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Putting together first timer tips for my group.... here's what I have so far


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Sailing with a group and have several first timers out of Galveston for a five day on Valor. A couple members of the group want some tips, etc. This is what I have put together. Appreciate any other ideas.


Before you leave home

  • · Print your luggage tags before you leave forGalveston because they really don’t have them at the port (your luggage tagsare located on the cruise planner portion of the Carnival website and the tagswill include your cabin number).
  • · It’s too busy at the port to be putting onyour tags there. You will need a stapler to fasten the luggage tag to your bag.Do this at home before you get to the port.
  • · There’s no limit on the number of taggeditems.
  • · Before you get to Galveston, download theCarnival Hub app. This does not require you to buy the internet package onboard and it will have the ship map, dining info, schedule and more for you toaccess for free. You can sign into the app on the ship and it does have amessaging feature that is $5. Downloadthis at home to get it out of the way.
  • · Print out your boarding passes.
  • · Buy Bonine for motion sickness. Dramamine willmake you drowsy. Get the chewables. Take one before bed the night before, onewhen you wake up the day of the cruise and one at 3PM (one hour before sailtime). You can take another four hours after the 3PM dose as a precaution.
  • · Pack a wine opener if the wine you are briningon has a cork.


  • · There’s lots of paid parking lots inGalveston. Some are covered or have the option to add a car cover to your car.
  • · The Galveston port parking is the cheapestamong the US cruise ports and ranges from $50 to $60 for the week.
  • · The parking places will drive you and yourluggage in a shuttle to the port. Allow up to 30 minutes for this. There’s noreason to drop anyone off at the port with the luggage and then park. Have a few bucks ready to tip those driverguys for handling your luggage.

At the port

  • · When you get dropped off at port by theparking people, it might be a little crazy. 1,900 people are getting on and offthe ship. Be patient because you are almost on the boat and there are drinks onthe ship.
  • · The parking shuttle will drop you off andporters will be there to take your tagged baggage. Have a few bucks to tipthese guys.
  • · Your luggage will appear later in yourstateroom before dinner (usually 1:30PM or after). Check as many bags as youcan to limit carry-on luggage and bags.
  • · Trust me on this on limiting the amount youcarry on. I don’t recommend carrying large things because there might be adelay of your room being ready and you will have to carry that damn bag everywhereincluding when you get your lunch and having an adult beverage... and everyoneis taking the elevator and you will have to lug that bag up and down stairs.
  • · If you insist on bringing your pillow fromhome, put that in a duffle bag and slap a luggage tag on it. If you arecarrying that pillow around on the Lido deck with a drink, we will make fun ofyou.

About carry-on bags

  • · Bring a carry-on bag, backpack, etc since thisthis important to transport your bottle of wine or champagne. Each adult cancarry on one bottle of wine.
  • · Make sure you wrap your bottle of wine orchampagne in bubble wrap but make it easy to unwrap because after it’s x-rayed,security wants to look at it to make sure it’s not Jack Daniels or some otherhootch.
  • · You can buy two reusable wine bottleprotectors on Amazon for nine bucks. I have used mine quite a bit after buying.
  • · Some folks pack a swim suit in the carry on soyou can hit the pool or hot tubs right away on deck 9 (one pool and two hottubs midship and a 18+ pool and hotub in the back of the ship (aft)) or theover 21 Serenity hot tub on deck 14. You can change when you get access to yourroom (probably 1:30PM) or change at the fitness center.

When you get on the ship:

  • · Make sure you get a ship map at guest serviceslocated where you enter the ship on deck 3 (if you didn’t get a map at checkin).
  • · Staff members on deck 3 will also have thecruise bulletin called the Fun Times with activities and other info (theschedule will also be in the Carnival Hub app).
  • · It’s now time to relax and explore. Don’t tryto go to your room quite yet. It won’t be ready until about 1:30PM. Go aheadand have some fun by going to the Lido deck on deck 9. Elevators might be verybusy so give the stairs a try.
  • · On deck 9, you will find Guy’s Burgers (byFood Network’s Guy Fieri), the buffet, a couple bars, a taco bar and Mongolianwok, bbq (up one level from buffet).
  • · There will be music by the pool. After lunchand chilling out, it’s a good time to explore the ship starting at the very top(deck 14 serenity area is a fun place to relax.). Now make your way back downthe ship and look at decks four and five then check to see if your room isready. There’s a mandatory drill at 3:30pm and after that the sail away party begins.It’s fun to go back to deck 9 or find a place to watch the ship sail off.
  • · Watching the ship sail off and looking outtowards the horizon will help orientate your body to the movement of the shipand prevent seasickness.
  • · When you get to your stateroom and you broughton wine… let your cabin steward know you need a wine bucket with ice and wineglasses.

Dinner tips


  • · If you have anytime dining, the earlier you gothe less the wait but usually the wait is not too bad other times. If there isa wait, get a drink at the bar. It’s also good to go to dinner early becauseyou get to see more entertainment.
  • · For your dinner in the main dining room, youcan order multiples of any course. I usually do an appetizer and soup/salad forthe starter.
  • · For the main course, I might get a second itemif the first was not what I expected or I get a second item that someone elseat is willing to share.
  • · If you liked your table and waiter, and you’reon Anytime dining, make sure to remember their name and table number andmention to the hostess the following nights.
  • · The first night of the cruise, dinner attireis casual since you’re just getting on the cruise.

After dinner first night

  • · Most entertainment starts at 8PM with the pianobars and karaoke.
  • · The welcome show will be around 10PM.
  • · Nightclub will start popping after 10:30PM
  • · The R rated comedy show will be around 11:30PM (based on the Fun Times bulletings from this summer)
  • · Pizza is open 24 hours if you need some afterevening activities.
  • · Several bar choices. The Alchemy bar is funwith craft cocktails.
  • · Adult area hot tubs close at 12AM.

First sea day

  • · If you have the Cheerspackage, it begins at 6AM. Start your day with a bloody mary, mimosa, etc.
  • · Sea Day Brunch in theWashington Dining Room beings at 8:30AM. If brunch is not your thing, the Lido buffet is open with breakfastuntil noon.
  • · Lunch on deck 9 startsat 12PM.
  • · First sea day dinneris considered “cruise elegant”. Nothingtoo fancy, just look nice. Don’t miss dinnerif you don’t like to dress for dinner because the food is better. For guys,nice shirt and pants. For women, cocktail dress, nice pants/blouse type stuff.
  • · After dinner, therewill be several comedy show options at night and shows in the theatre withdifferent showtimes. More than the first night. There will also be the music, pianobar sing along and karoke in the bars.
  • · If youhave the CHEERS alcohol drink package program, it includes sodas, bottledwater, milkshakes and specialty non alcoholic frozen drinks and specialtycoffee and it does NOT count towards your 15 daily drink max! It also includes drinks like RockStar energydrinks, Powerade, Vitamin Water and Honest Teas and those can be found near theJava Café on deck 5. Hydrating helps with your cruise buz!

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Luggage tags can be laminated using clear tape and taping around the handles of all bags. Attach multiple labels to each bag in case one is pulled off. Amazon has tag holder that can be reused. Bring a small rolling cooler or tape because they will sometimes RIP your soda cartons open when checking them and you need something to put them in. On the first sea day, there is a cooking demo in the steakhouse with excellent samples. You have to get there early. They only do this once a cruise and will turn you away if it's full. Usually starts at noon. If you brought too much stuff do not try to self debark. Put your bags out the night before and collect them when you get downstairs. It is very crowded leaving and people are mad to end vacation so they are grumpy, broke and tired .


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That's a nice list! I would also add a reminder to not pack their passports or boarding passes in their checked bags. They will need them to check in. Also, some items they might want to bring: insect repellant, sunscreen, hand sanitizer or hand wipes, conditioner, disposable ponchos, and a small portable clock. I bring a back-lit one that is visible at night.

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I just gave my first time crusiers some tips as well. You have covered a lot, mine were happy to get these as well:

Bring an over the door shoe oragnizer for the bathroom to put toiletries in due to small counter space

Bring magnets to hang pictures, the dailies, tickets or what not on.

Bring a non surge protected power/extension cord ( only one outlet in the cabin)

Bring Towel clips to keep your towel on AND hang your swimsuits to dry.

Bring lots of $1's and $5's to tip with, you will get better service at the bar with advance tipping. Room service appreciate tips too!

You DO NOT need to pack a pool/beach towel, they provide them for you.

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I just gave my first time crusiers some tips as well. You have covered a lot, mine were happy to get these as well:

Bring an over the door shoe oragnizer for the bathroom to put toiletries in due to small counter space

Bring magnets to hang pictures, the dailies, tickets or what not on.

Bring a non surge protected power/extension cord ( only one outlet in the cabin)

Bring Towel clips to keep your towel on AND hang your swimsuits to dry.

Bring lots of $1's and $5's to tip with, you will get better service at the bar with advance tipping. Room service appreciate tips too!

You DO NOT need to pack a pool/beach towel, they provide them for you.




Love these tips. Thanks!



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Put all valuable stuff in your carry-on (electronics, meds, etc)

Don't forget sunscreen - you'll regret it.

If anyone is unsure about seasickness, you might want to add ginger root to the Bonine. (I have a friend who gets carsick backing out of the driveway if she's in the back seat). She starts ginger root a few days before the cruise and takes Bonine starting a couple days before. She's been on 4 cruises with me so far and has never been sick, even after some rough weather when others were.)

Take a watch on shore - keep it on ship's time - don't miss the boat - people love pier runners.

You'll need to keep up with your carry-on until you can get to your cabin, usually around 1:30.

Most important: Leave picky, judgmental attitudes at home, don't sweat the small stuff, and HAVE A GREAT TIME.

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Before you leave Home


Make sure you have either your birth certificate or Passport.

Make up a first aid kit. Aspirin, band aids, Tums, etc. These things are available on board but are expensive.


While in Ports


Just because you are a group doesn't mean that every couple has to do the same thing. If some are going one way and you don't want to do it, do what you want on your own.


Photo Ops


Stop and have as many photo ops as you like. There is no charge unless you buy them.




Go to the casino on the first day and they will give them to you for free.

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I would mention the Muster station. It kind of overwhelms new cruisers.


If its indoors go early to get a seat if its outdoors go on time.


After Muster take the stairs or just find a bar and sit and wait the chaos will end in less than 15 min. Remember that will be the most crazy time on any sailing.


Pack a cheap pop up hamper for dirty clothing


Your suit case can fit under your bed after its unpacked to free up space.


If the Balcony door is open the AC in your cabin will turn off.


There are hair dryers in the cabins.


Relax its vacation, stuff will happen and its ok its vacation. Don't let someone else take your joy even if they take your turn.


They will not run out of food, you will not go hungry.

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Pack a small amount of laundry soap and a few dryer sheets. If you pack light and don't mind doing a load of wash during some down time. The dryer sheets also come in handy for me because I hate the way the bed sheets smell. I know they're clean, it's just the washing process. So I just rub a dryer sheet on my pillow case and sheets and I'm fine.

Come up with a 4 digit code that works for your room safe. Make sure it's easy enough for everyone in the room to remember, but make sure it's NOT easily identified - such as your house #, birth dates, etc.

Pack a night light - especially if you have an inside room. You can leave the bathroom door open, but with the ship movement, it might open more than you'd like.

Remind them to pick up after themselves. The cabin stewards have a huge list of rooms to clean and they work very long, hard hours. I try to keep my room as tidy as possible (I'm a bit of a neat freak anyway) so that all he has to do is make the bed, vacuum and change out a towel, or two. I've walked by a few open doors to rooms that were absolute pig stys!

Pack a highlighter. I like to go thru my Fun Times before bed and "highlight" whatever I'm interested in doing the next day.

Just enjoy yourselves! Cruising is awesome. Hubby and I leave Saturday on the Vista!!! I need to get off these boards and start packing!

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I saved this very helpful list someone made on this site years ago. It does a good job explaining food and drinks. We were on one cruise where the couple sitting beside us waiting to disembark expressed their complete dismay that the dining room was "free". They had eaten on Lido every night thinking the dining room costed extra....

Tips For New Cruisers.pdf

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All the information you need can be found in the daily newsletter (called the Funtimes).


If you get off the ship in port, make sure you know what time you have to be back onboard.


Unless you're doing self-debarkation, you'll need to pack your luggage and leave it outside your door before midnight on the last night. Make sure you leave out a change of clothes to wear the next day! My mother forgot once and had to wear her pajamas off the ship.


Don't be surprised if you still feel like you're on a moving ship for a few days after the cruise. Bonine can help with this.

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Luggage tags can be laminated using clear tape and taping around the handles of all bags. Attach multiple labels to each bag in case one is pulled off. Amazon has tag holder that can be reused. Bring a small rolling cooler or tape because they will sometimes RIP your soda cartons open when checking them and you need something to put them in. On the first sea day, there is a cooking demo in the steakhouse with excellent samples. You have to get there early. They only do this once a cruise and will turn you away if it's full. Usually starts at noon. If you brought too much stuff do not try to self debark. Put your bags out the night before and collect them when you get downstairs. It is very crowded leaving and people are mad to end vacation so they are grumpy, broke and tired .


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I used packing tape to laminate ours and punched a hole in the bottom and used zip ties.

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I dont know if this was mentioned but the showers and restrooms in the gym are super spacious and free for adults to use. After 5pm, the gym and showers are pretty empty. Sunrise and sunset times are posted on the daily fun times. If you want to experience these , go all the way forward on some of the decks and through the heavy double doors and you will get the best view forward of the ship. We were on the 6th floor and had cabins directly at the front of the ship with a walkway in front of our window. These cabins are technically interior cabins and go really fast. You can take your drinks or food anywhere on the ship. We would often take our wine and go outside on the third deck, right outside of guest services and that is a perfect place to relax and see the ocean. A lot of people nap there, read or like us, just sit and stare at the beauty of the ocean. It is shielded from the sun by the lifeboats and you can be out there when its raining and not get wet.


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The first photo was taken from deck 6, the second from deck 5 alllll the way forward. Be careful its windy out there sometimes. Also, on the Breeze, deck 5 goes all the way around the ship so we used the stairs to go down 1 and then walked everywhere we wanted to go. No crowds and no elevators. Not all ships have this feature. On deck 3 or 4 is the crew hot tub but you can see it from the 5th floor. 20180807_184658.thumb.jpg.a63525e3e64be40c1762184678939850.jpg


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Take a picture of your passport photo page and keep it on your phone ... can come in handy if you are traveling and lose your passport (a good tip for all travel, not just cruising).


I would be careful about giving instructions for how to take medication; just saying “follow package instructions or talk to your doctor” is a good CYA.


Get to the shows early to get the best seats





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It may have already been mentioned, but we make copies of our boarding passes and put one in an outside pocket of each piece of luggage. If your bag tags get damaged or come off, the ship personnel can easily locate where that bag is supposed to be. We do it for carry-ons as well. [emoji6]



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If the Balcony door is open the AC in your cabin will turn off.




Not on all ships. I believe it's only on the Spirit and possibly the Dream Class. I know it's definitely not on the Fantasy and Conquest Class of ships.

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IMO... much of this is way too complicated. Keep it simple. It is a quick 5 day cruise, which only requires a carry-on. (although there are many people that need to pack the kitchen sink). Not sure why anyone would need a laundry basket or laundry detergent for 5 days. Take a plastic bag for dirty clothes, if needed.

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You will get separated in the terminal. Each cabin checks in together and each person should have their own id and boarding pass.

Stay with your cabin mates during the first part of check in. This will speed things up tremendously.

When the person asks how many are in your cabin answer correctly and don't tell them how many are in your group. They don't care, they want to send you to the agent by cabin to check in. You can regroup right past this first check in or security.


Oh, and the valor will hold around 3800 people (a little more actually) and it sails full. To your point though, yes, alot of people will be checking in.

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