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...If Carnival Does Not Sell What You DrinK?

texas greeneyes

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Smuggling booze on board is not illegal and is not stealing from a bar. You are stealing from Carnival's bottom line and so indirectly from people like ME - a shareholder.


However, wearing jeans is stealing from no one - so to those who don't like jeans on board, pfffffffffffffffft.


And unlike being PROHIBITED (like smuggled booze) jeans are not prohibited, much less even mentioned, in the contract of carriage, so a double pfffffffffffft.

It seems to me that it is possible that bringing liquor on board MIGHT actually be illegal. I know that I have not checked all of the federal statutes on the question and don't really care to.


The original OP asked what to do if your brand is not available. In reality that is a tough question. What would you do on shore if your brand was not available? Would you take it in? Do without? Try something else?


Carnival and all the non all inclusive lines are going to make their profit somewhere. As long as people carry on alcohol, and thus decrease alcohol sales other things like photos, BINGO, etc will be overpriced.


Easiest solution raise fares and include drinks in cost and allow people to bring their own (as long as federal law allows).


This answer works for OP's question and based on what she like to drink might be the only real solution.

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Oh yes, almost forgot...for those that expressed interest, my drink of choice is a cinnamon flavored 100 proof liquor called "Hot Damn 100". (Not to be confused with regular Hot Damn cinnamon schnapps, which is only 48 proof.) Try a chilled shot with an ice water chaser...you'll know why they call it Hot Damn! :D


When we are doing a few shots, Hot Damn 100 is always on the list. Whenever we do the shot, we put it back, then everybody yells " Hot Damn " at once.

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The cruiseline bar prices are in line with land bars of similar style. But the price does not determine theft, its the act. And stealing IS stealing. Wether you want to admit it or not, or whatever justification you use to excuse yourself. It is still theft and you know it.

And that is my last word AND the truth of the matter.






Smuggling and theft not only aren't the same thing they aren't even in the same class.


Theft, i.e. taking something is a crime.


Smuggling is breaking a rule, and frankly everyone breaks rules when they think the rules aren't fair.


Saying it's the last word does not make it the truth by a loooong shot.

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ok so shoot me! I'm a smuggler! I always pack 3 or 4 bottles of Poweraid. If it makes you feel any better, I only pack them to take on the islands with me. The cruise line doesn't sell them so I bring my own. Also, we definately don't short change the cruise line. Our bar tab is usually about $250!


Does that still make me a thief? :confused:


I think it's ok to "smuggle" in moderation (obviously!). There are some people who will bring cases and cases of sodas or beer.

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Oh please :rolleyes: I don't bring along alcohol to save costs... my bartab, for myself, is generally between $750 and $1000... they make their money off me. Just like at home, I like to have a few drinks before "going out", or when I get home from the bar....so I do the same on the ship. Not everyone brings a bottle along because they are "cheap", some do it out of convenience. If Carnival made it more convenient for me to have a few drinks in my cabin, it wouldn't be an issue. Next time I plan on trying to just order direct from Carnival prior to the cruise, although it is more expensive, it is more convenient...

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The easiest solution to the whole liquor situation is to raise all cruise prices by appx $150 - 200 per person and let everyone bring anything they want. If the smugglers weren't so cheap the issue would never arise.


Well that "solution" wouldn't work for me and my DH as we don't drink. ;)

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It seems to me that it is possible that bringing liquor on board MIGHT actually be illegal. I know that I have not checked all of the federal statutes on the question and don't really care to.



Uh, no it isn't. There used to be a retired ATF agent that went on a group cruise I go on. He ears really perked up when he heard me talking about smuggling and they he went back to sleep after he learned it was alcohol. You are only breaking Carnival rules, not any laws.


FYI - he wore jeans on formal nights.

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My question is....what is the difference in bringing a couple of bottles of wine on board for your room convenience versus a bottle of bourbon or a 12 pack of beer for your room convenience? I am refering to bottled wine that is also offered in the dining room or at other bars around the ship. I am sure that not everyone who takes wine aboard brings wine that is not offered on the ship. However, bringing wine that is not offered on the ship can also be compared to the OP dilemma. I realize that Carnival RULES (not law) allow wine and not hard liquor or beer...but in reality, what is the difference. If you look at bringing hard liquor or beer on board as short changing the cruise line and stock holders, then you should also look at bringing wine on as short changing them as well. If your wine flavor is not represented, choose one that is.


Like GoingCruisin, our tab runs 750 -1000 over the course of a week so even if I take a drink or two out of my room that I started, I am not being cheap or trying to make life tuff on Carnival or stockholders. I certainly don't feel as if I am stealing from anyone.


Okay, I think I said wine to many times for anyone to comprehend this post. Sorry.:D

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Well said Holly!!!


The stockholders should be THANKING people like us... what about those that don't drink? Or those that buy nothing on the ship, don't smuggle, don't drink, don't gamble and come away with a S&S bill that is under $100? Seriously... drinkers that bring a bottle onboard aren't the only ones "stiffing" people... and most "drinkers" have high S&S bills, even after "smuggling" a little onboard... quitcherbitchin already :p

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Just a tip if you do decide to smuggle: pack it as if you were trying to keep an egg from breaking. I saw a guy at the airport when we got off our last cruise who had a whole bottle of banana liquor burst in his suitcase. It did make the baggage carousel smell good, though.:)

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A $700-1000 bar tab for one person over a week's time?! Oy. I hope that includes wine with dinners or you're drinking something like Hennessey's XO. Otherwise, for even a $700 weekly tab, and assuming $7 per drink, that's about 14 drinks per day, every day. But then again, I think I did see (and hear) a few of you folks on our last cruise! :) :eek:

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A $700-1000 bar tab for one person over a week's time?! Oy. I hope that includes wine with dinners or you're drinking something like Hennessey's XO. Otherwise, for even a $700 weekly tab, and assuming $7 per drink, that's about 14 drinks per day, every day. But then again, I think I did see (and hear) a few of you folks on our last cruise! :) :eek:


I doubt you heard from us... we aren't rowdy, we just have a fun group and have a good time. We have mimmies and bloodies in the morning, and drinks throughout the day... it's NOT that hard to do. If you have a few mimosa's in the morning, and say one drink an hour until time to get ready for dinner, and then a bottle of wine at dinner, then a few drinks after dinner, and at the disco... it's easy to do, and certainly doesn't make one a falling down drunk :rolleyes:

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4yanx...that's for my DH and I, not just me. We also get kinda stupid and buy a round or two when we are having a good time:D


LOL, I think it was a jab at me... as if I care :p :rolleyes:

But yes, it is easy to buy a few rounds during the week... It's vacation, I don't worry about money when on vacation :D The day I start worrying about that, it doesn't seem like a vacation anymore :(

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I doubt you heard from us... we aren't rowdy, we just have a fun group and have a good time. We have mimmies and bloodies in the morning, and drinks throughout the day... it's NOT that hard to do. If you have a few mimosa's in the morning, and say one drink an hour until time to get ready for dinner, and then a bottle of wine at dinner, then a few drinks after dinner, and at the disco... it's easy to do, and certainly doesn't make one a falling down drunk :rolleyes:


Lucy, you needn't roll your eyes. My comments were mostly in jest. That's why the placement of the :) , at the end of my post. And, I did say unless it included wine at dinner. Otherwise, "mimmies" and "bloodies" WOULD total about 14 per day with that kind of bar tab. Maybe YOU wouldn't be falling down drunk with that many drinks under your belt, but I'd wager most of us would be. :) :) :)

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LOL, I think it was a jab at me... as if I care :p :rolleyes:

But yes, it is easy to buy a few rounds during the week... It's vacation, I don't worry about money when on vacation The day I start worrying about that, it doesn't seem like a vacation anymore


Please, don't flatter yourself. If I wanted to take jab at you, you've provided much better fodder for such in previous posts than this topic. :rolleyes: Actually, you've mostly provided pretty good info in my experience here, but it's obvious that you either can't take a joke, or you're very touchy about your drinking. :)

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Please, don't flatter yourself. If I wanted to take jab at you, you've provided much better fodder for such in previous posts than this topic. :rolleyes: Actually, you've mostly provided pretty good info in my experience here, but it's obvious that you either can't take a joke, or you're very touchy about your drinking. :)


I think goincruisin was refering to my post and it was taken light hearted I hope (if you noticed who she quoted).


I really wasn't jabbin at you goingcruis:D You sound much like myself;)

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I think goincruisin was refering to my post and it was taken light hearted I hope (if you noticed who she quoted).


I really wasn't jabbin at you goingcruis:D You sound much like myself;)


Whatever. Bottoms up.

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Lucy, you needn't roll your eyes. My comments were mostly in jest. That's why the placement of the :) , at the end of my post. And, I did say unless it included wine at dinner. Otherwise, "mimmies" and "bloodies" WOULD total about 14 per day with that kind of bar tab. Maybe YOU wouldn't be falling down drunk with that many drinks under your belt, but I'd wager most of us would be. :) :) :)



Or it could be one very nice bottle of wine/champagne at each dinner. You can't assume quantity vs quality.

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Please, don't flatter yourself. If I wanted to take jab at you, you've provided much better fodder for such in previous posts than this topic. :rolleyes: Actually, you've mostly provided pretty good info in my experience here, but it's obvious that you either can't take a joke, or you're very touchy about your drinking. :)


Oh FTLOG! You tell me I didn't pay attention to your :) , yet it is okay that you paid zero attention to my :p, come on now... this is ridiculous!!! I wouldn't comment on anybody's drinking habits, how much they spend, or whether or not they would be falling down drunk or not. I can comment on me, and the people I cruise with, which are alot of CC members... otherwise, it's none of my business, and I personally don't care :D


And Holly, no... I wasn't referring to your post. No worries...

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Oh FTLOG! You tell me I didn't pay attention to your :) , yet it is okay that you paid zero attention to my :p, come on now... this is ridiculous!!! I wouldn't comment on anybody's drinking habits, how much they spend, or whether or not they would be falling down drunk or not. I can comment on me, and the people I cruise with, which are alot of CC members... otherwise, it's none of my business, and I personally don't care


And Holly, no... I wasn't referring to your post. No worries...


No you used only the :rolleyes: in your original reply to me, GC (look it up). Nowhere in it did you use the :p or the :rolleyes: , which you used in a subsequent reply (besides, one of those means sticking out your tongue, the other means rolling your eyes, neither of which are "kidding" references, as was mine). Yes, it IS ridiculous - you over reacted to something obviously said in jest.


As for you not commenting on things that are none of your business, please, check a few dozen of your previous posts. Yes, you have been helpful to many, but not giving your opinion about the actions of others is not restricted to posters other than you.

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No you used only the :rolleyes: in your original reply to me, GC (look it up). Nowhere in it did you use the :p or the :rolleyes: , which you used in a subsequent reply (besides, one of those means sticking out your tongue, the other means rolling your eyes, neither of which are "kidding" references, as was mine). Yes, it IS ridiculous - you over reacted to something obviously said in jest.


As for you not commenting on things that are none of your business, please, check a few dozen of your previous posts. Yes, you have been helpful to many, but not giving your opinion about the actions of others is not restricted to posters other than you.


When, when have I commented on anyone's drinking??? Point it out to me, please... because if I did, I definitely apologize... it's a personal issue and none of my business, so if I did comment, I definitely apologize... but I would like it pointed out to me... since my comment was that I would not comment on someone's drinking, as it is none of my business.


As for the "rolling eyes", first of all... it's an icon, no need to get so upset... second of all, it followed the comment, "doesn't mean someone is falling down drunk"... a comment that is worthy of a "rolling of the eyes" and not something that was directed at you. Obviously, I am not the only one overreacting in this situation ;)

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When, when have I commented on anyone's drinking??? Point it out to me, please... because if I did, I definitely apologize... it's a personal issue and none of my business, so if I did comment, I definitely apologize... but I would like it pointed out to me... since my comment was that I would not comment on someone's drinking, as it is none of my business.


As for the "rolling eyes", first of all... it's an icon, no need to get so upset... second of all, it followed the comment, "doesn't mean someone is falling down drunk"... a comment that is worthy of a "rolling of the eyes" and not something that was directed at you. Obviously, I am not the only one overreacting in this situation ;)


How is commenting on someone else's drinking any different than commenting on whatever else they do, and which you do as much or more as anyone? Unless, of course, drinking is a sore subject with you.(?)

I will not discuss this further with you, regardless of what you say in return, as it is not worth my time. As a suggestion, though, please take the time to review any number of your posts where you are responding to someone who doesn't agree with your point of view. Maybe after the number of posts you have on this baord you no longer notice, but you use the :rolleyes: emoticon A LOT. To MOST people that is very rude and very condescending. Imagine standing face to face with someone and rolling your eyes at them after they say something or during your response to them. Of course, if you think you know it all, rolling your eyes may come as second nature. If not, try giving it some consideration.

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