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Project Runway?


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My daughter and I loved Allison and I really was sad to see her go! Her creation last night was horrid and it dearly cost her, but was Vincents any better? His doggy dress and hat? How about his Twiggy dress? His pageant dress? His collaboration with the INC separates? None of his work has been innovative or attractive.


That Vincent is still there is nothing short of a great big :confused: to me. I'd like to see Angela go, although her Audry Hepburn dress was fabulous, it's the best she's done. I think it's more her attitude than anything else. Same with Jeffrey and Laura (although I love Laura's style and design) I can't stand the back stabbing and bickering. I highly doubt Angela would have won the INC competition if it had not been for Laura and Michael, they all deserved that win.


I thought Bradley was out of his league and he knew it. That he lasted as long as he did was amazing. Some of the earlier people had far more talent than he. Robert is a likeable guy and has talent, but he has got to kick it in gear, or it's just a matter of time for him. Kayne does well with what's in his range, but I don't think he'll make it in the long run. Jeffrey, I suppose if you like his style he's talented, but he lacks something, I can't put my finger on it. You expect great things from him and his newspaper outfit was great, he just falls short somehow, at least to me.


I really thought Keith had a chance at winning the season, it was sad to see him leave as he did, but he broke the rules and cheated. He knew the rules and still cheated, the thing that was so amazing is he didn't have to. Why some people are surprised to see him go is beyond me, if you were competing for a job and found out one of your competitors was cheating, do you think it should be overlooked, do you think it would be fair?


Michael has really come from a quiet place and is showing his true style and innovation. I think he is listening to what is being asked of him and he's not letting an ego and or a snippy attitude get in his way.


Although, bottom line, they are editing the show to broadcast all the worst moments these people are having. I'm thinking they have to tape for hours as well as coach them or pose them into the little tiffs they have with each other.


Heidi Klum? She's cute, her skirts are too short, she's a bit silly, but I like her. Who could not just love Tim Gunn after watching him a few episodes? Michael Kors, I want to like him, but does he suck lemons before coming onto the show? Sorry, I cannot for the life of me (old age) remeber the other judges name, the one from Elle, but she seems to be the one that is the most honest with her opinions. I love that they have a guest judge every week, I usually understand them better than the designer/judges. The guest judges can also be more impartial, they weren't seeing what the designers were doing one week to the next.


Who do I predict to be the final three? Uli, Michael and Laura. It will be fun to see how it all plays out in the end (although I do realize this show has probably been in the can for months now), to see in what order they fall off.


I don't know one person who is not addicted to this show, I can even get my husband to watch it sometimes (reruns only ).

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Hi Kathy:) ...the other judge from Elle magazine is Nina. I think

personally she is the toughest....but Michael is definitely a

sour puss (in my opinion of course).


Lets see what next week brings.

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Hi Kathy:) ...the other judge from Elle magazine is Nina. I think

personally she is the toughest....but Michael is definitely a

sour puss (in my opinion of course).


Lets see what next week brings.


Thanks, Lois!, I was wracking my brain on that one, even went to their site :o .

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Well, I'm a little surprised they gave it to Michael again this week -- but his design was great. He seems like a genuinely smart, nice, talented person (or is that because of good editing??) I would've been happy to see Jeffrey win.




Gave it to Micheal? I think Micheal and Uli will be in the final three.


I think Agela is on borrowed time because he first several projects were beyond horrible but less horrible than those booted off.


Vincent is going to get in his own way.


I hope the editing doesn't hurt Jeffry's already successful business. He's far more talented than they've edited him to be.


While Laura is definitely hitting it out of the ballpark, all of her designs are the same. I wonder if that will cost her in the long run.


Kanye is already set for life. He could leave now and be in heaven spending the rest of his days making $5,000 pageant dresses.


Who's the Barbie designer? I think he is also on borrowed time


The creme is already rising to the top and my prediction for the final will be Jeffry, Micheal and Uli.

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I just spent a few minutes over at the PR site, looking at last nights creations. After looking at them in detail, all still photos, I'm definitely changing my mind about Jeffreys dress. Perhaps it is the way the model is standing, but the dress really isn't all that great, it's too short in the front, and the waist seems too high to me. About the only thing I really like about it is the color, it does pop out at you. Michaels dress looks great, better than it did on the show, as well as Lauras. Alisons dress shows more design than it did on the show, I really think the silly hair/bow is what did her in. The rest of them are pretty forgettable.




What do you think?




I think, get rid of the hair bow, let out the poof of the paper dress and Alison looks just as good, or better, than some of the others.

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Well, I totally agreed with the choices for top 3 and bottom 3 this week. For once Jeffrey's dress really appealed to me. He's still way too arrogant for my books, but his design this week was definitely right on. I liked Laura's because of the joke on the backside - wow, she actually has a sense of humor.


I didn't like Kayne's outfit at all, but it did at least have some design qualities - the color was what made it terrible, plus it was overdone.


Whenever Vincent opened his mouth this week, I cringed. It "got him off"! - PLEASE! It only proves he's insane. GET RID OF HIM!! His model couldn't move in his "dress," stuff fell off as she walked, and even standing still it looked ugly. When you combine that with his Twiggy dress, his Inc dress - well basically all of his outfits, he really needs to go.


I'm sorry to see Allison go, but her outfit really was not good at all. It didn't fit her model, it really looked thrown together to me, the color was blah. If you're going to go for a neutral blah color like that (IMO), then you need to really rock it with style and design which she didn't do. She is definitely a much better designer than Vincent so I'm sad she was chosen over him, but she's one that each week her designs haven't been bad but haven't been great to me either.

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I am going to miss allison and her fashion style....Vincient has to go....his dress was horrible and didn't his model also have a top on under her dress? That should have counted against him....what was he drinking when he designed his dress...that's my take on last night's show

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I just found this thread and am delightfully surprised. I didn't know there were so many people as addicted to this show as I am. It is as addictive as cruising!! I don't know why I like it because I am no clothes horse but I just love it.


I think Allison deserved to be booted off. She hasn't really distinguished herself with any of her designs and this last one was terrible, especially that Minnie Mouse bow on the poor model's head. She dresses herself tastefully so I don't know what she was thinking!! I will be sorry to see her go because of her personality. She is probably the sweetest designer on the show. Some of these characters are talented but not really likeable. Kayne's dress was atrocious. I don't know what happened. They only kept him because he has made some pretty outfits on the other challenges and Nina seems to like him. I think she said she was "never bored" by Kayne, which is about the highest compliment she has paid any of the designers.


Angela has improved the most. I want her Audrey Hepburn dress! You could wear that to a lot of different social events. I can't believe the same designer made the Audrey Hepburn dress and the "street walker" dress for the dog challenge. Unbelievable. Poor Malan was kicked off too soon. I think he was talented but just blew the Miss USA dress. I would have liked to see more of his clothes. The problem with the show is that one bad creation and you are out.


I think Vincent has to go next. All of his clothes have been awful. He is always in the bottom three. It is only because there has always been someone slightly worse that he has stayed in this long.


The final three will probably be Uli, Laura and Michael. Personality wise I don't really like Laura but her clothes are beautiful. I loved her Katherine Hepburn outfit. That was very classy. I am amazed she hasn't won any challenges yet. Michael has come out of nowhere to win twice now and I liked both of his winning outfits (although I thought Jeffrey should have won the last challenge). Jeffrey's style is too rock and roll for the judges. I doubt he will make the final three. Kayne has an outside chance at the final three but if he does another dress like this week's challenge he will blow it. Can't wait for next week's episode!!

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I don't like the still photos of Michael's or Jeffrey's dresses. I'm not a Jeffrey fan, but his detail in the bodice was intricate and beautiful. I think he used newspaper? You can't see that detail in the photos. Also, the dress was said to be the only one that moved like fabric. Michael's dress looked better on the show. It must have been the close ups and the lighting.

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I love Project Runway, but some of the folks are being kept on purely for their personality or lack of (Vincent comes to mind immediately).


Michael is fantastic. Hands down he needs to win.


Ulli is interesting and capable.


Kayne, what can you say about a guy that wears sequined shirts with such flair. I love some of his stuff, others are okay.


Angela of the Rosettes. I really don't like her or her designs. I am a bit tired of the combat boots and poof skirt look she seems to have adopted. I'm ready for her to go back to the hinterlands she came from.


Laura is eeeh. She has the boniest clavicle in town. She really has taken the phrase you can never be too rich or too thin to heart. I always know which outfit is a Laura design i.e. plunging neckline or feathered collar. Her stuff is all very very similar.


Vincent is just downright creepy. He should not have cashed in his 401K. I hate all his stuff and his attitude about his designs can only be described as delusional. Has he made anything anyone likes. I used to think Malon ?(he of the everchanging accent) was ookie but old Vincent has by far come the furthest on the least talent. And on the Ookie meter he is off the charts.


Jeffry is okay but don't like him or his weird neck tatoo. Is it just me or does the tatoo make his neck look 3 feet wide and his head turns into a pinpoint. He is a pinhead for sure. Although the ugly colored garish recyled gown was ummm interesting.


Allison was robbed. She shoulda stayed while Vincent shoulda been shown the curb.


Robert is there that's about all I can say. He construction skills are good but I never was a big fan of Barbie dolls.

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Okay, so just general thoughts...

First, we get to see the fun side of Laura...

Her trying to "dance" to Michael's beatboxing at the recycling facility while they are all wearing hardhats was hysterical and endearing all at the same time. I love their strange relationship. That little moment was actually my favorite part of the episode.

Then we see the dark side of Laura, (although I think it was motherly concern) with Kayne "What were you thinking, I'm concerned"; and then her going completely off at Vincent at the end (although I know for a fact, that all the designers were shocked, and upset, and personally loved Alison, and a bunch of them "went off", but they only showed Laura).


We see the booblet side of Laura trying to escape from her sternum!

Now, I also hate that they were (in the editing) dissin' Jersey, as yes there are certain industrial parts of town (I think that they were somewhere near Newark Airport), but if you go more West or South, Jersey is BEAUTIFUL, and there is a reason that they call it the Garden State.

Now Kayne, his whole thing looked like the Lucky Charms guy had a hangover. But, he saved himself, by proving himself before, and also just owning up, and saying "I made some bad decisions, and here's what was wrong, and why I've learned for this competition in the future".

There are two things going on regarding Alison and Vincent...

#1 The judges and producers already know and have in their minds who the top 5 designers are... They will keep those people around.

Anybody else at this point, who might be a good designer, but not going to be in the top 5 are out.

#2 Then, they are going to keep the people who are more "dramatic" television, regardless.

#3 Pay attention to who is flying under the radar in the beginning, as they will most likely end up near the top. Note that we barely saw anything or heard anything from Michael untill these last two weeks. Unless he makes an utter catastrophe, I'm pegging him for top 3.

Uli also has not had that much screen time yet, so I'm also going to peg her for top 3.

Not sure about the rest yet...

#4 Olympus Fashion week is coming up...

Here's how they handle it...

The show is already filmed ("in the can") up until the reunion episode and the final episode, there will be four designers that will actually show their collections at Fashion week.

The thing is that on the show (which is already filmed, in the can), they have already decided on the final 3. They have now had months to put their collection together to show at Fashion Week.

They will show the top 4 there, because we won't see the final 3 decision until AFTER fashion week (and this is why all of the 4th place designers are working now anyway, because they got shown, and got work).

So, there are technically the top 4 right now, preparing to show at Fashion Week, they have been working for months.

They (top 4) will show.

Then after that, we will see on the show, who was actually the top 3, then they'll film it and show it soon after.

Just sayin'



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We see the booblet side of Laura trying to escape from her sternum!

I forgot about that. I had to turn away as I was afraid we were going to be seeing stuff that isn't supposed to be shown on basic cable.

Now, I also hate that they were (in the editing) dissin' Jersey, as yes there are certain industrial parts of town (I think that they were somewhere near Newark Airport), but if you go more West or South, Jersey is BEAUTIFUL, and there is a reason that they call it the Garden State.


I agree about that. I think it's part of their way of editing Laura to make her seem snobbish and above everybody else (like with her minivan comment early on).

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Ohh and my next cruise...

First formal night...

Booking the ship's salon...

I'm totally getting them to make my hair into a bow!:eek: :D :p

Tuxedo with a hair bow on top.

Oh yeah!

I'm gonna rawk that look.



you go Curt. I want photos.

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We watch the reruns (DD and I) fairly often, I'm gonna have to watch for the booblet, I thought I saw it, but I'm just not sure....


mdmomof7, I read that Jeffreys newspaper dress was over muslin, which is why his dress moved like fabric. Probably a big reason he didn't win the competition. Anyone can correct me if I'm wrong :o

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According to Tim Gunn's podcast Laura lined her dress and there were no rules against it. He did not say Jeffrey did. I thought the garish U of M colors are what lost it for him :)


So I take it you are NOT a Michigan fan.

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#4 Olympus Fashion week is coming up...

Here's how they handle it...

The show is already filmed ("in the can") up until the reunion episode and the final episode, there will be four designers that will actually show their collections at Fashion week.

The thing is that on the show (which is already filmed, in the can), they have already decided on the final 3. They have now had months to put their collection together to show at Fashion Week.

They will show the top 4 there, because we won't see the final 3 decision until AFTER fashion week (and this is why all of the 4th place designers are working now anyway, because they got shown, and got work).

So, there are technically the top 4 right now, preparing to show at Fashion Week, they have been working for months.

They (top 4) will show.

Then after that, we will see on the show, who was actually the top 3, then they'll film it and show it soon after.



Thanks for 'splainin that pal!;)



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Heidi Klum's laugh on the Bravo Emmy promo fits her perfectly - it seems mocking, hard and as if she wanted to draw attention to herself. It reminds me of the stereotypical popular girl attitude in high school. Yuch! No doubt Heidi is a physically lovely woman, but in her role on PR she does not seem genuine or kind, better yet, compassionate. Maybe it's all an act, but I wouldn't mind closing the curtain on some of it.


Every show, I like her less and less and I'm starting to find her grating on my nerves.


Part of it is not her fault. The scriptwriters force her to say "Vun of you vill be the vinner und vun ov you vill be auf". Must we hear that stupid line before and after each and every commercial break and then once in between??? Do the writers of the show think the audience is SO dumb that anyone tuning in for the first time, might not be able to comprehend the concept of a winner and a loser?? Or perhaps the scriptwriters are just a bunch of no-talents who can't come up with anything better? Instead of wasting our time on Heidi's "in and out" banality's a few more seconds on each runway outfit would be nice, since that IS the theme and the point of the show!


Also, just before the recycled project was announced to the group Klum annnounced how easy this has all been for them. I really hate when someone who lives on Easy Street tells others who are stressed, sleep deprived and in some cases, broke, how easy this is for them. It's condescending, arrogant, cold and her "let them eat cake" attitude ticks me off. I used to like her.

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