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When are booked passengers notified of the COVID protocols to be in effect for their voyage?


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We've been booked on the the December 2021 crossing for almost a year. I'm curious when Cunard lets its passengers know what the COVID protocols will be for their voyage. We're fully vaxed, and I know from reading the website that testing is currently being done prior to boarding. But, we've never been 'officially' notified that we might need to be vaccinated. I want to make sure this hasn't been relayed to our travel agent and then fallen into a black hole.


I'm assuming someone would need about six weeks notice to get vaccinated: including the time to get an appointment, the waiting time between injections, and the two weeks that need to elapse after the last shot. Does that mean we may not hear until late October/early November what will be in effect for our crossing?


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Hi, @frankp01. If I'm repeating what you already know I apologize in advance. I don't have a Cunard voyage booked, so I don't know what if any other 'official' notification Cunard might provide.


Cunard has been saying for some time now that all passengers 18 years and older on voyages departing through December 31, 2021 must be fully vaccinated. You may want to check out this page on the Cunard website if you haven't seen it already. The "Vaccination and testing policy" section will be of particular interest.


Sailing with confidence


One item there which is relatively new (perhaps added in the September 20 update) is found under "Proof of vaccination". Here in the US it used to say something to the effect that details would be confirmed at a later date. Now it states that a CDC Vaccination Record Card is acceptable proof of vaccination. That's good since that's about all we have in the US for proof of vaccination anyway.

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Thanks, I had seen all of that. But, Cunard can't assume that all of it's passengers are diligent enough to do that sort of research. If someone must be vaccinated, I'm assuming Cunard must inform each passenger of that.


My curiosity is whether Cunard is making the effort to 'officially' inform each passenger of what their COVID obligations are. Since a booking is, essentially, a legal contract, adding vaccination requirement to that is a modification of the original contract. Again, believe me, I'm happy with every COVID protection that's implemented: vaccines, social distancing, masking, etc. It's just that I'd like to hear it directly from Cunard and not from my having done the research!

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I think Cunard's 'out' with regard to their contract with you and the requirement to check the website for COVID protocols might be contained in this paragraph 6(b) of the US Passage Contract.


The Carrier has adopted specific COVID-19 Guest Protocols with input from medical, science and public health experts and guidance from international, national, and regional health authorities, including CDC and local health agencies when the vessel is within that agency’s jurisdiction.  You acknowledge that these directives may change from time-to-time and that the Carrier’s COVID-19 Guest Protocols may therefore change.  YOU EXPRESSLY AGREE TO COMPLY NOT ONLY WITH THE COVID-19 GUEST PROTOCOLS AS THEY ARE DESCRIBED HEREIN, BUT ALSO AS THEY ARE SET FORTH IN MATERIALS DISTRIBUTED BY CARRIER AND ON THE CARRIER’S WEBSITE, AT ALL TIMES INCLUDING PRE-EMBARKATION, WHILE ON BOARD, DURING PORT CALLS AND SHORE EXCURSIONS, AND/OR DURING FINAL DISEMBARKATION.  In case of any conflict between the COVID-19 Guest Protocols described herein or on the Carrier’s website, the website controls and Your agreement to abide by said website constitutes an integral part of this Passage Contract.

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In our case, COVID did exist at the time we purchased our passage. But what about those who may have bought before there was any knowledge of the disease? Can the contract change over time without notifying the affected parties? I'm thinking of the family that was turned away in Seattle, because they had neglected something... was it a test? I'm on top of this, but the carriers can't assume everyone has access to a computer with which to monitor the current requirements. There should be some burden on the carrier to keep the passengers informed.

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7 hours ago, frankp01 said:

In our case, COVID did exist at the time we purchased our passage. But what about those who may have bought before there was any knowledge of the disease? Can the contract change over time without notifying the affected parties? I'm thinking of the family that was turned away in Seattle, because they had neglected something... was it a test? I'm on top of this, but the carriers can't assume everyone has access to a computer with which to monitor the current requirements. There should be some burden on the carrier to keep the passengers informed.

In that case it was a test - an unvaccianted child had the wrong type. 


If you book via a TA they should advise in the same way as they advise regarding visa requirements. 


If you  booked direct - yes I think the onus is on the customer to check - particularly as  we've had a pandemic for 18 months now!  


Its just the same as  trying to check in for an international flight without the right visas in place. You will be rapdily denied boarding without the right paperwork. If the visa situation changed between when you booked and when you  are due to fly its still on you (or your TA) to have the right paperwork. 

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I appreciate the additional insights. I'm partly just playing devil's advocate, but I'm also a bit on edge as I'm sorta "the lead" for a group of four of us. I feel a little better having spent some time in the Voyage Personalizer, which details some of the boarding requirements, and where I found this statement:

 As your vacation gets closer, we’ll provide pre-voyage information about mitigating the risk of Covid-19, and will ask you to complete a Health Declaration questionnaire. Please read this pre-voyage information carefully as it will explain what to expect when you arrive at the terminal, your time on board, any country-specific requirements to be aware of and protocols you need to adhere to while traveling with us.

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Unfortunately Cunard cannot know as the covid situation is constantly in flux.  Now that a 3rd booster dose of the Pfizer vaccine is recommended in certain situations, is one no longer considered to be "fully vaccinated" if they only got two doses and now cannot sail?  With claims that vaccine efficacy wanes after 4-6 months will one be denied boarding if has been "too long" since their last dose? 


Booking now means that one has to accept:

  1. that on-board covid protocols could be more strict at time of sailing,
  2. the boarding requirements more stringent,
  3. or the sailing cancelled altogether. 
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1 hour ago, BlueRiband said:

Now that a 3rd booster dose of the Pfizer vaccine is recommended in certain situations, is one no longer considered to be "fully vaccinated" if they only got two doses and now cannot sail? 


The guidance for a booster (in the US, at least) is dependent on too many factors (age, comorbidities, occupational exposure, earlier vaccine type) for anyone to make a blanket requirement.

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3 hours ago, BlueRiband said:

Booking now means that one has to accept:

  1. that on-board covid protocols could be more strict at time of sailing,
  2. the boarding requirements more stringent,

All of the above are fine. I just want to be kept informed, rather than have to hunt around on the website, myself, and possibly miss something that then causes us to get turned away at the pier. That's my only concern.

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16 hours ago, frankp01 said:

All of the above are fine. I just want to be kept informed, rather than have to hunt around on the website, myself, and possibly miss something that then causes us to get turned away at the pier. That's my only concern.

I can understand your concern - the responsibility for travelling companions happiness can weigh heavy.

I'm not sure the pre sailing update would come through with enough time to implement a full vaccine course so for peace of mind I would email Cunard with the details of all the steps you've taken so far and what you understand the requirements to be and ask if you've missed anything. Hopefully that will prompt them to reply to you reassuring you and giving you a heads up on anything you may need to be aware of or alert you to changes that may come.

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'm not sure the pre sailing update would come through with enough time to implement a full vaccine course 


Well, that was just the most obvious requirement I thought of. But it's also the one with which Cunard *would* have enough lead time to give a heads-up to their passengers. They could simply send an email, or snail mail, about 8 weeks prior to the voyage. 


Thanks for the idea to call. I may just do that. Since no one who has been on one of the summer staycation voyages has chimed in,  I don't think I should be expecting an unprompted update directly from Cunard.

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On that note I received an "emergency notification" from Cunard this morning:


Our updated policy now requires that all guests of all ages need to be fully vaccinated in order to travel on any voyage departing from October 13, 2021, up to and including April 17, 2022 for Queen Mary 2 and up to and including May 17, 2022 for Queen Elizabeth. Our definition of "fully vaccinated" is a minimum of 14 days following the second dose of the currently approved Covid-19 vaccines or 14 days following the approved single-dose Janssen Covid-19 vaccine being administered. Please note, a single dose of any other vaccine will not be deemed "fully vaccinated". Further details of our vaccination and testing policy can be found at https://www.cunard.com/sailing-with-confidence. We recognize that you may have guests in your traveling party that will not be fully vaccinated per these requirements, and will unfortunately be unable to travel on this voyage. We ask that you reach out to us to confirm the vaccination status for all gusts on your booking by calling us at 1-800-728-6273.


If I've been keeping up, the changes from previous notifications include dates into April/May 2022 and the stipulation of "all guests of all ages" which at least in the US would preclude any passengers under the age of 12 as there is no vaccine for under 12 approved or under EUA.


So at least in part passengers are being contacted via their contact info when the requirements for travel change.

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We are cruising on 13th December and received an email from Cunard (and our TA) with details of their latest vaccination requirements. We are around 10 weeks out from sailing so enough time to make the necessary arrangements. 

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3 hours ago, Underwatr said:

On that note I received an "emergency notification" from Cunard this morning:


Our updated policy now requires that all guests of all ages need to be fully vaccinated in order to travel on any voyage departing from October 13, 2021, up to and including April 17, 2022 for Queen Mary 2 and up to and including May 17, 2022 for Queen Elizabeth. Our definition of "fully vaccinated" is a minimum of 14 days following the second dose of the currently approved Covid-19 vaccines or 14 days following the approved single-dose Janssen Covid-19 vaccine being administered. Please note, a single dose of any other vaccine will not be deemed "fully vaccinated". Further details of our vaccination and testing policy can be found at https://www.cunard.com/sailing-with-confidence. We recognize that you may have guests in your traveling party that will not be fully vaccinated per these requirements, and will unfortunately be unable to travel on this voyage. We ask that you reach out to us to confirm the vaccination status for all gusts on your booking by calling us at 1-800-728-6273.


If I've been keeping up, the changes from previous notifications include dates into April/May 2022 and the stipulation of "all guests of all ages" which at least in the US would preclude any passengers under the age of 12 as there is no vaccine for under 12 approved or under EUA.


So at least in part passengers are being contacted via their contact info when the requirements for travel change.

Thank you for posting that.


According to Cunard I am not vaccinated as I have AZ/Pfizer.


I know many things can change but at least they have put out the protocols.


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20 minutes ago, K_e_short said:

Thank you for posting that.


The link doesn't work for me though 😞


I'm booked for July and have AZ/Pfizer so curious if I'm going to be considered unvaccinated.


Trust Cunard to mess up a link in their email. For the US and Canada that link should be:


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  • 1 month later...

Ok, so I got the answer to my original post. I just received a copy of the revised passage contract and a COVID risk waiver. The three of us in our group in the states have all received it. Our London companion has not. I'm assuming one of two things: the forms were all mailed from California, so they just haven't arrived yet. Or the UK office is late in getting them out. Does anyone in the UK have experience with the UK version of those documents?

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We got ours late last week. Probably helps to be a couple of zip codes away from where it was sent. After an initial scan, it looked serious enough to have a very thorough detailed read - not a quick “yeah yeah yeah” as I do with software licences. As you point out above there are enough potential Gotchya s to warrant a very thorough read before signing. 

And from the roll call, looks like we bring the signed form to the quay in Southampton rather than mail?

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2 hours ago, frankp01 said:

Ok, so I got the answer to my original post. I just received a copy of the revised passage contract and a COVID risk waiver. The three of us in our group in the states have all received it. Our London companion has not. I'm assuming one of two things: the forms were all mailed from California, so they just haven't arrived yet. Or the UK office is late in getting them out. Does anyone in the UK have experience with the UK version of those documents?

frankp01 not received anything yet from the UK but we only paid our balance on Saturday 6th, a lot of the protocol information is on the website. I wonder if this is a USA contract?

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I was also surprised at the printed contract-in any event it is s ‘contract of adhesion’-which among other things means -no sign-no deal- so like the old checkoffs-no check-no sail. 😞 I got really good help from a Cunard staff person and I’m ready to fly on the 12th and sail on the 13th-but there is the test within the days before flying😒 


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7 hours ago, Lesanne said:

a lot of the protocol information is on the website. I wonder if this is a USA contract?

The info is on the website, but there are material changes to the passage contract (i.e., that we must be vaccinated). Cunard couldn't assume that we had seen that. 


8 hours ago, ClipperinSFO said:

we bring the signed form to the quay

Yes, several comments I've seen in other forums confirm that you bring it. Makes sense... The check in agent needs to see that you've signed off. Why there was the envelope included I have no idea!

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We enjoy your posts, especially practical info about New York. 
Just wondering if the American site or letter you received, has remained silent on the requirement for crew to be vaccinated.

Over the pond, we hear that Cunard may be working towards full vaccination of crew and are doing regular testing, but maybe not quite there yet.

Also wondering what the attitude of Port Authority in New York is likely to be on full ship vaccination…..pre Christmas Queen Mary arrival. 

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3 hours ago, Yorky67 said:

Also wondering what the attitude of Port Authority in New York is likely to be on full ship vaccination

Actually, it's more of a federal requirement. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has a requirement for a certain percentage of both passengers and crew that must be vaccinated (not sure, off the top of my head, but it might be 95%). Otherwise the reporting and operational requirements are much more onerous. For example, the operating company must run a "simulated voyage", with volunteer, non-paying passengers so that the entire operation, and COVID protocols, can be observed.


Nice to hear you've found my posts useful! I spent yesterday in NYC checking out Cape Liberty, in the odd chance that the port change rumors are true.

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For daytrips into NYC, not nearly as nice as Brooklyn. From Brooklyn you can just hop on the ferry for the 15 minute ride to downtown. At Cape Liberty there is a light rail line that runs very frequently to Jersey City and Hoboken (and for seniors is only $1.10), but the closest stop is over an hours walk away. And, believe me when I tell you it's not a pleasant walk. Halfway it's actually quite nice. The peninsula is being developed with very high end apartments and housing. So, for the first half of the walk there's a retail development and a very nice waterfront promenade. But then the environment turns industrial. The pavement is in bad shape and there is no shoulder. I'm a walker, and we gave up because it was so unpleasant/dangerous. The tram stop is in a nice residential area, but because it's residential, there are no cruising taxis. So you would have to rely on Uber/Lyft both going and coming. Near the tram stop there's a CVS, Costco and Lidl. That's nice, but, again, you'd need a taxi to get there. What the cruise terminal needs to do is run a shuttle, but such a service isn't on offer.


One other option might be to take a taxi to Newark International or to Newark Penn Station for transportation options.


I'm in Philadelphia, so I get to NY by train. Traffic is so bad in the city that I try to avoid taxis (that, and I've seen my life flash before my eyes in a few taxi rides).  Now, ironically, it might be easier to get to Cape Liberty than Brooklyn, at the start or end of the trip, with that restriction. One can take PATH from 33rd St (or the WTC) to Hoboken or Jersey City, then catch a cab. To Brooklyn, the best I've found, with the shortest cab ride, is the ferry at E 34th St. There's an even closer ferry stop to Penn Station, but that route doesn't connect to any of the other ferry routes. (Well, without a *very* convoluted routing: Red Hook to Wall St. Walk the few blocks to the Staten Island ferry. Take that to Staten Island, then catch the ferry to W 39th St). See, I told you it was convoluted! 


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