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Cruisemom -- could you post a link to that Macy's dress?


I, too, didn't care for Irenas dress. In fact, I was rather underwhelmed all around. But, it's Macy's Inc. Yawn.





Ick. Butterflies. Really, Macy's???


Here's a link to a larger photo:



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I didn't see a stand-out design in the entire bunch last week. The only designs I would have worn were the Carol/Shirin and probably the shirtdress since I love shirtdresses. I did not like the winner at all and I can't see anyone over a size 4 wearing those stripes without looking very "hippy".

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Sorry to see Epperson go. Don't know why that really nasty pants outfit got to stay instead.


I think I've figured out the Gordana issue: Heidi is an ageist. Did you notice the catty thing she said about Gordana this week? It's like Heidi wants her to fail because she's OLD. I was shocked Gordana actually won. But that dress was so obviously the best.


I liked all the top three, except for the sleeves on Irena's dress. They just looked wrong somehow.


i do love the magnifying thing they have going for the designs on the Lifetime website. A nice touch.

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Epperson's dress didn't look so bad on the mannequin, but once he put it on the model, I knew he was in trouble. And after Heidi said "Oktoberfest" I couldn't get the association out of my mind. Mean.....but accurate in this case.


Heidi just seems harsh this season -- harsh makeup (give up the raccoon eyes already....), harsh comments. But I see that Nina Garcia is returning next week (yay), so maybe Heidi will stop the nasty. The comment she made to Gordana was something like "You did very well...this week."


I thought Christopher was a goner, or Logan. None of their outfits were very good. Loved Michael Kors calling C's outfit a garbage bag with a cinched waist. The women seemed to have a better handle on this challenge from beginning to end -- they seemed to "get" the idea of wanting to reinvent the wedding dress as a way of moving on.


While it was a great color, I also didn't think Irina's dress was that fab. Remember, she got the first choice of all the dresses and I think it was more her dye job and the fact that she used mostly the dress material that helped her.

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Sorry to see Epperson go. Don't know why that really nasty pants outfit got to stay instead.


I think I've figured out the Gordana issue: Heidi is an ageist. Did you notice the catty thing she said about Gordana this week? It's like Heidi wants her to fail because she's OLD. I was shocked Gordana actually won. But that dress was so obviously the best.


I liked all the top three, except for the sleeves on Irena's dress. They just looked wrong somehow.


i do love the magnifying thing they have going for the designs on the Lifetime website. A nice touch.


I think they are all pretty ageist, sexist, and racist.


But I also wonder about the nationalism thing. Heidi is German, but does anyone know where Gordana is from? I'm guessing Eastern Europe, and there may be some prejudice against her there (on Heidi's part).

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DrTee, I agree with you about the "ist" factor. All the way around.


DH (bless him for watching this with me) and I liked that Epperson's dress was different. We loved the way the skirt swayed as she walked away. But once the Octoberfest crack came, it was all over. Who could like it after that?


At last some of those ladies actually got a dress. Logan's woman only got a bunch of fabric bits.

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Christian has a book out. LOL! Just saw it at a bookstore. It is loaded with pictures of him. And what seemed like a lot of product placement associated with Project Runway. Of course, I just flipped through it.


Here's an Amazon link if you care:



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Project Runway Show Eight


Well, this was a very difficult challenge that they did not give them enough time for (again)...


First they are told they have new "models", and out walks divorcees in their wedding dresses. The challenge is to take the previous wedding dress, and transform it into a new look for a new start.

Irina goes first, and chooses the dress with the most fabric.

The rest go in random order, and Shirin is last with the smallest dress with the least amount of fabric.


There is a lot of difficulty, because of the nature of the man made fabrics.

Shirin is in the most difficult position, because she has the least to work with, and also her divorcee wants to look like Cher in a Bob Mackie Feather Outfit!?!?


Tim Gunn to the rescue as he is able to talk her down from the edge, and get her to start over with fresh ideas.

The other interesting fact, is that they are allowed to buy two extra yards of fabric - but the original dress must form the core of the look.

That is a key that comes into play later.

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Onto the Runway:





It's nice, but not great. She is lucky that her fabric took to dyeing so well, as that is the best part. Other than that, she's really taken her from "The Bride" to kind of "Mother of the Bride" in this...





Absolutely incredible! She took the smallest dress, and had no extra fabric budget after she bought all the feathers for the woman's crazy Cher idea; and turned in an incredible design. Taking the dress apart and recreating it in a flattering shape, then adding all of the embroidery was genius.

I could see this dress for lots of women, in many different colors.





Oi! Mis-step from Logan. I can see this working in different fabric if he wasn't using the wedding dress. The pants though, aren't the worst ones out there judges! The basic is there, it can easily be fixed with a little more tailoring.


Carol Hannah:



Great. Looks like a totally new dress, young and cool. One of the best of the bunch.





I really like Althea, but this is bad. It's dumpy, and looks like a hoe down gone insane. I couldn't stop looking at the baggy bra cups.

Edited by Curt Jerome Wild
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This is bad. It's neither young, nor modern. And he's barely used much of the wedding dress for the core. The pants fit so badly that you can see the woman's zipper pushing though, and she's a slim lady! Tailoring can't save that mistake.





Loved this on the dress form, and even more on the divorcee! Fantastic. She took the wedding dress, tore it into strips, feathered the edges, then reconstructed it back into this great dress. And what is so great about this, is that it's right in the middle of classy yet edgy. Boots make it more rock and roll edge, pair it with a leather jacket and she's good to hit the clubs. Pair it with a shawl and some heels, and she's good to go to the Opera. Home run.





Well, he seems to just be losing more and more confidence and focus since the judges made him cry. He didn't listen to Tim Gunn before (in the costume challenge) and the judges loved it; so he didn't take Tim's advice this time, and he failed. This actually would have been a great Science Fiction Movie dress, if that was the challenge.






What I don't understand, is that Epperson barely used any of the wedding dress material in this design. So, he could have come up with better. It's okay though - but if he wasn't going to use any of the dress material, he should have gone much further and better with the design.

Edited by Curt Jerome Wild
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So, the people called out as safe are:

Carol Hannah, Althea, and Nicholas.

And I'm already confused as to what the judges are thinking here!

Something is going to be wonky!

In my actual choices, Althea or Nicholas should have been in the bottom; and Carol Hannah should have been in the Top!


Top Three are:

Shirin (yay), Gordana (yay), and Irina (what!)

Shirin and Gordana absolutely deserve to be there, with Carol Hannah.

Irina's outfit doesn't look as young and hip as the others, it looks matronly, she had the most to work with, and I absolutely hate the way the fabric folds on top of the woman's bust. It just looks bad to me.

I begin to wonder more and more, if Irina is either getting "The Winner" edit here, as the judges are seeming to like anything and everything she creates; or she is getting "The Villain" edit. Not sure yet, but it's one or the other.

Gordana wins! And it is totally deserved, but they almost disrespect her win - so again, I'm on the "something is fishy with their love of Irina" train at the moment.


Bottom Three are:

Logan, Christopher, and Epperson.

And again, I'm not really agreeing here. I think that Nicholas' pants and design are technically worse than Logan's, yet he gets a free pass.

In my opinion, he should have been in the Bottom Three and out for this, his throwing of people under the bus previously (bad team player on the runway), and his disaster with Louise.


Logan's is not great, but not the worst. Christopher is just falling fast, and his really deserves to be there.

Epperson, really has no business being in the bottom at all here.

Maybe Fourth from the Bottom (so, in other words "safe") but not here.

Christopher is deemed safe, and I'm shocked as his is so easily amongst the worst.

They keep Logan safe, and kick out Epperson, and it is kind of unfair all around. The reason they use, is that he has absolutely used the least amount of the wedding dress for the core of the look. So, technically he failed the challenge the most.

I don't like the way they set up "Logan" to kind of be the "fall guy" for Epperson, and I see a pattern here because of it.


They WANT a woman to win. The women are far stronger this season, and several of the challenges are just geared more to be understood by women (pregnancy challenge, wedding dress, etc.).

I don't have a problem with a woman winning, as I have several favorites here (Shirin, Carol Hannah, Gordana) - but I see the strings here now.


Epperson should have won the Costume Challenge. He shouldn't have been in the bottom here or out. I think he is a bit of a "threat" to a potential female winner (in their small minds) if he stays in too long, so he's out.

I call a female winner right now, and if it's not Irina, then she's being used as a villain.


Christopher should have been out for the actual design, but he's not as much of a threat as Epperson. Logan is too nice.

Nicholas should have been in the bottom and OUT!


But, inside scoop...

The Guest Judge next week is the aforementioned Bob Mackie!

So, that gears toward Nicholas. They've kept him another week because they wanted to see what he'd do with Bob Mackie (expect a lot of screen time for Nicholas next week, which hopefully will lead to an unexpected, but finally deserved auffing).


Remember a long time ago, when I told you to expect some good front runners to have some surprise eliminations?

Epperson is a prime example of that.


Question for the week:

Any dresses you'd want for a cruise here? I think there are lots of good choices (you can make small changes to color and "fixes").


Edited by Curt Jerome Wild
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Colombus Day all night runway reruns...


Man oh man, nothing was better than laying in bed watching this!! Did you watch it?


I was the most amazed by a few things... First, the challenge that they had to make a garmet out of newspaper!


Next comment I loved was that the designer aged the model by 5 years, and for a model in dog years that was 15 years of something like that.


Interesting that the winner of the show I watched was a suit... Sure it was a great skirt with a to the ribs jacket but loved it.... The judges got what I got.... I would wear that to the office and then afterwards....


OK, hooked now.

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Question for the week:

Any dresses you'd want for a cruise here? I think there are lots of good choices (you can make small changes to color and "fixes").



Shirin's dress in a New York second!!! Lurved it!:)

I was SO glad she talked it out with Tim - when I saw her with all those feathers, I thought...."Don't do it.":eek:

Her embroidery was amazing! I would keep the dress white ('cause that's my color:)), but I would probably want it a tad bit longer, and maybe with an uneven hem of some sort....


I also like Gordana's dress - it was very creative and completely took out the "Wedding Dress" feel while still using the wedding dress (and not making it into some boring MOB dress - you are absolutely right about that Curt.....;)).

I would wear it in a silver/grey or black or even royal blue, but not with the boots:eek:. I'm more of a silver, strappy, 1-inch heels kinda gal.....:D

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WAsn't all that white fabric on Epperson's dress wedding dress? I think so. So they couldn't dump him for lack of wedding dress -- that was his earlier design that he dumped himself.


Or am I dreaming?


As to this week -- I am not a happy watcher. Again.


Does anyone else get the feeling Tim gives one type of guidance to the contestants and then Heidi sways the judges in a different direction?


I am so over Heidi.

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WAsn't all that white fabric on Epperson's dress wedding dress? I think so. So they couldn't dump him for lack of wedding dress -- that was his earlier design that he dumped himself.


Or am I dreaming?


As to this week -- I am not a happy watcher. Again.


Does anyone else get the feeling Tim gives one type of guidance to the contestants and then Heidi sways the judges in a different direction?


I am so over Heidi.


You're not dreaming. I watched the show a second time and I what I got out of the [jumbled] judging was that Epperson adhered TOO closely to the challenge, i.e., he thought it was to incorporate as much as possible from the existing wedding dress. He misunderstood what Tim was saying to him in the workroom.

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Why is Christopher still there??????



I'm asking myself the same question. At first I though he had some talent, but these past 2 challenges he has really shown why an education and not just a "flair" is important. My feeling is that yes, sometimes designers don't have to have the best sewing skills, but they at least need some of that background to understand the basics of design and what can or can't be done. He has a definite fundamental lack of education in garment construction.


Of course, some of the past seasons, where some contestants don't know the name of major designers has me stumped. Wasn't it last season where a contestant didn't know the name Halston? Don't these fashion design schools teach the history of fashion?


Oh well, like any of the other reality shows, the producers treat the viewers like we're a bunch of idiots who merely want bickering, temper tantrums and immaturity for entertainment. It seems as though they are keeping some contestants for personality rather than skill.

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Why is Christopher still there??????


THe only thing I can think of is that he is Heidi' secret love child or her boy toy .. otherwise there is NO reason.

I really liked the winner for this challenge .. I liked it better when it had the feather detail at the top but I can see how that would be hard to pull off if you hadn't worked with feathers before.

I didn't think Shirin's was good but I certainly thought it was better than Christophers!!!

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Project Runway Show Nine


As I guessed last week, the designers go and meet with Bob Mackie to get their challenge. Design a stage costume for Christina Aguilera.

Nicholas' background is as a costume designer, so he is excited, drama, his dream come true to meet Bob Mackie, etc., etc.

It's my theory of why they kept him from last week, and the week before...:mad:


Moving on, Bob Mackie and Tim Gunn are at the FIDM Museum in the Bob Mackie Display section.

Side Note: to anyone who is interested in Project Runway and Fashion, if you are ever taking a cruise that has Los Angeles as the homeport - I highly recommend a trip to this museum. All Project Runway fans will really enjoy it in general.


Bob Mackie is very gracious on explaining the difference between a stage costume and runway fashion. They have time to look over the exhibits.


They have two days to work on this, as the fabrics and construction themselves are very time consuming.

Back at the workroom, the highlights are:

Tim Gunn telling Christopher that his 80s dress to bustier/hot pants is not Hot Sexy Slut enough (in Tim's own words)!:D

Poor Gordana's beaded fabric literally falls apart (beads shooting to the floor) each and every time she makes a cut. It disintigrates before her eyes.:(

Shirin really has no idea or thoughts, so tries to fix her prom dress.:(

Irina continues to make nasty comments that make me think more and more that she is being edited into either the Villain or the Winner.

Nicholas makes a shorter version of his Ice Queen dress, and although it is very Christina Aguilera, Tim is concerned over the same dress/different day aspect.


On Day Two, the stress is so high for several people that they begin to go crazy, and Gordana basically goes into laughing fits over how terrible her dress looks.

When they finally get to the runway, they are all surprised that as well as Bob Mackie (who they thought would be the guest judge), Christina Aguilera is there to judge in person.:eek:

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