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Ghost on the Triumph?


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My mom and I were talking about going to The Myrtles one time for vacation. She loves that stuff too. I'll be bringing my Sony camera that records in infrared so we can do some ghost hunting of our own. Or maybe we can go on the Triumph. Hope you didn't scare her off!! :cool:


I have not experienced anything otherworldly on a cruise and I don't want to actually.


We visited The Myrtles on the way home from a cruise and found it beautiful and peaceful.

We laughed and joked about the ghost tour.

When we got home my daughter and I were loading the photos into the computer and looking at the ones we took at The Myrtles.

As we looked we joked and laughed as we pretended to find ghosts of kitties in the trees and birds and such.

When this picture came up we just sat and said nothing for a while.


I took this myself.


I had it looked at by a girl with a degree in photography and she says it is a reflection.

But a reflection of what.

It was an overcast day and behind the porch was a grassy area.


Notice that part of the reflection is in front of the porch railing and part is behind.



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We have been on three Triumph cruises and if we go again I do not want the op's cabin.


On one a gentleman in a large family group sitting near us at dinner actually died during dinner.

It was interesting how they handled it.

It was on the upper level and those below were unaware anything was happening.

They still did the singing and dancing and napkin twirling downstairs.

It seemed odd.

And creepy really.


Kind of makes one wonder how much goes on during a cruise, or anywhere really, of which we are unaware.

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I have not experienced anything otherworldly on a cruise and I don't want to actually.


We visited The Myrtles on the way home from a cruise and found it beautiful and peaceful.


We laughed and joked about the ghost tour.


When we got home my daughter and I were loading the photos into the computer and looking at the ones we took at The Myrtles.


As we looked we joked and laughed as we pretended to find ghosts of kitties in the trees and birds and such.


When this picture came up we just sat and said nothing for a while.


I took this myself.


I had it looked at by a girl with a degree in photography and she says it is a reflection.


But a reflection of what.


It was an overcast day and behind the porch was a grassy area.


Notice that part of the reflection is in front of the porch railing and part is behind.





Neat! We want to go and stay for a couple nights.

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I really dont know much about this sort of thing, but I have been told that one of my grandmothers had psychic ability, and that I seem to have inherited some to those. Not sure really, but, when i was much younger, I had some very strange experiences, having heard the voices of departed relatives and some other strange occurances. As I got older, I tended to shut those things, feelings, and things out, but occasionally I just dont seem to be able to completely block some things, and at some times when I have been in troubling situations, I seem to have been guided strangely enough out of those.


My point is that I think some of us may have an extra sense that others dont, or that some of us , like myself dont choose to cultivate, and sometimes we are the ones that experience these sort of things, like OP. Some who are not frightened can find ways to deal with such experiences, but I am not one of them. I am interested and tempted but am a bit frightened still. I am however still more intrigued and interested however than frightened.


So maybe the ghost appearances were because she was one of those who had the "open" mind to the paranormal?


dont know but just pondering.




Not joking at all, but you really need to get in contact with a medium. That person will help you understand and control your gift



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I'm an atheist, so I don't believe in the "traditional" afterlife, but I do have a "story", although it didn't happen on a cruise.
Atheists can still believe in the paranormal. It's just the concept of heaven & hell, or other afterlife beliefs tied to a religion, that would conflict with atheism. I'm a pretty big skeptic, but I do believe that enough evidence has been discovered by reputable sources, and legitimate stories from people, to show there's something going on that we don't fully understand. A lot of people today will cite science when arguing against the paranormal, but I believe it's simply a part of science we have yet to understand. After all, throughout our history there's been plenty of scientific facts that mankind didn't prove by science for long periods of time. So, to me, it's not so far fetched to think the paranormal is simply a plain of existence we've yet to figure out. The problem is, it's viewed as crazy talk and a joke. So unless some very significant & indisputable evidence was to arise, it'll probably never be taken seriously.
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Atheists can still believe in the paranormal. It's just the concept of heaven & hell, or other afterlife beliefs tied to a religion, that would conflict with atheism. I'm a pretty big skeptic, but I do believe that enough evidence has been discovered by reputable sources, and legitimate stories from people, to show there's something going on that we don't fully understand. A lot of people today will cite science when arguing against the paranormal, but I believe it's simply a part of science we have yet to understand. After all, throughout our history there's been plenty of scientific facts that mankind didn't prove by science for long periods of time. So, to me, it's not so far fetched to think the paranormal is simply a plain of existence we've yet to figure out. The problem is, it's viewed as crazy talk and a joke. So unless some very significant & indisputable evidence was to arise, it'll probably never be taken seriously.


Interesting take! :)

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We have been on three Triumph cruises and if we go again I do not want the op's cabin.


On one a gentleman in a large family group sitting near us at dinner actually died during dinner.

It was interesting how they handled it.

It was on the upper level and those below were unaware anything was happening.

They still did the singing and dancing and napkin twirling downstairs.

It seemed odd.

And creepy really.


Kind of makes one wonder how much goes on during a cruise, or anywhere really, of which we are unaware.


Oh wow.. I guess they figured, why ruin everyone's dinner? Or that they didn't want a couple hundred people freaking out. I can't imagine going through with dinner after having someone die while I was eating. How sad..

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I have not experienced anything otherworldly on a cruise and I don't want to actually.


We visited The Myrtles on the way home from a cruise and found it beautiful and peaceful.

We laughed and joked about the ghost tour.

When we got home my daughter and I were loading the photos into the computer and looking at the ones we took at The Myrtles.

As we looked we joked and laughed as we pretended to find ghosts of kitties in the trees and birds and such.

When this picture came up we just sat and said nothing for a while.


I took this myself.


I had it looked at by a girl with a degree in photography and she says it is a reflection.

But a reflection of what.

It was an overcast day and behind the porch was a grassy area.


Notice that part of the reflection is in front of the porch railing and part is behind.




How cool!

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I took this myself.


I had it looked at by a girl with a degree in photography and she says it is a reflection.

But a reflection of what.

It was an overcast day and behind the porch was a grassy area.


Notice that part of the reflection is in front of the porch railing and part is behind.



I mean no offense, but the quality of the photo is obviously less than desired. The closest objects in the foreground, including the two statues, are very blurry. That leads me to believe the camera isn't the greatest. That often leads to a lot of strange anomalies with photos. I don't see a bright white anomaly that's partially in front of the railing and partially behind. I see it completely behind the railing. It's just that some small pieces of the railing are "washed out." If you look near the upper left corner of the photo, there are some other smaller bright patches. That looks to be the overcast sky as seen through the trees. The bright patch you see on the porch isn't the grassy area. The porch is raised, so the grass would be much lower. I believe the large bright anomaly you're referring to is the overcast sky causing overexposure. When you photograph with an overcast sky in the background, it can often cause a lot of over & underexposure. For example, we recently went to an air show on a clear day. When I take photos of the aircraft in flight, I get a nice clear view of the underbelly of the aircraft (or the top if they're flying upside down). In years past, when I've photographed the same aircraft in flight on an overcast day, the clouds in the background are over-exposed (very bright) and the underbelly of the aircraft are underexposed (very dark shadow, sometimes black). Same location, same aircraft, but different weather conditions cause drastically different outcomes.
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I mean no offense, but the quality of the photo is obviously less than desired. The closest objects in the foreground, including the two statues, are very blurry. That leads me to believe the camera isn't the greatest. That often leads to a lot of strange anomalies with photos. I don't see a bright white anomaly that's partially in front of the railing and partially behind. I see it completely behind the railing. It's just that some small pieces of the railing are "washed out." If you look near the upper left corner of the photo, there are some other smaller bright patches. That looks to be the overcast sky as seen through the trees. The bright patch you see on the porch isn't the grassy area. The porch is raised, so the grass would be much lower. I believe the large bright anomaly you're referring to is the overcast sky causing overexposure. When you photograph with an overcast sky in the background, it can often cause a lot of over & underexposure. For example, we recently went to an air show on a clear day. When I take photos of the aircraft in flight, I get a nice clear view of the underbelly of the aircraft (or the top if they're flying upside down). In years past, when I've photographed the same aircraft in flight on an overcast day, the clouds in the background are over-exposed (very bright) and the underbelly of the aircraft are underexposed (very dark shadow, sometimes black). Same location, same aircraft, but different weather conditions cause drastically different outcomes.

Well, aren't you just the buzz kill. LOL.

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Anyone can hone psychic abilities. I've been to several seances and have had numerous times a medium received information that proved accurate.


My mother collected bunny rabbit things. A few days after she died my kids were in my room watching TV. The door to the bathroom in the room is propped open by a bunny bank. I went in to check on the kids and saw the bunny was knocked half way across the large bathroom. I told the kids not to do that, to put the bunny by the door. They said they hadn't moved it. I putt he bunny back by the door, took the kids from the room, heard a noise from the bathroom and found the bunny half way across the room again. Mom had given the bunny to my daughter as a gift.


I have had hands push me when I drove by a cemetery where a dear friend had been buried recently.

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Well, aren't you just the buzz kill. LOL.
I'm really not trying to be. As I said before, I believe there is something to the paranormal. But the field can never be credible if people keep claiming "ghosts" for every strange thing that shows up in a photo or unknown sound they hear in the dark. And it's not just everyday people. There's supposedly credible paranormal investigators our there who have been doing it for many years who don't help things either. It's always a ghost with them, no matter what they see or hear. They're not helping the perception people have of the field, they're hurting it. I think if there's ever going to be any credibility to the field of paranormal activity, we have to be rational about it. Cameras can do strange things, even with good conditions. The problem is, if you want to see something in a photo, chances are you will.


I don't support the idea of mediums at all. In fact, I believe most are just con artists. I do believe some people can be sensitive to things, but when it comes to those who claim to talk to dead people on cue...nope.

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I'm really not trying to be. As I said before, I believe there is something to the paranormal. But the field can never be credible if people keep claiming "ghosts" for every strange thing that shows up in a photo or unknown sound they hear in the dark. And it's not just everyday people. There's supposedly credible paranormal investigators our there who have been doing it for many years who don't help things either. It's always a ghost with them, no matter what they see or hear. They're not helping the perception people have of the field, they're hurting it. I think if there's ever going to be any credibility to the field of paranormal activity, we have to be rational about it. Cameras can do strange things, even with good conditions. The problem is, if you want to see something in a photo, chances are you will.


I don't support the idea of mediums at all. In fact, I believe most are just con artists. I do believe some people can be sensitive to things, but when it comes to those who claim to talk to dead people on cue...nope.


For quite a while we used to hear slamming doors in our house. Even when only one or two of us where home and all whereabouts accounted for. Never could explain it, but it's stopped now. We've lived in our home since it was new, so I'm pretty sure it's not haunted, but it was odd. I thought it might be the house settling, but sometimes it would sound like it was right in the hallway, in the next room. It very distinctly sounded just like someone slammed a door, even if all of the doors were still open. LOL

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Atheists can still believe in the paranormal. It's just the concept of heaven & hell, or other afterlife beliefs tied to a religion, that would conflict with atheism. I'm a pretty big skeptic, but I do believe that enough evidence has been discovered by reputable sources, and legitimate stories from people, to show there's something going on that we don't fully understand. A lot of people today will cite science when arguing against the paranormal, but I believe it's simply a part of science we have yet to understand. After all, throughout our history there's been plenty of scientific facts that mankind didn't prove by science for long periods of time. So, to me, it's not so far fetched to think the paranormal is simply a plain of existence we've yet to figure out. The problem is, it's viewed as crazy talk and a joke. So unless some very significant & indisputable evidence was to arise, it'll probably never be taken seriously.


Well it's more than just non-believe in heaven/hell that defines the atheist "religion". But that's a subject for another discussion..


Yes, a skeptic doesn't say something is "true" or "false" rather the skepticism is applied to the "evidence" or lack there of of the validity of the claim being made. No one has yet to "win" the James Randy Million Dollar Challenge on any paranormal, psychic, ESP, etc. phenomena. The complaint is that the "tests" are too "rigid". But they are scientific tests and are meant to suspend one's mind from interfering with results.


Most of the pictures of ghosts can be explained by reflective light or poor photography or one's mind looking for patterns. Sensations "felt" are similarly influenced by your mind especially if you've been told of haunting feelings by others. And anything being recalled after the fact is subject to being distorted especially as time goes on.


King, Lovecraft, Poe, Saki, et.al., do a wonderful job in taunting your imagination and reaching into base fears. But they are all just "telling stories" they made up.

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Well it's more than just non-believe in heaven/hell that defines the atheist "religion". But that's a subject for another discussion..


Yes, a skeptic doesn't say something is "true" or "false" rather the skepticism is applied to the "evidence" or lack there of of the validity of the claim being made. No one has yet to "win" the James Randy Million Dollar Challenge on any paranormal, psychic, ESP, etc. phenomena. The complaint is that the "tests" are too "rigid". But they are scientific tests and are meant to suspend one's mind from interfering with results.


Most of the pictures of ghosts can be explained by reflective light or poor photography or one's mind looking for patterns. Sensations "felt" are similarly influenced by your mind especially if you've been told of haunting feelings by others. And anything being recalled after the fact is subject to being distorted especially as time goes on.


King, Lovecraft, Poe, Saki, et.al., do a wonderful job in taunting your imagination and reaching into base fears. But they are all just "telling stories" they made up.

I'm certainly not diving into religion here. But I think you misunderstood. I know atheism isn't defined by the non-belief in heaven/hell. The person I replied to said they are atheist so they don't believe in the afterlife. Atheists can still believe in an afterlife. It's just the descriptions of afterlife that are tied to any given religion, such as heaven/hell, that would conflict with atheism.


I scrutinize over photographic "evidence" of the paranormal, as you may have noticed with my post about that picture of a porch. I think most photographic anomalies can be debunked. Back when they were very popular on tv, I watched a lot of "Ghost Hunters" with the TAPS team. I felt like they set the bar when it came to investigations. They are believers in the paranormal because of their own experiences, but still keep a level head. They'd go into a location with the goal to DISPROVE a haunting, not to prove one. They debunked a lot of things that many others would say was proof. That's what I respect about them. They're believers who still have the sensibility of a skeptic about them. With that said, eventually I think they allowed producers of the show to gain too much of a grip on what they did and things began to look a lot less credible. Alas, those are the ways of reality tv.


I agree with what you said about photos, sensations, one's mind playing tricks, and past recollections. I'd also like to add the power of suggestion. A person can listen to an EVP, for example, and not distinguish a single word. If someone else then tells that person what they hear, the first person inevitably says they now hear it too. The same goes for seeing something in a photo. Since I do believe there's something going on pertaining to the world of the paranormal, I have a certain level of respect for it, so I'd much rather see people be rational about it, that's all.

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Since I've never had my own experience, or at least one that I can say was most certainly a paranormal experience, I'll tell about an old friend of mine who had one. We grew up together and were very good friends, so I had no reason to believe he wasn't telling the truth. His experiences were corroborated by members of his family as well, including his mom, who I had personally heard talk about it. When his grandma was alive, she would often be heard talking to someone while sitting in their living room alone when the rest of the family were in the kitchen. When asked, she'd always tell them she was talking to George. Long story short, my friend saw George one day. He was walking down the hallway, dressed nicely in a suit, hat (kind of like a fedora or something similar), and a long overcoat. The apparition was fairly solid, but he could see through him and it eventually just faded into nothing. Other members of his family described a similar man in the same attire. When his grandma died, George was never seen again by any of the family. His grandpa still lives in the house and no one has experienced anything strange since. No one knew who this George was, but he seemed to be waiting for his grandma. Of course, you can take that story for what it's worth, but it's one of the reasons I believe there's something to all of this.

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You know what is really strange? About a year ago, I had a dream that we were on a cruise (a common dream for me).


In this particular dream, though, we arrived at the ship too early for embarkation. We were made to wait outside, in a large grassy area. Many others were there. They were giving ghost tours near the ship and so we went to kill some time. Evidence of ghosts. Then we boarded the ship and were walking down the deck .....and it was really, really cold. Like when you breathe air out from your lungs, you see the vapor. I was afraid that a ghost attached to me and was following me.


The dream has stuck in my memory and then I see this thread. Funny. Maybe it is haunted.

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So I don't have any stories of ghosts on ships. I suppose that I've always to some degree believed in life after death. I do have an odd story that happened after my mom passed away.


My mom passed away in July/2006. She was cremated, we had a memorial service and then prepared to take a trip to Florida in August and bury my moms ashes next to my dad's.


We were planning on leaving on a Monday and this happened the Friday before we left. My husband and I went to Borders book store which is a huge book store. We entered and I immediately went to the ladies room and my husband went to the computer books. We never spoke to each other after we entered the store. When I came out of the ladies room I didn't see my husband around and I went to the books on metaphysical science's. I thought maybe I could buy a book on life after death to read on our trip to Florida. There was a woman in this section who was in a conversation with another customer. I was listening to her talk about how she was born with this gift and she was trying to develop these skills and saying that every morning and night you have to ask to be surrounded by the white light. To tell you the truth I thought this woman was crazy.


She saw that I was listening and started to talk to me. I asked her if she could recommend a book on life after deck. She told me she was going to be at a seminar on Sunday and I should stop by. I told her that my mom had recently died and we were going to bring her ashes to Florida and bury them next to my dads, and I still had to pack and stuff so we wouldn't have time to stop by. That's when I kind of laughed a little and said "so, do you see anything around me?". She got really quite and than said "I see 2 figures next to you". I didn't say anything to her but thought to myself....Of course you do! I just told you both my parents passed away. And this is were things got strange....


She told me she could hear them but they were really faint and they were calling Kathy, Kathy. I was confused, a million thoughts went through my mind...do I have some sort of name tag on, did my husband call my name in the store, maybe I told her my name or maybe I misunderstood what she said. So, I asked her to repeat the name again and she said "Kathy". I told her that was my name and I started to cry. She told me that my mother was right next to me and that she was with her brother. I told her "that's impossible, my mother was an only child". She was quiet again as if she was listening to something and than again she said "She is with her brother". Again I told her that was impossible. But she told me that my mom insisted it was her brother. No matter how many times I told her that my mom was an only child, she insisted it was my mom's brother.


She than put her hand on my arm and told me she wasn't feeling well. She told me that when this happens it means there was going to be a death or illness that would take place. She apologized if this was the wrong information but told me that when she felt like this that is what it usually meant. She also asked me if the number 2 meant anything to me because it kept coming up. I told her it didn't. She told me that this was only the second time she actually heard a name.


Before I end this story here are some interesting fact about my mother's father:

He was married to a woman in New York and they had 3 children together ( 2 boys and a girl).

He left them and went back to Italy.

He married someone else in Italy.

He left her and came back to the States.

He married my grandmother and they had one child (my mom)

Since he never got a divorce from any of these women he was never legally married to my grandmother.

He never took care of his children in New York and told his family that no one better tell my mom about them.


Mom mom had found out about them may years later and we asked her if she wanted us to try and find them for her but she said, no. She thought they would resent her because for father gave her a good life and she wouldn't have blamed them.

So, when the woman in the book store, insisted that my mom was with her brother that could have been right. Even though I kept telling this woman that my mom was an only child, she didn't back down about it being her brother.


2 weeks later my sister's mother-in-law suddenly got sick and passed away.

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When we were on Triumph a few years ago in cabin 2323, we heard a constant clanging noise from down below--like someone was hitting the hull with a metal object. It was loud and constant all night. Even our other family members in the next connecting cabin heard it--none of us could sleep. We complained again and again at Guest Services, but they kept dismissing it as wind noise or our imaginations. We could still hear it when the ship was docked at Mahogany Bay and then later that night after we were under way again. It finally stopped before the cruise ended, but we got no explanation from the crew. Probably that ghost !!!

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Why are ghosts always human? It's crazy talk to think us humans are the only ones who can take the ghost form. Once I ate a mostly rare Tuna steak. A few hours later I was haunted by a Fish ghost. I could feel it swimmin around in my belly and it didn't feel good. Creepy.

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