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Anyone Ever Hear of This


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My husband has a friend who is sailing out of NYC today on the Sunrise.  His wife is 95 and a real slow mover (he's 84 but in very good condition). 


He is claiming that "he paid someone" to push his wife in a wheelchair.  I think I know that at embarkation/disembarkation "wheelchair assistance" can be arranged...without a fee.  But, according the friend he paid (or will pay) someone to push her around the ship and in the ports.  And no....they are not bringing another passenger that he paid to do this.  The friend is often misinformed so I am wondering if this is just something I never heard of.


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20 minutes ago, fyree39 said:

I've never heard of such a thing. I fear he's going to be in for a big surprise when he gets to the ship. Maybe someone else has hired an assistant from Carnival during the cruise, but I'd be real surprised.

The friend gets guaranteed inside cabins.  There's no way he'd pay the cost for a dedicated Carnival employee for 10 days.


It took me forever to explain to him "many things".....so I'm going with once again....misinformed.


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You can request wheelchair assistance on embarkation & debarkation day but once you are on board you are on your own!  And if you need a wheelchair you have to rent one before the trip..I don't believe they have extras on board.

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7 minutes ago, DAllenTCY said:

I have seen a few guests pay for a separate room for an attendant/nurse/caregiver.





This is what I would suggest, cheap inside cabin and a personal caretaker. The vacation might be enough pay for the right person. 

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There is NO way the friend would pay for a caregiver and extra cabin.  He had cataract surgery and took the subway home by himself (under $2) instead of taking a cab (maybe $20)!


This is what I think (I would even bet) happened:

He was told he could rent a wheelchair for $XXX and that he wouldn't have to push this wheelchair (because it's motorized).

To him the cost of renting was very expensive and when he was told he wouldn't have to push it....he interpreted that as "someone else would be doing the pushing".


Of course he will be blaming Carnival...yada yada yada





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Have you and your husband sat them down to try to get more details and to tell him that he might have the wrong idea about what's actually going to happen? Tell them Carnival doesn't provide aids for an entire cruise, nor do they rent electric scooters. It sounds like they're on a very fixed income, as so many senior citizens are, and if they were friends of mine, I'd want to make sure they're not getting scammed or spending a lot of money unnecessarily. I'd at least make sure he's aware that this isn't through Carnival and that he knows what he's getting into. The outcome might not be what he's thinking. I've never heard of companies renting electric scooters for people to take on vacation, but maybe they're out there. I'd be concerned since seniors are all too often the targets of scammers.

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1 hour ago, April42749 said:

There is NO way the friend would pay for a caregiver and extra cabin.  He had cataract surgery and took the subway home by himself (under $2) instead of taking a cab (maybe $20)!


This is what I think (I would even bet) happened:

He was told he could rent a wheelchair for $XXX and that he wouldn't have to push this wheelchair (because it's motorized).

To him the cost of renting was very expensive and when he was told he wouldn't have to push it....he interpreted that as "someone else would be doing the pushing".


Of course he will be blaming Carnival...yada yada yada





Sadly, you might get some of the blame flak also, even though it has nothing to do with you. I'm so sorry because none of this sounds like any fun for you. I know you are trying to help a friend, but sometimes people can't be helped.

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I'll keep you posted.


I am not involved and neither is my husband.  DH called to wish him a good trip and he told my husband about "the chair".  My husband asked him "Why can't you push her?"  The response was that he's on vacation and he paid for someone else to do it.


She isn't physically capable of operating anything motorized (gives me chills to think of her operating a scooter).


I wasn't trying to help because I wasn't asked.  If I had been asked I would have told him that I never heard of this.


They really are NOT on a very fixed income....they just don't like to spend money (I was their tax preparer for years....I know exactly what they have...what the income is....and what they spend). 


Hopefully....whatever he rented can be unrented and he gets some kind of credit.


ETA....they are on the cruise now so there's no way to "explain".



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Well, I just found this on the Carnival website:


If you are thinking of renting a wheelchair or scooter and haven’t done so already, we encourage you to visit www.scootaround.com, or call 1-888-441-7575. Scootaround’s team of trained professionals is able to review the different rental options available based on your accommodations and find the one that best suits your needs. As a preferred vendor, they have unique access to deliver your rented equipment on board Carnival ships in North America.


I called that phone number and the price for 10 days would be $255, so not really very much.  Although it's pretty funny that he expected a dedicated person with the chair for that price!

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So, they are back from the cruse (Sunrise) and now I can report in.


Before I start...a couple of things to note.  The friend is 84; his wife is 96.  They never buy medical insurance because "they don't need it".

I tracked the ship and they stopped in 3 ports.  I could clearly see the ship docked in the ports....not hovering near the port or sailing in circles.  He claims they were out to sea for 9 days and never stopped...anywhere.


With those things being said.....we are not dealing with a "together" person.  And for those of you who said we "should have explained".....you cannot explain anything to him.  Numerous times DH has told him we get insurance and then tells him about my $3500 NCL Escape bill that was completely covered. 


Now to the "wheelchair and service".  According to him he rented a wheelchair.  Then for $25/day you could "call" unlimited times and they would push you to your destination.  When you wanted to go to your next stop, you could call, and they'd push you.  And so on.....all for $25/day....unlimited assistance.


Bottom line....I think he made this up because he was embarrassed to admit "there was no such thing".  However, if the reviews come in and others say they spent 9 days at sea I'll reevaluate the "wheelchair & chauffeur" service.

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1 hour ago, April42749 said:

So, they are back from the cruse (Sunrise) and now I can report in.


Before I start...a couple of things to note.  The friend is 84; his wife is 96.  They never buy medical insurance because "they don't need it".

I tracked the ship and they stopped in 3 ports.  I could clearly see the ship docked in the ports....not hovering near the port or sailing in circles.  He claims they were out to sea for 9 days and never stopped...anywhere.


With those things being said.....we are not dealing with a "together" person.  And for those of you who said we "should have explained".....you cannot explain anything to him.  Numerous times DH has told him we get insurance and then tells him about my $3500 NCL Escape bill that was completely covered. 


Now to the "wheelchair and service".  According to him he rented a wheelchair.  Then for $25/day you could "call" unlimited times and they would push you to your destination.  When you wanted to go to your next stop, you could call, and they'd push you.  And so on.....all for $25/day....unlimited assistance.


Bottom line....I think he made this up because he was embarrassed to admit "there was no such thing".  However, if the reviews come in and others say they spent 9 days at sea I'll reevaluate the "wheelchair & chauffeur" service.


I think your friend is in need of an intervention.  It sounds like they live independently, it may be time for the family to make arrangements for at least a caretaker.

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Despite the confusion that this man and his wife obviously experience, and as annoying as that can be at times to those of us of sound mind, I guess I’m the only one who feels sorry for them. This started as asking if anyone’s heard of paying someone to push a wheelchair, but it quickly escalated into insulting every aspect of their lives. To include their physical health, their mental health, and of all things, their choice to save money (call it penny pinching, call it being a cheapskate, who cares, it’s their money to spend or not). OP, you seemed to take great joy in sharing your annoyance with this couple to a bunch of strangers on a cruise forum. As the old saying goes, with friends like that, who needs enemies. 

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7 hours ago, Organized Chaos said:

Despite the confusion that this man and his wife obviously experience, and as annoying as that can be at times to those of us of sound mind, I guess I’m the only one who feels sorry for them. This started as asking if anyone’s heard of paying someone to push a wheelchair, but it quickly escalated into insulting every aspect of their lives. To include their physical health, their mental health, and of all things, their choice to save money (call it penny pinching, call it being a cheapskate, who cares, it’s their money to spend or not). OP, you seemed to take great joy in sharing your annoyance with this couple to a bunch of strangers on a cruise forum. As the old saying goes, with friends like that, who needs enemies. 

What you interpret as my insensitivity is actually my frustration.  I've spent hours "researching" medical, financial, and cruise related issues.  They ask, then they ignore my advice.  So I stopped getting involved.  I have my own problems.


People made suggestions on this forum....and I explained why the suggestions wouldn't work.  You interpreted this as insulting aspects of their lives.  I stated facts.


People wanted to know the outcome of the "wheelchair situation".  The friend said he got a wheelchair and for $25/day he could have her pushed as much as he wanted.  I could leave it at that....but added that there were other inconsistencies with the trip so that people wouldn't think "a great new service" was added.


I think I'm a good friend to them.  Just last night DH asked them to come on our MSC Canada cruise; that way we help him with her (getting food in the buffet, taking her to the bathroom etc) and could plan inexpensive and convenient day trips.


So....don't judge me because you know so little of the whole story.


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Thank you for the update. It sounds like he is very confused about things in general. You are a good friend to try to help and I can understand your frustration. I think he truly believes what he is saying and his mind is playing tricks on him. It is very sad. I hope they have family that know what is going on.



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OP, after running Nursing Homes, some with specialty dementia units, I think you are kind and generous friends. Your assessment of what they thought they had purchased is probably correct. We also cared for my Mom in her last 2 years in our home and she was convinced my husband was her's and that I had stolen him from her. Made it hard to get respect! 😀 We took her on a few cruises, too and I had a friend who came along to be her roommate. Fortunately, there were no mobility issues as she was physically fairly healthy. There's no arguing with stubborn elders, I have learned, and I plan to be just as stubborn when I'm that age (my DH thinks I already am!).

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  April 42749,    I don't think you are taking joy in speaking about your frustration.   I brought my mother to live with us for 5 years after she was diagnosed with beginning states of dementia.  I know EXACTLY what you are speaking about.   I love my mother with everything in me and wouldn't change a thing about those 5 years, despite their difficulty.    So, I totally understand that it gets frustrating when you are trying to help but have no way of knowing when they are being untruthful and when they have just misunderstood things they've been told.    Dementia of any kind can be incredibly complicated and I know first hand that what's spoken TO them and what's interpreted BY them as they hear the words can be very different, for a variety of reasons.  Sometimes it's just who they are as people;  stubborn,  willfull, or just "hear what they want to hear".  But sometimes it's literally a misfire in their brain as to how they now bring in information being given to them.  And even then....how they interpret it can change later when they try to recall what they were told.      Many people aren't diagnosed with it until the later stages so people often misinterpret the behaviors that they can present in the early stages.    I'm certainly not saying this is the issue with your husbands friend.  I'm not any type of medical professional.    But based on what you've said, and what I saw firsthand for 5 years,  it sounds like something is going on with him.  And it's sad because there are moments that HE probably realizes that something is not right.   And that has to be scary as heck for him.         I don't think you are insulting them and their choices at all.      I think you are simply trying to do what you can to help them and feeling the frustration that comes with helping someone that you know may suffer the negative consequences of not listening to experienced or researched advice.    It's a difficult task. 

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13 minutes ago, TG6 said:

All I'm curious to know about is did they enjoy the cruise? I hope they join you for the Canada cruise and have fun! 


No.  He said it was the worst cruise of his life (He likes NCL Gem....he has never liked any other cruise line or ship on NCL) but he's been on other "worst cruises of his life".  Here's the list of complaints:

1. The food was awful.  His steak was 1 sq inch.  His salmon was also 1 sq inch.  He couldn't find anything he liked for the entire trip in any venue.

2. The ship was rocking the entire time (from the time they left NY until they got back)

3. The captain told everyone to sleep on the floor so they didn't roll out of bed

4. Someone spilled wine on his white suit.  He went "somewhere" and demanded that the ship is responsible and NCL should clean his suit (it didn't happen).

5. There was no entertainment, just a couple of comedians.

6. They didn't stop in any ports.  (He had an inside cabin and it may just be that he never looked out a window.)

7.  He bought the acupuncture package (3 visits) for his shoulder at a cost of $500.  But, his shoulder still hurts.





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13 minutes ago, April42749 said:

No.  He said it was the worst cruise of his life (He likes NCL Gem....he has never liked any other cruise line or ship on NCL) but he's been on other "worst cruises of his life".  Here's the list of complaints:

1. The food was awful.  His steak was 1 sq inch.  His salmon was also 1 sq inch.  He couldn't find anything he liked for the entire trip in any venue.

2. The ship was rocking the entire time (from the time they left NY until they got back)

3. The captain told everyone to sleep on the floor so they didn't roll out of bed

4. Someone spilled wine on his white suit.  He went "somewhere" and demanded that the ship is responsible and NCL should clean his suit (it didn't happen).

5. There was no entertainment, just a couple of comedians.

6. They didn't stop in any ports.  (He had an inside cabin and it may just be that he never looked out a window.)

7.  He bought the acupuncture package (3 visits) for his shoulder at a cost of $500.  But, his shoulder still hurts.

That's too bad.  Some people just look for things to go wrong.  Like all the posters on John Heald's page just disgusted by what someone else wears.  I don't believe I ever paid that much attention to what others were doing or wearing.  I just enjoyed my cruise to the fullest.  Although there was this one girl that was wearing a thong bikini.  lol My husband appreciated that.  Honestly, I didn't care.  I just laughed. 🙂 My cruise was not perfect by any means, but I had a blast.  My only real complaint is that the pop was warm and watered down by the time I got my food to go with it or my food was cold by the time I got the pop.  No worries though. I learned and will bring my own. Problem solved. 

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