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A fall in the Ruby theatre


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And what happens if any of those individuals also have limited eyesight-as I do? Even with a telescopic monocular lens to magnify the performers, it can still be challenging to adequately see the stage area. I've had someone behind complain-loudly-when I moved and blocked his view-he was told by a Dr who's wife knew me, "She's Legally Blind and trying to focus on the performer with her Monocular Lens." The moaner shut up in a hurry, I was sitting in the end seat to minimise any disruption and he knew it!


Equally, I would try to check out my accessibility in the venue in peace and quiet so I could make an informed decision whether attending the performance was both safe and practical for me. I travel solo, and when using stairs, need to rely on walking sticks which are tiring for extended walking. I prefer the Atrium with the pianist playing at night-get myself a drink and a plate of cookies from the International Café and settle in a chair with my crocheting to enjoy the music and the sing-along on the Golden Princess.


I'm grateful that someone posted about a potential problem, I am now aware of the possible falling risk.



I think you have nailed it. If you have mobility issues (as I do) then take some responsibility for yourself. Go to the theatre early and pick which spot is good for you. That way you don't waste time when you get there as people are starting to enter and potential great seats, for you, are being taken. Don't be a trout fighting the upstream battle. There are usually entrances part way down where you can enter as well eliminating the need to use all those stairs. I'd bet dollars to donuts that if you asked a crew member to help with your seating and helping you get there they would be glad to accommodate.

I really do feel bad that this lady fell. No one wants to see someone get hurt and a heedful warning is great. The problem with this thread is that IF I had fallen and wanted to contact the cruise line to really just give them potential safety information on something that might be faulty or dangerous to others I wouldn't come on a public website to ask for contact information. I would call the cruise line directly and ask them the best way. I would have let everyone on the ship know. I would have asked for a copy of the report they wrote that they were sending to Corporate.

I have fallen so many times that I have screwed up my body and have some serious life changing issues. I have something called RSD or CRPS (depending on how up to date the doctor is on his initials). It is like phantom pain. I can reach a 10 pain level every day despite the many pain medications I take. I have a stimulator in my butt that sends electric currents down my legs to trick my brain into thinking there is no pain (when there actually is nothing physically wrong). Walking is a killer. Wearing shoes is a killer. That extra 10 feet I had to walk – a killer. I know what it is to fall and get hurt. Since so many of you trust her, ask Pam In CA about this condition.

It isn’t a roll in the hay. It is a way of life for me. What do I do to help myself? I scope out how I am going to do things. Where I am going to sit and how I am getting there. I am not in that much of a hurry that I don’t wait that extra minute or two for everyone else to leave so I don’t get jostled. Do you know what my family does? They stay on both sides of me. They hold my hand. They steady me. They help me get up and down. There is no middle ground. Oh, and I just turned 60 last year so this is has nothing to do with age or anything else.

So OP, thanks for the warning. However, in the future maybe you need to not be so quick to get from point A to B but instead ensure your mother’s safety. Why am I being such a harda$$? Because instead of taking care of business you came on CC to ask for contact information that you could have easily gotten on your own. Then, of course, your buddy that says that everyone should speak up, SPEAK UP, about the dangers of that stairway. Puh-lease. Talk about trying to get more ammunition for your cause.

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Exactly! Did your Mom ask for help? Did YOU or anyone else in your party offer to help her down the first step? As I have gotten older,I have learned to ASK for help if I think I need it. I have NEVER been refused. Whether on a cruise ship or at a store, I have never been refused. And the group of friends that I travel with - we look out for each other!


For us there was no one available TO help. It was getting up into the bus where she fell. I was behind her which is the only thing that prevented her from hitting the ground. I was banged up just trying to hold her off the ground.


She got off at the first stop but had so much trouble we stayed on for the rest except the last which was the hot springs and the reason we took the tour. She did great getting in and out of the pools. She really enjoyed it. She changed and most people were back on the bus. She tried to pull her self up to the first step but lost her balance. She is almost 83. The tour guide stated she was told to keep an eye out for her by her supervisor. But neither her or the driver were around as every one was getting back on.

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For us there was no one available TO help. It was getting up into the bus where she fell. I was behind her which is the only thing that prevented her from hitting the ground. I was banged up just trying to hold her off the ground.


She got off at the first stop but had so much trouble we stayed on for the rest except the last which was the hot springs and the reason we took the tour. She did great getting in and out of the pools. She really enjoyed it. She changed and most people were back on the bus. She tried to pull her self up to the first step but lost her balance. She is almost 83. The tour guide stated she was told to keep an eye out for her by her supervisor. But neither her or the driver were around as every one was getting back on.


In your case I feel for you. You did everything right and still this happened. I hope when you got back on the ship you went directly to the Shore Excursion desk AND the Purser's Desk and escalated it up the line. That is inexcusable. I also hope that you went on line and did a review about the tour guide company.

In your case you did not send help away which is what the OP did. They "slept" on what to do then decided she was hurt. They could have escalated this on board but instead came on CC to get the information to contact Princess. I think even my 12 YO DGS could figure out how to use his computer to find a phone number. Again, I hope your mom is doing okay.

Edited by notentirelynormal
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I do want to thank all of you for the comparison you are showing. Just to let you know we cruise A LOT. We are diamonds with Royal Caribean and Celebraty we also cruised many times with Carnival and we never ever asked for any thing and on this one again I didn't want any thing other than may be to prevent it from happening to any one else. I we wanted a free cruise as some of you trying to say we would have filed a report right away. I kept on thinking that it is nothing but she kept on complaining. She Brest is black and blue also I was worried I'd she cracked a rib this was way I took her to the doctor NOT looking for nothing. YES, the rail at the end of the theater stick out in the last 2-3 raws and if you pay no attentions you can hurt yourself. Thank you once again but no I'm not looking for free cruise


These six words pretty much say it all: "If you pay no attention". Not sure how Princess is responsible if you or your family members don't "pay attention". People need to take responsibility for their own actions instead of trying to place the blame on everyone else. If you don't pay attention, then accept responsibility for the results.

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And what happens if any of those individuals also have limited eyesight-as I do? Even with a telescopic monocular lens to magnify the performers, it can still be challenging to adequately see the stage area. I've had someone behind complain-loudly-when I moved and blocked his view-he was told by a Dr who's wife knew me, "She's Legally Blind and trying to focus on the performer with her Monocular Lens." The moaner shut up in a hurry, I was sitting in the end seat to minimise any disruption and he knew it!


Equally, I would try to check out my accessibility in the venue in peace and quiet so I could make an informed decision whether attending the performance was both safe and practical for me. I travel solo, and when using stairs, need to rely on walking sticks which are tiring for extended walking. I prefer the Atrium with the pianist playing at night-get myself a drink and a plate of cookies from the International Café and settle in a chair with my crocheting to enjoy the music and the sing-along on the Golden Princess.


I'm grateful that someone posted about a potential problem, I am now aware of the possible falling risk.

They have front seats in every show lounge and the seats are usually the very last to be taken. You can enter through a lower level and there are no railings to fall on if you should slip. On the older ships like the Emerald and Grand they have a emergency exit that you can have one of the crew escort you through to the front row.

Problem solved.

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This could be a serious problem. Has this happened to anyone else or bumped into the rail with injury, speak up. If everyone remains silent Princess won't be aware of the problem.


My Sister in Law fell on the theater steps on the Ruby Princess about a year ago and cracked a rib. She didn't hit any rails because there wasn't any where she fell. There are rails for a while then a gap then more rails. The gaps are repeated down the steps. That is probably why the OPs mother fell into the end of the rails.


She is not old, does not have mobility problem, and hadn't been drinking (yet). She did go to the infirmary and there they crew filled out a long report on the accident. She wasn't looking for any kind of compensation "for my own clumsiness" but I was a bit miffed that they charged her for the medical treatment.

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She wasn't looking for any kind of compensation "for my own clumsiness" but I was a bit miffed that they charged her for the medical treatment.


So, you feel Princess should provide free medical care for clumsy passengers?

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So, you feel Princess should provide free medical care for clumsy passengers?


An onshore facility generally provides assistance to people injured on their property even to the extent of paying for 3rd party treatment. So yes it would be normal for their personnel to provide minor first aide without charging for it.

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Keyboard Courage.


I, for one, would have no problem saying my opinion to the OP, or anyone else, that is trying to get something free because of their actions, face to face. It is called being responsible for oneself. Look it up. It is what people used to do before the me, me, me generation.


No one pays my bills besides me. You know why? Because they are my bills. Why should other passengers pay for someone's medical bills because they had an accident? It is what insurance is for. If your house burns down and you didn't have fire insurance should the neighbors on the street take up a collection? It isn't their fault you didn't buy fire insurance because you needed that new Beemer!. If your house gets robbed, again, should the neighbors pay? Who should reimburse you for your loss? Everyone else or the person who didn't feel the need to buy insurance or get an alarm service?


Make no mistake. If the cruise line is picking up the cost of passengers bills they are not doing so at a loss. You and your fellow passengers are paying for it. A cruise line is a business not a charity.


I actually find your comment to go both ways. Keyboard courage. You would volunteer to pay a stranger's medical bills on line, but would you actually open up your wallet and hand over the cash to cover the expenses in person?


I can hear it now. An announcement over the intercom: Attention fellow passengers. A guest has fallen down and hurt herself through no one's fault but their own. It seems her family left her on her own while they left the theater and in her hurry to catch them she missed the handrail and fell. Princess is not responsible in any way except that it happened on our ship. We now need to have a rescue helicopter take her off the ship and pay to fly her back to the US. She didn't bother to buy health or evacuation insurance so because of the cost of this flight every passenger, including children, will be charged an additional $1,250 per person to help cover the costs. Thanks everyone.


Oh, and let's not forget the guy who fell yesterday when he stepped on his shoe getting out of bed and rolled his ankle. It totally ruined his vacation because he had planned on jogging to the beach before he went zip lining. That will be an additional $25 per person. Once we compile the list of all passengers who didn't pay for adequate health, travel and evacuation insurance we will be adding those costs to your portfolio so you can cover the expenses they were too cheap to pay. Here at Princess we don't want you to think we are gouging you so we have a guarantee that these expenses will not exceed 100% of your original cruise fare (minus insurance costs of course). Bingo will start in half an hour so a 10% increase in tickets will also be needed for those same group of people.


Man, does it not sound stupid when you turn your comment around? Keyboard courage my butt!

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For us there was no one available TO help. It was getting up into the bus where she fell. I was behind her which is the only thing that prevented her from hitting the ground. I was banged up just trying to hold her off the ground.


She got off at the first stop but had so much trouble we stayed on for the rest except the last which was the hot springs and the reason we took the tour. She did great getting in and out of the pools. She really enjoyed it. She changed and most people were back on the bus. She tried to pull her self up to the first step but lost her balance. She is almost 83. The tour guide stated she was told to keep an eye out for her by her supervisor. But neither her or the driver were around as every one was getting back on.


I'm sorry. I feel for you and your mother, and don't want to worry this to death. But, you know, there were in fact people around to help. There were passengers on the bus whom she could have asked to help. You could have preceded her and helped pull her up. She "lost her balance." She fell. How, precisely, is that Princess' fault again? Because the first step of the bus had too much clearance? Because they didn't preemptively offer assistance to everyone boarding the bus? That's it? That's why you think it's entirely the tour operator's fault?

Edited by shepp
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I believe if you read the OP's posts, you will see that this member was looking to write a letter to Princess to express concern over the railings. I don't believe the words written ever indicated that the member was attempting to receive anything from Princess. Now, I don't know this particular member as I certainly don't know of any potential ulterior motives, but when I read the words written it seems the member was wanting to write to Princess to inform them of the problem.

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Now, I don't know this particular member as I certainly don't know of any potential ulterior motives, but when I read the words written it seems the member was wanting to write to Princess to inform them of the problem.


Perceived problem.

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I agree with most posters that you can Google an address, phone number, corporate officers and email addresses. Why post for an email address unless you are looking for support and sympathy.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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I believe if you read the OP's posts, you will see that this member was looking to write a letter to Princess to express concern over the railings. I don't believe the words written ever indicated that the member was attempting to receive anything from Princess. Now, I don't know this particular member as I certainly don't know of any potential ulterior motives, but when I read the words written it seems the member was wanting to write to Princess to inform them of the problem.



The member states that she told ship personnel the day it happened that everything was okay and then the following day they decided to go to the doctor where a report was taken and given to ship personnel. So, Princess was already informed of the perceived problem. Mom wasn't paying attention and fell because we weren't around. So noted by Princess.

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I can't give you the email address but I have to wonder.... what are you expecting from the cruise line now that you didn't when you were on board. I'm sorry your cruise was impacted from your mom's fall but in reality falls happen to people every day and it isn't always someone's fault but just an accident. That's why they call it an accident. If it wasn't that bad that you didn't take her for immediate treatment then let's face it - it wasn't that bad.



So now that you are home, what do you want? A free cruise for all of you? I've fallen on a cruise and it impacted my cruise but guess what. I didn't feel the need for a free cruise and a discount. I figured that I might have been responsible for myself and the while the fall might have been avoided if something was different, the fact remains that I was partially responsible as I'm sure your mother was. Otherwise everyone would have fallen on that rail.



I'm just curious? When she fell did no crew members come to her aid? Did no one on the ship assist her? If they did, what did you say. She's fine. So what would you have them do. You said she's fine and then the next day after you've had time to think about it, hey, we might get something if we had said something different. I'd like to say that isn't you BUT now you are asking for an email to address this with corporate. Are you really just going to report something that could be fixed - or do you want something handed to you? Restore my faith in humanity and tell me you just want to tell them you want the handrail issue fixed.


Just for information, I work in an emergency room and people do fall all of the time and MANY times do not realize they are hurt until a day or two after a fall. It is common and natural for them to think they will be ok and then the pain and soreness are worse a few days afterwards. It seems to me this person was just wanting to make Princess aware of the railing so that it may not be a danger to someone else.

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Just for information, I work in an emergency room and people do fall all of the time and MANY times do not realize they are hurt until a day or two after a fall. It is common and natural for them to think they will be ok and then the pain and soreness are worse a few days afterwards. It seems to me this person was just wanting to make Princess aware of the railing so that it may not be a danger to someone else.


Well, then you know what RSD or CRPS is. I've got it. I fall all the time and my pain level stays around 9-10 daily. So, yes, I do know what pain the next day is. I'm a master at it. THAT isn't the issue. The issue is they already told the people that work for Princess about the railing. The went to the doctor and filled out a report. They told the people on board. So, the issue is - if you weren't trying to get support then why not just call the 800 number for Princess and give them the information. Or ask for it when she reported it on board. Plus they stated she fell because SHE missed the the railing, not that it was faulty but that mom just missed it. We all fall, that doesn't mean someone did something wrong to make us fall. That is why they call it an accident.

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Well, then you know what RSD or CRPS is. I've got it. I fall all the time and my pain level stays around 9-10 daily. So, yes, I do know what pain the next day is.
My daughter has RSD so I know what you're going through. The pain is unbelievable. You look normal but people don't realize what you're suffering. And it is suffering. On a level of passing a kidney stone or childbirth without relief for the rest of your life. You have my sympathies.
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'I want money' is what I see in this post. Sometimes it is your fault.


Just curious why do you say that: 'I want money' is what I see in this post". Were there any indications or statements the OP made to lead you to your conclusion? I'm old, and sometime I miss something I've just read.


Have a nice day, and if God wills, you continue to have good health, to live and not die before your next cruise.





"I cruise to stay healthy, and to eat a slice of pie every day before I die."

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So sorry that your Mom had a fall. Hope she recovers.


I, myself have had a run in with the rails. This was on the Crown theatre.


I was taking a step up, somehow slightly slipped, grabbed the railing and cut my finger against the metal where the leg meets the rail. Because I come prepared, I went back to my cabin and cleaned it up and put a Band-Aid on. Inconvenient for a few days. I thought about reporting it but then figured I would probably not be taken seriously. No biggie, I survived however from a go forward I am extremely careful where I grab the bar when in the theatre. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Some times the effects of a fall do not show up immediately. My mom fell on a princess shore excursion. It is just over two weeks but we just learned she might have ligament damage in the knee which she had replaced years ago


I am amazed at the heartless comments here. But as a diehard princess fan I am more surprised at their lack of concern while onboard. No a single follow up after she went to medical with her legs torn up.


But the damage was more than superficial. It may be another week or so before we know the full extent.


And in my opinion the fall is 100% on the tour providedr (And Princess as we purchased through them) the first step was too high and no assistance was provided.


But the point is that sometimes it takes time for the effects to be felt.


This is why anywhere I've worked has required paperwork to be filled out on ANY accident (fall, head bump, chair hitting person (I teach special education and sometimes chairs go flying), student pushing teacher's hand back too far at the wrist, etc.) even if we don't think any damage has been done. That way if anything shows up after the fact there IS record of what happened. So now if I were to fall on an excursion or on a ship, even if it cost money I would have it checked out so there was a record of it.

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