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Adding kids to existing all paid booking?


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I was starting to have some Mommy guilt on my cruise in December but it was a girl's trip so bringing my daughter wasn't an option. She was sad because she's never been on a cruise at all (she's 7).They have to understand that everything is not about them. And she ended up having so much fun with her dad and brother that she hardly missed me. She had more to tell me than I had to tell her! Even if you can take them, I hope you decide to go without them so you and your husband can just be adults, not parents!


Like this post very much!


If you think about it, what will they have to look forward to if you give them everything from day one?


Took my first cruise /vacation in my fourties...all my friends were envious.lol

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Wow mushy here today ....another internet hug going out to you :)


Parents are gone but big sis has Alzheimer's ,no clue where she is any more, hoping when she closes her eyes, she will slip away.:(

In other words life is too short for guilt ..people go have fun when you can!

Sis never went on a cruise,do not believe she ever left our small town!




Awe thanks, our whole family was blessed to have grandparents one mile away and very involved in our lives (never missed a game, recital, play, musicale, graduation, taking pictures before dances, awards ceremonies..). It sounds like the OP is blessed to have grandparents like these in her life. The next couple of cruises we took after our first was with all the kids and the grandparents.


Sorry about your sister, this is a horrible disease.

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Awe thanks, our whole family was blessed to have grandparents one mile away and very involved in our lives (never missed a game, recital, play, musicale, graduation, taking pictures before dances, awards ceremonies..). It sounds like the OP is blessed to have grandparents like these in her life. The next couple of cruises we took after our first was with all the kids and the grandparents.


Sorry about your sister, this is a horrible disease.



Did not grow up with that extended family ,happy you did ..:)


:) Staying grateful that my sis is in a good facility, and comfortable.


Hope your Dad has crossed that horrible divide between I know something is wrong ...and I don't care!

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Six years ago we took our adult children and 2 Grand-kids(ages 3 & 4) on a cruise. Today neither one of the grand-kids remember any details about the cruise. So your children will not be missing out on any lasting memories.


Don't feel bad they will also be having a good time!

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Six years ago we took our adult children and 2 Grand-kids(ages 3 & 4) on a cruise. Today neither one of the grand-kids remember any details about the cruise. So your children will not be missing out on any lasting memories.


Don't feel bad they will also be having a good time!


Yep the Grand children have no recolection of that very expensive Disney trip either..:) They cannot wait to go see Mickey!!! :) It is on Dad now, Gramma cannot work any more OT...lol

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Seriously. It's a life lesson. Sometimes there are family things and sometimes there are parent things.


A four year old can learn.


It disgusts me that a minority of parents consider that it's okay to go off on a holiday of this type leaving their inconvenient children to the care of others. You can be sure this young child will learn the lesson that their not important enough in their parent's lives to have been included.

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It disgusts me that a minority of parents consider that it's okay to go off on a holiday of this type leaving their inconvenient children to the care of others. You can be sure this young child will learn the lesson that their not important enough in their parent's lives to have been included.



I sure hope you are joking.

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It disgusts me that a minority of parents consider that it's okay to go off on a holiday of this type leaving their inconvenient children to the care of others. You can be sure this young child will learn the lesson that their not important enough in their parent's lives to have been included.



What!!:eek: Sir,please take your medication!

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This is from the grandparents perspective. We love having our grandchildren for extended periods of time. Our kids have gone on vacation while we had the kids .... and everyone had fun. Parents need time to reconnect without guilt. And grandparents need time to have fun with the grandchildren. We also have grandkids that are late teens and while I know they love us they want to spent time with friends and not as much time with grandparents. I had cancer 8 years ago, and one of my biggest fears was not having time with my grandkids. Go on your cruise, kids will be have a great time.

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It disgusts me that a minority of parents consider that it's okay to go off on a holiday of this type leaving their inconvenient children to the care of others. You can be sure this young child will learn the lesson that their not important enough in their parent's lives to have been included.


What? There is nothing wrong with a married couple to take a vacation without the kids if they have people th that they trust who want to keep them. It's a win-win for all involved. My parents took several adult only vacations when I was a child, they were married for almost 50 years. Kids should learn that other people besides their parents can care for them well, and that mom and dad need some couple time in order to keep tbeir marriage strong.

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Wow - that took an unexpected turn!


I had planned to reply here with the suggestion that if you did bring them you would surely still have plenty of time to re-connect if they were willing to enjoy the kids club (which mine definitely do!). I have been traveling with my family since I was a young kid and I remember all of our cruises and Disney trips. The only one I don't remember is going to Hawaii at Age 2 (but my family has great memories and stories from this trip so I know that it was good that I went with them as they had a lot of joy from me being there!).


There is certainly a time and place for an alone vacation so if you want that - go for it!!


We take our kids on vacations but they spend other school vacations with grandparents since we have to work then. My kids are 6 and 10.



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Another momma here- I understand the guilt. Haven't been on a cruise since 2009 , did not take 1 year old at that time. But I wanted to celebrate my 40th on a cruise( because of prices too months early) but decided to take kids since we hardly ever go on vacation and I always have that you never know what can happen. I've lost some friends at a young age and now their spouses are single parents. But to make the experience even more enjoyable- we invited my parents who are very excited to take a cruise with the grandkids. My dad has had medical issues in the past and hopefully this won't be the only cruise they enjoy together but life is short. Do what makes you happy and satisfied.



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It disgusts me that a minority of parents consider that it's okay to go off on a holiday of this type leaving their inconvenient children to the care of others. You can be sure this young child will learn the lesson that their not important enough in their parent's lives to have been included.

You need your head examined. I saw the nasty comments you made to the couple asking about the kids cub while it port, I was tempted to say something there on that post, but I held my tongue. Who died and made you the parenting police?

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I actually just had this happen to me for our March Allure cruise. Originally, one of my daughters wasn't going to be able to go and found out Jan 2 that she can go with us. I called RCCL since that is who I booked through. We are currently booked in a GS. I wanted to move my oldest daughter out of our room and into another cabin they could share. They told me that because we were past final payment, that would cause me to cancel my existing reservation and start over, paying the current price for the GS (which would be higher). My only option was to add her to our GS. They did so at the price of our other daughter that was already booked in the cabin with us. It will be a little tight for all of us to share, but luckily we don't spend a lot of time in the room.

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It disgusts me that a minority of parents consider that it's okay to go off on a holiday of this type leaving their inconvenient children to the care of others. You can be sure this young child will learn the lesson that their not important enough in their parent's lives to have been included.


Your post says a lot about you. You evidently felt unloved as a child. You can be sure, most children do not feel this way.

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Oh, the heck with "mommy-guilt"! You deserve a kid-free vacation! Leave them with their doting grandparents!




:) :) :)



I'm with you, why do parents always feel like they aren't allowed to still be individuals? I've watched way too many of my married friends fall into major ruts because they never take couples time without their kids, and at least from the outside looking in, their relationships seem boring and miserable and all about being "mommies." Dads don't seem to have this problem, other than starting to feel like their wives aren't the same person they married. Take your trip with your husband, leave your kids as planned. Your kids will survive for a week without you, and it gives them a great opportunity to learn to function without always running to mom and dad, and to enjoy time and routines with other people. Don't fall into that boring mommy rut, you're still a fun independent individual that has interests outside of parenting, and having time away from your kids will remind you of that.



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we've done 2 weeks in europe without the kids, 3 cruises without the kids. Weekend trips to vegas and nyc without the kids.


I guess we're horrible parents. Just don't tell our kids, they haven't figured it out yet.



lol :)

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I tell my son when he asks why he doesn't get to go certain trips or places with us, that adults need some adult time too. We do lots of family type things. But we're not just parents, we're people, too. You don't have to stop doing things for yourself just because you have a child.


My son has been on four cruises. But he doesn't get to go on all of them. There are a lot of things you can't do on a cruise with small kids, really. It's fun to go with them and do family stuff. It's also fun to go and drink and stay up late and party and sleep in. And there's nothing wrong with that.

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I heard once that trips with kids are trips and trips without kids are vacations and I think it is so true :).


Don't get me wrong I love trips with my child and seeing things through his eyes, bit I LOVE a trip to just recharge. I have been very lucky to enjoy three kid-free vacations with my husband in my son's 10 years. After 5 minutes at grandma and grampa's he forgets all about us. Especially at the age your kids are, they live in the moment and really won't notice. For us, we find not contacting our son while away works better. He doesn't notice if we are truly out of the picture. And he has such fun memories. In fact, he asked to go to their house for his spring break he had so much fun!


Now I know for some they can't imagine traveling without their kids. You have to do what works best for your family. There is no wrong answer. But remember that kids are great at laying the guilt card. Even over a box of pricey cereal. They get over it fast.


It is ok to want and have a child-free vacation. As parents we don't HAVE to give our kids amazing trips. We have to give them a loving home and raise them into productive adults. They can travel when they have their own money ;).


Good luck and have fun whatever you decide.

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It disgusts me that a minority of parents consider that it's okay to go off on a holiday of this type leaving their inconvenient children to the care of others. You can be sure this young child will learn the lesson that their not important enough in their parent's lives to have been included.



We take two vacations a year without our kids and have a strong marriage and connection to each other that is not based on our children. Our children also have a very strong bond with their grandparents because of it and if something happened to my husband and I, I know they have a close enough relationship with their grandparents that they would be okay. We take our kids on 2 vacations a year with us and that is plenty. My job as a parent is to raise children that are self sufficient not dependent. My kids have also gone to summer camp each summer and had their own vacation without us and quite frankly each week at summer camp costs more for 3 kids than a cruise for two in off peak times. It has nothing to do with inconveniences, it is all about strengthening our own relationship as well as developing independent children. We spend plenty of time with our kids. My husband has camped with the kids through the Y's Indian princess program once a month, 9 months of the year from when they were age 4 until they were 11 (when they aged out), I spent 7 years as a Girl Scout leader and have spent 14 years volunteering in some capacity for scouts, we have both done backpacking with our oldest from age 11 till 18 2-3 times a month 8 months of the year plus every other year a week during the summer. We have both volunteered in the younger two's interest of sailing most weekends of the months they sail for the past 8 years. So save your judgement, everyday is about our kids and we deserve a couple of weeks that are about us and our relationship as do other parents. Maybe you only spend time with your kids on vacation and that is where you come up with your judgmental feedback but just because a couple goes on a vacation without their kids does not make their kids less important and if your kids feel that way then maybe you don't spend enough time with them the rest of the year. I guarantee you my kids know that they are the most important thing in our lives and yet still get it that there is mom & dad time, kid time, & family time.



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We've done 2 weeks in Europe without the kids, 3 cruises without the kids. Weekend trips to Vegas and NYC without the kids.


I guess we're horrible parents. Just don't tell our kids, they haven't figured it out yet.


Cape Cod, Lake George, Jersey Shore, Virginia Beach, DC, San Francisco, Montreal, London, Belfast, Killarney, Glasgow, Athens, Traverse City, Chicago, WDW - just off the top of my head of places our kids have traveled without us!


We've done NYC, cruise, Hilton Head, New Hope, PA, New Paltz, NY - off the top of my head, without the kids.

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Cape Cod, Lake George, Jersey Shore, Virginia Beach, DC, San Francisco, Montreal, London, Belfast, Killarney, Glasgow, Athens, Traverse City, Chicago, WDW - just off the top of my head of places our kids have traveled without us!


We've done NYC, cruise, Hilton Head, New Hope, PA, New Paltz, NY - off the top of my head, without the kids.

Sounds like your kids have the better travel budget! :D

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