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Is Bigger Always Better? - Oasis of the Seas March 12 2017 Review

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Liberty Tours – Blue Hole, Ocho Rios Jamaica


Jamaica – It Makes Me Hot, But Not In a Sexy Way


Note – My shirt says, ‘I’m outdoorsy in that I like to drink on boats’


We had all 12 tour attendees and were loaded up into a blissfully air conditioned van. I needed the entire trip to cool down after standing outside for all of like 12 seconds. Our driver was Rose Marie, and we left at approximately 11:30a and made two stops along the way that extended a 1 hour drive to 1.5 hours; one for ‘sightseeing’ at a scenic overlook that just happened to have a few folks selling local wares, and another for a ‘bathroom break’ that also just happened to have folks selling local crap I mean wares.






Jelly enjoyed the second stop because there was fresh aloe growing alongside the road, and I gave a lady $1 for a piece so that we could rub it on ourselves like the tourists we were. As a Beetlejuice fan I was beside myself when I saw this…




The other interesting item for sale we saw as we approached the Blue Hole was this, but I decided to pass.




Rose Marie did a terrific job of keeping everyone excited for the long van ride, and sharing some local information (for example, about water bordering the parishes). She also did a great job navigating the questionably narrow and bumpy road once we got close to our destination; there were a few turns where I’ll admit I held my breath to help us squeeze by other vehicles.

The Blue Hole is just a little further than Dunn’s River Falls, a more popular excursion. However, as Rose Marie shared with us, there were 7 ships in 3 ports that day, and Dunn’s was CRAZY packed with people. Our tour group had 12, and there were at least 5-6 other similar groups at the Blue Hole, so it’s not like it was a private oasis (ha ha) or anything like that. A nice thing about those excursions is that they are in the rainforest, so you don’t need to worry about suntan lotion or Unattractive Hats or bugs or baking to death. There was a small bathroom onsite, but I’d definitely recommend wearing your bathing suit underneath your clothes so that you’re ready to go, and having dry clothes for the trip home. I just wore a tee and a wrap over my suit, and was a little uncomfortable in my wet suit on the drive back.




I’ve heard that some tour attendees have the opportunity to purchase a CD of photos, but our guide just took pics for us with our own cameras, which was terrific. I left my phone in my beach bag on the (locked) van, and took my little Ricoh waterproof camera with me. I was VERY happy that I had last-minute decided to purchase one of those floaty thingies (this one,actually - https://www.amazon.ca/Waterproof-MoKo-Underwater-Camcorders-Sunglasses/dp/B01J0RWIV2/ref=s9_simh_gw_g23_i4_r?pf_rd_m=A3DWYIK6Y9EEQB&pf_rd_s=&pf_rd_r=DMQQJME9404J5J7HVWGG&pf_rd_t=36701&pf_rd_p=09a46553-65cf-45b2-8aaa-e9bb559981ab&pf_rd_i=desktop), because we just kind of threw the camera back and forth and that worked great. LOTS of people had GoPros, but I don’t recommend anything you have to carry, because you’ll need your hands.


Up next – Yeah, It Was That Beautiful

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Is there an unlimited, you know, plan? Do you still have to tip?


Isn't all about the tip.:rolleyes:


Limited to Star class suites.


No way Bob, I didn't see it on the benefits sheet a few weeks ago. However, you do know most of everything RC so I have to believe you.

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Hello Cathi,


I'm done joking around, relating to the suites perks. Sorry for that, I couldn't stop myself. I enjoyed your Freedom review from before and loving your Oasis one right now. You and Jelly look to be having an amazing time.


If we ever sail out of PC, we will have to check out Cape Canaveral. It isn't a spot we would have gone to, but if Jelly liked it I am certain that Owen would too.


As I raise my right hand, I will behave for the rest of your review and follow along quietly. I promise.:)





Edit: You had me at "Iceberg Wedge" and if Blue Cheese was on it you would have been getting a friend request. As for your photos of the fish at Labadee, they are the biggest ones I have ever seen after 8 visits.

Edited by A&L_Ont
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Let's DO this!




This excursion is NOT for anyone with very young children (I’d recommend at least 8 as the minimum age), or for anyone with limited mobility, or for anyone afraid of heights, or for anyone afraid of falling to their watery death from a moderate height. You should be in moderate physical shape, which is to say much more than the average software project manager who basically sits all day long for a living. There was some walking, much of it steep hills and wet rocks, and some climbing, and some jumping, so this also isn’t for anyone with bad knees, or for anyone with recently styled really excellent hair that can’t get wet. We saw some teensy little stripy fishies in one section, so if that freaks you out, go elsewhere.

As mentioned you don’t really need to bring a lot; I kind of wished we’d had a water bottle, as there are no drinks available until the shopping stop afterwards, and that’s about it.


We went down two small waterfalls, which Jelly impressed the heck out of me by doing (there were a few ladies in our tour who were too afraid and backed out), then I did that big one with the rope, which was exactly as hard as it looks (think of all those people, and the upper body strength needed to hold yourself and lower yourself down, and how the rope is shaking the whole time with the movement of all those other people). Then there was a little mini zipline thing that was fun but not for overweight people with no coordination who just kind of bellyflopped into the water after going about half a yard and then their kid did it much better and basically landed on top of them. Not that I had any personal experience with this.


The water was cool and clear and absolutely glorious. I wish there had been fewer people and we hadn’t felt rushed through it, but with 3 hours of total drive time plus a lunch stop they know what they’re doing.






Our guide at the falls was coincidentally was also named Ricardo (or possibly Recardo?). He was FANTASTIC. He made sure everyone was comfortable with what we were doing, that no one mis-stepped and that we all made it safely to where we needed to be. There were several occasions when Jelly hesitated and he swooped in and scooped her up effortlessly and nimbly skipped ahead to the next spot. And Jelly is not a light tiny little thing either. All the guides worked together to make sure everything went smoothly and everyone was very safe. This guy got a big tip.


We left the area around 3p, and drove for about ½ hour to a ‘shopping’ stop at a little strip mall-type thing. We got some samples so it wasn’t all bad; rum punch, and coffee, and rum and rum cake. I ended up buying my coffee beans here – 1 lb of beans was $30. They also provided 5 minutes of free wifi if you Liked their stupid diamonds page. The lunch location supposedly had free wifi also, but I could never get it to connect, so take the opportunity when you can if you need it. I just wanted to post a quick pic so that everyone knew we were still alive.


Another ½ hour and we were at the lunch stop, Scotchie’s. Keep in mind we were -1 hour from the ship time, so our 3p stop meant it was 4p ship time and we were RAVENOUS. I’d recommend taking a water bottle AND a snack. However, everything ‘they’ say about Scotchie’s is true, it’s amazing. The chicken is smoky and savory but not so spicy that Jelly couldn’t eat it, and they offered both a mild Jamaican BBQ sauce as well as a VERY spicy Scotch Bonnet sauce. There was also rice & beans, and a selection of bottled drinks (choices were Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Grape, Cream Soda, or Pineapple – I had the pineapple and it was delicious). The lunch was included as part of the tour, and if I did it again I'd be more brave and spend some of my own money sampling some of the other meats and the breadfruit.






This was so good that I made jerk chicken last week for dinner, with some legs and thighs, and Jelly proclaimed it 'completely amazing' and 'almost as good as in Jamaica', so I think that might be a new dinner staple. If someone wants to buy me a smoker that would be great.


We arrived back in port at 5:26p ship time on the nose, in plenty of time for the 6:30p all aboard. Since I already had my coffee and I make my own rum cake I didn’t feel a need to look in any of the shops, so after a quick run through security we were back on the ship and departed at 7p.

Edited by CanadaCathi
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Hello Cathi,


I'm done joking around, relating to the suites perks. Sorry for that, I couldn't stop myself. I enjoyed your Freedom review from before and loving your Oasis one right now. You and Jelly look to be having an amazing time.


If we ever sail out of PC, we will have to check out Cape Canaveral. It isn't a spot we would have gone to, but if Jelly liked it I am certain that Owen would too.


As I raise my right hand, I will behave for the rest of your review and follow along quietly. I promise.:)




Edit: You had me at "Iceberg Wedge" and if Blue Cheese was on it you would have been getting a friend request. As for your photos of the fish at Labadee, they are the biggest ones I have ever seen after 8 visits.


I do not trust that you are 'done', but that's ok. Seriously, give Kennedy a chance! Their motto should be 'Seriously, Guys, It's Not Totally Boring'.

Of COURSE the wedge had blue cheese on it, is there any other way?! I've tried to make my own and it just wasn't the same; there's some magical combination of chilled plates and ingredients that only restaurants can pull off. And it's just a big chunk of stupid iceberg lettuce! Well, and bacon, and the bc, but still.


Right? I don't think we saw any fish last year, I believe it was just because we were so early and they weren't scared away yet.

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Rain again, but as we were leaving – thanks again, Jamaica!


We had made a reservation for Izumi for 8p but it was Pirate Night in Adventure Ocean, and Jenny LOVED Pirate Night last year on Freedom, so after trying to call about a dozen times I finally got through and rescheduled for Saturday evening. We usually like to finish up our trip in the MDR, but since we hadn’t had a stellar experience this time we weren’t married to the idea.

So it was off to the Jammer for dinner, and it was another crazy evening with balloon-animal makers and an Indian specialty area and jerk chicken and omg, this delicious lychee salad (I’m a sucker for a lychee cocktail, I make a really good one with fresh lychees and citrus vodka and lychee liquor). The sweet potato casserole was also amazeballs, although definitely more along the lines of dessert. Other new favorites that I braved this evening; melt-in-your mouth oxtail, and soft and delicious coconut bread. I can’t even post the pic of the pavlova because it’s blurry because I think I was quivering at the deliciousness, and I also don’t want to kill you all with wanting it. It was under the ‘gluten-free’ dessert options, so I felt a little guilty depriving any folks with a celiac issue, but hopefully there was plenty to go around. Because then I went back and got another one to take back to the room. Hey, it’s not often there’s a dessert I like, but meringue is one of them.





What cheese roll? I don't see a cheese roll. Move along.




They also had a wide variety of kid-friendly options; hot dogs, burgers, chicken burgers, chicken fingers, French fries, mac &cheese, fried chicken, junk like that. Jelly didn’t like any of it, because again, she’s 8 and NOTHING IS EVER GOOD ENOUGH.


We were ready for Pirate Night this year.

Want to hear my favorite pirate joke?

What's a pirate's favorite letter?

(everyone always guesses 'rrrrrrrrrrrrrr')

No, ye think that'd be it, but it be the 'c'!

(hilarious, right?!)



If only our hook hand and peg leg hadn’t been confiscated it would have been perfect (just kidding). Our local Dollar store has these great pirate tattoos, which of course Jelly didn't want to use at all once it was actually time, and I got the parrot (‘Charles’) from a party store because I just could not stop laughing. True, it took up most of Jelly’s suitcase, but she’s little so didn’t need much space anyhow, and she wouldn’t leave him behind.


There were a LOT of little scallywags in Adventure Ocean for Pirate Night. Because they do a parade, pay attention to the drop off/pick up times and when they’ll be available and back in the room. I hung out in the Promenade to catch the parade, which was awesome and you could hear them coming a mile away, and they sang a whole bunch of songs and did a bunch of activities and it was all super-cute, but sadly Jelly realized midway through the whole thing that omg she was SO OLD and SO MATURE and she was just over the whole thing, so she flagged me and I went and picked her up afterwards.






Then it was 10p and we had scratched up legs from the rocks in the falls, and sore feet, and we collapsed into bed.

A quick check of the TV messages told me that tonight was the 'Prohibition Party', at 10:30p, for $35/pp in ‘Jazz on 4’. I’ve heard these can be fun and sometimes people dress up, but also that it’s kind of pricey for the experience and the fun level depends greatly on how many people participate. I wouldn't know because I was asleep at 10:11p.


Also, this was the day they offered the drink card special –10 drinks for $79. I didn’t go for it.


Up next - Day 5 at Sea

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Sounds like pirate night is fun!! My kids love pirates! Can you tell me what they do in Adventure Ocean for pirate night besides the parade?


Yes, she had a BLAST last year! They rehearse for the parade (learn the songs/accompanying hand gestures etc), they get a headscarf to decorate, there is a character visit from Puss 'n Boots... that's all I could get out of Jenny. The compass for the Explorers group says the following; Pirate Commands; Ship to Shore; Pirate Boogie Dance; Pirate Transformations; Captain Per Says; Pirates' Treasure; Pirate Bandanas; Buccanneer's Bounty. The Aquanauts group (ages 3-5) activities are pretty much the same, but they also had a pirate storytime, and they did a Pirate Performance in the Adventure Ocean theater rather than the parade.


They also had a late night Pizza Party after 10p this evening.

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"and there were lots of umbrellas for shade, and people-watching for throwing shade"


Idk, why but this tickled me...no it made me lol. Loving your review...Can we get married.....Wait I can't leave Tanya....ok can we have an affair, a fling or maybe some Netflix and Chill while watching the Love Boat? I promise I won't tell anyone. And we can be IT PMs in cruise happy bliss together.

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Idk, why but this tickled me...no it made me lol. Loving your review...Can we get married.....Wait I can't leave Tanya....ok can we have an affair, a fling or maybe some Netflix and Chill while watching the Love Boat? I promise I won't tell anyone. And we can be IT PMs in cruise happy bliss together.


Oh god I was killing myself, I was just so proud that I'm 45 years old and know what 'throwing shade' means. I can't tear you from Tanya's arms, we'll just have to admire each other from afar.

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Guuuuuurrrrrrrl, I have just spent about 3 hours (at work) reading your hilarious review and I'm not even going on Oasis anytime soon !!! ;p But isn't that what cruising is all about ... sharing tales and having fun !!! Eagerly awaiting the rest of the lovely details :D

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Guuuuuurrrrrrrl, I have just spent about 3 hours (at work) reading your hilarious review and I'm not even going on Oasis anytime soon !!! ;p But isn't that what cruising is all about ... sharing tales and having fun !!! Eagerly awaiting the rest of the lovely details :D


Hey, it's research, right? Who knows when you might need to know all these details for a friend cruising, or some sort of pub trivia night, or for a job application.

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Hey, it's research, right? Who knows when you might need to know all these details for a friend cruising, or some sort of pub trivia night, or for a job application.



Lol me too. But I'm going on allure July oasis was our first cruise. Loving your review!



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This review is AMAZING!!!!!!!! Your daughter is just adorable!!!

Looks like you two had a blast!!!

Love your writing style!!!

Cannot wait for the next installment. You did ALOT today!!!

Thanks for taking the time to do this!!

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Oh, ha ha ha. The same way I mis-pronounce 'process'.

Let me tell you how quickly I stopped saying 'eh' when I moved to the South.


YES! hahaha. My husband is Canadian (Toronto, just moved to the states last year!) and I ALWAYS make fun of the way he says process. He doesn't even think he says it any differently! He has me saying eh and sorry ALL the time though!


Also, a HUGE THANK YOU to you for mentioning bed placement in this post. When I read that, I investigated our bed placement for our cruise in December. We had a bed near the closet room!! I immediately changed it to bed near balcony. :)

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Thank you so much for the wonderful review! I've been anxiously waiting for each new installment!

One quick question - do they usually have all those "kid friendly" options in the WJ every night? The burgers, chicken fingers etc? I see lots of photos and comments about the adult food but I'm trying to get an idea of what my picky child will eat there. Thanks!



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Thank you so much for the wonderful review! I've been anxiously waiting for each new installment!

One quick question - do they usually have all those "kid friendly" options in the WJ every night? The burgers, chicken fingers etc? I see lots of photos and comments about the adult food but I'm trying to get an idea of what my picky child will eat.



You're welcome! Yes! They had one whole section where all that stuff was, together, which is great (so easy).

Also, don't be shy if you are eating in the MDR about ordering something off-menu like chicken fingers, they'll get it for you.

I pretty much always saw fruit, and stuff like plain white rice (I have a friend whose child would eat only that for restaurant meals for like four years). If all else fails, I'd hoard peanut butter and jelly packets from breakfast, there's always bread/rolls available. Unless of course your picky eater has a peanut allergy and that would kill them, in that case better not do that.



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YES! hahaha. My husband is Canadian (Toronto, just moved to the states last year!) and I ALWAYS make fun of the way he says process. He doesn't even think he says it any differently! He has me saying eh and sorry ALL the time though!




Also, a HUGE THANK YOU to you for mentioning bed placement in this post. When I read that, I investigated our bed placement for our cruise in December. We had a bed near the closet room!! I immediately changed it to bed near balcony. :)



I always say it like seven different times now trying to get it right because I can never remember ("Pro? Prah?") and I'm sure I sound like a stone cold moron.


That bed placement tip, though, right? Life-changing.



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This review is AMAZING!!!!!!!! Your daughter is just adorable!!!


Looks like you two had a blast!!!


Love your writing style!!!


Cannot wait for the next installment. You did ALOT today!!!


Thanks for taking the time to do this!!



Omg thank you, so much writing today! My daughter and I are both super adorable, thank you for noticing. Sometimes my Unattractive Hat hides my stunning, mysterious beauty.


She is likewise still recovering from no longer being on the ship apparently, and has been trying to play sick to get out of school pretty much daily since we've been back. The doctor said the only thing for it really is more cruising.



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Omg thank you, so much writing today! My daughter and I are both super adorable, thank you for noticing. Sometimes my Unattractive Hat hides my stunning, mysterious beauty.


She is likewise still recovering from no longer being on the ship apparently, and has been trying to play sick to get out of school pretty much daily since we've been back. The doctor said the only thing for it really is more cruising.



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:'):'):'):') Smart Girl!!!! lol

Thank you again!!!!! LOVING this review!

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