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Project Runway?


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I'm wondering why this thread is a week late as well :confused: Sorry to Curt as I know he is very busy, but everyone else??


My husband sat down next to me yesterday when I watched the DVR'd show from this week. I predicted Qristal (sp???) would go before they even introduced the challenge. She's been so close to the bottom every week and her only saving grace is that someone else has been a disaster.


However, I loved that they had different judges with different points of view. And, where is Michael Kors? He hasn't been on for weeks.


I do agree with Curt that they are keeping some of the contestants in the middle of the pack. There are some great designers in this season, some far better than we have seen in past years.

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Hey, KS, I posted! And, like Curt, i thought all the best stuff was declared simply "safe" for the surfer challenge.


As to this week's designing for the models... (no spoilers below):


My favorite dress by far did not win (won't say whose). And I put it squarely on Heidi. She made one comment that was largely irrelevant while everyone else raved.


Absolutely hated the winning outfit (again, no spoilers). No redeeming aspects IMHO. DH (who is watching this with me for the first time -- bless him) and I both were shocked when it even made the top 3. Goes to show...

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I so enjoyed Dave Smith's commentary on Project Runway in previous seasons. He's now doing write ups for another publication (was The Advocate now Popnography).


Here's a link to his recent columns:




His comments about the pregnancy outfit challenge particularly cracked me up.

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Curt -- Please don't get me wrong because I know you have a "real" job other than providing such GREAT info and pics for us on this forum, but is there some reason why your reviews are a week behind? For example, last night you posted the surfer challenge pics from last week's episode, while last night's episode was "design something for your model". Just wondering about that . . .
I'm wondering why this thread is a week late as well? Sorry to Curt as I know he is very busy, but everyone else??

Hey everyone!

Yes, I actually have a "real" job, and a "real" life - and a lot of times that takes me out of town, or out of the office away from a computer.

I also work and have other obligations a lot on the weekends, so I'm not here all the time from Friday to Monday...


In addition, Lifetime has made it much more difficult for me to do the pics and commentary this season for a few reasons:


#1 The new show doesn't air here until 10 PM on Thursday Night. It used to be on Tuesdays or Wednesdays - which gave me over 24 to 48 hours to find the time to do this, before I have to leave on Friday. So now I only have 10 or 12 hours from the time it airs, until Friday morning.


#2 The actual design of the Lifetime/Project Runway website is much more difficult and convoluted to navigate. It used to be a fairly simple cut and paste from the Bravo website to share the pictures.

In a good way, Lifetime has done a much more intensive website, with more info - but it takes almost 3 to 4 times as long to get to the part where I can get to a picture to share.


Add all of that together, and I'd have to stay up hours on Thursday nights to get it done before I leave the office on Friday mornings. I love you all, but even that is asking a bit much from me.


I also addressed this, and let you know way in the beginning here:

Okay everyone!

The show has moved to Lifetime, and while I think there are some improvements in the production of the show - posting the pics is more difficult.

So, I'm going to take longer to do it and comment this season, but will try to get to it before the next new show on Thursdays.


So my commitment was to get it done at least before the next new show - which I've done every week, even if it's just a few hours beforehand.


When I have a bit of time, like this past week, I'm getting this one up earlier.

But, it doesn't stop all of you from posting and talking about it just because I haven't gotten the pics up yet!

It's also rerunning the hour before, so people can use it to look again, or catch up...


Like Happy ks said:

"everyone else" is posting their comments late as well, so everyone can feel free to jump in the pool!

You don't have to wait for me to comment!


Here we go:

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Project Runway Week Four

This week, the 13 remaining designers have to create something for their models to wear to an Industry event, where they will stand out and be noticed. But, they need to have “an impeccable sense of style” and be able to show agents, designers, and press “their ability to wear and sell a look”.

Now to me, this is a far, far more difficult challenge than it seems. The designers need to please their model client, design something that shows their own personal style, fits in with the narrow parameters of models at an Industry Event (show off their bodies, but look classy, but not so over the top that you don’t look at the model herself) – and somehow merge all of those together.

Some designers are very lucky with their models, who are either really easy with what they want, or let the designers do whatever they want. Others aren’t so lucky, as Logan’s model wants leather and lace in a 1950s gown (which is completely inappropriate for this challenge); Shirin’s model wants a bright blue jumpsuit with gold rope trim; and Epperson’s model wants a complete contradiction – simple, but interesting, sexy, but not too sexy, tight, but romantic, punk, but chic, and orange tiger something all in one! Yes, everyone, try to put all of that together in your mind as well. They have $100 for fabric, but only one day this time to create the outfit.

So, in order of the Runway...


Qristal - Absolutely boring, uninspiring, and safe. I feel terrible for this model, as she always seems to get the weakest designers.


Nicholas - I like this in concept. It fits the challenge well, but the fit is a tiny bit off in the bust, so lost points for me there.


Irina - Again like last week, it's too much for me. It looks too busy for the challenge, and while this would be super cute and chic on a more mature woman (Helen Mirren, Diane Keaton); it's too mature for this extrememly young model.




Gordana - Now, in the actual context of the challenge, I think that this should have been Top Three. Why? The dress is interesting, but classy. It shows Gordana's design talent, but also doesn't take away from the model. At an Modeling Industry Event, they will be looking at her face and her body - and this dress is a perfect frame for her. For this specific challenge, I might have even given this the win.


Shirin - Not spectacular for Shirin, but really great considering that her model wanted her to make a blue jumpsuit with gold rope. To get her model from that idea, into this tasteful design was a victory unto itself.


Logan - poor Logan. His model wanted a 1950s punk leather and lace dress, but he didn't take the path that Shirin did - he tried to stick too closely to exactly what the model wanted. He didn't talk her into something that was his design. It's not great for the event at all, but at least you can see some design creativity there.




Edited by Curt Jerome Wild
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Christopher - Not quite working for me. I have really liked his designs up until this, but again, at least there is some creative design here. It is so close to being a perfect challenge dress (interesting, but showing off the model) but something is just "off" and I can't quite figure out where his trajectory went wrong.


Epperson - Remember that his model wanted "simple, but interesting, sexy, but not too sexy, tight, but romantic, punk, but chic, and orange tiger something" all in one! Again, a huge victory alone to get this great dress from her crazy contradictory wants and requests. It's also a great dress for this specific context. Interesting, not detracting from, but showing off the model.


Johnny - This is just boring, and too blah for the context of the challenge. While this might be a nice evening dress for another instance, it really falls short in these parameters.




Althea - I thought this turned out great for the challenge. But, please get that model a bra! I couldn't focus on the design at all, because I was just watching the girls fly all over the place as the model was fiercely "model stomping" down the runway! I almost got a concussion. But, put a bra on, and I think this could be a really awesome outfit for a cruise!


Lousie - I liked this as well. What I thought was interesting about it, was previously you have only seen this frill on the collar and a very plain dress. Some how the angles of the folds and the diagonal pleating on the top, made it far more interesting and blend well together. While I would have liked to see it in a different color (for curiosity sake), in the context of the challenge it might have been to much and distract from the model.


Ra'Mon - I'm underwhelmed here. We've seen this dress a bunch of times over the past 10 years from Sex and the City designers. The flower is too much, and too big, and just obscuring the model, and therefore the point of the challenge.


Carol Hannah - One of my top favorites here. While it is a bit "mature", it really fulfills the challenge. The model looks great, interesting, but not overwhelmed by the outfit. I really like this dress outside of the context of this realm, and think it would be a great cruise dress. It could work well for lots of other events as well.





So the safe ones are:

Louise, Irina, Christopher, Nicholas, Gordana, Shirin, and Ra'Mon.

Who are they hiding mid-pack here?


Top Three are:

Carol Hannah, Epperson, Althea

Althea wins for her spin on the tuxedo suit idea. I think it's deserving, but I think that Epperson and Gordana actually fulfilled the true all around purpose of the challenge better than anybody else.

They should have been the Top Two, with one of them the winner.


Bottom Three are:

Logan, Johnny, Qristal

Johnny saves himself, by saying he can learn from the judges.

Logan is safe, because he tells the judges that he really wanted to do a pencil skirt instead - and the judges jump on his good ideas and instincts. They can see the creative visions in his head, and I don't think that him doing well over the past 3 weeks hurts him here either.

Qristyl on the other hand, has had questionable taste in the past four weeks. Bad execution. Fights with Epperson. And this week brings...

a boring black jersey dress.

So she absolutely deservingly gets auffed (and maybe it should have happened in the first weeks).


So, there you all go!

Comment away!


Which dress, would you wear? Lots of them I think are very cruise-worthy!

Edited by Curt Jerome Wild
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I think the women are much stronger then the men this season. I really like Shirin although this week was not a favorite of mine. I liked Louise's dress but I personally do not like that much close to my face. I liked the top of Carol Hannah's dress but was not crazy about the mid-section. I would like to have Gordana's dress (but not so short) and Irina dress (loved the color).

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Epperson should have won IMHO. Perfect for model and event. Heidi trounced his win with her catty boob comment. Why didn't she say something about those unbound bouncers?


Christopher's green thing did not do the one thing his model really wanted -- show off her small waist. In fact, it's a lot like the dresses I used to wear to hide my lack of a small waist.


What I particularly liked about Louise's dress was the ruffles around the face which were a perfect contrast to that model's very strong facial lines. I like to think the designer did that on purpose. It certainly drew attention in a very positive way to what sets this model apart.


I HATED the winning outfit. To me it was bunchy, made her look short waisted, hid her body, just an overall loser in my book. Would a bra have made a difference? Not enough for me.


But that's why we have chocolate and vanilla.

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I wasn't a big fan of Althea's dress either. I don't think she deserved the Top 3, let alone the win. I would've swapped her spot for Nicholas's dress, which I think did meet the criteria of the challenge perfectly despite a small fit issue.


Also, while I loved Carol Hannah's dress (would wear that in a nanosecond), I probably would have put Gordana in the Top 3 over her. I would've been happy to see Epperson or Gordana win.


Definitely agree that they auffed the right person this week!


Shirin's dress would be great for a cruise.

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So, since CJW gave a 'permission' to comment without him, what did anyone think about the paper challenge? I thought it was pretty interesting and -- despite the grousing of some designers -- I think it was easier to work with than some of the oddball materials of the past (anyone remember food? car parts?)


You can see the images from this week's challenge here:http://www.mylifetime.com/on-tv/shows/project-runway/rate-the-runway/season-6-episode-5



I really liked Christophers' design (feather skirted gown/armor bodice) and I thought he was robbed of the win. Althea could've won too, but I'm guessing the judges didn't want to give it to her since she won last week (and actually I thought this week's dress was MUCH better....)


I did agree with Johnny being auf'd -- and wow, Tim Gunn's parting words were not typical of him; Johnny must've really tried his patience.


I didn't think Gordana's design/execution was bad at all. The problem was that they only had two obviously bad designs.... However, I wasn't fond of Epperson's; I would have put him in the bottom 3 before Gordana.

Edited by cruisemom42
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Although Johnny was clearly wrong, I was bothered by Tim Gunn's comments--I agree it was uncharacteristic, even inappropriate. Perhaps he was just letting the others know that ethics were to be expected.


Have you noticed they haven't had a funny character in two years now? We need a Chris March or even a Santino!

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CruiseMom, I agree 100% about Gordana. She so did not belong in the bottom 3. Once again I felt Heidi's snide remark about the paper seeming like fabric put her there. And, frankly, I thought the fact Gordana made something so wearable and fabric-like was why she should have been in the top 3. (Anyone note how much Gordana and her model look alike?)


What is up with that Heidi? Is it my imagination or has she turned even more evil this season? Her snide remarks are really bugging me.


The newsprint challenge was surprising successful. I didn't even think the worst dress (Johnnie's) was that bad. This was the best overall showing of the season to me. I particularly liked the way some of them used the images in the paper to create design in their outfits.


As to Johnnie's big whopper -- I bet by the last time he repeated that tale he totally believed he was telling the truth. I've seen people do that before. And remember, he has a drug addiction. Often addicts are adept liars -- to themselves as well as others. Tim's comment was atypical, but I think we all (the audience) needed to hear it said for our own satisfaction. I think the other contestants needed to hear it, too.

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BeachLoverGirl, I don't remember the exact words. Something along the lines of a "can you believe that" sort of thing.


Here's something fun. Christian Sariano designed this red carpet winner for that young cutie on 30 Rock. He is sooo going to be a super star.


I can't figure out how to insert the mage, so here's the link:


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Project Runway Show Five!


One of the best showings of all the seasons so far...

We are really starting to get rid of the weak, and in this season with the largest number of "strong" designers (IMHO) - we are getting down to "only the strong will survive".


I'm just telling you all right now, expect one or two of your favorites to possibly get cut for bad luck, one bad decision, or one stupid mistake.

There will be one or two of these coming up, so prepare yourselves.

The final three will be the ones who managed to avoid all of those things.


That being said, onto the show!

For the challenge this week, they are taken on a field trip to the printing headquarters for The Los Angeles Times.

There are pallets stacked with the different sections of the newspaper.

This means that there are different pictures, print, colors, and print patterns in each section.

The designers will get to design an outfit of their choice, but using those specific newspaper stacks as their material.

They run to grab what they want...


Not a lot of drama happens in the workroom of note, except for a few things...

#1 Gordana seems to figure out waaaayyyy ahead of everyone else how to work with the newspaper, make it look like fabric, and create a wearable garment out of it.

It is so impressive that at this point, that Tim Gunn thinks it's amongst the best.

Inside scoop...

Several of the other designers then were able to learn from her ideas and innovation (after she figured it all out) - and that's why some of the last minute items look as good as hers.

She gave them all a leg up in that, and got no credit for it.


#2 When Tim Gunn is giving his general help/guidance in the workroom, he says (rightly so) that Johnny's outfit looks like birds are attacking it.

Johnny, decides to start over from scratch - and as we see ON CAMERA - he takes his dress, balls it up, and tells others in the workroom that he is trashing it based on what Tim said...

He then makes it into a basketball, and throws it into the trashcan from across the room.


Later on...

He starts telling others a story that he was ironing it, the iron "sputtered" on it and ruined it. That's why he was at a disadvantage in having to start over from scratch. This is an outright fabrication.

He tells this story over and over, elaborating upon it as time goes on; then goes on to use this entire iron sputtering excuse in front of the judges in order to try to save himself. More on that later...

Edited by Curt Jerome Wild
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Starting the show in order of the Runway:


Logan - It's good. I like the use of color. A nice redemption from last week.


Nicholas - One of the first to start. It looks very weak.


Christopher - Wow! Double wow! He has somehow shellacked the bustier into some kind of rigid "shell", and the amount of work alone on the bottom to achieve this voluminous skirt is incredible. This could be a Red Carpet gown. It also moved the best over all of the others.






Ra'Mon - Good. I like the way he has used different pictures from the newspaper to make the top one color, and the bottom another. But it flows together at the same time.


Epperson - Original. I give him points for an original silhouette, but also if you notice, he has really used the different prints to make an actual quilted pattern. One thing they didn't mention, he has made sure to use the warm oranges, yellows, browns and greens that his model personally likes. That is a nice human touch from him.


Johnny - Lame. He created a muslin shift, and pasted pics on top. Nowhere near the amount of work or creativity as others.





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Gordana - Great. The first person to figure out how to make it look like fabric. She hasn't even used a mulin shift for underneath support. All newspaper. The others learned from her technique.


Carol Hannah - Fantastic. Another wow from me. She wanted to give it a wink to some crumpled up newspapers as her inspiration - but then move beyond so it didn't look like newspaper anymore. Extremely impressive in my book.


Shirin - Good. Although it still looks like newspaper, I really like how she used the way a newspaper rolls to inspire the shirt shape. This is something that worked because it was newsaper, not in spite of it being newspaper - which I think was a big point people missed.





Irina - Also good, but I'm not as enthralled as the judges. Points for doing something different than everyone else, but then she like Johnny trashed her first idea - so could see everyone else's first and go in a different direction. I supposed I would have been more impressed if she thought of this in the first place, and actually had time to make it look more like fabric - or add color or more thought. To me it was a good thought and a good idea, but did not get anywhere close in execution to other's designs that looked more like fabric and more wearable.


Althea - like this one. It looks like a print fabric. She took the time to have individual pictures of skyscrapers from several hundred newspapers cut out and formed into a pattern. The entire dress and design is based around that concept. Much more interesting and thought out for me.


Louise - Okay. She's using the newspaper in rolls to create interest at the neckline, but it still looks like newspaper. To me, Shirin's looks like an intentional play on the newspaper, whereas this might be the same thing - but not as successful? Or just not as well thought out? I'm not sure.





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So, Epperson, Logan, Shirin, Carol Hannah, Louise, and Ra'Mon are declared "safe". And there go some of what should have been the top designs walking off the runway. I'll have to look back and see who seems to be getting hidden mid-pack the most. I just think that one or two people are really being downplayed and hidden on purpose...


The Top Three are:

Christopher, Althea, and Irina (whaaaattt?!?!)

I am shocked at this, and think that Carol Hannah or Gordana should have been in the Top Three instead.

Then to add insult to injury, the judges choose Irina's cool, but not fully thought out coat as the winner! Apparently, because she drew funny little details on the newspaper with a pen. This is twice now that I think she'd been in the Top Three undeservedly. Oi!

In my book, Christopher has been outright robbed, as well as possibly Carol Hannah, and most epsecially perhaps Gordana for making the unquetionably most wearable outfit from newspaper.


The Bottom Three are:

Gordana (as we all realize this, my jaw drops as well as hers), Nicholas, and Johnny. Seriously judges?

Apparently her low scores are a result of it not looking "enough" like newspaper, and too much like a normal dress!?!

Where in the challenge rules was that the criteria? Nowhere.

Did any of the producers run out and tell the judges, "wait - you need to know that all of the other shift dresses that you just scored higher, figured out how to make their's from Gordana"!? No, they didn't. This is really the first time this season so far, where I've seen the judges totally contradict, not know, or not decide on what the actual challenge was...

It wasn't "Celebrate Newspaper! And makes something that shows us it's newspaper!"

But thankfully, she is gracious and doesn't talk back to the judges, so she is safe.


Johnny on the other hand, starts spinning his tale about him having to throw out his first dresss at the last minute, because the iron sputtered on it. It got even more elaborate on the Runway, that you all didn't see on the show. It is so bad, that the other contestants (who all saw him just decide to throw away his dress, because Tim Gunn told him it was a bad design) can't keep straight faces and some start laughing.

Nicholas apparently can't leave it at that, and has to call him out and elaborate too much.

Both of them deserve to be in the bottom two just for that alone (but they did crappy designs, so that too).


I'm not sure at this point if they are going to dump Nicholas for his bad attitude and bad mouth - but they auf Johnny.

Johnny deserved it, as he's been off except for a couple of challenges - and you do not bold faced lie in front of Tim Gunn!


This was the problem you see...

For Tim Gunn, it is all about integrity, and how you treat other human beings. Tim sees the judging from the sidelines - and apparently was mortified over Johhny spinning this falsehood more and more in front of the judges. It was a complete and utter lie. And it also ignored and negated Tim Gunn's advice in the process. Bad manners and bad class.

Tim needed to say something, for the sake of the audience - so that you all know how much integrity is involved in the backstage creative process; and to all of the other contestants - so that they knew that lies and deception are not "okay" in Tim's book. The goals should be fair play and good sportsmanship for contestants (and people in general).


So there you go! Good show. Good challenge. Strong designs. Wonky judging.

Speaking of which, I wanted to address Heidi's "beotchiness"...

It's not that Heidi is being any different than she has been for the past 5 years. It is the fact that Nina Garcia - the ultra beotch judge, and Michael Kors - the ultra snarky judge aren't there. So you don't have their comments to seem worse than Heidi's.

And that new judge who has been in place of Nina for the past two weeks, from Elle Magazine (Zoe Glassner) is infinitely better than Nina. She has a wider range of taste. She has more actual awareness of what is young and hip. I've realized that Nina will give points to something regardless of a design, if she just likes the color or the fabric. No other aspects are factored into her choice. Zoe seems much more well-rounded and open.


Finally, any dresses you'd wear on a cruise? I thought there were lots of good options!

Edited by Curt Jerome Wild
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If I had to choose one dress, it would be Althea's for me. Ra'Mon would be a close second. The majority of the designers did an amazing job with the materials they had to work with. Personally I think this season has brought forward some stellar designers, not just with design but execution as well.


I can do without the whining of the contestants about unusual materials used in a challenge. The only part of the challenge that is a mystery is the type of material they get to use. It's done every season and probably every design school has the same type of challenge.


I look forward to the coming weeks :)

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oh oh .. I disagree with CJW ..

Make the trench coat out of a patent leather or oil cloth .. (shiny) and the newsprint and it is in my closet!! What a fun item that would be.

I liked Christopher's gown .. very clever and great execution.

Carols gown .. I don't know there was just something off about the print part of the bodice. It just didn't fit with the rest of the gown .. the skirt was fabulous.

And ..Louise's looked like she undecorated the Christmas tree in the kindergarten class for the neck portion!!

Johnny needed to go .. but I really think it is too bad he wasn't able to work the origami cranes into a design .. I really think that was clever he just did it BADLY.

And lastly .. I think Shirin is going to be one of he middle of the pack surprises.

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Shirin's dress reminded me of something LeAnn would have designed. I think it would've looked better in fabic and I would've liked it more.


I liked Carol Hannah's also but I agree there was something just a little off about it -- what I didn't like was the middle section (I liked the top of the bodice and the skirt). It wasn't very flattering to the model's waist and hips.

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