivalry Weekend) was our sea day and NCL crew harrassed anyone trying to set up private NCAA football viewing parties (Ohio State-Michigan, Alabama-Auburn, Florida-FSU). They would not listen to any arguments that the games were on Broadcast Networks (CBS, ABC). During the last game, the Cruise Director pulled the plug in the middle of the 2nd quarter. The party of 75+ was trying to watch UF-FSU on a tiny laptop screen. He accused a group of passionate and inebriated fans of misappropriating NCL equipment. This resulted in a brawl. NCL could have made piles of money if they charged passengers for "pay per view" for those games. Fans would have paid whatever it cost. There wasn't enough bandwidth on ship for everyone to stream the games, fans had to share.


They show NFL games, why bother with minor league (college) games? Would you expect to see AAA (Pacific Coast League, International League) baseball games?

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LOL so kickball is popular in the third world, like I said because all you need is a ball of tape, or lion skin, or anything at all and start kicking it around to say you are playing kickball. Your lack of knowledge of hockey and real sports is laughable. As I stated before there is more fighting in baseball than hockey. The game has evolved way past the goon days that you seem to relish so much. Kickball is one of those libtard games where they give every kid a participation trophy so his feelings won't get hurt. It is not even a sport.


Let's see, "Third World" and yet the best leagues are in England, Spain, Italy, & Germany to name a few. The US has the NFL. Yay.


"Lion Skin" no real comment but I have seen many an African side play beautiful matches.


"No Knowlege of sports?", I'm a professional Certified Athletic Trainer, have been on the field, pitch, diamond, court, rink, track, beach, pool,ring, mat & velodrome for over 25 years, often 7 days a week when working in season. Trust me fan boy, you are the one who has no idea what goes on in sports. (We do appreciate you buying those tickets though. Keeps us employed and living in the sports world instead of riding the back of the Philly sanitation truck.)


"Libtard?" Congratulations, you do America proud. Quick hint, I know your education was probably stunted in the 7th grade, but try not to use all your big boy words at once, never know when you may need some for another day.


No why don't you go strap on a helmet and some skates and run into something. I'd hate to keep you from your "sport."

Edited by Cuervosar
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Let's see, "Third World" and yet the best leagues are in England, Spain, Italy, & Germany to name a few. The US has the NFL. Yay.


"Lion Skin" no real comment but I have seen many an African side play beautiful matches.


"No Knowlege of sports?", I'm a professional Certified Athletic Trainer, have been on the field, pitch, diamond, court, rink, track, beach, pool,ring, mat & velodrome for over 25 years, often 7 days a week when working in season. Trust me fan boy, you are the one who has no idea what goes on in sports. (We do appreciate you buying those tickets though. Keeps us employed and living in the sports world instead of riding the back of the Philly sanitation truck.)


"Libtard?" Congratulations, you do America proud. Quick hint, I know your education was probably stunted in the 7th grade, but try not to use all your big boy words at once, never know when you may need some for another day.


No why don't you go strap on a helmet and some skates and run into something. I'd hate to keep you from your "sport."


Hockey players take a lot of blows to the head, not as many as American football players, but enough to cause permanent damage. Please be understanding.

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I know a lot about football, not so much about professional kickball other than you have to be able to ruin and kick a round ball. Then if you mes sup some guy waves a credit card in your face. 90% (maybe even 95%) of the game is running for kicking the ball the length of the field only to have some guy do the same thing the other way. So little goes on other than anticipation that maybe someone will actually do something exciting if I watch long enough. BTW your fighting comment should be made about baseball. There are far more bench clearing brawls in baseball every than there are in hockey. Besides you have to have several real skills to play hockey. Lets see if you can figure them out on your own. Professional kickball is the lamest game ever and is only "popular" because anyone who had a ball of any type can play it without need for any other equipment. I do not agree with others who say low scoring is part of the problem, some of the best sporting events I ever saw ended a 0-0 tie, but to end a game on penalty kicks is absurd. That is all just dumb luck of the goal keeper guessing right. Might as well draw straws, flip a coin, or have a round of scissor/rock/paper.


Just FYI some soccer games used to be settled on the toss of a coin (For real) others used to (Some still do) go to replays, one FA tie went to 6 replays and at one time it was next goal wins. For many reason these were superseded by penalty shootouts, not an ideal way to finish and if you can think of a better way most of the civilized world would thank you.:D

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I like watching hockey, football and soccer and believe that all require great athleticism and physical toughness.


I have two children - one who played soccer and the other who plays football. It was the one who played soccer who had to give up playing due to multiple concussions. Her doctor who is a renowned specialist in the field of sports-related brain injuries said that teenage girls playing soccer account for the same amount of concussions as teenage boys playing football.


Soccer is not a wimpy sport.



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They show NFL games, why bother with minor league (college) games? Would you expect to see AAA (Pacific Coast League, International League) baseball games?


College football is not akin to the minor leagues of football. It's a completely separate animal that has the same if not more fans than the NFL does. It was a let down that I didn't get to see the Big 10 championship game but at least I got to see the Steelers the next day.

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College football is not akin to the minor leagues of football. It's a completely separate animal that has the same if not more fans than the NFL does. It was a let down that I didn't get to see the Big 10 championship game but at least I got to see the Steelers the next day.



Correct, minor leagues would be better.

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  • 5 months later...

I just posted a thread about the same weekend for 2017. I'm specifically interested in the OSU vs Michigan game.

Was told the game won't be shown, so googled the subject to see other comments, and this thread came up.

Crazy that they don't show the games.

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I just posted a thread about the same weekend for 2017. I'm specifically interested in the OSU vs Michigan game.

Was told the game won't be shown, so googled the subject to see other comments, and this thread came up.

Crazy that they don't show the games.



So you bumped a six month old thread to say that you started another thread about the same subject? Will that change any of the answers you received? They aren't going to make everyone happy with what they choose to show, especially in the middle of the ocean.

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This is obviously important to you, but it's highly doubtful that it is to many others. These posts show up periodically and often devolve into arguments about how stupid soccer is and how boring it is. Probably best to plan your cruise schedule around your football-watching requirements.



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I just posted a thread about the same weekend for 2017. I'm specifically interested in the OSU vs Michigan game.

Was told the game won't be shown, so googled the subject to see other comments, and this thread came up.

Crazy that they don't show the games.


Less than 1% of the guests on the ship will care about that game. If it's really that important you should pick another week to cruise.

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This is obviously important to you, but it's highly doubtful that it is to many others. These posts show up periodically and often devolve into arguments about how stupid soccer is and how boring it is. Probably best to plan your cruise schedule around your football-watching requirements.



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I happen to like soccer. Didn't realize that there was a rule about not posting on a 6 month old thread - one that is talking about the same weekend I am concerned with.

The games are shown on DCL that weekend, so this was a bit of a shock to me.




Last year I traveled the same weekend.. more than a "few people" traveling also cared about the game. It was a great day.



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No, not a rookie cruiser. Had been on NCL before, and had 4 NCL cruises booked ahead of this one, and expected to at least get ABC and CBS on the ships like other cruise lines have. However, NCL's new corporate leadership is penny pinching and only signed up for NBC, and MSNBC and what they call "channel 60" where they select what sporting events to broadcast. They did broadcast NFL on Thanksgiving day, but missed out on a big business opportunity to charge admission to watch parties on Rivarly weekend. There were hundreds of civilized college grads who would have paid big $ to watch their alma maters play on Nov 26th. Penny wise and pound foolish.


I didn't read the entire thread, but I know that NCL RCCL and Princess do not have network stations. Carnival has ABC, CBS and NBC. I was on NCL last October and we did not even have NBC or MSNBC. I wished they had as I would've watched Nascar race. I just waited until I got home as I taped it. I just know when I cruise if I am not on Carnival I will not get to see my race. I hope the rest of your cruise was great.



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I just posted a thread about the same weekend for 2017. I'm specifically interested in the OSU vs Michigan game.

Was told the game won't be shown, so googled the subject to see other comments, and this thread came up.

Crazy that they don't show the games.


If college football atters, then don't cruise between September 1 and January 7th. Simple solution.

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If college football atters, then don't cruise between September 1 and January 7th. Simple solution.




Not exactly true, some lines do show the games. I posted a thread asking where I can watch it with a child, not even realizing that the games wouldn't be on at all.

I'm now trying to decided if we are going to flip flop our weeks..we are cruising the week of Thanksgiving and Disney World the week after.




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