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Onto the Runway:


Althea - Good job. Great up close in detail, and great from far away.




Logan - Although it would actually be good for Christina for a more casual Red Carpet, it's not "over the top" enough for a stage costume. As Bob Mackie suggested, the skirt hem needed to be way shorter, or waaayy longer to be a stage costume. This is a cool dress for her to hit the nightclubs though.




Shirin - Ugh. I'm so sad and disappointed for Shirin's dress here. It really is the most basic of dresses. It is looking like a costume, but not in a good way. The quality alone on the bottom just says "Party City".




Christopher - I had to get my get my DVR and take it to the computer to make my own screen capture of the first part of this (I don't know why they don't show half the look on the website?).

The first part, I like and get the concept, because it is different than the others. The 80s punk/bubble dress works in the context. But then the bustier and hot pants underneath do not. Yes, it is absolutely reminiscent of Christina's costume for Lady Marmalade, so already has the same things before - made better. The other problem, is that the quality is also at about Party City level with Shirin.




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Nicholas - It is obvious that he has theatrical costume training. It's very good. Great for Christina. It is so good that it confirms my suspicions that they've kept him longer than he deserved, just to get to Bob Mackie week.




Gordana - This is bad. I feel badly for her, as there was no way for her to know that the beaded fabric was going to fall apart. I think it might have just been better for her to forget all of that, and just spend her time with whatever satin and chiffon she had left.




Irina - This is well made, but I don't see any "wow". It essentially looks like a dark version of Nicholas' dress, without the costume expertise. To me, it's not even as original of an idea as Logan's. I just see an ice skater here.




Carol Hannah - Absolutely beautiful. Perfect for a stage costume, yet classy as well. Kind of a perfect edge between the two. Nina Garcia is back as a judge though, and this dress is all black. Nina loves bright color.

I think this is easily the best though.



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So Irina is told that she is safe and leaves the runway.

Then, they tell Gordana that since she has immunity from her win last week - she is lucky, so she may leave the runway.

Now, I'm a bit stunned at this. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but have they ever done that before? Just had the immunity person leave (therefore not factoring into the bottom three), and therefore put one extra person into the "bottom". Seems to me that in previous shows, Gordana would have been in the Bottom Three and they would let her stand there to be critiqued with the other Bottom Two. Somethings fishy again in Producerland.


At any rate, the Top Three are:

Nicholas, Carol Hannah, and Althea.

Duh for Nicholas being there, and I'm crossing my fingers that he does not just run away with this win, as I don't think he deserves it.

Carol Hannah wins! And she totally deserves it! And I think that Nina Garcia had to be educated by both Bob Mackie and Christina Aguilaera that even though it's black - the different sheens, and materials will still give a lot of interest on stage.


Then let's, look at what Christina actually wears onstage here:



She often does a section of her show in a long gown. Carol Hannah's (and Althea's for that matter) would be perfect!


Bottom Three are:

Logan, Shirin, and Christopher.

Logan technically shouldn't be there, it should be Gordana. But, his dress is cool, interesting and can be adjusted (shorter) into something new that Christina has actually never worn yet. He is safe.

This leaves Shirin and Christopher. Both with the cheap looking Party City Halloween Costumes.

My fingers are crossed for Shirin (hey it just worked for Carol Hannah) but she is aufed. I don't want it to be so, as it seems they aren't taking any of her past accomplishments into consideration here; or the fact that Christopher has been faltering the past few weeks.

But I can understand the rationale here. Shirin, as much as I love her, really barely had an idea or a concept. It just wasn't enough of anything. Perhaps her mind was just so burned out from her literal brilliance in the Wedding Dress challenge.


Yes, Christopher's under portion was a cheap looking Lady Marmalade look. But, the top portion was unique and original to Christina. She really liked the idea, and the concept. In reality, had she worn Christopher's 80s Punk/Bubble Dress and then removed it to reveal Nicholas' short white dress - it would have been a slam dunk success.

So, as much as I don't like the result, I understand the judging.


Now, there is another portion to this that is continuing on my theories!

As I've said, I'm seeing Irina edited into a Villain or a Winner. She really can be nasty with her comments, and is not making nice with anyone.

But she is really solid in her design skills.

Will we have a female Jeffrey winner? Who is also a non-Caucasian to round out the winner's group?

They are also making sure to paint Logan in the bottom recently.

He was technically 5th place this week, and therefore "safe" with Irina.

There was no reason to put him there. If he went out as "safe" with Irina, he would have looked equal to her. By making him seem that he was in the Bottom Three, he looks worse than he needed to look.

If this is where they are going (I truly don't know the winner), then by keeping people like Nicholas and now Christopher around much longer than they deserve - they will become the Villains and we (as an audience) will start to forgive or overlook Irina's nasty comments.


But, if she is the Winner over people like Shirin or Epperson - it won't go over so well with the audience. I think Shirin deserved another week, at least, but her auffing, and Epperson's auffing have me thinking in a new direction.

Is my theory correct? I don't know. I'm just guestimating. But now my inside scoops that several shocking or controversial auffings will happen have come true (remember when I said that long ago?).

What do you think of my theory?


I'd love for Gordana to win, but she seems too inconsistent, and the judges don't give her credit when she is "on". At this point, I'm hoping for a Carol Hannah or Althea win. But I don't know how long I can keep crossing my fingers.


Other than that...

Any outfits, with any fixes, that you'd wear on a cruise? I thik there are several here for various age ranges!


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Other than that...

Any outfits, with any fixes, that you'd wear on a cruise? I thik there are several here for various age ranges!



Althea's dress, without the train, could be killer on a cruise!

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I have to say nothing really "wowed" me last night. The miami themed gown thought I thought was right on in regards to what the challenge was. I could picture myself wearing this one.


I have not been watching this long enough to understand. How does the models work. Each week are the designers picking the model, or do they always use the same model?

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Anyone else think that Carole Hannah was channeling Ulli with that dress? (the print AND the construction....)


I thought all of the top 3 designs were kind of cliche, particularly Irina's. I don't get the judges' love for her. To be fair, she did execute well, but so did Gordana, whom Heidi picks on week after week. Is it any wonder she's been reduced to being apologetic about her design in an effort to forestall some Klum nasty??


I think Christopher has made a pact with the devil; I have no idea why he hasn't been eliminated yet.


Truthfully, I think this show has jumped the shark this year and I'm about done with it unless they do something to turn it around...

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When I saw Nicolas at work on the top part of his outfit, I thought OMG, he's doing another white dress! But he really stepped out of the box and made some black pants:D. I was looking at the row of winners and it seems to me that all the designers tend to use black 90% of the time and white 9% of the time.


Although I didn't like the pattern of Carol Hannah's dress, I did appreciate seeing some color for a change. And she's so sweet.


Irina is good, but does it always seem like she's not at all surprised or even happy to win?

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Project Runway Show Ten


Heidi tells the designers that they will be taken on a field trip.

They go to Rodeo Drive which is filled with famous designer stores, only to meet

Michael Kors.

That was a bit of a psych out, as the pomp and circumstance led them (and me) to think it would be someone they don't see all the time.

Oh well, Tim Gunn is there - Michael talks about all of his worldwide travels and how that is a major inspiration for him (this is true, he once designed an entire collection around 1950s Hawaii).


So, there are five travel locations/inspirations and the designers have to design an outfit inspired by the destination.

Carol Hannah gets to choose first, because she is the winner from last week.

She chooses Palm Beach, Florida. The rest in random order choose:

Nicholas - Greece, Althea - St. Tropez, Gordana - New York, Irina - Aspen, Christopher - Santa Fe, New Mexico, and Logan is left with Hollywood.

I actually think that New York and Hollywood are the most difficult, as they have both been "done" a billion times by the show in other challenges already - so they've got to do something different.


I think that it is very interesting at this point, and I don't think it's a let-down at all. Usually at this point, there is really only three or four designers that are showing strong. For the first time in a long time, actually five or six of the designers left are very talented. If you looked at the final seven in previous seasons, you would not have seen as much work that was all good and sale-able. So, for me, most of this was really good and solid as an entire group.


What I think about as I watch this though, is that most of these designers don't have a lot of money. Haven't traveled anywhere, or some haven't even been outside of their small towns. Do they even really know the vibe of the city/inspiration, or are they going on the picture alone in some cases?


On to the runway:

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Logan (Hollywood) - I like it. The jeans with the suspenders are really cool. He's designer for Young Hollywood Starlet out shopping, so in that context it works. The vest is pretty cool. I think this could be sale-able right now, but for the show they needed more. The judge that said he needed to slap it with paint is an idiot, by the way.




Althea (St. Tropez) - It works and fits the inspirational city. This also looks sale-able. I think there could be more, but it's solid. Althea does like her shorts.




Nicholas (Greece) - I'm not sure what's going on here. The layers on the top are interesting, but does anyone see anything "Greece" about this?



While I was looking at the cantilevered top, with the gray pants - I kept thinking that it looks as if the inspiration was Vancouver Canada!



Look at downtown Vancouver (by the cruise port!). Doesn't it almost look like Nicholas designed based on these buildings?

So, if he could have changed his city to Vancouver, I think he could have a winner. But as far as Greece, it's so far off the mark.

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Carol Hannah (Palm Beach) - I love it. Instantly sale-able. Perfectly evokes Palm Beach. The unique twists and wraps at the front and especially the back give it a new look. Easily could be dressed down, or dressed up with the right jewelry. Awesome.




Christopher (Santa Fe) - Unfortunately, ths becomes so obvious that he has never really traveled outside of Minnesota. The colors are inspired by the desert picture, but the rest of it makes no sense. While the belt he made is really cool, the rest of the design is just blah. The question is if this has more to do with Santa Fe, than Nicholas had with Greece.




Irina (Aspen) - This is great. The design has interesting tweaks to it. I actually love the sweater and the pants. I think it absolutely needed the faux fur vest, in order to fully evoke Aspen. Without that, it is also very sale-able. This could be in a store with the others as well.




Gordana (New York) - I love this. She has done this incredibly intricate and detailed "necklace/collar". She has kept the dress simple so that it balances with the neckline. The necklace/collar can be removed to be worn with jeans for a more casual look. This is a slam dunk for me. I really think that Gordana has a very sleek, yet sophisticated design sense. A lot of times it is too subtle for the judges to notice though.



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So, called out as "safe" is Althea.


Top Three are:

Carol Hannah, Irina, and Gordana.

I like them all, and could see reasons for each one deserving the win. Irina gets the win, and I can see the judges reasoning for it. I still would have loved for Gordana to get it this time. I think she deserved it.

But Irina's is really strong, so I don't disagree with the win.


Bottom Three are:

Logan, Nicholas, and Christopher.

It's obvious that Logan is safe, as his design is still good. I think that Althea's was equal in some ways, and actually less interesting in others - so she could have been in this spot as well.


Either way, both Nicholas and Christopher are far below as the bottom two, and it was obvious.

Now I don't think it even matters which one goes. I think that Christopher's is the least successful outfit in general; but I think that Nicholas' is the least successful as an inspired by the city outfit.


Christopher is safe! Nicholas is out!

Nicholas deserved to be out a few weeks ago, so I'm fine with it.

Christopher is still there, so my theories from last week and before seem to be holding some water! Did it seem like Irina was getting a little bit of a softer/nicer edit this week? Or am I imagining things.;)


Some great cruise outfits this week! Any that you'd wear?

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Pretty much all of them except Althea's .. i would love Irina's with a red sweater .. white vest and black pants... and Christopher's with a bright turqoise instead of soft blue .. and Gordana's in any Color .. perhaps sapphire or emerald ... instead of grey ..

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There are a few elements in a couple of the outfits I would wear. I loved Gordanas and only wish I could wear a dress like that. Carol Hannaha's as well. I like the top of Altheas, but could not wear anything that short at my age.


I think last week a couple of us asked why Christopher was still there, I think we were right. Unless another designer really crashes and burns next week, he'll be the next to go.

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I think Althea's would be stunning on a cruise if the shorts were longer. I'd definitely wear it.


I meant to say in my earlier post that (to me) the best part of last week's show was having both Nina and Michael Kors back as judges. Somehow, the two of them together present a more cohesive point of view/rationale for judging, and Heidi was less vocal.

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I"d wear Carol Hannah's in a NY minute!


Style and color are just perfect!



I agree with you. Michael Kors and Nina Garcia are fashion insiders and understand what makes clothing, and what design is about.


Having celebrity's as judges is so unfair to the designers. All they can think about is ME.....how do *I* like that, and would it look good on ME ME ME? I wanted to slap Eva Longeria for her selfishness, but then realized, it wasn't her fault, it was the producers who asked her to be the judge. She, like many others, just don't ever have to think about anyone else. And being a pretty actress with a bevy of stylists dressing you, simply doesn't give you an credibility to judge a designers work. Keep them off the show!

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Wow, I have to admit that the show pulled me back in last night. I thought it was a great, appropriate challenge (after all the judges need to know whether the designer can put together a cohesive collection, not just a bunch of individual looks). I also give kudos to their production/camera people. They had some great shots of things like Tim Gunn talking to one designer in the foreground, and reactions of other designers in the background. Or that scene where Irina and Althea were in one room discussing Logan's "copied" look, while Logan was actually showing it to Tim -- good going! (And then to have Irina accuse Althea of copying her on the runway -- I love it!)


I also pretty much agreed with the judges last night. Loved Carol Hannah's dress a little more than Althea's but I did like them both a lot. Considering where Althea's design started, she really "made it work." Even though Irina has the personality of a poisonous snake, she does good work.


The bottom 3 were all pretty bad. Gordana's was boring. I'm not sure that Logan should've gone home over Christopher (again, he stays!!!), but it's just a matter of time.....

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It does boggle the mind at times. Some weeks you just wish they would send home 2 or more people. Christopher has been that person who just slid by so many times now and this week was not only a total disaster, it's a look he's already done....and not in a good way.


I was sorry to see Logan go, but have to admit it is more because I liked him rather than loving his designs.

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Christopher is there because he's the only one that cries and that's good TV.:rolleyes:


I thought Nick's comment about Gordana's outfit looking like something from Warsaw, Poland, a bit insensitive given her background. I hope she makes it further than Christopher.

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Christopher is there because he's the only one that cries and that's good TV.:rolleyes:


I thought Nick's comment about Gordana's outfit looking like something from Warsaw, Poland, a bit insensitive given her background. I hope she makes it further than Christopher.


I hate it when grown men cry like that. I don't happen to think it's good TV and I'm thankful I can fast forward through that since I DVR the show.


Any time I see people crying on reality shows I have to wonder if they have ever watched one before, do they not know they are going to be raked across the coals? If they cannot handle the stress of rejection, bad reviews, harsh criticism and the pressure put on them with time constraints, they should not put themselves into the position for that to happen to them. They elected to try out to go on the show, no one dragged them into it.


If you were to sit down with just about any designer, actor, singer etc... anyone famous, they were all subjected to the same type of rejectioin and critique. The ones who don't make it are the ones who crush under the pressure, the best of the bunch who can handle it rise to the top.


So for me, I want the criers to get aufed first, male or female.

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Having celebrity's as judges is so unfair to the designers.... Keep them off the show!



I must agree! Just because your name is a household word doesn't mean you are qualified to judge anything. I don't mind actors judging acting competitions, musicians judging music competitions. But Eva Longoria judging fashion design is just a rehash of that old commercial:


"I'm not a doctor, but I play one on TV!"


If she can't show me a fabulous design, I wouldn't want her judging mine!

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Just got caught up last night after two weeks in Barcelona/Catalonia.


Overall I find this crop of designers boring. Sure there are wearable/sellable clothes, but who cares? Where's some innovation? Point of view? Unique style? Spark of creativity? It's been rather a yawn. For the most part you could go to any department store and pull out clothes like these designs. So who needs these folks?


If I were Runway Queen it would have been Malvin, Epperson and Gordana going to Fashion Week. I felt like they were the most imaginative designers in the whole thing. Two are already gone and Gordana is probably next. Heck, the chick that made the silver soccer ball outfit at least had something interesting going on.


And considering the two outfits Heidi wore in the last episode, I would prefer that she hate my designs. Gag!!!


I think part of the problem this season is the lack of consistent judges. Every week it's a new panel except for Heidi, with only occasional visits from Nina and Michael.


I really liked Gordana's jacket with it's "raw" detailing and think a shock of vivid color would have given it the punch it was missing.


The treatment Gordana has received this whole season has really pissed me off big time.

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Wow! It's been a busy week for me, so I'm finally getting to this...

Project Runway Show Eleven


We're down to six designers left. The designers challenge is to create a companion piece for one of their winning looks.

So now, a lot of the "wins" make sense now, when they didn't at the time (Nicholas, Ra'Mon, Althea, etc.). They knew that this would be an eventual challenge, so they were trying to spread the winners out to as many people as possible. That way, they insured that there would be enough people with "winning looks" for this specific challenge.

It's explaining some of the backhanded reasoning, for some people winning - when it should have been others.


So, everyone has a winning look except for poor Logan. So, they just choose his dress from the first show.

I think they really did him a disservice here, as he had several other looks that were much more "him" and better.

More on that later...


So I'm not even going to get into the backstage ridiculousness - as it was a very silly, unwarranted and immature from Althea and Irina.

I keep my fingers crossed for a Gordana or Carol Hannah win - but I'm not sure how much good that's going to do at this point.:rolleyes:


Onto the Runway:

I'm going to include the previous design here, as I think it is such a major part of the challenge.

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Carol Hannah - I really like this. Note how the detailed shapes and edges that she had in the sequined/feathered dress are echoed in the braided details on the bodice of the cocktail dress. I also love the pockets that are hidden in the bouncy skirt. Well done.




Althea - It's okay, but I'm not thrilled. Yes, the pants are "fashion", but they're not really "style". I don't see much of anyone actually wearing these. Maybe on a cruise dinner, where you'll need to keep loosening your belt after you eat more and more throughout the night?

And seriously, again, what does Althea have again bras? Her model is again bouncing the girls down the runway, and flying all over left and right.

'Twas very distracting.




Logan - Sigh. Tim Gunn loved it in the workroom. It's definitely one of those that the judges were either going to praise for being creative, or not get it and hate it. The last few weeks they've been complaining that people aren't going "out there" enough, and as soon as someone does - they slam them. I wonder if the judge had been someone more fashion forward and youthful, they would have gotten it?

Personally I think the design is really Rock and Roll, and would easily sell in Hot Topics across America. But then, none of these judges are Rock or Hot Topic friendly.



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