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Project Runway?


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Okay everyone!

The show has moved to Lifetime, and while I think there are some improvements in the production of the show - posting the pics is more difficult.

So, I'm going to take longer to do it and comment this season, but will try to get to it before the next new show on Thursdays.


Project Runway Season Six!

Finally! I like the change to LA, just to add something different. I hope that they continue to use the location as inspiration all season.


So Elimination Challenge is to design a Red Carpet Outfit that expresses who they are as a designer.

It can be any Red Carpet from Film, Television, Music, Etc. - so they have a wide range - as long as they make a choice and stick with it...


I thought this was a great first challenge, as I hate waiting until the last 4 or 5 designers when they usually have a challenge like this near the end.

I always want to see all the designers take on Red Carpet - so I liked it.



So, I'll put them in order of the Runway here:


Althea - I really liked this. Nice, elegant, a little safe, but interesting.


Gordana - I also liked this. Interesting, but classy.





Malvin - Really boring to me, although I liked the fabric manipulation. I don't see this for most Red Carpet events though, but could get by something really casual like Independent Spirit Awards or something.


Mitchell - Massive problems, not allowing fit allowances for his model. Really stupid in my opinion, and this was a last minute thrown together kaftan. I thought it looked even worse with the models ill-fitting undergarments.





Louise - I liked it. Decent.


Christopher - Among my favorites. I agree with the judges that it would have been one step up to great, if the underskirt was a darker color.





Ra'Mon - I liked it. Really nice, but safe.


Shirin - One of my favorites. I had to put the front and back, in order for people to really appreciate the entire concept. There is a shoulder cape when she walks out, then by unhooking at the neck, it flows down in a cascade and becomes part of the back of the dress. Beautiful and brilliant in the execution. Wouldn't this be perfect for a cruise? You can just pull the cape up and attach it around your shoulders whenever you are cold in the dining room or the showroom - then unhook it and let it flow when you are walking around or dancing!




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Epperson - Interesting. I had to show the back to see all the ideas. It's not "beautiful", but it is interesting and different. You can see a very different concept than most of the other designers, so I give him points for that.

Irina - This was very safe. But it moved absolutely beautifully, so I absolutely loved it for that.






Ari - I liked it better as a design concept than most of the judges. Perfect for someone like Fergie or Pink at the MTV Music Awards. There are a lot of female musicians that could have pulled this off fantastically.

I think that Ari was too flaky to actually "sell it" properly. Definitely near the bottom, but I think the judges missed it completely. And Lindsey Lohan was absolutely useless as a judge - as she would wear this outfit in a New York minute. She was too wimpy to step up and defend that fact, and too snotty in having fun bashing it. If a top designer had given it to her, she'd be wearing it proudly.

Johnny - I don't know what all his self doubt and crying was all about, as this was really fun/disco/70s throwback great. It moved so beautifully, I couldn't get a good picture of it still. It is continually catching the air and flowing, so this is definitely a "better in person" dress. I thought it was great and fun.






Carol Hannah - Okay, so this was one of my Top Favorites, and in some ways could be my Top Choice. Great, interesting, original. It moved great, and was sculpted great. Put Kate Hudson in this in a Bright Yellow, or Michelle Pfeiffer in this in a Powdery Pink, and it would have been Best Dressed at the Golden Globes.

Qristyl - I wanted to like this as she was making it; but it really was a bit of a mess. I even think that this was worse than Ari's; as I don't think that anyone could have worn this and not been torn apart as a sloppy mess in the press. The color choices were a little tacky for me as well.






Logan - Okay, but I'm not wowed in any way here. Decent.

Nicholas - Another interesting, but nothing incredibly wow.





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So people are called out, and told they are safe.

This leaves the Top Three and Bottom Three.


Top Three are:

Christopher, who wins - and out of the Top Three I think he deserved it.

Johnny - so hopefully he starts having more confidence.

Ra'Mon - beautiful but too safe for me to be in the Top Three.


I might have put some others in the Top Three here, especially Carol Hannah, maybe Shirin. Both were more interesting and original.


Bottom Three are:

Qristal - big mess. I don't even really see a concept here.

Mitchell - see through kaftan. Ridiculous.

Ari - Crazy, but not the worst offender here.


So, Ari is "auffed" and in this specific instance, while I'm not a fan of her personality - she was not the worst here by far. They gave a HUGE pass to Mitchell, who would have been kicked in the face by Nina Garcia in any other season for being "unfinished". But by looking at this - they magically know that he has much better designs in him.

He is forgiven where no one else in season's past would have been forgiven.


Qristal's is a hot mess, and badly executed, cheap fabric choices, and I don't even really see a concept here. This was worse in the context of the challenge than Ari's, yet she is forgiven as well? I'm not getting it.

And I disagree with the final decision.



That being said - I think that the winner/winners are hidden in the middle of the pack at this point. Perhaps one of the people I thought should have been in the Top Three, were not chosen for that to keep them under the radar for now.

I think there are some very strong women this season.

I think it's good, and I'm really going to appreciate and enjoy it, since it was gone for so long!



So, the question for this week:

If you could make any color changes, are any of these dresses that you would wear on a cruise?


For those who want to follow along on this thread, there will be reruns so you can catch up.

Make It Work!

Edited by Curt Jerome Wild
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Okay CJW ... I'll take your challenge!


I thought Gordina's dress was really lovely. The torso shape was interesting and beautifully crafted. Were I still 28 (or if I had the same bust as I did at 28), I'd go for that dress in a minute, and in the same colour.


Irina's dress was also lovely, but I don't think it is practicable for anyone who has more than 12% body fat or wears more than an A cup. Still, it's very pretty and I'd like it in a silver or maybe a pale blue (I'm one of those summers after all!)


I loved the detail in Carol Hannah's bodice - but wasn't fond of the two different fabrics in the skirt. It looked like she had a much lighter fabric as the underskirt and that just didn't seem to work with the heavier satin in the bodice. There seemed to be too much fabric weight in the top, and too little in the bottom. But I think she has some sewing talent!


I agree that Qristy's fabric looked tacky. The printed fabric looked like something I would have purchased at Walmart. Ick. And the printed side of the dress had that flap over her arm which lost all sense of body shape. It just made her look larger. I know that her forte is designing for plus sized women, but IMO that much extra fabric makes everyone look bigger.


Ari's thing/outfit was horrible. It's great that she wants to break the mould and make her mark, but that was 180 degrees away from anything that we'd see on a red carpet - except for maybe Nickleodeon? Meow ;)


It was interesting to see tonight's pregnancy challenges! I'll wait til Curt posts his pix before commenting ... but I'm not surprised at who went home.

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I have to say that I was a little surprised at who went home. I thought it would be the other person in the bottom two (Mitchell); after all, he's had two really bad outfits in two weeks -- poorly made and little creativity.


The contestant who did go home (Marlin?) at least appears to have imagination, creativity, and better sewing skills. I think it would be easier to rein in a candidate like that to get a very interesting collection, whereas, I don't know if Mitchell has either skills or imagination at this point!


Is it just me or do the challenges seem a little fairer this year? I seem to remember the last season having a lot of either really off-the-wall challenges or deadlines that were ridiculous ("Make a couture dress in 12 hours! Using recycled car parts!"). I hope this trend continues, it may create less drama but it gives a better idea of what the designer is really capable of doing.


Also, I thought Rebecca was a good guest judge. Certainly far better than Lindsay Lohan last week -- I was left wondering whether she really wanted to be there at all.

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So, the question for this week:

If you could make any color changes, are any of these dresses that you would wear on a cruise?


Shirin all the way but I don't know what color since I haven't figured out yet if I'm a Spring or Summer but that's another story.;)


I think the design is brilliant for a cruise because like you said, you can use the cape when you need it or release it and not have to carry anything.

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Week Two!

The Challenge is to design an outfit for pregnant with twins celebrity

Rebeca Romijn (ex-model, and current actress from the X-Men movies, Uglay Betty, and the new Eastwick).

I think she does a great job in general.

This can be for any event though (premiere, lunch, dinner, shopping) so the style is very wide open.


Again, I will say that I think the group of women as a whole are the strongest female designers yet on the show.


So, lets start the show in order of the runway...



We start off with Logan and Shrin, and I like them both.

Logan - good, comfortable, but interesting with the design around the neck and back.

Shirin - Another strong showing from Shirin. She not only makes a dress with a beautiful interesting pleated waistline - but also a jacket that has a pop of color on the inside with the patterened lining. Top notch.




Nicholas - nice and pretty.

Christopher - nice and pretty, but a bit more interesting. I love the top.


I don't know what happened next...



Mitchell - this was an absolute mess. He proved himself another mess, even after last week. So poorly executed, and not that original of an idea.

Qristyl - this is okay, but something doesn't quite work. The black on the bottom? I'm not sure.

Epperson - so, when this came out, I thought it was different. The jacket was cool, and then she took it off to reveal a pregnant lady in a jumpsuit!

And, he lost me. There is no way a pregnant lady is going to want to get into a jumpsuit in the first place, let alone have to try to get out of one in time if she has to go to the bathroom!

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Louise - A very pretty dress that looks like a vintage dress/lingerie. I'm not quite as thrilled with it as the judges, but Rebecca loves it - so she has pleased the client. A good job.

Gordana - I liked this. Cute, little details that made it interesting, and looks like you could dress it up or down depending on different pants or accessories.

Johnny - Like last week, another very pretty dress. Not the best, but definitely safe.




Marlin - the concept is that the baby is like an egg. I "get it". It's avant garde, and extremely well made. The top especially he has hand feathered the fabric. I think that is the entire thing had been in black it would have gone over infinitely better with the judges. Yes, the idea is out there, artistic and creative - but no one said she couldn't wear it to the Costume Institute Annual Gala or something where it could have been perfect.

Ra'Mon - I liked his idea, which was to celebrate the pregnant shape and not try to hide it. It just didn't work in the execution (too much puckering at the seams) and I think the colors were too much. Maybe subtler colors or monotone would have made this work much better.




Carol Hannah - Pretty. I like it. Interesting.

Althea - a great formal pregnancy gown. Yes, the cups are a bit too small, but the idea and execution is there. That can be fixed easily. Very nice, enough originality.

Irina - I really liked this, and don't think they showed it enough. Not the most original, but I thought the color and style were the most Rebecca Romijn.


Top Three are:

Shirin, Althea, and Louise - with Shirin the deserved winner.

I could have seen some others up there in the Top Three, but I still think that they are "hiding" some people in the middle of the pack right now.


Bottom Three are:

Ra'Mon, Malvin, and Mitchell - and Malvin gets auffed!

Which, is totally wrong and undeserving. Yes the concept was avant garde - but they didn't say he couldn't do that. Yes, it would have worked better in a single color, but the idea was original, and the workmanship and execution were great.

Mitchell in the meantime did another mess - both a totally boring unoriginal concept, and the worst execution of the entire runway.

Yet, they keep him.

I think that they are just keeping him around longer now, so people can get mad that he keeps staying in over better people.

But, they know Malvin's not going to win, so they sacrifice him - same as ari last week.


So far the designs are of a high caliber all around, so we shall see as it goes forward.


Question for the week:

Would any of you ladies have worn any of this when you were pregnant?

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Shirin all the way but I don't know what color since I haven't figured out yet if I'm a Spring or Summer but that's another story.

The photos help tremendously. Now, how 'bout some blonde examples?:)

Did you check out the blonde examples starting on page 10?



Now, back to Project Runway - first team-up tonight, which is always major drama!:eek:

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I'm not even sure I would have to be pregnant to wear the Sirin gown .. just lovely! I would also have worn Christophers.. but back in the dark ages when I was pregnant it was all about "hiding" the bump.... nothing had any fit to it!

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My kids are just about grown, when I carried them the big "fashion" for pregnant women was T-shirts with "baby on board" and a big arrow pointed towards your bump. No, I did not buy one. I don't wear character T shirts in normal life, why would I want to look like a cartoon while pregnant?


So, almost all of these fashions would have been a hit with me. I would not have dressed like an egg and I would not have worn a jumpsuit. Mitchells was an absolute mess, but the weird thing is (except for the shorts) you do see women dressed like that all the time, too tight tank tops and sloppy big shirts.


So, probably 10 out of the 15 I would have considered.


I think Shirin was one of the few who made her model look like she was wearing a beautiful dress, you saw that before you saw the bump.

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Malvin was so screwed.


I think it was his description that did him in more than his design. They clearly hated the "chicken and her egg" imagery. If he had talked instead about his outfit embracing the baby just like an expectant mother naturally does with her arms yada, yada, yada. It was by far the most innovative thing going, tho not to everyone's taste for sure.


I would have gotten rid of both the other bottom three before him.


Totally agreed with the winner. And the red party dress in the top three. My third would have been that blue two-toned dress. I liked that the model didn't even look pregnant until she turned. Wouldn't you love to be that big and see those smiles/leers turn to shock when guys caught your silhouette? lol

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I got totally amused by the designer that said "looks like the beginning fo the third trimester" .. I was thinking .. yep if you are having triplets. Looked way more than that on those thin models .. and I would have loved to look like that pregnant .. with no hips!!!

I thought Mitchell should have gone last week .. and this week I thought he might have pulled it out (until he admitted he didn't do anything) just because Qristyls butt out bathing suit was so badly done. Darling style suit .. too bad it didn't fit better!! I was happy to see him go.

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Althea - a great formal pregnancy gown. Yes, the cups are a bit too small, but the idea and execution is there. That can be fixed easily. Very nice, enough originality.

Irina - I really liked this, and don't think they showed it enough. Not the most original, but I thought the color and style were the most Rebecca Romijn.


Top Three are:

Shirin, Althea, and Louise - with Shirin the deserved winner.

I could have seen some others up there in the Top Three, but I still think that they are "hiding" some people in the middle of the pack right now.


Bottom Three are:

Ra'Mon, Malvin, and Mitchell - and Malvin gets auffed!

Which, is totally wrong and undeserving. Yes the concept was avant garde - but they didn't say he couldn't do that. Yes, it would have worked better in a single color, but the idea was original, and the workmanship and execution were great.

Mitchell in the meantime did another mess - both a totally boring unoriginal concept, and the worst execution of the entire runway.

Yet, they keep him.

I think that they are just keeping him around longer now, so people can get mad that he keeps staying in over better people.

But, they know Malvin's not going to win, so they sacrifice him - same as ari last week.


So far the designs are of a high caliber all around, so we shall see as it goes forward.




I SO agree with your comments about the winner and the loser. Mathew should have learned from his first big mistake that his biggest challange is time and he messed up twice. And those shorts were just awful looking! Yes, the "egg" concept was "out there", but had it been done in different fabric and in one color, it could have been a winner.

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I thought that a lot of the designs were pretty mainstream ... and it seemed like many of them were simply made for a woman with a bun sitting right on the front of her belly. Let's face it, most women get bigger in the hips and especially the boobs when they're pregnant. Many of the designs just wouldn't work for the woman who has gone from a B to a D! But generally, I thought that there was little new or interesting.


Except for Malvin. Great idea. Interesting concept. And I think it was the kind of design that would catch on in the marketplace if interpreted in a slightly less avant garde way. Too bad he was done in so soon. But I will bet you we'll see some egg/sling designs around in the near future. ;)

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Project Runway Week 3

First of all - this week was very close to my heart with the surf inspired challenge. So far I am really enjoying their actual use of the Los Angeles location for challenges and inspirations (nice change after 5 seasons in New York). I also love that even Tim Gunn knows that you need to wear proper beach shoes on the beach!

I also love that the beach they are at is near where I grew up; and I tend to stop by there at least once a week in my travels.

The Challenge is to design a fun and fashionable Surfwear look – which should be a great theme for cruising. They also have to pair into teams, which is never a good result.

The teams are Shirin/Carol Hannah, Logan/Christopher, Nicolas/Gordana, Mitchell/Ra’Mon, Althea/Louise, Qristyl/Epperson, Irina/Johnny. They have some time to talk to the surfer girls, then $50 and 15 minutes to shop. Not enough time, but I think it was just to add more tension so the teams are forced to work together (and a couple of them don’t).

Tim Gunn then adds a surprise twist in the middle of the workday, they have to create another Avante Garde look – inspired by their first design. They’ll get $200 and one person to shop for that the next day. Drama ensues.

It’s judging day, and Rachel Bilson an actress and California Girl is the guest judge. So here we go...

Qristal & Epperson - fought the entire time:



While the dress is okay, the other is wacky, and not in a good or Avante Garde way. I'm not a fan of either in this challenge.


Johnny & Irina - got along:




Purely "okay". At least the Avante Garde is trying to do "something". Macrame, schmacrame.


Mitchell & Ra'Mon - fought, and Mitchell let Ra'Mon do all the work:




I can't believe they pulled any of this together with the personality mess they had going on there. I don't see much (if any) difference between the "beach inspired" and the Avante Garde. Although, I can't believe that I actually like these better than some others.


Shirin & Carol Hannah - a good team:





I like both and think that they really pulled off the challenge. The first look is very surf/beach inspired. I know tons of surfer girls who would wear that for dressing up! Anybody want that for a cruise? The Avante Garde is an interesting inspiration. Both are ones to watch in my book.

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Althea & Louise - got along:




Now while I really like both designs, they get points taken off from me. Why? They don't have anything to do with each other. That Avante Garde is in no way an inspiration from the first look. But, how many of you would love that first dress for maybe a daytime coverup at the pool? Perfect. And I bet a lot of younger girls would love that other dress for a Cruise Formal Night.


Another two to watch.


Nicholas & Gordana - got along well.




In the context of the challenge itself, this is one of the top for me. That top in the first one, is such a great 1970s surf inspiration. Can't you see it on a cruise? The second one (even though it's out there wacky) is very Avante Garde, and I see the inspiration coming from the first outfit. So I give points here.

I'm keeping my eye on Gordana.


Logan & Christopher - another good team.





One of my favorites in the context of the challenge. The first is a great surfwear inspired look. I could see it selling easily. The next is the best Avante Garde dress to me for this challenge. It's out there, interesting, but also surfwear inspired. No one else quite did that.

It does need one thing though to totally pull it together - I fixed it here:




Moving on - Logan & Christopher, Althea & Louise, and Shirin & Carol Hannah are "safe", so they get to leave.

But this means that they are middle of the pack, and I don't agree with that at all. I still think that they are trying to "hide" people in the middle of the pack, so we don't see how good they are until later on...

I'm thinking that some of the ladies especially that I'm picking out as talented - as being hidden there for now.


In crazy shocking judging - the Top are:

Mitchell & Ra'Mon along with Johnny & Irina.

I call foul on all of this, but look back at my "hiding" theory above.

So instead of picking any of the "safe" teams, who actually had both a surfwear inspired look that also blended and inspired their Avante Garde look - they go with two teams that only have one piece each that they like. The Green Neoprene Dress from Ra'Mon, and the Two Piece from Irina.

So Ra'Mon is declared the winner. And it's okay, because he worked really hard - but I see many other people (especially the ladies) who are far more talented.


Qristyl & Epperson are in the Bottom along with, gasp, Nicholas & Gordana.

This is so wrong on so many levels.

It's supposed to be Avante Garde, which basically means "out there", "never done before", "forward", etc. They certainly accomplished that more than other teams, including Mitchell & Ra'Mon in the top! Sure it looks like a crazy Barbarella In Space Lingerie something - but that's freakin' Avante Garde! Dur, dur, dur judges.


But, it comes down to Epperson and Mitchell being the final Bottom Two.

They have never eliminated someone from a winning team before - but Mitchell has unfairly squeaked by for 3 weeks now; and also admitted over and over that he didn't do anything.

So, even though Qristyl is pretty bad as well, she manages to stay another week.


That's it!

Anyone see any Cruisewear, Poolwear, or Formalwear they would like to take on a cruise?

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Curt -- Please don't get me wrong because I know you have a "real" job other than providing such GREAT info and pics for us on this forum, but is there some reason why your reviews are a week behind? For example, last night you posted the surfer challenge pics from last week's episode, while last night's episode was "design something for your model". Just wondering about that . . .


I always have trouble with any challenge involving "avant garde" because to me that usually equates to "ugly" or "weird" or "how in the world do you get in and out of a car in that get-up??" so when the judges critique an avant garde design, I'm wondering just exactly HOW do you know it's bad?? They all look weird to me. :p I won't comment yet on last night's episode since some people may not have seen it yet, other than to say bring back Michael and Nina NOW. Kellie

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I'm totally loving everything Carol Hannah and Shirin have designed. My guess is that they'll be the ones to watch.


It was time for Mitchell to go, but I'm not sure RaMon deserved the top spot.


Would I wear any of these designs? Not any from this week, but if they ever come out with a non-maternity version of Shirin's coat and dress from a few weeks ago, I'd definitely be checking it out.

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