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Itinerary Change. Am I being reasonable?


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Hi everyone,


I am new to CC, and have only been on 5 or 6 cruises, but wanted a little feedback about my recent experience.


My partner and I are engaged, and were looking at wedding options earlier this year. I have cruised with NCL twice before, and I felt like they were gay friendly and very inclusive. We decided we would take a cruise and get married at one of the destination ports, with a few of our friends along for the ride.


After reviewing several of the options from the East Coast ports (we are based in NC, so I normally sail out of FL or NY), we decided on the Eastern Caribbean cruise after we located an officiant, photographer, and venue in St. Thomas (Being a US Virgin Island, the paperwork would be easier as well).


As we began nailing down dates, the storm predictions began. We decided to wait until after the major storms in Aug/Sept passed to book. Our contacts in St. Thomas took photos for us after the storms, and said that the number of cruises in and out of St. Thomas could be restricted, but they thought based on the other areas of the islands, I should contact my cruise line just to be sure.


Prior to booking, I called NCL to ask about the Eastern Itinerary. There were cruises still listed for Oct/Nov/Dec for the Epic Eastern Caribbean. I asked if the itinerary had been updated, and was advised it had not at that point, and would only be changed if additional storms impacted the areas.


After our conversation with NCL, we booked our venue, photographer, officiant, and December 2nd cruise. I even sent my marriage application to St. Thomas with the $200 fee.


This week, I got the email that everyone else appears to be receiving, about the itinerary change. My heart dropped a bit when I saw Jamaica on the itinerary (Jamaica has gotten better, but is known to be homophobic, and even still has laws banning gay activity). We went from having our wedding planned in St. Thomas to a location where we won't feel comfortable even getting off the boat. Conveniently, I received the email the day my cancellation fee went to 75% (60 Days prior to sailing).


I called the number in the email and got the robotic call center rep, telling me that if I wanted to change I would have to pay the fee. They gave me the number to the executive office to get me off the phone, and I called there as well. Dawn at the executive office had no empathy to the situation, and just kept saying "You can cancel, for 75%".


I don't think we were being unreasonable. I'm not asking for my lost deposits in St. Thomas. I'm not even asking for a refund. My only request was that we be moved to another cruise that did not include Jamaica (I didn't have restrictions on the port of entry, dates, duration, ... anything). I simply asked for ANY other option. Before booking the Epic, we looked at the cruise to Cuba, Cozumel, etc. They were all within the same price range, and I even offered to take a shorter cruise, if needed.


After the same robotic responses I had gotten from the previous call center, I ended the phone call with the executive office and began writing the company.


While preparing my letters to the company, I found boards like this one where customers on my same cruise were notified of the itinerary change in early Septemeber. When I visited the NCL website, the old itinerary was still listed (and was, up until yesterday - 10/06).


It appears that NCL left the old itinerary on their site for an entire month before updating it. This upset me further. During my initial call confirming the itinerary, the representative said "What is on our site is up to date". Now, I am finding out that appears to be false.


I wrote to a few of the email addresses I could find for the company (CEO, COO, Passenger Relations, Social Media, etc), and received a call from the executive office.


The representative, Katherine, told me she would be in touch with me by the EOD on Friday, but I never heard back.


I guess I am going to have to dispute this with American Express. I really was open to them changing it for us, and remaining loyal to NCL, but now I feel put off.


I don't want to get political, but do you think I'm being reasonable in my requests?

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It's just an unfortunate situation all the way around. I'd suggest getting married at the courthouse back home and turning the cruise into a honeymoon cruise if NCL won't give you your money back. Maybe see if NCL will let you have an unofficial "commitment ceremony" (remember that you'll already be officially married) on the ship itself.

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You've done lots of research into your destination wedding. However, cruises are a bit different than other types of vacations. We as cruises purchase a ticket onto a ship. There can always be changes made for any reason when it comes to the itinerary or even down to your cabin. This is why it as equally as important to research and purchase cane for any reason cruise insurance.


We had a horrible cancer diagnosis happen to our son in the Fall of 2016. Thankfully we had purchased insurance as we had to cancel a 10 day cruise in a suite, (just a month out) so we could care for our son during his chemotherapy.


No cruise line can make exceptions as this would open the flood gate for the reasons why, and many people would be angered over their refusal to make changes in their travel. Many of us were affected by these bad hurricanes. We all take on certain risks when we book during or soon after Hurricane season. Our itinerary out of San Juan was altered for next month, so I do understand your frustration. I hope you find a way to travel to St. Thomas to exchange your vows!

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(Sarcasm mode on)


Here are the replies you will get, to save you having to read the entire thread that will commence:


1) You go, girl! Somebody has to stand up to these corporate fat cats! They waited on purpose so you couldn’t cancel! They owe you a wedding!


2) Suck it up, buttercup! There were two major hurricanes in the area. They’re doing the best they can. It is what it is.


3) You did have insurance, right? This is why you always buy trip insurance.


4) Wait. Gay folks can get married? (Only if an old fart stumbles by.)


(Sarcasm mode off)


I hope it works out to your satisfaction. I think a lot of people may be satisfied but not happy when this all shakes out. Congratulations on the wedding - I hope you have many years of happiness. As my wife says, a wedding is one day, annoying each other is a lifetime.


I personally think I would contact the group desk and see if they can do the wedding onboard. We had a renewal ceremony a couple of years ago, with the Captain and it was very nice.


It’s almost a destination wedding, and if all of you are booked on the cruise already, it would save everyone having to cancel and do something else.


Worst case is you cancel the cruise and fly to St Thomas. I’m not sure I personally would want a happy day in an area recovering from a disaster, but that’s just me.



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I do see how you are genuinely aggrieved, with some justification, but I also think you need to turn this into a genuine celebration rather than focusing on issues with NCL. Can the Captain marry you, or as mentioned above, could you have a commitment ceremony onboard, and have your legal ceremony ashore, before or after the cruise. We haven’t been to Jamaica but it does seem not to be suitable. Re Amex, I have found them helpful in the past about things like this, so some intervention on their part might help.



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I didn't get the insurance. I wish I had. I thought it was like most travel insurances, primarily for if we got sick or something came up.


I realize the reasons for the itinerary change, I understand that they probably hear a plethora of excuses and reasons for wanting to adjust your itinerary. When I initially spoke with them, I felt conflicted because why is my reasoning better than anyone else's for not wanting to visit Jamaica? But after realizing that they were still advertising the outdated itinerary, I felt duped.


We don't mind about the changes to our wedding plans, and are even planning something near home. But we will not honeymoon in Jamaica. It would go against everything our marriage means.


I've been with American Express for 17 years, and haven't disputed a charge, so I will likely contact them to dispute this, based on their advertising practices.

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Hi everyone,


I am new to CC, and have only been on 5 or 6 cruises, but wanted a little feedback about my recent experience.


My partner and I are engaged, and were looking at wedding options earlier this year. I have cruised with NCL twice before, and I felt like they were gay friendly and very inclusive. We decided we would take a cruise and get married at one of the destination ports, with a few of our friends along for the ride.


After reviewing several of the options from the East Coast ports (we are based in NC, so I normally sail out of FL or NY), we decided on the Eastern Caribbean cruise after we located an officiant, photographer, and venue in St. Thomas (Being a US Virgin Island, the paperwork would be easier as well).


As we began nailing down dates, the storm predictions began. We decided to wait until after the major storms in Aug/Sept passed to book. Our contacts in St. Thomas took photos for us after the storms, and said that the number of cruises in and out of St. Thomas could be restricted, but they thought based on the other areas of the islands, I should contact my cruise line just to be sure.


Prior to booking, I called NCL to ask about the Eastern Itinerary. There were cruises still listed for Oct/Nov/Dec for the Epic Eastern Caribbean. I asked if the itinerary had been updated, and was advised it had not at that point, and would only be changed if additional storms impacted the areas.


After our conversation with NCL, we booked our venue, photographer, officiant, and December 2nd cruise. I even sent my marriage application to St. Thomas with the $200 fee.


This week, I got the email that everyone else appears to be receiving, about the itinerary change. My heart dropped a bit when I saw Jamaica on the itinerary (Jamaica has gotten better, but is known to be homophobic, and even still has laws banning gay activity). We went from having our wedding planned in St. Thomas to a location where we won't feel comfortable even getting off the boat. Conveniently, I received the email the day my cancellation fee went to 75% (60 Days prior to sailing).


I called the number in the email and got the robotic call center rep, telling me that if I wanted to change I would have to pay the fee. They gave me the number to the executive office to get me off the phone, and I called there as well. Dawn at the executive office had no empathy to the situation, and just kept saying "You can cancel, for 75%".


I don't think we were being unreasonable. I'm not asking for my lost deposits in St. Thomas. I'm not even asking for a refund. My only request was that we be moved to another cruise that did not include Jamaica (I didn't have restrictions on the port of entry, dates, duration, ... anything). I simply asked for ANY other option. Before booking the Epic, we looked at the cruise to Cuba, Cozumel, etc. They were all within the same price range, and I even offered to take a shorter cruise, if needed.


After the same robotic responses I had gotten from the previous call center, I ended the phone call with the executive office and began writing the company.


While preparing my letters to the company, I found boards like this one where customers on my same cruise were notified of the itinerary change in early Septemeber. When I visited the NCL website, the old itinerary was still listed (and was, up until yesterday - 10/06).


It appears that NCL left the old itinerary on their site for an entire month before updating it. This upset me further. During my initial call confirming the itinerary, the representative said "What is on our site is up to date". Now, I am finding out that appears to be false.


I wrote to a few of the email addresses I could find for the company (CEO, COO, Passenger Relations, Social Media, etc), and received a call from the executive office.


The representative, Katherine, told me she would be in touch with me by the EOD on Friday, but I never heard back.


I guess I am going to have to dispute this with American Express. I really was open to them changing it for us, and remaining loyal to NCL, but now I feel put off.


I don't want to get political, but do you think I'm being reasonable in my requests?


When you enter into a contract with NCL (or any other cruise line) to cruise the terms and conditions spelled out in that contract become binding on BOTH parties. The cruise line has to follow what is outlined, and you do as well.


If the cruise line has violated a part of that agreement, then you have a cause for action. However, if they haven't, then you don't. The same applies to the cruise line.


Those phone reps that you spoke with have a job to do. They are employees who have been instructed on what answers they can, and cannot give. They are also not there to engage caller after caller after caller in debate. They have policies and rules that they have to follow. They don't have the leeway to alter the terms simply because a guest wants them to.


You should NEVER book a cruise based on the itinerary...these things can, and do, change often. Sometimes at the very last minute without any warning or notice what-so-ever. If a specific destination is important for whatever reason, then the guest should either arrange a visit to the location directly, or purchase adequate travel insurance that will cover them in the case of unexpected changes to the vacation.


Yes...the issue here is a result of hurricane damage, but even if there had not been any hurricane damage this year, you could have been on the cruise only to hear the Captain announce that the St Thomas visit is being cancelled due to weather conditions, strike, mechanical issues, etc... essentially ruining your plans and leaving you with no options. What would you do in that situation?


Best of luck to you, though. I hope you can find a suitable alternative solution that will allow you to make the best of the situation.

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It's just an unfortunate situation all the way around. I'd suggest getting married at the courthouse back home and turning the cruise into a honeymoon cruise if NCL won't give you your money back. Maybe see if NCL will let you have an unofficial "commitment ceremony" (remember that you'll already be officially married) on the ship itself.


Great ideas! And then, while docked in Jamaica, have a spa day on the ship! I know it's not what you envisioned for your destination wedding cruise, but, unfortunately, life happens. Nothing to be done now and I would be incredibly surprised if NCL is willing to change the cruise. They are not known for their conciliatory ways. Also, you state that you have other friends traveling with you. I can all but guarantee it won't happen for a group. I'll certainly eat my words if wrong.



The only thing I will say is this, don't let weather, bigoted attitudes, money already spent or a sour customer service rep ruin any part of one of the most important days of your's and your fiance's life. You won't be any less married no matter where the actual vows are exchanged. In the end, you could have an incredible honeymoon party cruise with your friends along to celebrate as well.



I wish you both the best of luck and happiness in your new life!

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:') I appreciate your advice and sense of humor


(Sarcasm mode on)


Here are the replies you will get, to save you having to read the entire thread that will commence:


1) You go, girl! Somebody has to stand up to these corporate fat cats! They waited on purpose so you couldn’t cancel! They owe you a wedding!


2) Suck it up, buttercup! There were two major hurricanes in the area. They’re doing the best they can. It is what it is.


3) You did have insurance, right? This is why you always buy trip insurance.


4) Wait. Gay folks can get married? (Only if an old fart stumbles by.)


(Sarcasm mode off)


I hope it works out to your satisfaction. I think a lot of people may be satisfied but not happy when this all shakes out. Congratulations on the wedding - I hope you have many years of happiness. As my wife says, a wedding is one day, annoying each other is a lifetime.


I personally think I would contact the group desk and see if they can do the wedding onboard. We had a renewal ceremony a couple of years ago, with the Captain and it was very nice.


It’s almost a destination wedding, and if all of you are booked on the cruise already, it would save everyone having to cancel and do something else.


Worst case is you cancel the cruise and fly to St Thomas. I’m not sure I personally would want a happy day in an area recovering from a disaster, but that’s just me.



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Thank you for your kind words :D You are definitely right. I know a lot of weddings don't go as planned, so either way we'll work on making the best of it.


Great ideas! And then, while docked in Jamaica, have a spa day on the ship! I know it's not what you envisioned for your destination wedding cruise, but, unfortunately, life happens. Nothing to be done now and I would be incredibly surprised if NCL is willing to change the cruise. They are not known for their conciliatory ways. Also, you state that you have other friends traveling with you. I can all but guarantee it won't happen for a group. I'll certainly eat my words if wrong.



The only thing I will say is this, don't let weather, bigoted attitudes, money already spent or a sour customer service rep ruin any part of one of the most important days of your's and your fiance's life. You won't be any less married no matter where the actual vows are exchanged. In the end, you could have an incredible honeymoon party cruise with your friends along to celebrate as well.



I wish you both the best of luck and happiness in your new life!

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We don't mind about the changes to our wedding plans, and are even planning something near home. But we will not honeymoon in Jamaica. It would go against everything our marriage means.



If you do get married at home, see if you can’t have a ceremony on the ship as well. Some people have mentioned that renewals are cheaper than weddings onboard, anyway.


I understand the aversion to Jamaica but it is one day out of however many. Just stay on the ship?



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Many people stay on the ship at many ports for many reasons. If you don't want to be in Jamaica, just stay on board and "honeymoon" to your hearts content.


You can always go to St Thomas for your 1 year anniversary.


The fact is....ports are not guaranteed.


Congrats on the wedding.........

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So, what do you book it on? The colour of the captain's eyes? Every single person who books, books on itinerary.
Obviously you book it for reasons other than the thing that your contract says can (and does) change....with or without prior notice.
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So, what do you book it on? The colour of the captain's eyes? Every single person who books, books on itinerary.



Perhaps you do, but not everyone else. Many people who have repeated all the itineraries, such as myself, book based on the ship.

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Can the Captain marry you...

Generally speaking, ship captains are not allowed to perform marriages on board the ship. A greater discussion can be found here: www.straightdope.com/columns/read/546/are-ships-captains-allowed-to-marry-people-at-sea


When my fiancee and I were thinking of getting married on a cruise, we were shocked at the listed cost (thou$ands more than just the cruise). The reason marriages on a cruise are so expensive is that since captains are not allowed to perform marriages themselves, you have to pay a minister (licensed in whatever country the ship will be docked in when the marriage is performed or, if it is to be performed at sea, licensed in whatever country the ship itself is registered) to be on the ship for the duration of the cruise.


We're getting married at the KISS Wedding Chapel in Vegas instead, THEN going on our honeymoon cruise.

Edited by RaiderDuck
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So, what do you book it on? The colour of the captain's eyes? Every single person who books, books on itinerary.

Nope. We’ve done the Florida/Bahamas run 4 times, definitely not for the itinerary, but to sail somewhere warm from NYC.

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Obviously you book it for reasons other than the thing that your contract says can (and does) change....with or without prior notice.


You do realize that contracts simply offer legal guidance in the event of a dispute? They are NOT the Ten Commandments of sea travel.


I suspect if buddy here lawyer's up, contacts his congressman/woman, and uses the media to his advantage, that 'contract' will be suddenly and happily altered.

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I'm not sure how you have a dispute case via American Express.

It boils down to you not liking the new itinerary after a hurricane wiped out a port of call.


For a couple reasons... and not because my personal opinions about Jamaica.


For starters, my American Express offers automatic travel protection for purchases made directly with a carrier. I worked for Amex in college and they are very consumer friendly when it comes to disputes such as this.


Secondly, the company advertised the incorrect itinerary for an entire month after the decision had been made to change, and did not notify me until I was precisely within my 60 day cancellation period.

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You do realize that contracts simply offer legal guidance in the event of a dispute? They are NOT the Ten Commandments of sea travel.


I suspect if buddy here lawyer's up, contacts his congressman/woman, and uses the media to his advantage, that 'contract' will be suddenly and happily altered.

Catch me up...are you still arguing reasons for booking, or have you moved to Internet lawyer?


I appreciate your opinion, but unless you have something solid to back it up, I see nothing that will change my mind. Port changes are common, and I doubt you can site case law that would overturn the contract.

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Secondly, the company advertised the incorrect itinerary for an entire month after the decision had been made to change, and did not notify me until I was precisely within my 60 day cancellation period.


I get the point, but before you try it, go and read the second paragraph of the guest ticket contract...where you specifically agree that the cruise line can't be held to anything advertised on the website.

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Geez people calm down!

First off congratulations on your upcoming wedding. I wish you both much happiness.

Secondly, there is not much you can do regarding the itinerary change.

I am on a crazy sailing that disembarks in San Juan on Nov 12th (yippee) not exactly happy about that either, but whatever...

Like some of the other rational posters on this thread, I say "just enjoy the ship on the day it's in Jamaica". It is wonderful how calm it is when most of the passengers are off the ship!

You have the pool almost to yourself with waitstaff at your beck and call. you could even plan to have a small reception that day while everyone else is off the ship.

The spa is also much quieter if you want to book a massage or something. Enjoy the cruise DESPITE the cruiseline itself.

Much Happiness!


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