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Willdra's Outrageous Oasis OTS October 21-28 Cruise


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The Solarium was our destination after we boarded. The ship was so nice and cool. I didn’t realize how hot I was until I felt the air conditioning. W got in the pool when we got there and I just laid out until around 3 when I got hungry. W was hungry too (wow) and we both wanted Park Café again. We packed up everything then went over. It was so nice in Central Park! There was a breeze blowing and it wasn’t crowded at all. I walked right in to get my food while W picked out a table. I had the salad, Kummelweck, and White Chocolate Cookies. W had a salad and a Quesadilla that he didn’t love. He said it had hotdog in it maybe. That is a strange combination. No worries tho, W is a pro at eating. He refuses to fail at it, and he takes it very seriously. I don’t intervene either. I mind my own business. He basically just ordered something else. It felt good to sit there at peace in the park. It felt so good that I was getting sleepy. If we left right then, we could be asleep by 4. Yippee!












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We pulled the curtains closed and I was out before my head hit the pillow. I woke up around 5:45. W was already up. I took my earplugs out and I could hear activity on the Boardwalk. It was the Oasis of Dreams Aqua Show. We had reservations to see it at 9:30 that evening, and I didn’t want to spoil it, so I waited to sit on the balcony until the show was over. W and I sat out there until it was time to get ready for dinner.  Both of us got ready quick. We must’ve been really on it. I think it helped that we weren’t doing extras like tying ties and putting on makeup. We were going low maintenance.


We walked into the Grande Restaurant at 8. When we got to our table we let Luciano know that we needed to leave by 9. He said no problem. He would take care of it. We’d already peeked at the menu on the app and we knew what we wanted. Our orders were taken right after we sat down. I ordered the Crab Cake, Pork Loin, and Gran Marnier Soufflé. W had the same except his entrée was the Strip Sirloin. That thing was so rare, it was still mooing when they brought it out. W was happy with it tho. 5 minutes after we ordered, our appetizers came out. Then at 8:15 we had our entrees. At 8:20 they brought out our desserts. We had all of our food at 8:20! This was so wonderful cuz we were worried that we would have to leave before we got our food. We actually debated just going to the buffet. So glad we stuck with our Dining Room team! We walked out of the dining room at 8:35. Now we were early. W wanted a soda. Of course. I went to look at our pictures while he was doing that. I loved all of the ones that we took at dinner and on the pier.




Crab Cake




Pork Loin



Strip Sirlon



Gran Marnier Souffle









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We walked around after that to kill time. I went into the gift shop in the Boardwalk to look around. There was an older gentleman with a disappearing platinum blonde hairline, hitting on the little sales associate. It was painful to listen to. I could tell she wanted to scream “leave me alone old man, ewwww you are old enough to be my grandpa!” but she couldn’t cuz she needs that job. Instead, she just looked at him like he had a chicken on his shoulder. So did I. Then I walked out shaking my head. Creepers are gonna creep. I guess.


By that time they were letting people in to Oasis of Dreams. We stepped up, had our cards scanned then found seats. There are rows with chairs and there are rows with benches. Don’t pick the benches. Unless you want your butt to fall asleep 3 minutes after you sit down. Also avoid the first 3 rows. They’re in the splash zone.



Oasis of Dreams is a spectacular show with lots of diving and acrobatics. My arms were hurting from just looking at the stunts they were doing. It was very evident that they train extensively for the performance. When the show was over, we ran down to the Opal Theater (for real this time) to see the Love and Marriage Show. I was also hoping that we would actually see the Cruise Director. Up to this point he’s been ghosting us. That’s if he even exists. I am also currently wondering if getting your own ice cream exists on this ship. Hmmmm. The great mysteries of cruise life.















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The Love and Marriage Show started promptly at 10:30. I’m not sure if the host was also the Cruise Director. He didn’t say. He was funny tho and the show was good. The only thing bad was that we sat in the middle of our row. The rows are tight and when someone wanted to pass we had to stand to let them by. People walked back and forth throughout the show. Annoying.




After the show we refilled our cups and went back to 10699.  We also got our stuff ready for the next day which was Falmouth.


Before I went to sleep, I said a prayer thanking God for breakfast. I really love that meal. It sets the tone for your whole day. I’ll bet everyone who’s ever done anything miraculous started out by having a great breakfast first. It’s hard to be mediocre when you just ate the best waffles you’ve ever tasted.

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My alarm was scheduled to go off at 8am. I woke up around 7, then went back to sleep another hour. W was up when I got up. We already had our bags packed and clothes ready, and it didn’t take long to cleanup and go. We went straight back to Windjammer since it would be quick and good. I was really in love with the waffles that I had the day before. I chose those again along with French toast, eggs, cheese, and bacon. I put some of the strawberry syrup and whipped cream on my waffles this time. At first bite, my whole mouth was instantly ecstatic. That strawberry syrup puts the waffles on a whole new “Yes Lawd”  level!







After that beautiful breakfast, it was soon time to get ready for our excursion. We finished up, then  went down to the gangway and exited. We were to meet our group at Station 1. To get there, we had to walk all the way through the port past all the shops. There were signs pointing to the Excursion Stations along the way.  When we got to the end of the shopping area, we saw signs for the different stations. Stations 1 and 2 were right there in the front. We checked in and we were taken to our bus. When we got to the bus it was already full. There were just enough seats for the 8 of us to get on. As soon as we sat down, the bus took off. I had to hold on to W cuz it was a bumpy ride! The ride was only 10 minutes to get to the Blue Water Beach Club. Thank goodness.







When we got there, they dropped the 411 on the place. W and I didn’t do all inclusive. We paid $27 each for beach access, chairs, and the transfers back and forth. We opted to pay a la carte for our drinks. The all-inclusive package was $94 per person. It included drinks and lunch along with the chairs and transfers. After the informative speech we were free to find chairs. They will pull chairs in the shade or wherever you want. Umbrellas were $10. They also had cabanas to rent for $60. There were beach massagers and hair braiders out. We chose a spot under a tree, and Deat brought our chairs over for us. I had to buy a drink to get change for his tip.  I got a rum punch for $7. It was really good and all my issues melted away after a few sips. There was a nice breeze blowing, and a DJ spinning reggae music in the background. A few vendors asked if I wanted to buy stuff, but I said "no thanks" and they kicked rocks. Life is good.

















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That place really felt like Paradise. I’m so glad we chose that excursion. I took a few pictures then joined W in the water. It was really warm and beautiful. We stayed in quite a while as W is prone to do. When we got out, I bought 2 more rum punches and a hamburger patty. W didn’t want anything but a Diet Coke. We spent $27 plus tips on property for everything we did. Not bad. There was a dance contest going on and it was fun when they asked the little kids to dance. We watched for a spell, then we got ready to leave. The first bus back was at 2:30 ships time. We made that one since we wanted to shop before we boarded.







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Back in port W went to find Blue Mountain Coffee and I wanted to go to Del Sol. He found the coffee but it was $26 for a small bag. He left it there. I didn’t find anything that I had to have in Del Sol either. I did pick up a couple of cute gift items in the "I Love Jamaica" store tho.













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We dinged in at around 3:15. I needed to go to Guest Services to make some changes on our account. This was a great time to go. There was no one in line. I walked right up. Afterwards W wanted Park Café again so we went there. No one was waiting there. The "back on board" time wasn’t until 6:30, so maybe peeps were making use of the extra time in port. After I ate I was super sleepy. Astonishing. W wanted to go to the Solarium tho. I passed on that of course, and went back to 10699. I showered first to get the beach sand and salt water out of my life. The cabin was cozy and comfy so before I knew it, I was drifting off to sleep. W walked in minutes after I lay down. Copycat.


We woke up at 6:30. It was so hard to make myself get up. That bed was pulling me in pretty hard. I loved how dark the cabin gets when you close the curtains too. We have a little clip that we use to keep the curtains together which really helps. That’s another thing about neighborhood balconies that's good. I can step out in the morning to check the weather, but I don’t have to fist fight the direct sunlight when I want to nap. Balcony bliss.


Before we got ready for dinner I went out to see some of Oasis of Dreams. I wanted to see how much was visible from our balcony. I could hear the whole thing and the view wasn’t bad at all. I sat out for a few  minutes taking pictures and enjoying the buzz of the passengers below.







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It didn’t take me long to get ready for dinner. We were out the door right at 8. When we left the cabin, we saw these tickets stuck in our door advertising the 10 drink cards for $79. W and I had only spent $36 total on the ship so far, and our gratuities were prepaid, which meant we were way under budget. We would talk about it at dinner and decide if we wanted to do it or not.






 We didn’t have to rush that dinner. We had reservations for the Variety Show at 10:30. Our table mates were ghosting us again, so it was just W and I. No problem. I just hope that we didn’t scare them off. I’m pretty sure I didn’t pick my teeth, put my feet on the table, or belch in their faces. W and I enjoyed the conversation with them the one night that they were there. It all worked out tho. We talked with some of the peeps at surrounding tables. Luciano and Mingming greeted us as soon as we got there. We were handed menus and I ordered shrimp cocktail, garlic shrimp, rack of lamb, chocolate cake, and I told Luciano to surprise me with any flavor of ice cream. Our food came out super fast even tho we told them not to rush.






Shrimp Cocktail



Rack Of Lamb



Garlic Shrimp



Chocolate Cake



Surprise Vanilla Ice Cream










Right as we were getting dessert we got to dance the Chicken Dance. It was fun and we enjoyed it. We got our desserts and my surprise ice cream was…………………vanilla. Luciano is too wild for me!! This dinner was done at 9 also. Even with the Chicken Dance. After dinner we decided to get the drink card. It was 10 drinks for $79, and we could share the card. With 3 more full days left on the cruise, we would totes use it. The card stated that it could be purchased at any bar. We chose Boleros. After gratuity was added, it ended up costing $93.22. I got my first drink right then, which was a great peach margarita.









We sat in the comfy chairs in front of Starbucks and watched the crowd until it was time to go to the Variety Show. We chose the lower level of the Opal Theater this time. All of that getting up and letting people in and out of the row wasn’t happening this time. We were over it. There was even a server going back and forth the night before cuz someone ordered bottled water. Really dude? We gotta keep getting up so you can get a bottle of water???


We noticed that the seats saved for Star Class, Sky Class, and Pinnacle Club are never full. There's usually a crewmember at the show early, holding 1-3 rows of seats.  Then when he or she leaves, those seats are open seating. Then it ends up that the people who didn’t have reservations, could come in and take the rest of those seats.


The variety show was a juggling comedy act. It was alright. I wouldn’t see it twice tho. I low key didn’t want to see it once, but W looked like he was enjoying himself. What is it with men and juggling? I think it really fascinates them. That actually gives me an idea for later when I wanna go shopping (with no pesky questions).





When we were let out, W and I went to get juice, soda, and hot water for my evening tea. #predictable We walked thru the casino and it was jumping. There was a lot of activity in there. W hasn’t been to the casino on this cruise yet. After we got situated and changed in the cabin he went back to the casino. I sat out on our balcony reflecting on our marvelous day.



Before I fell asleep I said a prayer thanking God for waiters. Every night they greet us with a smile. Even tho I know we get on their nerves not knowing what we want, changing our minds, and ordering 9 entrees and 4 desserts. Yet they always welcome us and make us feel like they’ve been waiting for us all day. Mingming makes me a origami flower every night. She also pays me lots of compliments (I really thanked God for those).

I also thanked God for that 10 drink card. I planned to test the limits of my liver in the next 3 days with it for sure!



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On 12/31/2018 at 9:06 PM, aztekpm said:

Wildra, so glad I found you over here!  Did you find anything to compare to 40 is the new 30?

Thanks for finding me! I really liked the Labradoozie on Labadee, It was my favorite drink of the cruise. I'm happy that I got the souvenir cup too, so every time I drink out of it, it reminds of its loveliness. :classic_biggrin:

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2nd Sea Day 



Let’s begin this day with some general announcements. To whom this may concern.

Number 1. Cabin walls are thin. They are not soundproof. Please don’t yell at your boyfriend or significant other about his infidelities or anything else between the hours of midnight-11am.

Number 2. We can hear you. We don’t care. He’s not going to change.

Number 3. Please don’t blast your music in your cabin between the hours of midnight-11 am.

Number 4. Whatever you are going thru, don’t take us with you. We don't wanna go, and we don’t even like you. See Number 2.


Glad we got that out of the way. Now let’s start our day!


We woke up slow and got to breakfast by 10. It was completely crowded in the Windjammer. We had to sit in the overflow section in the back, but we expected it. We set about getting our food, but I didn’t see the strawberry compote for my waffles. Bruh. This is what I came for. I kept looking, but I only saw the blueberry and chocolate syrup. I settled on the blueberry and I put a little chocolate syrup on one to see if I would like it.


As I was walking back to our table I noticed this delicious display of donuts. I.like.donuts. I.really.like.donuts!











After W pried me away drooling from the donut display, we got coffee, water and went in. I told W I was disappointed that I didn’t see the strawberry compote. He calmly said “did you check the other side?”. See this is one of the many reasons why I keep W around. He has food figured out. It never occurred to me that there would be different items on each side. I went over to the other side, and they had the strawberry compote and whipped cream. They also had plain sugar donuts, which meant that I had to get one of those too for my trouble of walking all the way over there.



As I mentioned, we were way in the back, and we were sitting next to a table of mature adults. They were all nice and smiling, so we started talking with them. The lady next to me told me that my waffles looked good. I said “don’t look, this is so embarrassing! I have no will power when it comes to this stuff!” She pretty much said Yolo and that I shouldn’t feel guilty about enjoying myself. I love her. I want her to follow me around and keep reminding me of that. So glad that we sat next to these mature wise adults. They know what's up.






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After breakfast we went up to watch zip lining and flow riding. I was amazed at the skill and courage that it took to do those activities with all of these people watching. It was so interesting. I flipped my camera to “sports mode” and tried to capture some of them in action.



















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We wanted to spend the day in The Solarium, but we needed to make a pit stop back at the cabin to get our backpacks first. We grabbed them quick since they were packed and ready for a day out on deck. Going back up, we had to wait awhile for an elevator. Every elevator that stopped was partially full. We can’t really squeeze in with our backpacks on. It’s like having a whole other person on your back. I’m always worried that I’m gonna knock out 6 people just by turning around, so I don't chance it. Now W on the other hand……


We finally got an elevator with space, and we rode up to 16.  No one was injured in the elevator (that I know of). There were a lot of people in the Solarium but we still found nice seats. It wasn’t as breezy in there as it was on the first Sea Day. The ship was barely moving.






We sat out pretty much all day. W got in the pool a few times. I did not. I was behind in my reading so I spent the whole day catching up. I downloaded 3 books to read on vacay and I was just thru one. That’s not bad tho considering all of the cool stuff to do on this ship. I have not been bored that’s for sure. It did get cooler in the Solarium as the ship turned and sailed on. At around 3, I remembered that I had to have ice cream sometime during the day. Dinner ice cream did not count.  I set out to find the elusive ice cream. I had a good feeling when I started seeing people walking around with cones. I saw 4 machines. 2 were on the other side of the kiddie area. 2 were in the Wipeout Café. There could have been others I just didn’t see them. Royal Caribbean hides their self-serve machines in these strategically placed closets. Smart.  I found a cup and spoon in the Wipeout, cuz I didn’t want a cone. The ice cream was nice but it melts fast! I was just happy to have a reason to eat the Oreos that I bought.







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Around 4, a group of people came and sat in the chairs next to us. They were peace stealers. They were talking loudly to each other, which was kinda obnoxious.  There were lots of empty seats at that point. Why in hades did they have to come by us? It was like going to the library and blasting music. For why?? Needless to say, W and I gave each other the "we are so out of here" look , then we packed up and let them have it.


We went back to 10699 to drop off our bags since we were done with laying out for the day. We couldn’t decide on food either. I know right. I should’ve checked W’s temperature, cuz he can always eat something. Anything.


We went down to the Boardwalk, and I got a blue margarita from Sabor. We watched some Rock Climbers and a little of the movie that was playing in the Aqua Theater. We decided to go back and order Room Service. I got the cheeseburger and fries. W got a quesadilla and chicken wings. I ate a few fries, and didn’t touch the rest. W ate his wings and half of the quesadilla. We napped off and on until it was time to get dressed for dinner. 




















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This was the second formal night and lobster night. When we arrived our table mates were there. We were happy to see them so we could talk to other people. W already knew what he wanted of course. I looked at the menu a minute then decided on Strawberry Bisque, Lobster, and Chocolate Molten Cake. We were all talking so much we didn’t even realize that some of the orders were wrong. All of mine were correct tho. Whew!





Chilled Strawberry Bisque



Caesar Salad




Broiled Lobster Tail



Chocolate Molten Cake




Our table mates didn’t get one of the soups that they ordered, and the one that they did get was the wrong one.   Mingming made us more origami before we left. She is so precious. Wish we could adopt her. They played “I Gotta Feeling” by Black Eyed Peas and we clapped and danced. Of course. It was fun. We were done with dinner at 9:30. That’s miraculous and lightning fast for elegant evening. We talked a little more, then W and I came back to get out of those shoes and clothes and get comfy.


My Collection of Origami Thus Far






I sat out on the balcony, cuz they were showing Oceans 8 in the Aqua Theater, and I liked that movie. After a while we went down to Deck 5 for juice, soda, and water. W also fought his way down to Boleros and got me a mojito which was good. It was hopping down there! They were having the 70’s party and people were out and about. Everywhere. We were low key chillin' that night, so we got our drinks and returned to 10699. We didn’t even go back down for our usual midnight pizza run. Wait. What?!?  Nope, we were not ill. We were just happy reading our books out on the balcony until bedtime.


Before I fell asleep I said a prayer thanking God for those strawberry compote waffles. I asked God to bless the life and the whole entire family, friends, and pets of the individual(s) responsible for bringing this loveliness to my lips. May they live long, prosper and bring more of these delicacies to tables everywhere. I also prayed that I could find or make something comparable after I got home, cuz I knew eventually I would be craving them.


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