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Getaway Transatlantic, Most Mishandled Cruise Ever


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I am on the Norwegian Getaway in Southampton as I write this waiting to get in the never ending immigration line to get off of this ship. Maybe we will and maybe we won't. This is my 3rd Transatlantic and I can't believe the mishandling of events that this ship.


The first event was bad weather in the Azores which prevented us from docking. Ok, disappointed but understandable. Wasn't expecting 10 sea days! The British immigration officials were supposed to get on there to do inspection on a sea day. Instead they waited until we docked here today.


But it gets better. Yesterday in Brest, France they had one gangway open for 4000 people. Due to a change in tides ( which the captain should have known about, the water level dropped around 18' which made the single gangway very precarious and slow. I don't know how people with mobility problems even made it back on. Shore excursion buses didn't have room to park at the port, which made shore excursions an hour late leaving. Because of the gangway problems, people who did not have shore excursions never made it off of the boat. Those of us on shore excursions had to wait in line up to 4 hours, sometimes in the rain. To top the day off, while we were leaving port, the ship (captain?) hit something that damaged one of the propulsion devices. We were then told that the stop in Belgium would be cancelled because of repairs.


Needless to say, there is a ship full of angry passengers. There is a rumor going around that Norwegian does this on purpose to save money. Who knows?


I've had a cruise addiction problem for years, but I think this experience has cured it. Especially for Norwegian. :mad:

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How would pissing off TA passengers save NCL money? I would be mad about waiting in the rain for 4 hours, but I don't get why you think it somehow saved money for the company, especially when the ship was somehow damaged in the process.


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Bad weather - it happens. You miss a port.


Bad weather caused a problem with British Immigration Officials. Not exactly mishandled.


Tides and one gangway. No idea if that was an NCL issue or port. Did timing of arrival change.


Missing the next port - yes that was a NCL caused problem. Pretty sure they did not do that on purpose. Geez.


Slow to get off. That is caused by British Officials. NCL would love everyone to get off NOW. they need to turn the ship over.


Some issues? Maybe.


Most Mishandled Cruise Ever - overly dramatic

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Sorry about your woes but it is true weather does play havoc with plans .In SJU last nov to go thru US immigration literally took hours ...i was able to get off around 10 but others had to wait much longer than that

Sometimes there are not enough agents for 4-5000 pax that is usually the problem

Tides do affect arriving on time or gangways ..I hope the rest of your trip will be better

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The first event was bad weather in the Azores which prevented us from docking. Ok, disappointed but understandable. Wasn't expecting 10 sea days! The British immigration officials were supposed to get on there to do inspection on a sea day. Instead they waited until we docked here today.



Needless to say, there is a ship full of angry passengers. There is a rumor going around that Norwegian does this on purpose to save money. Who knows?


I've had a cruise addiction problem for years, but I think this experience has cured it. Especially for Norwegian. :mad:


This is really bad, sorry. I know NCL causes the bad weather in the Azores... :eek:

And those Brits... how dare they not want to chance getting on in bad weather.

And I think the other passengers have a right to feel angry about the rumors you're speading as well.


However, I'm glad you've finally gotten your addiction under control, even if it is just with NCL, it's a start.


Feel better soon and bless your heart.

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Seems to me that there have been MUCH worse cruises....Titanic and the Costa Concordia come to mind immediately. On that note, we're leaving today to join this ship in Copenhagen. I'm not a bit worried.

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Bad weather - it happens. You miss a port.


Bad weather caused a problem with British Immigration Officials. Not exactly mishandled.


Tides and one gangway. No idea if that was an NCL issue or port. Did timing of arrival change.


Missing the next port - yes that was a NCL caused problem. Pretty sure they did not do that on purpose. Geez.


Slow to get off. That is caused by British Officials. NCL would love everyone to get off NOW. they need to turn the ship over.


Some issues? Maybe.


Most Mishandled Cruise Ever - overly dramatic


Well stated! All of the "issues" mentioned can occur on any cruise, not just a TA. Stuff happens.



Hopefully the OP was able to have some enjoyable moments and should count herself among the lucky to be on a cruise at all.



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I am on the Norwegian Getaway in Southampton as I write this waiting to get in the never ending immigration line to get off of this ship. Maybe we will and maybe we won't. This is my 3rd Transatlantic and I can't believe the mishandling of events that this ship.


The first event was bad weather in the Azores which prevented us from docking. Ok, disappointed but understandable. Wasn't expecting 10 sea days! The British immigration officials were supposed to get on there to do inspection on a sea day. Instead they waited until we docked here today.


But it gets better. Yesterday in Brest, France they had one gangway open for 4000 people. Due to a change in tides ( which the captain should have known about, the water level dropped around 18' which made the single gangway very precarious and slow. I don't know how people with mobility problems even made it back on. Shore excursion buses didn't have room to park at the port, which made shore excursions an hour late leaving. Because of the gangway problems, people who did not have shore excursions never made it off of the boat. Those of us on shore excursions had to wait in line up to 4 hours, sometimes in the rain. To top the day off, while we were leaving port, the ship (captain?) hit something that damaged one of the propulsion devices. We were then told that the stop in Belgium would be cancelled because of repairs.


Needless to say, there is a ship full of angry passengers. There is a rumor going around that Norwegian does this on purpose to save money. Who knows?


I've had a cruise addiction problem for years, but I think this experience has cured it. Especially for Norwegian. :mad:



Sounds like "stuff" happens. Sorry it happened to you. But no real basis for complaint.

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Just my 5c worth.

This is a TA so NCL are not 'turning the ship' today.

It was due in port originally from 08-2000 hrs.

We have friends on board whom we were meeting in Southampton and had a day out with them planned.

We were aware due to not docking in the Azores the ship would have to clear customs at Southampton.

They then messaged us yesterday afternoon to say they have just been told due propulsion issues the ship would now not dock till 1030. They then messaged last night saying now not docking till 1230.

We headed down to Southampton to meet them for the afternoon for about 230/3pm and then spent the afternoon in Ikea waiting for them to be allowed off.

They finally got off the ship at just before 6pm!!

Is that really acceptable? I think not, poorly handled by NCL and UK customs.

So we grabbed a bite to eat, then had to leave them back at the ship as we had a 2 hour drive home.

So a nice day out crammed into 2 hours.



Our friends have said they have been several niggles on the trip and with missing Azores and now Bruges tomorrow and no time to do anything in Southampton this is really three missed ports.

Passengers have been given OBC for the missed Azores port. Be interesting to see what's offered now for today's and tomorrow's?

Aware weather is out of their control but it sounds like they should have had better planning in place.

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Just my 5c worth.

This is a TA so NCL are not 'turning the ship' today.

It was due in port originally from 08-2000 hrs.

...They finally got off the ship at just before 6pm!!

Is that really acceptable? I think not, poorly handled by NCL and UK customs.



Thanks for providing some updates. Looks like it has gone downhill.


Still seems like UK customs must be a big factor.

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Just my 5c worth.

This is a TA so NCL are not 'turning the ship' today.

It was due in port originally from 08-2000 hrs.


So, the ship greatly exceeded its worst cast 2000 arrival time, so it was well with in the "on time". The passengers seem to be well informed on when the ship was to arrive with continual communications throughout the cruise. The OP really had no basis for complaints.

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So, the ship greatly exceeded its worst cast 2000 arrival time, so it was well with in the "on time". The passengers seem to be well informed on when the ship was to arrive with continual communications throughout the cruise. The OP really had no basis for complaints.


Surely anyone would be frustrated in these situations; poor weather (outside cruise line control) compounded by late arrivals, missed ports, etc. I certainly can empathize with the frustration. I wouldn't keep trying to dismiss someone saying they have no basis for complaint.

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As noted, Weather is Weather.


That said, tides are generally pretty predictable, if you know you are only going to have one gangway of questionable access (I've seen the Escape operate on one gangway but that was in nice weather) there should have been accommodations made (cover, etc). NCL deserves to get dinged for that (if nothing else, the gangway can often change to a different level). They can't control poor port design without enough parking other than to find a different port.


NCL is totally at fault for any mechanical issues caused by pilot error, how they deal with that onboard is the question.


If any one of these things or even two happened on a long cruise, understandable. But I can see where people can be very disappointed with all of them, and it sounds like the onboard crew is not doing the best job of explaining...


Side note but important - with the possible exception of one or two caribbean ports where excursions are really cheap and a lot of people DYI, the cruise line NEVER makes money on a missed port. Port fees are returned to the Pax, they are usually still liable for some shoreside costs and excursion revenue is one of the biggest profit items on the ship. They will never make that up with onboard sales, especially on NCL where the UBP covers a lot of the drinks (so in fact their costs will increase without additional revenue).

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So, the ship greatly exceeded its worst cast 2000 arrival time, so it was well with in the "on time". The passengers seem to be well informed on when the ship was to arrive with continual communications throughout the cruise. The OP really had no basis for complaints.


No sure where you got 'worst cast 2000 arrival time' from?

It's planned arrival was 0800am to remain in port for 12 hrs to depart at 2000. So plenty of time to see and do things.

It was then delayed arrival till 1030, then delayed further to 1230 arrival.

With the delay and then fiasco of customs the first passengers not getting off till well after that, mid afternoon time leaving very little of the 'day' left to do anything before things closed for the day.

Hardly 'on time' IMO.

But then it seems you are happy to disregard the OP anyway having an opinion on being unhappy with weather, delayed arrival, customs issues and missed ports. As others have said, 1 or 2 would be a frustration, but with all the other bits as well, much more so.

If you book a cruise for the itinerary, miss three ports and the ship itself is not offering a great time then I know I'd not be happy either.

I wish my expectations for a cruise were as low as you seem to be happy to accept.

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This is a TA so NCL are not 'turning the ship' today.
For those who have not seen the Getaway's current itinerary:



  • Day 1 (April 30): Miami
  • Days 2–7 (May 1–6): At Sea
  • Day 8 (May 7): Azores [cancelled]
  • Days 9–11 (May 8-10): At Sea
  • Day 12 (May 11): Brest
  • Day 13 (May 12): Southampton
  • Day 14 (May 13): Zeebrugge [cancelled]
  • Day 15 (May 14): Rotterdam
  • Day 16 (May 15): At Sea
  • Day 17 (May 16): Copenhagen

Even if the weather can happen, accidents can happen, delays are typical on TAs, UK immigration is more stringent than other EU countries, etc. etc., it's (thankfully) highly unusual for so many things to go so wrong on the same cruise, and I can't fault the passengers for feeling disappointed. Which does not make it OK for them to switch off all rational functions and propagate nonsensical rumors :rolleyes: A legitimate, factual complaint speaks for itself, no need to toss in a baseless accusation that doesn't even make sense.


Port fees are returned to the Pax
It has been many years since I have received any port fees back from NCL for missed ports. From other people's reports, it sounds like it sometimes still happens, but usually doesn't. But I've never had multiple ports skipped on the same cruise, so I would really expect NCL to give everyone something back on this sailing.
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So, the ship greatly exceeded its worst cast 2000 arrival time, so it was well with in the "on time". The passengers seem to be well informed on when the ship was to arrive with continual communications throughout the cruise. The OP really had no basis for complaints.


That was a mis-read. The ship was supposed to be in port from morning UNTIL 2000. Some of what the OP muddied the waters with as to complaints may have been a stretch. Missing two ports and then not getting off the ship as this port until very late in the day has made this a real mess.


Still not sure how it is labeled "mis-handling" though. Crap happens.

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I've always gotten port fees back on every line for a missed stop. They are usually very small amounts (example, a missed call to St. Johns was about $9 pp credited as OBC - if you didn't scour your statement you would not have noticed.). Note that not all ports have passed on fees as well.






It has been many years since I have received any port fees back from NCL for missed ports. From other people's reports, it sounds like it sometimes still happens, but usually doesn't. But I've never had multiple ports skipped on the same cruise, so I would really expect NCL to give everyone something back on this sailing.

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I am also on the TA.

True, things could be more optimal but none of the mishap were NCL daily fault.

The Azores were cancelled due to weather. Brest isn't equipped to handle cruise ship that's why everything you so long. But even with that I stilld managed to be out after about40 minutes and in after an hour.

It's not NCL fault that the UK required personal immigration passport checks and what should have been made during 2 full days was crammed into 4 hours. Still, every tour got out and everyone saw what they wanted including a nice day light sailing To Southampton. The delays was due to electric problems and not because we hit anything!!! And it was fixed at Southampton and we were back to full speed after that

Because of the delays and screw ups we got 100$ Inc per person (200$ max)! And they managed to have us overnight in Rotterdam with free movement from/to the ship during the night which we used to stroll the city at night. Very nice day light sailing also to the port if Rotterdam.

Could things been better, maybe, they can always be, but I still have an awesome cruise and will be sad to debark on Tuesday.

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I wonder why they still cancelled Zeebrugge if the ship was repaired in Southampton? It's nice to hear you're getting extra time in Rotterdam, though. An overnight is a rare treat!


Also good to hear about the compensation. But I heard that NCL actually saves money when they give away OBC, and that's why they do it. :D

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