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What to do with the grandkids in Seville & Ceuta, Spanish Morrocco Spain

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I have twins who are 8 and I'm not going to give you specific tour advice, but General things that will make life easier while your travel.


1) get a guide book. - They make children's one for the dress and have the kids pick their favorites.  They are better behaved when they have input. Have an idea of what you want todo, but be flexible. For must do items get timed tickets

2) Hotels-airbnb, vrbo and hotels only if one night.  The space in an apartment is better and unless they limit the options like New Orleans, you can't stay in the French quarter on a short term rental, -the price is cheaper for more space.My daughter helps me pick our Airbnb ( I narrow it down and then show her ). We eat breakfast in the apartments to save money, get snacks because the kids are always hungry that we can carry around- know the cancellation rules and ok one that is flexible so you don't have problems again

3) Packing- pack your clothes and take half of it out. Four days worth and one dress/dress up outfit, color coordinate so everything matches. Bonus for quick dry clothres. No more then 3 pairs of shoes.  Wear the tennis shoes, a sandal and a dress up sandal, one that you can walk long distances in. Take powered deterrent in a bag for hand washing clothes. They are old enough to wash their own. Underwear and socks need to be fresh, but the world won't end if they wear the same t-shirt or shorts again. Wash one or two things every day if hand washing  because it will get hard to hang up everything.  Do a load of laundry every night if you have a washer , while getting dressed in the morning too if you can with that many people. Try to get a place with a dryer, but that is not always possible.  I did this for a ten day trip in Europe with my kids in carry on only.  It can be done and it is easier. You can still take a checked bag, since you have many people, but not more then two so someone can always take a break. Backpacks for the plane and one or two carry ons only with a change of clothes for every person, and medicine, in case a suitcase doesn't make it. Limited luggage is your friend. You can't go cold turkey on carry on luggage so try to limit it.

4) transportation - the bus is always cheaper, then the train/ metro and finally a car services like taxi, rentals and uber. In cities always use public transportation, but investigate as place like Barcelona with more people the taxi becomes cheaper or the same price. London allows children free with adults ( not sure the age cut off). For your issues you may use a benefit from a cab and train system. You can save some $$ by using the train/ bus long distance, but to avoid walking use a cab or uber for the smaller and cheaper trips. We did this in Dubai where the can was $100 across town, but if we took the cab to the train station then took the metro across town and a cab at the end it was c!part to $22. It only took about ten or fifteen minutes more.

5) know "child" ages. Some start at 4 needing tickets and others, 16 or 18.  Know these so you aren't surprised. This goes for museums and public transportation

6). Tours unless they are private are to be avoided- no teenager or kid cares to hear someone talk for hours or have to be still or quiet.  We DIY and use Rick Steve's free podcasts or audio guides. Honestly these are very expensive and in my experience not worth the money.  The only benefits are you do less work because once you book they take care of things and less walking . If you are here, you like control and are willing to put in effort. We rent a car in the country and use public transport in the city. We taxi or uber when it isn't expensive and saves a lot of time. The guidebooks help with this as they have walking tours (which are free) or road trips and lists things you may want to do. Some like hop on/ hop off, but I usually just use public transportation. Try to hit up parks, fun for the youngest and they are pretty, some like in Paris have cafes that are fun to est/drink or snack in.

7) planning- don't plan more than two big ticket items a day. You and the kids will need down time. The teenager will want to go in the record store. You want a coffee ( or beer) from the cafe. You pass a museum you missed and want to go in or see a cool park for the youngest.  If you see something you like, but don't have time to stop,what's the point?


These are my tips and tricks. You may look in horror at my ideas, so use what You like and ignore the rest. Have fun and no matter what you do, you will make great memories. Enjoy your trip.

Edited by bearette
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I thought I would help look for apartments. Some have one set of stairs so check them out and varying amenities. These are from vrbo (vacation rental by owner)amenities. Make sure you read the reviews as they are usually accurate. Also keep in mind in summer a/c.( All of the apartments don't have them, so check it that is important to you.) This isn't an exhaustive list and since I don't know the dates you are staying exactly, they may not be available, but it gives you an idea of what you get for the price. When I looked I had a hard time finding accessible apartments under $300, either they had stairs to the apartment or stairs in the partments, so I would book soon to make sure you can find one if $300 plus is to high.











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3 hours ago, notentirelynormal said:

Well, I'm getting ready to book with Tour Designer in Provence. 


This in no way let's you off the hook.  I still have one really tough port left.  One that I can't even figure where to start. Ceuta, Spanish Morocco, Spain. 




Nice going! Emma was our guide last time. I think you will be pleased.


As for Ceuta, I haven't been there.  However, I looked up the Spain book in my favorite travel guide series, the Michelin Green Guides, and they have less than one page on Ceuta. Here are the attractions:


1. Monte Hacho - beautiful drive up to the citadel on top.  You can see Gibraltar on the other side of the strait.

2. Ermita (hermitage) of San Antonio - on a beautiful square, 16th century chapel, lovely views of town

3. The statues of Hercules bringing down the Pillars (one pillar is Gibraltar, the other one is Monte Hacho)

4. A museum

5. Church of our Lady of Africa

6 18th Century cathedral

7. Parque Maritimo del Mediterraneo - a marine park with swimming pools, restaurants, etc.


So, pretty, but not much.  But the kids would have been in Africa and learnt about Hercules.


Tourist office:


And 2 email addresses to try.



It's worth an email asking about tours.



Edited by marazul
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First, I guess I should have explained a little more.  This will be our 28th cruise.  Lyric’s 2nd, Haven’s 3rd, Kristina’s 5th and Michael’s 8th.  Cruising has been a family vacation since the 80s.  We have traveled around the world including Australia, Tahiti, Alaska, the Med and Caribbean with sometimes as many as 26 of us.  This isn’t our first rodeo by any means.


The ports we are going to are mostly new, however.  The ones I’ve been to I’m using the same tour guides.  Paris and London are the two where I want the kids to get the most.  Neither sets of parent will be bringing them back any time soon.  This likely will be their only experience until long after adulthood if then.  We have talked about seeing things.  Believe it or not from watching the Mr. Peabody movie.  It was great.  I use every experience as a learning experience but I am a big kid so I make sure they will have fun.  Making fun of grandma is acceptable (as long as it is in good fun).  Do you know that if you don’t give “the big guy” aka grandpa a good night kiss that he will cry like a baby.  It is pathetic.


get a guide book. - They make children's one for the dress and have the kids pick their favorites.  They are better behaved when they have input. Have an idea of what you want to do, but be flexible. For must do items get timed tickets

All kids have been told to talk with their parents to pick out one thing in each port that they want to do.  My oldest, Michael, has already come up with ideas but it really is left to the parents to do it.  Two live in Seattle and two in LA and one is autistic.  I sincerely doubt the others will have any input..  They already know I will pick fun things for them.  I buy tickets in advance as much as possible.


2) Hotels-airbnb, vrbo and hotels only if one night.  The space in an apartment is better …  We eat breakfast in the apartments to save money, get snacks because the kids are always hungry that we can carry around- know the cancellation rules and ok one that is flexible so you don't have problems again

This is why I’ve been looking at airbnb’s but I’ve had a bad first experience.  We were booked into one in Sydney and since they’ve closed Australia you would think they would have refunded my money but they only gave me $35 of $135 deposit.  Umm, it wasn’t that I’m not going, it is you won’t let me get there!  I fear this is the option I will be using.  Yes, breakfast is another reason to use their service.


3) Packing- pack your clothes and take half of it out.  Alas, This will never happen.  I am an over packer.  I can’t help it.  However, some of the stuff going is not coming home.  I may be able to put smaller ones inside the bigger ones or maybe ship them home directly but everyone will have their own suitcase.  Apparently my whole family are over packers.  The youngest two empty their drawers into a suitcase, bring their stuffed toys and of course their gaming stuff.  That will take their carry ons.  I will likely keep the big ones packed for the ship and work out of the carry ons for the local stays.

4) transportation – I will be working on this.  With 7 people is it always a challenge

6). Tours unless they are private are to be avoided .  Knowing ages will go with prepaying tickets.  I love front of the line tickets.  After taking some Princess tours where people have to make everyone wait an hour to buy a Persian carpet, or those that have to buy that $1 souvenir while the entire bus waits I take only private tours now.  They are often less money and far more inclusive.


7) planning- don't plan more than two big ticket items a day. You and the kids will need down time. The teenager will want to go in the record store. You want a coffee ( or beer) from the cafe. You pass a museum you missed and want to go in or see a cool park for the youngest.  If you see something you like, but don't have time to stop,what's the point?   Perfect planning goes into play here.  For example, we will do the Tower of London the same day we do the London Eye.  I’m sure we will get something else in that day.  I just don’t know what yet.  I had some great advice from someone on the Beefeaters and going around back and some other short cuts to make the most of our time.  I’m going to reserve the whole capsule for the Eye.  That gives us front of the line at an exact time with no one to impair our views.  It is why I thought we could stop at Stonehenge on the way to the port.  I may buy a yearly family ticket to the Castles which gives us a guaranteed time and free.  We can have a beer while they have a drink of their own where I’m sure food will be involved.


These are my tips and tricks. You may look in horror at my ideas, so use what You like and ignore the rest. Have fun and no matter what you do, you will make great memories. Enjoy your trip.   I listen to everything people have to offer.  I’ve come up with some great nuggets that way.  I appreciate any and all advise.

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11 hours ago, notentirelynormal said:

Well, I'm getting ready to book with Tour Designer in Provence.  One thing I don't like though is I'm required to pay my deposit through Paypal for an additional 4.5% in fees.  I'm not sure why they can't just take my credit card information and charge it.  That should be calculated directly into my quote of what it will cost.  For example, I would prefer them to say it will cost you $12.50 rather than $10 and oh, you have to pay me an additional $2.50 in fees .

I think we share thoughts about costs.  I always want to know the upfront costs.  The only thing here is, I wonder if PAypal actually gives you a bit more protection.  One of the few times I used PAypal was to pay for US ESTA.  Turned out I took my eye off the ball and I was going through an agent and paying 3 times the price.  I was able to contest it and got my money back.  I was happy that I used Paypal that once. 


11 hours ago, notentirelynormal said:

Like I've said in previous posts, I'm going with complete stranger's recommendation because I've never been let down by CCers before.  So guys, if your recommendations suck and you've totally screwed me then that is on you hahaha (sort of).  You have most certainly guided me to tour companies that seems perfect for which is more than I was coming up with on my own.  I either got nothing or companies that didn't sound like a good match for me.


I realize that I have lots of time to make arrangements but I also realize that there are many many people on this ship (and maybe others) that will be looking for private tours and I want to be there first. After all, there are only so many guides and even less good guides.  I am way too anal not to have it lined up. 


I just laugh at my husband when he makes stupid comments about my umm issues.  Dude, we've been together almost 50 years.  Half a century.  You seriously don't know that I won't have it organized?  He wants to contribute, really he does. And about two weeks before we are ready to go he whole halfheartedly starts to get involved.  He start clipping coupons for cheap places to park at LAX kind of thing.  For this trip he will dig in look for limo services.


I think we are married to the same man. 


11 hours ago, notentirelynormal said:


Anyway, I'm happy to announce Marseille is done.  I just have to pay and firm up the details of pick up/drop off and budget for other expenses, like lunch.  Once again I thank you all for your help.  I truly listened to all your suggestions, looked them up and went from there.  Emma expanded on those ideas and has promised us an amazing day.  I found it hard to believe that the only thing to do was shopping.  Wait, I could walk and look at stores and shop too.


This in no way let's you off the hook.  I still have one really tough port left.  One that I can't even figure where to start. Ceuta, Spanish Morocco, Spain.  Using TripAdvisor I've come up with TukTuk tours but I don't think that is a really good option.  I would need 4 of them and I'm not sure where they go or anything about them.  They do look fun though.  So, if you guys have any insight into tours or guides there or even places to go - then you really are The Man!


I really am not sure that Ceuta has such a touristy infrastructure as the other ports.  I may be wrong.  We can see Ceuta from Gibraltar on clear days but I have never been there so how would I know!


It may help to see if you can find any blogs of people who have been there, any trip reports from previous cruisers who have visited.  It could be one of those ports that have lots of taxi drivers looking for customers on the day but as you say, where would you go.  I have never relied on that sort of transport.  That is why I would be tempted to read up on what the ship has to offer. 


It has just occurred to me though - in Gibraltar I would recommend picking up a taxi at the pier.  I do know that taxi drivers are all licensed and they have a very set tour that they all do.  Maybe Ceuta has that set up! 


This, especially the blog it links to should be helpful.  I read it and thought - hmmm - once we are in new normal it might be worth a day trip.  





11 hours ago, notentirelynormal said:


Once I get all the ports done then I can seriously start thinking about London and Paris.  This has to be done carefully to coordinate everything and you guys have given me some really good leads, ideas and directions to go.  Up to this point I haven't been focused there.  I've researched on my own, of course and know some of the things I want to do.  I know we are going to the Tower of London and the London Eye.  I've made notes to dig deeper into everything and the suggestions you have made.  Against my better judgment I think I am going to have to book an airbnb otherwise the hotels are going to cost me more than the cruise.  More on this later.  I know you guys live and die just to hear my travel issues. 🙂


I have, however, put out feelers on the things we've talked about.  Remarkably I haven't got a lot of responses back.  None, to be exact.  Not one driver or guide has responded.  In England I've asked for transportation only to and from LHR and a hotel and/or the port.  I can't even get that answered.  I wasn't asking for much.  Just basic rates for crying out loud.  I realize the world is out of sync right now but people can still work from home and answer emails.  I contacted one company about stopping at Windsor Castle on the way.  Making a day out of getting from the hotel to the port.  I've heard nothing.  I do like the idea of staying there one night too but this might come down to cost.


IF you get an air bnb in Central london then I agree, you don’t really have time to do Windsor overnight.   I had thought of turning it around and basing you in an air bnb there.  I just thought you would get this sense of ‘home’ a bit quicker than you would in London.   I understand that being more central is important to you.  


I am surprised about lack of response from car services.  I did a bit of research on Heathrow to Southampton last year (for my cancelled cruise to Norway in June).  I got timely responses.  I ended up thinking that for just the 2 of us the train would work.  You will get something.  Maybe the state of the world does not make tour companies want to commit so far in advance.  


Calling in at Windsor is not unusual although you do have to get out early.  Looking at Google map timings (40 mins from Bayswater (as an example) to Windsor and then 90 mins to Southampton) I would be leaving the hotel before 8 am and then leaving Windsor by 11 am.  However I would run those timings past people who live in Southampton.  I may be misjudging potential traffic jams.  

11 hours ago, notentirelynormal said:


You now officially have your update.




We still Have more homework though!

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I would say  it will depend on their age. If your grandchildren are already in school, they must be interested in architecture and the history of the place. All you need is to buy them cola and some french fries and just take them to places. I am sure they wont mind it. Also there is always some kind of animation going on the streets, so they will be interested to see it themselves 

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Regarding Airbnb, you are having the same problem as most of the planet.  There are plenty of forums where people are posting they can't get their non-refundable deposit back when they couldn't travel.  Unfortunately, none of those companies really need to give anyone any money back.  And to give everyone their full money back would just push those companies into bankruptcy sooner. This is true for lodging, tours, cruises, airlines, etc.  I've got money in 3 different tour companies and 3 airlines that have allowed me to push my deposit out to as much as 2-10  years, but I'm not getting it back into my account.


The order of the day now is to only book places that either have fully refundable deposits, or be ok with losing the money.  (I realized that wasn't how anyone needed to think prior to the pandemic, but again, the entire planet got hit unexpectedly by this situation.) Only you know what you're ok with.  I was supposed to be in Iceland this week, and had booked a full complement Airbnb stays, but only ones I could get all my money back.  There were a few I really liked, but was unwilling to gamble on a nonrefundable portion.  Instead, I'm currently sitting in an amazing VRBO staycation home in a city nearby my hometown, feeling fancy and eating lots of good takeout.   FWIW, check out VRBO.  I've found better places there than on Airbnb on average.

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Of course I realize we are all in the same boat but it still makes for bad business to just keep the money as opposed to saying - we ARE in the same boat so as a gesture of goodwill we are going to let you use 50% in the future.  Now I feel warm and fuzzy.  You still have my money only now you might end up with all of it.  At the very least you have the money in the bank to maintain.  They could raise all rates across the board by $5 which is nothing.  That could take up the slack and give goodwill.  These companies need to be proactive instead of reactive.  American Airlines has been awesome in money returns.  I got my total refund within one week of applying.  Talking to different companies (Like Citi Card) and I'm finding out they are in the top 10 in many people's book.  Now they have a loyal customer.


Oh well, like I said, my first experience with them and now I am older and wiser.  I will definitely look into VRBO.  I can never remember that name.  I know this is the up and coming way to travel but I'm older so I'm having some trust issues.   My son used it locally when he got married and found a great deal in Seattle so I know it is possible. 


I think the problem is, this will be my first time (and aren't we all nervous for our "first time") and it is just so far away with so many people, I don't want anything to go wrong.  What if we get there and there aren't enough beds or they lied?  What am I going to do then?  I am a novice at this and there are just so many things to make sure are there, or not.  You might not have been able to tell, ummm, but I might be a bit of a control freak when it comes to traveling.  Seriously, the rest of the time I'm wild and crazy.  Disneyland, roller coasters all the way!

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21 hours ago, notentirelynormal said:

Well, I'm getting ready to book with Tour Designer in Provence. 



We had booked a tour with Tour Designer for this past May and had paid our deposit just before the outbreak (great timing!).  As soon as we knew we would not be traveling, we requested a refund.  Emma replied within a couple of days and we got our refund in another day or so.  I was very impressed by their promptness and have posted about it elsewhere.  I should have mentioned this before to reassure you as to their professionalism.   That is a small business that is responsive and fair to its clients.

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VRBO has been around longer than Airbnb. We used them in Italy 8 years ago even. I tend to go with properties that have been reviewed only.  I’m not willing to take a chance when it comes to big vacations. You can also contact reviewers to ask specific questions. 

I understand your gripe about refunds and good customer service. Some companies have been above and beyond others. (Here’s looking at you, lame-o United. Grrr) Ultimately, though, you just have to make lemonade with what you can. 

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Well, I've spent the last 3 hours checking out VRBO.  I don't like the site.  First, I keep getting "half" screen type things.  I can't even scroll down to get to the bottom of the choices like what kind of cancellation agreement do I want.  The information is there, I can see it.  I just can't there from here.  Second, I can't include requests like elevators etc.  Being handicap accessible or an elevator for the third story is pretty darned important.  I looked at one that had a ton of stairs inside and out. There is no way we could stay there.  It was also difficult to see if they were one level or more because unless it was in the picture there was no way of knowing.  In general I found it very user unfriendly.  Oh, the map was teeny and I couldn't blow it up bigger than 2 x 3 inches.  So, if I wanted to figure out where things were I had to blow it up then scroll up and down and all around then shrink it then scroll then expand.... well, you get the idea.  In all that time I looked at under 10 locations.


So, I guess if I go this route it will be through airbnb LOL

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Strange.  Might be your browser.  I've not had any issues with the actual site.  You are correct in that you can't always figure out floor plan.  I can see how that would be a deal breaker.  Does Airbnb allow you to filter out for elevators?

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4 hours ago, ljandgb said:

Strange.  Might be your browser.  I've not had any issues with the actual site.  You are correct in that you can't always figure out floor plan.  I can see how that would be a deal breaker.  Does Airbnb allow you to filter out for elevators?


Just because I have a thesis to write, I thought I would distract myself and check up VRBO.  I was able to filter for elevator and see a lovely plan of Paris.  I found a couple of nice locations.  The pricing structure was confusing and the refund policy was not brilliant - you would end up paying a fee and the apartments were not exactly cheap - the nicest which literally was opposite the Ile de la cité was $500 a night.  I wanted to stay though.   There was one in the Marais district that looked quite ‘local’ that you would get to know the neighbourhood which was a bit less.  


I looked on a popular hotel booking site.  You could get entire apartments.  Not as cute, but cheaper and much better cancellation policy.   The reviews looked good enough.  In these uncertain times I would be happier with a cancellation policy that gave me a cancellation Window of just 24 hours - and pay at the property.  

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5 hours ago, ljandgb said:

Strange.  Might be your browser.  I've not had any issues with the actual site.  You are correct in that you can't always figure out floor plan.  I can see how that would be a deal breaker.  Does Airbnb allow you to filter out for elevators?


Well, I found out after I checked my emails that I had to click "I accept" with them and then the page got bigger but not by much.  Yes, you can select exactly what you need for HC issues on airbnb.  I can say I want wide hallways, elevators, shower stuff, lower beds, etc.  When I first booked in Sydney I found out later that there were two flights of stairs.  While that would be okay even for me, my mother could not have climbed them.  I was lucky that they let me change.  Also, carrying heavy suitcases up and down stairs is not desirable.  I have had two major back surgeries.  Lifting anything over 10 pounds is a hardship for me.  I always want to make sure I have a way to get my luggage in/out of the location.


For most this kind of thing isn't a big deal but let's face it.  When you are young with young children you don't travel as much as when you are retired.  Accessibility is a big thing.  Even so, our dynamics now are only my DH and I wanting to sleep together.  Seeing what the beds look like is important.  Sure, we can fudge it for a night or two but if I am comparing and you have the right configuration than that is important.  Ya, I realize I am never going to get exactly and they just might have to sleep together or on the floor. That would be their choice but all things equal being able to know in advance is helpful.


Also, VRBO was not clear at all on the cancellation thing.  Of course I want to be able to cancel for as long as possible.  Who would pick the worst deal?  They don't, however, tell you what the impact is in what you choose.  Is it more money for different cancellation choices?  I dunno.  It was also very difficult for me to figure out what area I wanted to stay in as the map showed Buckingham Palace and hardly anything else.  It would have been helpful to have some tourist locations to help decide or at least be able to put in the basic area.  I put in Tower of London and got places as cheap as $50.  Of course they were in Asia but hey.




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I went to one of the links for Ceuta and found out there is a giant water park there.  It looks super fun and cool.  That might be an option.  I have to do more research.  Everything you guys send my way I check out.  Some take longer than others to do so but I do get there.  The links are copied and pasted to my spreadsheet along with all your comments.  Apparently I have a life outside of cruise planning and sometimes have to do that. Heavy sigh.


I had already read the TripAdvisor stuff that posted.

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My feeling has always been that VRBO's cancelation policies are individual, by the property.  I don't think there is an across the board standard, since each location is privately owned, or multiple properties are owned by companies.  We just rented a house thru VRBO that is also listed on Airbnb and something called Renter's Club.  Interestingly, the prices were different on each.  I assumed VRBO is just a way to collect multiple properties and their reviews all in one site.  

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8 hours ago, notentirelynormal said:

Who had the best price?  Also, is it normal to NOT include linens?  I mean, if we stay at one do I have to pack sheets, pillow cases and towels for 7 people?


I would not be considering accommodation where you do need to start bringing your own bedding.  You need to be packing light.  


From the brief looking around that I have done, I would be first looking on a hotel search website which does throw up some alternatives with 24 hour cancellation and ‘pay when you get there’ policies.  Choose something near transport links and that you like.  Book that, then start comparing similar or better on the airbnb or VRBO sites and see if they are worth the upfront costs etc.    


Don’t forget when you look at what is happening in countries like New Zealand and Vietnam, this pandemic could change things in a moment.  This is no time to start shelling out big amounts that you may not get back.  

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I only asked about the linen because I see it as one of the perks of staying there.  I just assumed if I rent your apartment and it has beds that you would put sheets on the bed but it is listed next to toaster, parking etc.  I was reading one revue on CC where they said they had to go out and buy linen. 


Very true.  I have been looking at hotels but with 7 people and only us wanting to share a bed it makes it difficult. Even with sharing it is difficult, or should I say expensive.  Yes, I realize that they WILL be sharing but wouldn't it be nice to have the right amount of beds.  Apparently (insert whining here) she kicks.  She moves all night long LOL.  Just the hotels for four days in London and three in  Paris brings up the cost of this trip by around $4,000 to $6,000.  That is my number one reason for not wanting to stay in one.


This summer, even though I had a day bed that pulled out and made into two singles, the two sisters decided they wanted their own rooms so the middle girl slept on the floor under the computer and printers.  When the third girl came into the picture she slept on the floor too even though there was a day bed should could have used.  The boy slept on the day bed in my son's room.  I had people everywhere!  Of course, we were sharing too.  Our dog has decided to let us use her king size bed with her.


I'm leery of getting a hotel that I don't want.  In other words, that is too small or just too funky for us.  Therefore, I'm going with names that I'm familiar with.  However, that means that the prices are coming in really high for 7 people.  Minimum two separate rooms, sometimes three.  On top of that I have to feed them.  Add in breakfast with the hotel and the cost goes up several hundred dollars.  At least with an airbnb accommodation I can get food in there.  I have been going on line and checking out hotel as well. 


Has anyone ever used Princess hotels?  I'm wondering how it works for so many people.  Is the room price per night or person?  Yes, I know I can ask them.  I just don't remember after I ask all my other questions.  



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I get the moaning about sharing beds.  My girls, even in their mid twenties, on our laslt big trip to alaska moaned about sharing a familyroom/cabin with Dad who snores.  They understood that I was saving money.  What I did was started the trip with the least preferred bed options when we were stopping overnight in cabins during our land portion.   They had their own room on the cruise And in Vancouver I splashed out for two nice Rooms.  I deliberately planned it so that it got better and better through the trip.  Obviously you have more bodies than I had to deal with.  


The hotels offered by Princess at the time were more expensive and I saw no reason to pay that money.  I do not require fancy hotels when I am travelling.  I choose 4 and 5* if I expect to use the hotel amenities.  If i expect to be outside the hotel a lot I just require clean, safe and noise levels that allow me to sleep.  


I still keep finding aparthotels in the ordinary hotel booking sites.  I don’t think that I can name them here though.   You get good cancellation policies by using these sites.  I think that cancellations like 3 months prior are not good enough for you (think about what happened to UK travellers in France last night).  


  I was seeing places I would be prepared to book myself for up to £2000.    There is a need for sharing of double bed or sofa bed though.  The only way you will get them all in single beds would be to get a family dorm in a hostal.  You can get hostels with elevators and free breakfast.   They did seem to be either quite far out of the centre or citing Montmartre as the location.  I don’t think that would suit you given the incline (you may not know PAris well, but I think the first 4 letters of the name is a bit of a clue).  


Keep looking. 


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LOL.  If they don't want to share they are more than allowed to sleep on the floor.  Not my problem.  I will be sleeping like I always do.  Next to my husband in a warm comfy bed.  Well, I hope it's comfy.


What booking sites are you looking at?  I booked the Princess hotel but I can guarantee you that I will be cancelling it.  Especially considering that I could book directly through the hotel and get three rooms instead of two for 600 pounds less.  I have resigned myself to the fact that if I'm going to pay a lot of money I might as well get something I really like.  I looked at one yesterday that seemed perfect but I can't figure out if the location is a good one.  Where is Tower Bridge?  What exactly "area" would I look for?



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You have mentioned wanting to visit Tower Bridge, that area was an ideal location for our last trip because We stayed opposite Aldgate Station, however it might be too far east for you.  I would be looking for something perhaps more central.  Personally I would consider Covent Garden, Bloomsbury, Kensington.    


I am not sure if I am supposed to mention booking sites - but I use the word ‘booking’ and ‘hotel’ before .com and get results for self catering if you put that as the filter.  A Citadines in Trafalgar Square keeps popping up, I am not sure of the guarantee of the quality.  Looking at the reviews, some of these places are very busy and if you are paying £1000 for 4 nights for a family of 6, you are not going to get 5* decoration.  I cannot see that you will get single beds either unless you book a hostal.   


I don’t feel I am the best person to help for your location because I want to go somewhere that allows me to walk everywhere.  


If you go on Trip advisor you may find families who can better advise locations beside bus stops, or indeed have experience finding accommodation with multiple bed options.  

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My two cents for what it’s worth, you’ve already been given some great advice.  


When we went with with our kids to Europe for five weeks my DH said he wasn’t going to be the human packhorse and we each could only bring a carry on that we could roll ourselves.  The kids learned to roll their clothes, rinse out socks etc,  bidets came in handy😂.  They had a backpack and the stuffed animals and drawing items went in there. 


For London you could look at Premiere Inns, they have family rooms that sleep three, one double bed and a single.  We liked the earls court location,  near the tube from Heathrow that has elevators and easy access around the city.   Last year we stayed at the nearby Kensington Marriott and the location is lovely but the rooms are very small.  


For eating,  In England the grocery stores, Marks and Spencer, and Boots have meal  deals,  a sandwich or salad, drink and snack for a reasonable price. The kids could choose their own and eat in a park or at the hotel.  

Also the large department stores in France often have a food store in the basement level.  


We also told our kids they could have a pop drink from the grocery stores but not at a restaurant.  The price of a coke in France at a restaurant is crazy. 


As as much as some of the items you want to bring will be fun, their transport will cost you in time and energy.  Simplify as much as possible. 


Edited by bennybear
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