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Live - Allure of the Seas - Jan 6-13 Star Class!

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1 hour ago, ryanbarckley said:

I was just going to sit down and write some more, and I realized, it's gotten quiet! 


Is anyone still with me? I won't bother If no one's along for the ride. I've got so much more from yesterday and today!

Keep it going 


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On 1/4/2019 at 11:39 PM, ryanbarckley said:


I'll be sure to post a couple pictures of my grandparents Central Park room if I can get some. 


Here's what we have for ports (obviously more detail will come with the live portion of things):


Nassau - Walk to Junkanoo beach, sit out for a couple hours, stop by the fish fry for lunch, and do some light souvenir shopping (this was our "save some money" port since Nassau is overdone at this point. 


Cozumel - Swim with Dolphins and Manatees at Dolphin Discovery Cozumel (they have decent prices, way cheaper than through royal, and even cheaper again If you email them with some questions - I'll post the deal we got once we do it and make sure it all seemed right). This is also inside Chankanaab national Park and has lots of other things to do and see inside the park. 


Roatan - private "best of" tour with Bodden tours. We'll be stopping to visit some monkeys and sloths, zip line, horseback ride, hike, shop and eat.  


Costa Maya - Maya Chan all inclusive beach day. I've never done this one before but it seems to be highly recommend by everyone who takes part. It's very limited in capacity and almost always sells out for the day well in advance. Reasonable price ($60 for adults) includes transportation to and from, open bar/drinks, lunch taco bar, cabanas/beach chairs, snorkeling, and they have a pool as of recently. They also offer massages on the beach for $25/half hour or $45/hour.


And that should do it!

Thanks, We have not been to Nassau in quite a few years so we are still undecided, We have done what you are doing in Cozumel and loved the swim with the dolphins and we like the park a lot too. Roaton  thinking of staying on the ship, and  in Costa Maya, ditto. We have not been but our friends have and they have raved about it. I am looking forward to your Island experiences as well as the ships too.


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4 hours ago, JulieMcCoy said:

Definitely still following along...more, please!


4 hours ago, CatLadyFemme said:

Still here and so appreciative!


4 hours ago, MzShae said:

Waiting for more 


4 hours ago, LuCruise said:

Yes following along.  Would love to hear more!


4 hours ago, A&L_Ont said:

Waiting for my fix.  Thanks for coming back. 


3 hours ago, Pinkymom21 said:

still here


3 hours ago, mac_tlc said:

Waiting for more!


3 hours ago, dst said:

Keep it going 



Glad to hear youre all still here! I was getting a little worried. More is coming shortly.

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4 hours ago, buckeye rob said:

Yes Ryan.  When were your dinner reservations at Chops ?  I see your show reservations were for 8.  How long did Chops take for dinner ? That's my problem is allowing enough time.    Gerry.


Chops was a 6 pm reservation, so 2 hours. Charlie seems to leave around that long for most reservations. After Nassau we flew right through 150 Central Park and would've had plenty of time. It's certainly possible to do the full meal in enough time, Id just give your waiter the heads up at the beginning of the meal, and they'll make sure you're all good.

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2 hours ago, tweety522 said:

Thanks, We have not been to Nassau in quite a few years so we are still undecided, We have done what you are doing in Cozumel and loved the swim with the dolphins and we like the park a lot too. Roaton  thinking of staying on the ship, and  in Costa Maya, ditto. We have not been but our friends have and they have raved about it. I am looking forward to your Island experiences as well as the ships too.



Yeah after just having visited Nassau, I'm still indifferent toward it.


I'm glad Cozumel was fun for you! We'll be doing that tomorrow morning.


Roatan looks like it has some decent options, I'm curious what it will be like.


Costa Maya should really be fun, I'll definitely report back on it!

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Alright! Lets talk about Nassau, the most overdone Caribbean port that ever was.


Well, guess what, it's still overdone! We opted for a simple day here, and I think that worked well for us. We woke up early to a bit of rumbling as the ship was docking. Nothing too crazy, but enough that my gf (who is still on her first cruise) asked if it was supposed to be shaking this much. We stepped out side to this lovely view! 








 We started off the morning with a room service breakfast delivery (not organized through our Genie, old school room service). Everything was delivered right on time, and as I ordered it. I messed up though and left some things off. I had no problem running up to the windjammer first thing and just grabbing a plate of some food and bringing it down to enjoy on the balcony. Eating on the balcony really is quite beautiful, and HIGHLY recommended.





We got off the boat around 11, barely a line, so we didn't organize Charlie to walk us off or anything. Of Course Allure was docked at the farthest dock out. We also had 2 other Carnival ships docked with us (I think I saw a fourth at one point, but never saw what it was).




We opted to walk down to Junkanoo Beach to just take some time and rest. Thankfully I had read a bit on how to get there on here, because its not TOTALLY clear where to go, until around halfway there when I started seeing signs for it. Even those are often obstructed though and covered with stickers!




It was certainly warm out, but not crazy hot. When we got to the beach, it was busy, but not crazy packed. We walked around halfway down and found a spot partially in the shade. There are of course huts all along the beach selling assorted food. We didn't bother getting any, and were surprisingly not really bothered by anyone, aside from the standard people just kind of asking everyone that walked by. When you first get to the beach youre welcomed by this sticker covered sign (I'm seeing a pattern).




We jumped in to the water, it was a bit cold, but comfortable once we fully got in. The beach is rocky a bit right as you enter the water, but clears up for the most part once you get in the water a few feet. We of course got the obligatory water selfies, it really looked beautiful. The people placing beach chairs had no problem slapping a couple down RIGHT next to us. It didn't quite impose but was slightly closer than I would have preferred.








My sisters and her husband got cold after about an hour and decided to pack up and walk back. My mom, gf and I decided to stay a bit longer. We relaxed in the water for a little bit, and I did some snorkeling. Theres not a ton in the water to see, but I caught a bunch of little beautiful blue fish, some assorted shapes of fish, and even a school of around 15 fish swimming by. We packed up around 12:30 and decided to walk back. On our way off the beach we walked out on one of several concrete piers that appear to have been left from some past use (see my picture of the beach, this picture was out on one of the piers).




My gf and mother wanted to shop for some sunglasses, and my mom found a decent pair of Ray Bans in a store and picked them up for a reasonable price ($140). We got back on board no problem, and wanted to get some lunch. We got on around 1:15, only to find coastal kitchen was just closing, and Johnny Rockets didnt open until 2, so we decided to wait a little and wash up in the room until then. We also had a message on our room phone from Charlie inviting us to a sailaway party on the helipad, we had to meet at 4:20 pm in the spa, and then they'd walk us to the helipad. 


After enjoying Johnny Rockets (I only grabbed this one picture), we relaxed until it was time to go up for the sail away.




We met in the spa, were greeted the the concierge-es on board, and shortly after the Genies. We were escorted up one deck, all the way forward until we went through a crew door out on to the helipad. There's an odd ramp necessary to get through the couple of doors, but there were plenty of staff on hand to lend a hand getting through. They also had mimosas, champagne, rum punch and fruit punch on hand for everyone and were offering as we went through the door. Once out on the deck, we had a few minutes to chat with the mix of officers on hand, enjoy our drinks, and the views. Charlie came over and was sure to take a couple of family photos for us.










The cruise director came out and introduced all of the officers and staff (including Charlie, we were sure to cheer for him!) They mentioned how a couple doors on the helipad would open as the engines were prepared and to stay away. They also had us cheer up to the bridge, and they hit the horn for us (we apparently got a VERY long horn from them, the cruise director jumped a bit). They said when we heard a second sounding of the ships horn, it was time to go back inside. They did it again before we even started moving, and very quickly came and told us to head inside. Im not going to lie, I was VERY disappointed we didn't actually get to experience an actual sail away. It felt like a bit of a rip-off.


We hurried back to our room to actually watch the sail away, and the views there didn't disappoint either.






We kept moving out further away, and before we know it, it was time to get ready for dinner! One more picture, and then I'm going to split this into another post, I can't believe I got this many pictures in to one post!



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It was formal night, and I had given some clothes to be washed and pressed to our room attendant (John) the night before, according to him, we should get things back by 4 pm the next day, or if we give things to him by 11 am, we can get them pressed by 4pm for dinner that night.  WELL, we didnt get anything back yet, and it was now 5 pm, we had 6 pm reservations, and I had no suit jacket and no pants! Oh no!


I called Charlie, and he was on it, 5 minutes later he called back and said our clothes were on the way. They arrived shortly after, and I realized I was still missing my pants. I called Charlie again, and he very quickly called back and said they were now on their way as well. Just in time, John personally brought up the pants himself. The night was saved!


Tonight's dinner was at 150 Central Park. We walked in and were promptly seated. I THOUGHT they had ended the partnership with Michael Schwartz? But this menu still reflected that.






Overall, the food was good but nothing to write home about. I think I'd rather another visit to chops honestly. The ambiance of the restaurant is quite nice though.




My gf and I really enjoyed the way everything looked and felt.




Our waiter was excellent, and made some very good recommendations. My family decided to try many different things, I tried the tuna tartare and lobster gnocchi. My gf also got the Duck Confit and Veal Bolognese Agnolotti. Our waiter also brought a baby beet salad. All were delicious, but I think the duck confit was my favorite. The lobster gnocchi was just ok, the veal bolognese agnolotti was delicious, the beet salad was good but not crazy, and the tuna tartare was good, but odd. That was prepared table side by our waiter (apologies for the blurry picture).








While waiting for our entrees, our waiter mentioned that he had worked in Giovannis on the prior week, and that we should make sure to go there. Charlie has reservations for us there on the last night, so we told him that of course we were going. He told us he recommended each getting our own entree, and getting and pastas served family style, as it lets you try a lot more. He said he'd be sure to talk with someone who is there this week, and make sure we were taken care of since not everyone likes to serve that way. I'm looking forward to it, that makes great sense to me.


Our entrees arrived, and we again opted to try a variety of choices. My sister had the scallops and split the beef with my mother. I had the lamb duo, and my gf tried the short ribs. The scallops were alright, tasted a bit fishy (I've had some EXCELLENT scallops though so I'm quite picky there to be honest). The beef I really enjoyed, that was again finished table side. The lamb was quite good too, though the meatballs were odd (there was 2 preparations of it) and kind of fell apart too easily. The short rib was enjoyable, but could have been a bit more tender.





Short Rib






After the entrees came, it was time for dessert. This was honestly the most disappointing part of the meal, nothing was stellar here. We had the choice of a bourbon chocolate tart, warm doughnuts, a lychee tres leches and a basil panna cotta. The tart was good but a bit overpowering, the warm doughnuts were just...warm doughnuts, they were warm which is nice but there's nothing to write home about. The panna cotta was...odd, the waiter had said he didn't prefer it but we wanted to try it, I didn't love it but I strangely kept eating it. The tres leches was also odd, the lychee was an odd flavor to have with a tres leches. I also had an Irish coffee that was quite good. We had to get to the comedy show and I was VERY tired for some reason.


After dinner we sat down for a little bit, and then it was time to meet Charlie for the comedy show in the comedy club. We met him, and when he went to escort us in, the gentleman at the door stopped us to check our sea passes. Charlie said it's ok he's a genie and escorting us in, but he didn't seem to care and insisted on scanning our passes. I didn't mind I understand he was just doing his job to verify our age, and we were quickly in our seats, though I did see Charlie speak with him briefly before leaving for the night. The comedy show was very funny, we had one small heckler which both comedians handled very well.


After the show, we were all very tired, and decided to head back to the room. We all decided we were still hungry, and ordered some room service which was quickly delivered. They even sent a "thank you" plate of chocolate strawberries along with it.


We ordered breakfast from Costal Kitchen through Charlie to be delivered for the next morning. I just sent him an email with everything we wanted, and we were all good! The menu for that is below.




That's all for now! More about our Sea Day later on. We arrive in Cozumel in the morning and I'm looking forward to our day there! 


Any thoughts or questions? Feel free to ask! I'd love to answer anything.

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Disappointed with the review of 150. It was our favorite last cruise; we’ll try it again next week but may not go back for the 2nd reservation. 


Oh oh and Nassau spot on “the most over visited port”

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Wow..what stress with your cloths.  Glad that Charlie came through and was able to deliver just in time.

Your dinner at 150 Central Park sounds disappointing.  In Dec, my husband and I were on Independence and had a pretty good experience at Giovanni's.  Pasta was really fresh and everything else very good too. Hopefully that meal is better for you.

PS - Having breakfast out on that balcony looks so amazing.

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The helicopter sailaway wasn’t the “normal”. Usually you are out there until the ship starts to get moving, another words 20 minutes after the ship blasts it’s horns. I’ve never had it as a organized walk off, on 20 of them.


Ryan, I am catching a theme.  You love food, but steak/beef are the top.  At least so far this week. 🙂

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It is neat to be on the helipad meeting officers but,


We were literally blown away with our sail aways from Puerto Rico and Labadee.  The wind blowing on us was unbelievable.  In fact many left the helipad once the ship was moving for about 5 min.  Some stayed.


Still fun to do


Enjoying your review.....






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Thanks for the update, I was looking forward to it! We've been on a ton of cruises but have never had a suite like yours. I am dying with envy, especially that breakfast on your private balcony!!! Looks so amazing!! Enjoy Cozumel!! 😀

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Please keep your review coming! 

I love all the information you are sending our way.

The pictures of your family are great!

Wondering how you are liking Charlie as your genie and how you and the family feel about him as compared to any of the other genies you see interacting with their clients on the ship.

If you wouldn't mind could you tell me what kind of bottled water is in your room?  Is it spring or purified?

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Hi----- remember me.............................your eager follower.


Now come, come, you cannot possibly having that much fun that you cannot update us.


Really the Allure................................     (wink wink).That is why we have her booked twice this year......................




Safe travels


Write when you can


(I feel like a mom waiting for my daughter to text from college)   (hint hint Christina)



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Thank you for your More Than Amazing Posts !!!!  My husband and I will be sailing next December (So Far Away !!)  He packs like you do. I laughed when I saw all your shirts.  He has a suitcase with just shoes, flip flops and sandals.  We will be in a Jr. Suite and look forward to the extra space.  Thanks again for your entertaining and informative posts !

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On 1/9/2019 at 4:20 AM, dst said:

Disappointed with the review of 150. It was our favorite last cruise; we’ll try it again next week but may not go back for the 2nd reservation. 


Oh oh and Nassau spot on “the most over visited port”


Yeah I expected better, I still enjoyed the meal for sure, and I'd try it again with a different menu, but given the choice I'd do chops again in a second (in fact, we are!)


On 1/9/2019 at 4:42 AM, champagne123 said:

Still loving every second of your cruise.  What are your plans in Cozumel today? 


Dolphin and Manatee Swim, beach, and relaxing! More to come on how all that went!


On 1/9/2019 at 6:33 AM, LuCruise said:

Wow..what stress with your cloths.  Glad that Charlie came through and was able to deliver just in time.

Your dinner at 150 Central Park sounds disappointing.  In Dec, my husband and I were on Independence and had a pretty good experience at Giovanni's.  Pasta was really fresh and everything else very good too. Hopefully that meal is better for you.

PS - Having breakfast out on that balcony looks so amazing.


I wasn't super stressed about the clothes, I could've just thrown on shorts or something else instead, but I wanted to be dressed up a little for formal night, and that's all I had so, it's good that it worked out.


150 wasn't as good as I thought it would be, but, nothing is perfect. I really enjoyed our waiter, and he made some great recommendations for Giovannis which we're looking forward to trying.


On 1/9/2019 at 7:04 AM, A&L_Ont said:

The helicopter sailaway wasn’t the “normal”. Usually you are out there until the ship starts to get moving, another words 20 minutes after the ship blasts it’s horns. I’ve never had it as a organized walk off, on 20 of them.


Ryan, I am catching a theme.  You love food, but steak/beef are the top.  At least so far this week. 🙂


Yeah I was expecting to be up there while the ship was moving a bit, I didn't love that I wasn't.


I do love steak! it's one of my favorites (especially when it's included in things).


On 1/9/2019 at 9:36 AM, Lionesss said:

It is neat to be on the helipad meeting officers but,


We were literally blown away with our sail aways from Puerto Rico and Labadee.  The wind blowing on us was unbelievable.  In fact many left the helipad once the ship was moving for about 5 min.  Some stayed.


Still fun to do


Enjoying your review.....







I probably wouldn't have stayed all that long, I've been on the helipad on freedom class before, but I wanted my gf to experience it a bit and we didn't get to.


On 1/9/2019 at 9:38 AM, FMZ said:

Thanks for the update, I was looking forward to it! We've been on a ton of cruises but have never had a suite like yours. I am dying with envy, especially that breakfast on your private balcony!!! Looks so amazing!! Enjoy Cozumel!! 😀


Breakfast on the balcony is quite fun, I really enjoy it.


On 1/9/2019 at 10:47 AM, queenfrostine22 said:

Please keep your review coming! 

I love all the information you are sending our way.

The pictures of your family are great!

Wondering how you are liking Charlie as your genie and how you and the family feel about him as compared to any of the other genies you see interacting with their clients on the ship.

If you wouldn't mind could you tell me what kind of bottled water is in your room?  Is it spring or purified?


Charlie has been wonderful. He's very reserved, but so sweet and always ready to do whatever we need. I've seen one other genie (I don't know her name), but haven't seen her directly interact with any guests (I've only seen her when they're both waiting at the entrance to shows to escort their guests wherever they need to go).


The water in our room is the Evian spring water. We've been drinking a ton of it and they are not stingy with it, they left 2 full cases of different size bottles the other day and it's been great.


On 1/9/2019 at 1:46 PM, Sorcerer Tim said:

Thank you for the updates. Really enjoying reading your review.


Thank you!


9 hours ago, Lionesss said:



Hi----- remember me.............................your eager follower.


Now come, come, you cannot possibly having that much fun that you cannot update us.


Really the Allure................................     (wink wink).That is why we have her booked twice this year......................




Safe travels


Write when you can


(I feel like a mom waiting for my daughter to text from college)   (hint hint Christina)





Hello! Yes! I'm still here, using every second of down time I have to rest or relax, so busy! More coming shortly (Im going to write about our Sea day now).

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Alright, our first sea day (that feels like it was FOREVER ago, I just had to sit with my gf and review everything that we did so I could make sure not to leave anything out. lots to talk about!) Unfortunately, I didn't take a ton of pictures for the sea day, just a couple 😞 I'll just try and be super descriptive!


Charlie had asked the night before if we wanted to do a scavenger hunt on board that he had come up with himself. Unfortunately, we were all so tired that we decided to have breakfast on the balcony again (I actually really wanted to try it, he seemed like it would be fun and was excited to do it with us, but sadly I'm not sure we'll have time).


When we got up, I noticed a bit of soot on our balcony from the night before, not a ton, but enough that it was kind of all over. We asked John (our room attendant) to clean it up when he had a moment and he said he'd call for a mop right away. Shortly after that John and another room attendant came in with a mop and gave the balcony a VERY thorough cleaning. 


Breakfast was ordered from Coastal Kitchen for a 10 am delivery, we just sent Charlie and email with everything we wanted the night before and he took care of the rest. Around 10:10 am room service called and said our food was on the way up. They set everything up on the balcony for us and we were on our way. I OF COURSE forgot to order something again so I ran up to windjammer and grabbed the missing food and enjoyed the meal.


We went upstairs by the sports deck, hoping to zip line but quickly realized it was not yet open. We played some mini golf (there were several people trying to play and a few sets of kids who were running around doing whatever they wanted that got a bit annoying a few times). After mini golf (I won!) we went and watched the flow rider a little bit, and got a drink at the wipe out bar. It was one of the best labadoozies Ive ever had (I asked if he could make one, he said of course and made one quite strong, and it was great, I'd go look for that bartender again and ask for one, they're not always that good).


After that, it was time for lunch! We had asked Charlie to make us a reservation for Sushi in Izumi, which he of course did, but there were plenty of tables for others if they wanted to just walk in. We placed our order, and both my gf and I were suddenly very tired and decided to go up to the cabin. My family had them pack everything up and brought it up to the room for us (remember this, this comes in to play later on). At this point, it was time to go down to the pub for a meet and greet organized by Paul who's been running our facebook group. We were already pretty late because we were so tired, but I wanted to make sure we got in for a few minutes of it.


As soon as the meet and greet was over, we went right up the promenade to the Champagne bar to do our cabin crawl. This was organized by one of the facebook group members Sherri (Hi Sherri! I think she's on here too). We got to visit interior, standard balcony, large balcony, junior suite, grand suite, crown loft suite and and our room! We finished off the crawl with my room, and I had Charlie put out some hors d'oeuvres, which were delivered right on time. Everyone LOVED the room, and as they were going through our bedroom they noticed the sushi on the counter and were like OH WAIT SUSHI IS INCLUDED?! IS THIS FOR US?!, so I let everyone have some of my lunch, which made for a good laugh. Here are a couple of pictures form the cabin crawl that Sherri posted. We squeezed on to the extended balcony room, and had no trouble fitting on the balcony of my room!





After the cabin crawl, we had a brief break and then it was time for dinner. We had reservations for Hibachi. Now heres where we ran in to an issue. Walking in to the restaurant, there was a family leaving. As my sister was trying to sanitize her hands, these two kids were swatting at each other THROUGH her, and wound up hitting her more than once. I looked down toward them (they weren't paying attention to me) and said "hey guys, stop". At this point, their mother decided it was time to pay attention to her children, and promptly started shouting at me for speaking to her children. I tried to explain that they had hit my sister, to which she said "well I didnt see", which was exactly the problem (I found that a bit ironic). She shouted some more, my sister wound up shouting at her some, and then her husband tried to step in and shout at me as well. I understand people don't want others telling their children what to do, but it's also completely inappropriate to allow children to run around swatting other people, so I simply asked them to stop. At that point, the maitre'd came over and attempted to calm the situation/get the family to leave. It certainly made for an interesting start to our dinner.


We were seated immediately, and the maitre'd apologized multiple times. Obviously that was not their fault at all (which I did say to them), but I appreciated that. Our waiter came over and was SO MUCH FUN, he was singing songs and just being incredibly friendly. We placed our orders, and our waiter brought us all out our salads fairly quickly.




 Our chef (Joseph) came out, and was also a ton of fun. He was singing all sorts of different songs and we loved every second of the meal. Now let me tell you, the FOOD was SO GOOD. It may have been the best hibachi I've ever had. We have a lot of hibachi restaurants around us so, I am serious when I say I loved it. I had the Filet Mignon and Shrimp. Here's our chef having a blast with us:




Charlie popped in to dinner and said hello, and confirmed if we wanted to go to the aqua theater show or not. Most of my family said they had seen the show from our balcony several times so they didnt want to go, but my gf and I still wanted to see it!


After dinner we walked around and got some drinks, and decided to go out to the boardwalk and try the ice cream and cupcakes that are included with star class. The ice cream is standard ben and Jerrys, the cupcakes were delicious. We'll definitely be back for another one. We also rode the carousel because why not!




After cupcakes it was time for the show! We found Charlie and one of the other Genies waiting near the aqua theater. He quickly got us in to our PRIME seats, got us drinks, and checked if we needed anything the next morning for Cozumel and we were on our way!


My gf has been loving the cruise so much she wanted to discuss booking another one with her parents while we were on board to get that extra on board credit, so we talked with them for a bit, and they're a bit nervous but I think I can get em!


After the aqua theater show we went to the arcade, spent too much money on winning almost nothing (oh well, it was fun), and then had a couple drinks with my sister and her husband. After that, we decided to call it a night, we had to be up early for Cozumel the next morning!


More soon!


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You are enjoying my favorite room of all my cruises! My daughter and her family and I had the best time on Allure in your cabin. John was also our excellent cabin attendant. Susan was our genie. I have booked same cabin for us on Harmony in March.

Enjoying reading your posts! Thank you!

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