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Children-what's the deal?


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I am getting very discouraged with the comments about children on cruise ships. We are going on our first cruise in June on the Spirit. We chose this ship BECAUSE of the kid's crew activities and things geared toward children and families. All the "belly aching" about too many kids on ships-especially the ones that have kids activities makes we wonder if we've made a mistake! Your thoughts are appreciated. Have a nice day!:p

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I am getting very discouraged with the comments about children on cruise ships. We are going on our first cruise in June on the Spirit. We chose this ship BECAUSE of the kid's crew activities and things geared toward children and families. All the "belly aching" about too many kids on ships-especially the ones that have kids activities makes we wonder if we've made a mistake! Your thoughts are appreciated. Have a nice day!:p

You have not made a mistake, more families are cruising with children all the time. There are those who will always think cruising is for adults only, like those who think Vegas is for adults only or Disneyland is for kids only.


There are couple of things to remember about cruising with kids: You didn't say how old your kids are. Families who choose to cruise with toddlers and very young children may not enjoy their cruise as much. I personally can't understand why anyone would want to take a 1 or 2 yr old on a cruise, but that is for them to decide not me. Kids from about 7 or so, or maybe a little younger can have a blast on cruises as can the parents. The kids klub councilors work hard to help the kids have a memorable experience. Another issue many have; kids being allowed to run all over the ship, kids sleeping in the shows and kids eating in the specialty restaurants who would rather be anywhere except there. Again, this does not mean kids should not be allowed in the restaurants, but I think parents need to decide if a 2 hour dinner is what the kids will enjoy or will the kids get bored and ruin a special dinner for others.


For those who really do not want a ship full of kids they need to consintrate on cruising while most kids are in school or choose the 10 day or longer cruises which normally do not attact as many younger people.


One of the problems it seems is many parents think everyone adores being around their kids, this is not always true and yes, they are paying guests as well as those without kids, but teaching kids to be considerate of others and respceting the rights of others will go along way to assure everyone has a good time.


I hope no one takes offense to my comments or thinks I am lecturing. This is not my intent, I do see 2 sides to the story. BTW, we have been very lucky, only rarely have we witnessed kids causing problems on cruise ships. The worst was on Celebrity over Thanksgiving a few years ago. A couple of extended families and the kids were everywhere. They were not necessarily misbehaved just being real pains. NMnita

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First of all I'm not a child hater, as I have two grown ones and 6 grands of my own. :)


I don't mind well-behaved children on cruises at all, it's when the parents stop parenting that I have a problem. If they allow their children to infringe on the rights of other passengers. Especially with "adults only" areas, I don't expect or want to see a child there. Adult areas are just that, for adults.

And the children that "run wild" up and down the hallways late at night, thankfully we have not encountered much of that but I have heard of some kids running down the hall knocking on random cabin doors. And the ones who get in the elevator and push all the buttons. We did encounter a very bratty girl in an elevator on our recent RCI Mariner cruise. No parents in sight and she was very rude to the adults in the elevator.


But it's rare that we have any problems with children, MOST are well-behaved, it's just a very few that sometimes put a damper on things for others.

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I agree with the previous replies. I don't hate kids, but I can easily feel as though I do if they are not being supervised properly in the certain environments. I have only been on one cruise so far (NCL Crown to Bermunda), and one of the things I absolutely loved about it was that all the kids seemed to be having such a wonderful time and were so well supervised and entertained that we often didn't notice kids around at all and when we did, they were a delight. I think this is one of the best services the cruise lines offer that other vacation options cannot compete with. Have fun, enjoy your kids, and I hope they enjoy it as well.

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I was very worried about it too on our cruise, we were on the Star in Jan., just after Christmas break when most kids are back to school. Yes, I pulled mine out and we contracted with the school and did their work over Christmas Break so they enjoyed their cruise too. Lots of flames for those that pull their kids out of school for a vacation, well, my dh is a high school principal and that was when HE could do it because his school district is in a different track.


We had nothing but positive experiences on our trip. When we were posing for our pictures each night we had loads of people walk by and tell us that we had either a very nice looking family, or "wonderful kids", etc.... It was fantastic to hear that. Since you're even showing concern for your kids, you're obviously not the kind of parent that just lets their kids run ammuck, you know the type. Kids are allowed to run the halls and left to fend for themselves. They treat the ship like it's their own. Don't worry about it. The kids will have a blast in Kids Crew and make new friends. June is a wonderful time to travel with kids because if someone says anything, "What did you expect? It's summer." People who don't want to be around kids just don't cruise in the summer months. I would love to take my boys on the Spirit, that play area looks like SOOOO much fun! They have a pirate room(that they've really outgrown-sniff sniff), but they'd still LOVE it.

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Unfortunately, I don't blame the children as much as I blame their parents. often, parents feel "it's not that big of a ship, where can they really go and how much trouble can they really get nto". And thus, let their children go around the ship un-supervised. I have witnessed this a lot on cruise ships. The point is, this is a family cruise, a family vacation. The family should be together. If a child is not with the kids crew, then they should be with their parents. Young children running around the ship with a group of others and no parents is just asking for trouble. I think this is probably the biggest complaint most people have. Personally, if I took my child on a cruise with us, they would be by my side the whole time or with the Kids Crew. I would never let them go out on their own.

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There are folks who post here who have some very strong opinions as to children on cruise ships (and some who have issues with children in general). We have cruised with our DD (now 10YO) since she was 3 - we have vacationed with her since she was 5MO.


Once on a plane when she was 8MO, a man in a suit made a HUGE deal of requesting to be reseated when we sat down in the row in front of him with our infant. His travelling companion was visibly embarrassed and stayed put. After the flight, the jerky man caught up with us in the terminal and apolgized - turns out his travelling companion was his boss and that his boss informed him that our DD had not made a single peep the entire trip!


My point is there are jerks anywhere - restraunts, hotels, shopping malls, cruise ships. Fortunately they are in the small minority and should spoil your enjoyment of your family's vacation.


If you enjoy travelling with your kids, take them with! But remember, if you are cruising alone, you have to be responsible for your own actions - when cruising with your kids, you are responsible for yourself and for them.

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Thanks so much for all of your good advice. My son just turned six, and is well behaved (some of it because of his Dad and me, most of it because we just got lucky). We have traveled with him since he was a newborn. We've also been on planes before and people will say "I didn't even know there was a child in front/behind us". (The only time was when he had a double ear infection that we didn't know about-it was miserable for all of us, and the flight attendents were very understanding).


We are so looking forward to this cruise and I didn't want anyone to be rude to him. He will either be in the kid's club or with us at all times. Believe me, he will not enjoy long dinners-(we're lucky if we can get him to eat period!) we usually eat early even of vacation to accomadate his schedule.

I guess everything on these boards need to be taken with a grain of salt-some people just like to complain.

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I just returned from a week aboard the Sapphire Princess with my twin girls who are one. I was ready for comments from people, but all that happened was a lot of gushing everywhere we went. We did not go to any of the shows or other places the girls could have annoyed people - except for the dining room. When the head waiter learned I planned to only go to the buffet each night, he set aside a table for me and the girls in the dining room where two high chairs were set up and waiting for us each evening. If one of the girls got fussy, we left, but we had a wonderful time. The only comments I got were "They're not going to remember this." Like I shouldn't do anything with them since they're not going to remember. The point was to have some quality time having fun together where someone else was doing all the work, and a cruise was absolutely the perfect way to go. You'll have a great time and most likely won't encounter the crabs.



- Mia

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You have not made a mistake, more families are cruising with children all the time. There are those who will always think cruising is for adults only, like those who think Vegas is for adults only or Disneyland is for kids only.


There are couple of things to remember about cruising with kids: You didn't say how old your kids are. Families who choose to cruise with toddlers and very young children may not enjoy their cruise as much. I personally can't understand why anyone would want to take a 1 or 2 yr old on a cruise, but that is for them to decide not me. Kids from about 7 or so, or maybe a little younger can have a blast on cruises as can the parents. The kids klub councilors work hard to help the kids have a memorable experience. Another issue many have; kids being allowed to run all over the ship, kids sleeping in the shows and kids eating in the specialty restaurants who would rather be anywhere except there. Again, this does not mean kids should not be allowed in the restaurants, but I think parents need to decide if a 2 hour dinner is what the kids will enjoy or will the kids get bored and ruin a special dinner for others.


For those who really do not want a ship full of kids they need to consintrate on cruising while most kids are in school or choose the 10 day or longer cruises which normally do not attact as many younger people.


One of the problems it seems is many parents think everyone adores being around their kids, this is not always true and yes, they are paying guests as well as those without kids, but teaching kids to be considerate of others and respceting the rights of others will go along way to assure everyone has a good time.


I hope no one takes offense to my comments or thinks I am lecturing. This is not my intent, I do see 2 sides to the story. BTW, we have been very lucky, only rarely have we witnessed kids causing problems on cruise ships. The worst was on Celebrity over Thanksgiving a few years ago. A couple of extended families and the kids were everywhere. They were not necessarily misbehaved just being real pains. NMnita


Well said!


And I might add.... if you have a baby/toddler that is crying (make that screaming) during dinner. Don't just sit there and act like nothing is happening. Take him/her out so everyone else can enjoy their meal. This happened on our cruise. We had a wonderful table by the window but asked to be moved when it became obvious that the parents were going to let their child scream at the top of his/her lungs. She finally took the child out about 10 minutes later. Don't know if the wait staff finally said something but it was extremely inconsiderate to everyone else.

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Well said!


And I might add.... if you have a baby/toddler that is crying (make that screaming) during dinner. Don't just sit there and act like nothing is happening. Take him/her out so everyone else can enjoy their meal. This happened on our cruise. We had a wonderful table by the window but asked to be moved when it became obvious that the parents were going to let their child scream at the top of his/her lungs. She finally took the child out about 10 minutes later. Don't know if the wait staff finally said something but it was extremely inconsiderate to everyone else.


This kills me when parents do it in regular restaurants, let alone a cruise ship. My kids are past that stage, but the second they started....we were out of where ever we were though, regardless of the reason my son was crying. I would be MORTIFIED to ruin other people's experience because my child was upset, crying, or whatever.


I am taking my 6 year and 10 year old (they will be at that time) on a cruise in October. I have not worried a bit about what others think about kids on the ship. As long as the kids are well behaved, other people should keep their traps shut IMO. (My kids will be well behaved lest horrid consequences come their way ;) )


Enjoy your cruise and more importantly...enjoy your kids :)

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While we don't mind children on a cruise, we get a bit fed up with being run over in hallways and enduring the endless crying of a tired toddler in the dining room.


We tolerate this because we knew there would be children on the ships. No one pulled a fast one on us! we went into it with our eyes wide open.


That being said, if there was an adult-only cruise, we would be the first one signed up!



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While we don't mind children on a cruise, we get a bit fed up with being run over in hallways and enduring the endless crying of a tired toddler in the dining room.


We've been on eight cruises in the past 6 years and haven't had any issues with being bothered by kids. Most of the families in any public place these days are well behaved and considerate. It is a small minority of families that make it uncomfortable for all of the rest of us.


I've had more issues with rude "adult" pax - but when a very loud, very drunk couple ends up on the wrong deck at 2:00am and pounds on your door swearing to let them in, it doesn't seem to be "as bad" to most folks as a two-year old melting down in the dining room and being immediately swept out by one of its parents. Many people seem to have little or no tolerance to kids not behaving perfectly.


That being said, if there was an adult-only cruise, we would be the first one signed up!


They are not common, but some do exist.

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I never realized people had problem with other people's kids.


WOW what an eye-opener. Well guess what- someones got to have kids. Look what happened to the Shakers.


And kids need to be expose to the world and learn how to behave it it. They can't do it unless they go places, do things, talk to other people.


On the other hand, I was not a perfect kid. I'd like to meet the perfect adult who was a perfect kid too. I'll give them permission to complain cause I suspect their childhood was a living hell. :eek:

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I have stayed in many a hotel and on many a cruise ship and I find that generally, when I am awakened in the middle of the night, it usually is because of a non-thinking or inconsiderate adult who finds it necessary to use his outside voice while walking down the hall, making sure that everyone hears him/her. It is also these adults who are unable to make sure that the door does not slam behind them. Many a time, I have laid in bed and hoped that said door would slam them right in the you know what.... From what I have found, most children are trying to sleep around the same time that I am. ;)

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Never, ever had a problem with children on a ship, except for the last cruise. And then it was only a very small number of kids, all belonging to one extended family. The parents just let their kids run loose, so the kids were bored and causing many problems. The yellow-shirted youth security on board for this cruise were very frustrated trying to get the parents take responsibility. My little one said that these kids never showed up in the kids' area (and she was there a lot).


It's a matter of bad parenting, much inconsideration and lack of response on the part of the Princess captain/his staff on board who wouldn't take action.

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Many wonderful comments here - pro kids! Anyhow I agree, if your child is misbehaving then don't let anyone else around you suffer for it. My daughte ris 2 1/2 and have had to leave a few places because she was tired or just plan tired of being in one place too long - understandable!


My DH and I traveled extensively before she was born and promised to continue once we had her, and we have! Trust me we have had some bad experiences - once because she was very ill. But all in all it has been a wonderful experince! This is the foundation of her future, how else will she know how to act around others if she is not out there experiencing life like the adults. Parents just need to PARENT. As for Texas Divers comments - it is obvious you do not like kids - shame on you! I can only feel sorry for you that you feel the way you do, you have no idea what you are missing out on! Children bring out the best in you - you should try it!


I agree with another poster that said what about the drunk adults - how annoying can they be? Is there a post out there for Drunk Annoying Adults - why do we have to put up with them?



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It is not the kids..it is the adults....Children are not mini adults....They need to be taught and nutured in responsibility,manners,values and respect.Some parents well their not on board w/this.My child had crying tantrum in a resteraunt needless to say it was my responsibilty to take care of this not the toddler..needless to say we had our meeal packed to go and I waited in the car w/the child...when parents ignore this behavior they are not very well mannered in other patrons around them...attitude of if I got to listen you do to and I,m paying here to.I travel w/ my kids but on certin vacations you need to be aware of you surroundings and responsibilities .Oh for the rude adults w/ no kids that swat or swear or agiatate children for their own entertainment your a problem also.

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As for Texas Divers comments - it is obvious you do not like kids - shame on you! I can only feel sorry for you that you feel the way you do, you have no idea what you are missing out on! Children bring out the best in you - you should try it!



I never said that I didn't like kids! Just because people expect kids to be behaved in public doesn't equal dislike!!


For goodness sake, I HAVE children!

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Well Texas Divers you would never know it, for Goodness Sakes.

Kids are precious and should be treated that way. Bottom line Adults should be responsible and if not they are to blame, not the children.


Anyhow my child will ALWAYS be with me wherever I travel, and if somebody has issues with it, oh well that's life!



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Well said!


And I might add.... if you have a baby/toddler that is crying (make that screaming) during dinner. Don't just sit there and act like nothing is happening. Take him/her out so everyone else can enjoy their meal. This happened on our cruise. We had a wonderful table by the window but asked to be moved when it became obvious that the parents were going to let their child scream at the top of his/her lungs. She finally took the child out about 10 minutes later. Don't know if the wait staff finally said something but it was extremely inconsiderate to everyone else.


I had an experience in a restaurant once - large family group with small child wailing "mommy, mommy, mommy" - "Mommy" was happily engaged in adult conversation and totally ignoring the increasingly louder child. Having had enough, I turned around and yelled "excuse me, Mommy!" All conversation ceased as she looked at me - I asked "why is it that everyone in this restaurant can hear your child but YOU?" She attended to the child and I got a small round of applause -


But - the bottom line is that it is the parents who need to parent. We took our DGS (age 7) on our last trip - he got lots of attention and behaved just fine. At the table next to us was a young family with three children under 6 - I must admit that I cringed the first night, but there was not a loud peep out of any of them. The parents engaged them in conversation and they felt included and behaved beautifully.

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Wow, we are going on our first cruise to Alaska this summer with our 3 year old son. After reading everyones comments I'm a little nervous about taken him. Last summer we took him all over Europe. He did just fine. I believe the more you expose your children to dinning out, airplane trips,ect. the better behaved they will be when out in public. I certainly will take him out of the dinning room if he is pitching a fit. I want him to have just as much fun as we do.

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Wow' date=' we are going on our first cruise to Alaska this summer with our 3 year old son. After reading everyones comments I'm a little nervous about taken him. Last summer we took him all over Europe. He did just fine. I believe the more you expose your children to dinning out, airplane trips,ect. the better behaved they will be when out in public. I certainly will take him out of the dinning room if he is pitching a fit. I want him to have just as much fun as we do.[/quote']




Supernate's mom:



He'll do fine and you'll be able to relax. Our youngest was five but he'd have done fine at two or three; it's all in what you have exposed him to and how he deals with separation from you if you enroll him in on board activities.


Let the whiners search out some cheese to compliment their snack and ignore the negative comments.:D If they have a problem with your child, and your child is not misbehaving, then it's their problem. Let them deal with it in their own mind.:)


We will be allowing our DS11 to have some 'free roam' as long as we know where he's roaming. Our DS9 will only be allowed to roam with his brother and not all the time. Our DS5 will be with us or at Camp Carnival at all times. We will also be checking up on our two older ones to make sure they aren't caught up in anything. I got several videos of our oldest with his friends on our last cruise and he was totally unaware that we were 'spying' on him. ;)

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