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Carnival Didn't Come Through...Should I Just Let it Go?

texas greeneyes

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Just to warn you, I have contacted my PVP to ask for her advice about these issues, and I will report any useful advice I receive and/or progress made here on this board.


Anyway, thank you for sharing your opinion. I did ask for it, after all.


Good lord, I didn't come here to pass judgment on you. Select whichever 'dwell' definition suits you. As I stated before my opinions/thoughts were based upon the information you provided. Forgive me for responding to your post in the first place as it's evident you can't ask a question without expecting to control the answer. And, what THE are you talking about? Warn me?? Am I in danger??


No reply necessary. I'm out of this post and any of your future posts as you have now been added to my 'do not disturb' list.


Enjoy living!

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texas greeneyes user_offline.gif vbmenu_register("postmenu_5620510", true);

Cool Cruiser

Join Date: Aug 2005

Posts: 296





Originally Posted by Sea Turtle

Onboard staff should have been advised and the matter put to rest before disembarkation.


According to what you've written CCL did address your issues--just not with the answers you were seeking. You will never recapture the two month's time spent dwelling on the negative side of your cruise. Ask yourself if you can afford to spend even more time on what I would clearly define as an insignificant matter and you'll have answered your own question.


Enjoy the day!



Sea Turtle, I assure you I have not spent two months dwelling on this issue. :rolleyes: Wherever did you get that idea?



Well, since your cruise was in November 2005 and it is now January 2006 I would say that constitutes dwelling. Check Webster's.


:p :rolleyes: Right back at ya!


Enjoy the evening.



I'd say it is time to get OP some cheese with her whine. There are at least 3 sides to every story and at least 2 sides are missing thats for sure

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Evidently the first batch of cakes were scarfed down and presumeably enjoyed. In spite of the screw up I'd have just ordered another batch of cakes to be sent around the next day so you didn't have a cakeless celebration. You're only talking about $30. Hell, it takes $125 to fill my truck with gas these days. Seems like pocket change for some cakes in comparison. Did the cake snafu really ruin your celebration? You had a nice cruise that you enjoyed anyway. I say let it go. I'll think about you while I eat my 50 cent Little Debbie cake here. :)

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I don't see how the original poster screwed up. Clearly, Carnival is the one that dropped the ball in this whole issue. If they had delivered AS SHE HAD ORDERED (caps lock for emphasis, not for shouting), then there would not even be an issue here.


If you read what I wrote carefully you will see that I was not saying that she screwed up...if you read the quote in full..."but it didn't come and you can't make people do the things you would have chosen to do if you were presented with this same scenario but you were the one who screwed up." in other words...if you were the one who screwed up and had to make it up to someone I'm sure you would have done it differently, but you weren't the one making the mistake, so you didn't get to choose how it got addressed...


Oh never mind. I give up trying to explain... This thread is turning into a debate that I really don't have that much invested in...

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Just to warn you, I have contacted my PVP to ask for her advice about these issues, and I will report any useful advice I receive and/or progress made here on this board.


So let me get this straight.


You asked if you should let it go.


Most said yes, let it go, and you're doing what?


Thanks for the warning. I am no longer interested in the outcome. I'm moving on. You should have done the same.

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In one of your original posts on this matter, you said you simply wanted Carnival to "acknowledge your letter"... which they have no done, but you seem to want to still "dwell" on it (yes, throw me in the group that thinks you are dwelling). In your other thread about this, you also received some opinions... at this point, you may not be able to let it go yourself, but in my opinion, I think you should let it go on here... just my opinion, but these cakes have been talked about enough. And now it sounds like you are going to give progress updates... There are people that missed their entire cruise, that missed ports, that had toilets backed up the whole week, and only posted once on the subject :p Like I said, it's my opinion, and you asked for opinions... These cakes now have a life of their own and should probably have their own username on CC :p I say let it go... I've never ordered 5 cakes at a time, so I have no clue how they are with higher quantities, I can say that I have never had a problem ordering one cake... and I believe from these boards, that most people haven't. So I hope you have better luck next time...

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It's amusing how Carnival always appears to be in the wrong when things go wrong.


I'd love to see a copy of the original order.


This reminds me of the guy at Flemings that complained his steak was medium not rare and wanted it no charge, I found fault , that it was already digested when he complained.


Did you order it properly, do you have a copy? Did you eat it? If all this was so important you should have seen the Chief Purser and/or one of the head maitre des and even the captains representative if necessary


We still don't have all of the facts. Time to move on in my opinion. The recipient knows you meant well :)


And in jump the ever present Carnival defenders. Immediately assuming Carnival is right and the poster is in the wrong. Look at how many people have posted that Carnival messed things up, but still defending Carnival. :mad:


You are contracting with Carnival to provide a service. If Carnival or anyone it contracts with doesn't get it right, Carnival is responsible. They are making the profits off of it. People who post about their problems are doing all of the readers a service in letting them know what they can expect and avoid.

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And in jump the ever present Carnival defenders. Immediately assuming Carnival is right and the poster is in the wrong. Look at how many people have posted that Carnival messed things up, but still defending Carnival. :mad:



That's not necessarily true. I believe Carnival messed things up, and I certainly don't defend them. But I did say that I would let it go, as in my opinion, going through all the grief, anger, and hassle isn't worth it over $30, principle or no principle. You can definitely be right about something, yet still opt to let it go...I know I've found that to be true over and over in my marriage!:D

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I'll bet I know what happened! I heard a rumor on one cruise that some room STEWARTS were running down the hall in VS panties and wearing expensive makeup and guess what they were carrying... a cake!!!! (i know it is old but I am bored)

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Good lord, I didn't come here to pass judgment on you. Select whichever 'dwell' definition suits you. As I stated before my opinions/thoughts were based upon the information you provided. Forgive me for responding to your post in the first place as it's evident you can't ask a question without expecting to control the answer. And, what THE are you talking about? Warn me?? Am I in danger??


No reply necessary. I'm out of this post and any of your future posts as you have now been added to my 'do not disturb' list.


Enjoy living!


Ok lets see here....are we adults or are we in 6th grade:eek: !!!!!


Texasgreeneyes has the right to post whatever she wants to ask about in here.....;) .


Sea Turtle has the right not to read it if they don't like the subject:rolleyes: .


Nuff said not worth a fight....

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Ok lets see here....are we adults or are we in 6th grade:eek: !!!!!


Texasgreeneyes has the right to post whatever she wants to ask about in here.....;) .


Sea Turtle has the right not to read it if they don't like the subject:rolleyes: .


Nuff said not worth a fight....


True, but TGE came on and said, "I would very much like to hear your opinions. Should I try to carry this further, or just accept Carnival's indifference?"...


Unless you stipulate that you only want a certain kind of opinion, you accept them, whether you agree with them or not... when you ask for opinions, chances are, that's what you are going to get ;)

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And, believe it or not, I have a busy, active life away from these boards.


I'm glad someone does!:D


Here's my two cents. I like Carnival. They put on a good cruise. However, their gift department is very inconsistent, to put it kindly. Of all the postings about people ordering gifts, probably 25% of them have had something go wrong. (Not a very good track record, IMO) I ordered gifts for three cabins on our cruise. While they were delivered as promised, the contents were not as advertised in the on-line description. It was minor, the beer mug was supposed to have a Carnival logo but it was just a plain, glass beer mug. I was disappointed because I ordered those gifts for the souvenier value, now I have just one more glass in my kitchen cupboard.


The OP ordered a cake with specific instructions, she checked on the order, and she followed up onboard. Carnival screwed up the order. Whether or not the cakes were consumed by unwitting people is irrelevant. $30 would have made this problem go away and people on this board never would have heard about it. Now, how many of you out there are going to rethink your decision to order gifts through the Gift Department? How much revenue will be lost because the purser onboard wouldn't put $30 on her SnS card?


As for the tour operator, that's another reason to book independently.


You have gotten everything that Carnival is going to give. Time to move on.

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Now, how many of you out there are going to rethink your decision to order gifts through the Gift Department? How much revenue will be lost because the purser onboard wouldn't put $30 on her SnS card?



Not me... like I said, I've never had a problem, I've never had any of my friends or family have a problem... seems pretty rare that there is a problem, and if something happens, it happens. I personally wouldn't rely on ANYONE other than myself if I wanted to do something so special that it would make or break my cruise experience... that is me, and my decision. But hearing about something that happened, to someone on Cruise Critic changing my mind about doing something??? Never... If I were to do that, I would never cruise!!

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They ate the cake hummmmmmmmmmmmmm


The weirdest part is as hard as the OP is beating on this forever, why didn't the OP know for sure the outcome before leaving the ship? That would have been possible with Op's determination. Could of gone up the chain of command until the cakes were gotten free guaranteed. Buyer's remorse at this point is a big LOL. Time to move on................

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It seems clear that Customer Service is once again the true agenda of these postings. The he said/ she said/ they said is now a moot point.

If you are not satisfied with a response and feel there is not a point in pursiuing it further, then it is simple....

Vote with your money, and if you want to cruise again, choose a competitor.:cool:

(I find it bizarre that a company would rather lose a customer over $30 dispute on a $2K cruise, but there must be more to this story from both sides.:eek:)

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Now, how many of you out there are going to rethink your decision to order gifts through the Gift Department? How much revenue will be lost because the purser onboard wouldn't put $30 on her SnS card?


Well, you hit the nail on the head, at least as far as I'm concerned. I am going on the Pride for my anniversary and was going to order room decorations, a cake and flowers. I am definitely rethinking that after reading the stories on here.

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I can't believe that someone would let a $30 item eat away at them like that... or have such plans that must be played out specifically.


Go with the flow... roll with the punches... life's not perfect... Ship happens.


And I would never let a very few people's influence (of the millions that cruise), from on a forum message board influence my decision to order gifts from the Bon Voyage department. I'm sure they do a wonderful job.


I'm gonna load up on booze from the Bon Voyage department for when I want a cocktail in the cabin, so I don't have to bother sneaking...:D

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I suggest disputing the charge on your credit card. My cc company allows 60 days to dispute something. Last week I filled in a cc form online and I explained that a gift card ordered from a store online was shipped to the wrong address. The store kept giving me the run around about crediting my charge account, so I called my cc company and got the online address to dispute the charge. A week later my cc refunded my account the $30.

It is not much money, but it was the principle for me.

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True, but TGE came on and said, "I would very much like to hear your opinions. Should I try to carry this further, or just accept Carnival's indifference?"...


Unless you stipulate that you only want a certain kind of opinion, you accept them, whether you agree with them or not... when you ask for opinions, chances are, that's what you are going to get ;)

This has gotten way past opinions.

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I suggest disputing the charge on your credit card. My cc company allows 60 days to dispute something. Last week I filled in a cc form online and I explained that a gift card ordered from a store online was shipped to the wrong address. The store kept giving me the run around about crediting my charge account, so I called my cc company and got the online address to dispute the charge. A week later my cc refunded my account the $30.

It is not much money, but it was the principle for me.

How are you going to dispute a portion of a single charge?

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And I would never let a very few people's influence (of the millions that cruise), from on a forum message board influence my decision to order gifts from the Bon Voyage department. I'm sure they do a wonderful job.


Well, of the people who have weighed in on their experiences here, a good portion have been negative. Why wouldn't that influence your decision? Aren't we on this board to gather information and learn from other people (and, sometimes, their mistakes)? I am assuming (maybe falsely) that these people are being truthful. If so, the service seems to be lacking. I will wait to see what other people say to get a larger sample size, but as of now, I'm skeptical.


I don't know why anyone would just assume that "they do a wonderful job," especially when there have been numerous bad experiences. Too each his own, I guess.

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Well, of the people who have weighed in on their experiences here, a good portion have been negative. Why wouldn't that influence your decision? Aren't we on this board to gather information and learn from other people (and, sometimes, their mistakes)? I am assuming (maybe falsely) that these people are being truthful. If so, the service seems to be lacking. I will wait to see what other people say to get a larger sample size, but as of now, I'm skeptical.


I don't know why anyone would just assume that "they do a wonderful job," especially when there have been numerous bad experiences. Too each his own, I guess.


In the years I have been here, I could probably count the complaints against the bon voyage dept on my fingers and toes... it's MINIMAL at best. A good portion?? I certainly haven't seen that at all. And considering that less than 1% of all cruisers visit message boards, it's probably even more minimal. I have personally never had a problem and never known anyone that had a problem, THAT is what I use... personal experience. I have NO idea if what people post on an internet message board is factual and I take it with a grain of salt and form my own opinions.

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They were delivered instead to the dining room, after I had left for the evening.


So you left your family before dessert arrived?


(I do not know how much of the cakes were consumed, since I was not present.)

Why didn't you ask them? :confused:


Last question... were you in a suite or something? I can't imagine hosting a surprise shower with 3 cakes in a tiny cabin.

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In the years I have been here, I could probably count the complaints against the bon voyage dept on my fingers and toes... it's MINIMAL at best. A good portion?? I certainly haven't seen that at all. And considering that less than 1% of all cruisers visit message boards, it's probably even more minimal. I have personally never had a problem and never known anyone that had a problem, THAT is what I use... personal experience. I have NO idea if what people post on an internet message board is factual and I take it with a grain of salt and form my own opinions.


I form my opinions based upon, among other things, other passengers' experiences. For example, I see from your posts that you have used the service and haven't had any problems. I am sure in the coming months I will see other posts commenting on this issue. I will take that information and factor it into my decisions. I don't have any reason to disbelieve these posts, including yours. That's what this board is all about - to me anyway.


(BTW - When I said a "good portion," I meant in this thread, not of all cruisers).

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