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Why do you think it is ok to let your children run down hallways?


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Sorry you wouldn't visit a McDonalds or an Applebees and expect it to be child free and quiet. So, if you expect to avoid hordes of children, don't sail the Breakaway during Spring Break or Summer.

This kind of general attitude is sadly one of the things that has gone wrong with the world. It's like saying "Expect to encounter considerate, kind & thoughtful people? Well then, better stay home."


Kids (or people in general) are not perfect, so I think folks are generally ok with an occasional unruly toddler, etc. But this thread addresses an increasingly prevalent practice of just letting "kids be kids" no matter where they are or who it affects. Why is the answer for people to go elsewhere rather than using the close quarters of a cruise ship as a great opportunity to teach children how their behavior may impact others? My experience with kids is that once you DO explain things to them, they are happy to comply and even feel accomplished once they do. ("See how quiet I was, Mommy??") :)

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<p>I like how there are people saying all the "child free" folks should go on cruise lines catered to older folks. I like all the entertainment provided by NCL, that doesn't mean I want a bunch of bratty kids being loud and ruining my time. I also wouldn't enjoy a cruise line with limited entertainment options catered to folks who would rather be in bed by 8:45. If you want to bring your kids fine, but teach your kid how to act! Also please don't change their diaper on a table where people would reasonably expect to eat 🤢 </p><br>

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or if my foot shifts suddenly to one side....


my pet peeve...parents that don't feel the need to teach their children appropriate public behavior.

Not exactly sure what you meant by this and was hoping you could clarify. Are you saying your foot might accidentally slip and trip the running child?


I would have to agree that misbehaving children seem to becoming more frequent, or maybe I'm just noticing it more because we now have young children and their behavior is closely monitored so when we see other children misbehaving without their parents correcting it, it sticks out like a sore thumb to us. But to imply that you would "accidentally" (intentionally) trip a running child is despicable and I call BS. As a father of young children that are kept on a "short leash" as far as their behavior goes, I can say that if anyone trips one of my children both me and that person would be removed from the ship at the next port, but for two entirely different reasons.

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I may get flamed for this, especially since I can't imagine that the parents who allow this don't have a clue at how intrusive and annoying it is. But, just in case parents really have no idea, I am putting this out there. I am clueless as to why any parent thinks it is ever okay to let their children run up and down the hallways on a cruise ship. I know they are kids, and we should let them be kids...But, isn't it more important we teach them to be humans first? It is just not appropriate or considerate at any time of day to be running down a hallway outside of other people's cabins. Do you not realize how loud and annoying the constant thumping of feet running past someone's cabin door must be. And, it doesn't matter what time of day either. If someone is trying to relax in their cabin in the middle of the day or early evening, that is their right, and there is absolutely no reason for anyone to be running around in the hallways ever.


My experience is that the runners tend to be the teens. I doubt that the parents know, and unless you prohibit them from being out without a parent it is going to happen.

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I agreed with the OP. I actually, when I catch them running will yell stop running right now. I make a lot of noise but it stops the kids in their tracks. I also can't stand drunks so I stay off of summer cruises and 3, 4 and 5 day cruises.



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So your answer to children making too much noise is to, yourself make a lot of noise? Seems perfectly rational to me....LOL. How's that workin' out for ya?

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This reminded me of my last "kid running" experience. I was in an aft balcony on the Breakaway in December and I heard periodic running past my door at about 10 pm. I opened the door and saw a little boy about 8 years old running down one side hallway, across the aft cabin corridor and then up the opposite hallway -- and then back in reverse. I stopped him and asked him "where are your parents?" and he replied "at dinner." I said "where is your cabin?" and he pointed up one of the side hallways.


I told him you need to get back to your cabin right now because I am calling security - and I did. Seriously, did his parents really think it was ok to leave an 8 year old alone in their cabin? Was he left with a 'grandma' or other adult who fell asleep and didn't realize he snuck out? Either way, I wasn't going to be responsible for having seen him and not reporting it if heaven forbid something had happened to him.


I think sometimes parents think their cruise vacation is a vacation from parenting. :rolleyes:





I have no doubt this little guy was left all to himself and got bored! Don't parents realize how dangerous it is to leave kids all by themselves??????????

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This kind of general attitude is sadly one of the things that has gone wrong with the world. It's like saying "Expect to encounter considerate, kind & thoughtful people? Well then, better stay home."


Kids (or people in general) are not perfect, so I think folks are generally ok with an occasional unruly toddler, etc. But this thread addresses an increasingly prevalent practice of just letting "kids be kids" no matter where they are or who it affects. Why is the answer for people to go elsewhere rather than using the close quarters of a cruise ship as a great opportunity to teach children how their behavior may impact others? My experience with kids is that once you DO explain things to them, they are happy to comply and even feel accomplished once they do. ("See how quiet I was, Mommy??") :)

No problem with my attitude. Your example of how to talk to a child shows your lack of understanding. The problem is with people like yourself who expect children to never misbehave. If you are going on a kid-friendly line, you have to expect children. Noone is telling you to stay home but perhaps you should sail Celebrity or HAL. Your expectations via vi children are not reasonable. I have raised a fine young man. I have disciplined him and he turned out well. But I'd be lying to say that he never acted out and I remembering the second he did getting disapproving looks from intolerant people. That is the problem with society. Too many intolerant people.

Edited by Crazy planning mom
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If he did it to my kid. My kid wouldnt be the only one laying on the floor. I can guarantee you that.

Amen!!! I agree!!! As a father of kids ages 9 and 2 I'm imagining how quickly my vacation would come to an end if someone intentionally brought physical harm to one of them.


Probably just a "keyboard cowboy" that's all talk. The sad thing is, if enough people read comments such as this person's someone, somewhere will think it's ok.

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Sorry you wouldn't visit a McDonalds or an Applebees and expect it to be child free and quiet. So, if you expect to avoid hordes of children, don't sail the Breakaway during Spring Break or Summer.


Why did you start this with "sorry"? You're not actually sorry, right?


The interior stateroom hallways on a cruise ship are not the same as a public restaurant, no.


Make the world a better place; be aware of your surroundings and show some respect for other people.

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Amen!!! I agree!!! As a father of kids ages 9 and 2 I'm imagining how quickly my vacation would come to an end if someone intentionally brought physical harm to one of them.


Probably just a "keyboard cowboy" that's all talk. The sad thing is' date=' if enough people read comments such as this person's someone, somewhere will think it's ok.[/quote']


I'm one of the kid-free people who occasionally participates in threads like these. For what it's worth, I wince whenever someone makes a "joke" about tripping a running kid (or equivalent joke). It's not funny.


... that said, high-fiving each other about how you'd beat the crap out of anyone who did that doesn't help either. You know in real life no one is actually going to trip your child on a cruise ship.


Just feel like everyone's a little too ready to beat the crap out of someone these days.

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Not exactly sure what you meant by this and was hoping you could clarify.


I can tell you my opinion. I don't mind the occassional running down the hall, as children will be children. But, when the parents are behind them and they see others coming in the opposite direction and they don't ask the children to be careful, that is unacceptable, because safety is a big concern not only for the child, but for others in the hallway. Also unacceptable is to have children running around in the dining room yelling, while, not only, others are trying to enjoy their dinner, but servers are walking around with trays of hot food. On one of the times I went to the MDR, I was amazed at the young ones, as little as two, running around. If a child can not sit for the dinner, bring them something (without noise) to play with or color on and if they start making a fuss, a parent can take them out and calm them down, instead of having those in half of the MDR have to listen to the screaming.


I think both parents and those that are annoyed by everything the children do can both give a little and everyone will have a great cruise. Parents can be more cognizant of how their children are affecting others and those that don't like what children do, can remember what it was like to be a child and give the children a little slack.

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Very interesting thread. I'm totally "Get off my lawn" when it comes to the kiddies. I understand that we were all children once but just because a necessary evil is necessary doesn't mean it isn't still evil. Lol. Well behaved kids. Wonderful. Kids that occasionally act up. It happens. Little demon spawn. Spare me. Spare us all.

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Why did you start this with "sorry"? You're not actually sorry, right?


The interior stateroom hallways on a cruise ship are not the same as a public restaurant, no.


Make the world a better place; be aware of your surroundings and show some respect for other people.


Well, I have a terrific son who is now a teenager and I certainly disciplined when he needed it. However, I think that people have become more intolerant towards children. They certainly werent that way when i was a kid.

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Amen!!! I agree!!! As a father of kids ages 9 and 2 I'm imagining how quickly my vacation would come to an end if someone intentionally brought physical harm to one of them.


Probably just a "keyboard cowboy" that's all talk. The sad thing is' date=' if enough people read comments such as this person's someone, somewhere will think it's ok.[/quote']


So... where should I direct my violent American rage when your running kids knock my mother's cane out from under her? Hmmm?


Oh, that's right... your running kids knocking someone over are "just an accident" -- typical catch-all excuse for irresponsibility. Because hey "they're just being kids..."


Let's compromise... what if I trip your running kid, but then catch him before he falls? Or just sort of hip-check him softly into the wall? Maybe I will fall over with him onto the floor in a flailing ridiculous mess?


Should I ignore your kids if I see them doing something you might consider dangerous? Climbing rails, crew ladders, or tables? They're just being kids right... no need for anyone to intervene? Are these things more or less dangerous than running in the halls?

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I'm one of the kid-free people who occasionally participates in threads like these. For what it's worth, I wince whenever someone makes a "joke" about tripping a running kid (or equivalent joke). It's not funny.


... that said, high-fiving each other about how you'd beat the crap out of anyone who did that doesn't help either. You know in real life no one is actually going to trip your child on a cruise ship.


Just feel like everyone's a little too ready to beat the crap out of someone these days.


Thank you for comments. I can see how my post looks like a high-five. Not at all what I meant so I will have to consider that when posting in the future and make changes.


The fact of the matter is, while DW and I have cruised several times in the past before we had children, it was over a decade ago and we are now beginning to research taking our young children on their first cruise. I recently joined CC (notice my low post count) because I quickly realized the wealth of information on here would be very helpful in planning our vacation. Naturally, the title of this thread intrigued me as it applies to the type of info. I would consider helpful to me. I can understand and respect someone that prefers not be around hoards of children. That's fine, I got it, everyone is allowed to have their own opinion. I just found it disgusting that folks would make comments that alluded to intentionally hurting a child.


Off topic, but we recently visited Disney World and it was amazing. Excited children and adults everywhere. One thing I was surprised to see were the large amount of elderly folks in the parks. Many of them walking very slowly and causing others to wait for them. Many of them riding in motorized scooters because, in many instances, they are unable to walk the several miles per day that comes with a Disney vacation. Guess what happens when it's time for one of those folks in a mobility scooter to board a bus? They get to go to the front of the line, and while on board they take the equivalent of 3 seats. I never once thought to myself that these folks didn't deserve to be at Disney World because of the trouble they impose on everyone else around them. And if one of these folks accidentally ran over my foot with one of their scooters I certainly wouldn't come on social media such as CC and threaten to cause them physical harm because they were imposing on my precious vacation.

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So everyone is clear, my comments about tripping your kids are in the same vein as this picture when I describe it as a "Behavioral Compliance Kit". The PC is a little hard to take around here sometimes. Please try to relax and laugh a little. No one here is going to kill your children.



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So... where should I direct my violent American rage when your running kids knock my mother's cane out from under her? Hmmm?


Oh, that's right... your running kids knocking someone over are "just an accident" -- typical catch-all excuse for irresponsibility. Because hey "they're just being kids..."


Let's compromise... what if I trip your running kid, but then catch him before he falls? Or just sort of hip-check him softly into the wall? Maybe I will fall over with him onto the floor in a flailing ridiculous mess?


Should I ignore your kids if I see them doing something you might consider dangerous? Climbing rails, crew ladders, or tables? They're just being kids right... no need for anyone to intervene? Are these things more or less dangerous than running in the halls?

Hi Troll,

My kids don't run in hallways. So that is a mute point. If I was as intolerant as some posters on here I could argue that a cruise ship is no place for a fragile old woman who walks with a cane such as your mother. Rough seas could be dangerous for her if the ship lists. But I'm better than that. If I encountered your ill-equipped mother I would patiently and sloooooowly follow her down the hallway all the way to the elevator. After arriving at said elevator I would offer to hold the door open for her while she slooooowly walked on. While on the elevator I would offer to make polite conversation with her to pass the time. All the while thinking how wonderful it is that people of all ages can enjoy a vacation aboard a cruise ship together.


Happy travels!

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Wow - you'd do something that would potentially hurt a small child? If I saw you doing that to somebody else's kid, I'd definitely report that to an officer on board. If I saw you doing that in public onshore, I'd call the cops on you.


It's one thing to say something to a parent - or even ask the child to be careful. Resorting to a physical response is uncalled for in ANY situation.

Couldn't have said it better myself.


Sent from my SM-G920W8 using Forums mobile app

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Thank you for comments. I can see how my post looks like a high-five. Not at all what I meant so I will have to consider that when posting in the future and make changes.


The fact of the matter is' date=' while DW and I have cruised several times in the past before we had children, it was over a decade ago and we are now beginning to research taking our young children on their first cruise. I recently joined CC (notice my low post count) because I quickly realized the wealth of information on here would be very helpful in planning our vacation. Naturally, the title of this thread intrigued me as it applies to the type of info. I would consider helpful to me. I can understand and respect someone that prefers not be around hoards of children. That's fine, I got it, everyone is allowed to have their own opinion. I just found it disgusting that folks would make comments that alluded to intentionally hurting a child.


Off topic, but we recently visited Disney World and it was amazing. Excited children and adults everywhere. One thing I was surprised to see were the large amount of elderly folks in the parks. Many of them walking very slowly and causing others to wait for them. Many of them riding in motorized scooters because, in many instances, they are unable to walk the several miles per day that comes with a Disney vacation. Guess what happens when it's time for one of those folks in a mobility scooter to board a bus? They get to go to the front of the line, and while on board they take the equivalent of 3 seats. I never once thought to myself that these folks didn't deserve to be at Disney World because of the trouble they impose on everyone else around them. And if one of these folks accidentally ran over my foot with one of their scooters[u'] I certainly wouldn't come on social media such as CC and threaten to cause them physical harm because they were imposing on my precious vacation.[/u]



Good gosh--I could not agree more! I could swear, at Disney, some people just used the wheelchairs so they could get on things easier! Too bad if it's judgemental--but on one bus, at least 6 people were in line in wheelchairs each trip for the bus and then for the plane ride I think I counted 20 wheelchairs! Meanwhile---I had a large stroller that I couldn't collapse while holding a 25 lb grandson (he couldn't walk) and the driver wouldn't help me. I had to stand with the baby in arms, holding the folded stroller plus a diaper bag....not fun! I made the best of it---As for the cruise--3 year olds cry for no good reason (except to them there is a good reason) and they run.....SOME children are born well mannered. Mine were--but two of my grandsons REALLY had to be taught and it's not easy or always successful! To think someone would purposely stick their foot out to trip a kid??? If I saw it, I would help the child and then report the incident. What I think is a problem is unsupervised preteens and teens playing hide and seek on the decks or running around unsupervised---even where people are in their cabins...not cool!

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No problem with my attitude. Your example of how to talk to a child shows your lack of understanding. The problem is with people like yourself who expect children to never misbehave. If you are going on a kid-friendly line, you have to expect children. Noone is telling you to stay home but perhaps you should sail Celebrity or HAL. Your expectations via vi children are not reasonable. I have raised a fine young man. I have disciplined him and he turned out well. But I'd be lying to say that he never acted out and I remembering the second he did getting disapproving looks from intolerant people. That is the problem with society. Too many intolerant people.


So because I don't particularly want kids screaming and running in the hallways at night/crawling on the ground/poopy diaper in the pool I need to relegate myself to a cruiseline which caters to senior citizens? Cool

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Good gosh--I could not agree more! I could swear, at Disney, some people just used the wheelchairs so they could get on things easier! Too bad if it's judgemental--but on one bus, at least 6 people were in line in wheelchairs each trip for the bus and then for the plane ride I think I counted 20 wheelchairs! Meanwhile---I had a large stroller that I couldn't collapse while holding a 25 lb grandson (he couldn't walk) and the driver wouldn't help me. I had to stand with the baby in arms, holding the folded stroller plus a diaper bag....not fun! I made the best of it---As for the cruise--3 year olds cry for no good reason (except to them there is a good reason) and they run.....SOME children are born well mannered. Mine were--but two of my grandsons REALLY had to be taught and it's not easy or always successful! To think someone would purposely stick their foot out to trip a kid??? If I saw it, I would help the child and then report the incident. What I think is a problem is unsupervised preteens and teens playing hide and seek on the decks or running around unsupervised---even where people are in their cabins...not cool!


As far as wheelchairs on airplanes getting priority boarding, I'm all for that. I'm all for anything that accommodates handicapped people.


But I have to ask, have you ever been on a miracle flight? You know, there will be 10 wheelchairs with people sitting in them lined up to board first. Then when the plane lands these people are supposed to deboard last. But miraculously most of the very same people are able to walk, and walk quickly to the baggage carousel. Truly a sight to behold!

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Good gosh--I could not agree more! I could swear, at Disney, some people just used the wheelchairs so they could get on things easier! Too bad if it's judgemental--but on one bus, at least 6 people were in line in wheelchairs each trip for the bus and then for the plane ride I think I counted 20 wheelchairs! Meanwhile---I had a large stroller that I couldn't collapse while holding a 25 lb grandson (he couldn't walk) and the driver wouldn't help me. I had to stand with the baby in arms, holding the folded stroller plus a diaper bag....not fun!
I find it amazing that some don't want people to judge the actions/behavior of their children, but don't have a problem judging others. Let's pray that we don't have to rely on a wheelchair, scooter or walker to get around in our older years, because we will slow others down.


As far as you having to wait and had an issue with your stroller while holding your grandson, did you ever think of asking someone other than the driver to help. Most folks would not have an issue lending a helping hand to someone in need, be them someone with a child or older person with a walker. I once held a 5 month old baby on a plane, while the mother took her older child to the restroom and all it took was for her to ask if I would lend a hand.


Also, in addition to the wheelchairs getting early boarding, on all my flights those with children under a certain age, also gets early boarding.

Edited by NLH Arizona
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The major problem is that parents think a ship is a safe place for kids.


The hallway in a cruise and in a hotel is place where you have to simply control your kids for a number of reasons. Safety, respect, politeness, etc.

When someone wrote here Try to control a 3 year old, well my opinion is that a ship is not a place for 3 years old or younger, for safety reasons and nothing more.

I agree also when someone else posted that if you do not bear children try another cruise line, of course.


Another point I must agree is that some parents really do not care if their children are disturbing other passengers (cruise, plane, whatever) and that's the most annoying of all.


BTW, I have a 15 year old son, who travels with me since he we was a toddler, lots of Intercontinental travels, USA, South America and Europe., but I never brought him in a cruise till he was 10 years old because like I said, I don't think a ship it's a safe place for young kids.

It's just my opinion.

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very interesting thread. I'm totally "get off my lawn" when it comes to the kiddies. I understand that we were all children once but just because a necessary evil is necessary doesn't mean it isn't still evil. Lol. Well behaved kids. Wonderful. Kids that occasionally act up. It happens. Little demon spawn. Spare me. Spare us all.



well said!

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