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Azamara Quest - Mediterranean Cities, October 28-November 4 2021


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8 hours ago, L11 said:

Hi Norris. Thanks ever so much for posting on the Princess board that you were posting this GSJ here. 


This is the first time I have actually caught one of your reviews in progress. I am not quite certain how it came about, but I ran across your reviews during the worst of the Covid times and have read just about all of them. You helped get me through cruise withdrawal for which I extend my everlasting gratitude. You are awesome in terms of both your narrative and pictures! I would love to cruise with you sometime. You and my husband could exchange stories - he was/is a drummer also. 


Anyway, carry on with your journal. I will follow along. By the way, if I read you correctly, you retired in 3/2020. If so, congratulations! I retired 10/2020 and am loving every minute of it. Pet the new kitties for me. Condolences on the loss of Snowy. Best wishes to Carol. I am kind of bummed that you may not be cruising for a while after this but understand that Bayreuth and Wagner take priority.





Hi Linda, welcome and thanks for joining us here.

I'm happy you stumbled upon my reviews during lockdown. There's 16 other reviews to read so I hope you didn't miss any.

here's the link to them all with brief summaries 


It was the idea of M. Donahue who is reading along on this Quest review. My thanks!


There are 2 reviews not on the list but they are in my signature which is below every post I make on CC.


They are ideal reading for those wet or snowy days or if you are in hospital or jail.

Thanks for the kind compliments on my writing and pictures. I enjoy making both.


We canceled a cruise on in the Med in 2013 as we got Wagner Bayreuth tickets that year. Then tickets were issued by lottery with an average wait time of 7 years but you had to apply each year. We were granted tickets for summer 2020 but then....we were given a choice of using them in 2021 or 2022 and we chose the latter due to the operas being played that year. Attending the Festival in Wagner's own theater is our biggest thrill and a great excuse to enjoy Germany again.



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1 hour ago, Bimmer09 said:

Big wheels keep on turning...








Trying to remember how to cut back to the quote. I saw Tina perform this when I was in university. She was still with Ike at the time. A great performer to see live. Adult only content. I remember being shocked and it was the 70s.

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11 minutes ago, Marvy Mare said:

Trying to remember how to cut back to the quote.


@Marvy Mare - Simply highlight the text you want to quote and a "Quote selection" box will pop-up below the highlighted text - click that box and presto! That easy!





We now return you to your regularly scheduled Norris update.....



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On 11/19/2021 at 8:36 AM, Bimmer09 said:

Yes, I have time on my hands. 

My last day at work was March 6 2020. Chicago went into lockdown on March 13.

Snowy the cat sadly left us on October 7th before our cruise. She was 18 years old and it was her time.



As we were going to be away in Europe for two weeks we waited until we got home on November 7 before getting more cats. We found two on line at a shelter over in Indiana where we have got 4 previous cats (all gone) including Snowy. We found two strays who had been found living on a golf course. We picked them up last Friday, November 12. They went from a 4 ft long cage with no toys to what I can only describe as Disneyworld for cats. Carol wears them out by playing with them. I do the feeding and they like their 10 square meals a day (LOL).


They are Rodolfo(3 years old)



and Mimi (1 year old)




Norris, sorry to hear about Snowy but your new babies are adorable. Pets add so much to our lives. 

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Even though the Azamara ships are small there are always treats in store. Edible treats. Among them TAPAS and this evening as we leave Marseille we take ourselves up to the Living Room on deck 10 to sample their nightly tapas offerings . So civilized.

My advice, which I have never taken myself but always kick myself for is this-always read the daily schedule of delights that the ship publishes. We have spent a total of 15 days on Azamara ships and tonight was the first time we went up to the Living Room for tapas. Idiots.



Hotel Director Ngawhira Fleet talks to passengers



A very inviting room and one we will visit more in the future






The food is a collection of yummy morsels so we each had two plates





That would have to tide us over for two hours unless we decided to hit the buffet or Mosaic Cafe or Room Service. Or a Specialty restaurant...

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On 11/18/2021 at 2:30 PM, Bimmer09 said:


Thanks John, the important thing is they got you driving around France and enjoying the beauty there. You are one up on me! How long did you tour?

Norris, envious

We did two road trips around France, one in 2002 and again in 2007. Both trips began with a week in Paris. The 2002 road trip was for 7 nights and concentrated on Normandy and Brittany. The 2007 road trip was for 10 days. We stayed in 3 hub towns, Colmar for Alsace; Annecy for the French Alps; and Arles for Provence. We did day trip excursions into Germany and Switzerland as well. They were a great deal of fun, and rank up there with the Alaska Highway as our favorite road trips.

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21 minutes ago, Bimmer09 said:

We have spent a total of 15 days on Azamara ships and tonight was the first time we went up to the Living Room for tapas. Idiots.


Tapas !??!?!?!?!  How the <<<  BLEEP  >>> did we miss the Tapas ?!?!?!?!??! And the Lava Cakes ?!?!?!?!?!??!


Looks like we are officially members of the idiots club.....

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46 minutes ago, Jasperdo said:

We did two road trips around France, one in 2002 and again in 2007. Both trips began with a week in Paris. The 2002 road trip was for 7 nights and concentrated on Normandy and Brittany. The 2007 road trip was for 10 days. We stayed in 3 hub towns, Colmar for Alsace; Annecy for the French Alps; and Arles for Provence. We did day trip excursions into Germany and Switzerland as well. They were a great deal of fun, and rank up there with the Alaska Highway as our favorite road trips.

A week in Paris??!!

The closest I have  come to Paris is seeing the word on a road sign in 2003 when I wandered into France in my new car for 15 minutes. 

Carol has been there and always says to me "you would LOVE Paris" and that's a given. I watch a lot of Walks in Paris on Youtube. I only bend at the knees so that I am prepared to sit at a sidewalk cafe in Paris with my Pastis and espresso, adjusting my beret and the string of onions around my neck. 

I lived in London for 12 years and my uncle used to go to France on a hovercraft to do shopping for cheese and wine and I never went with him to my eternal shame. 

We know Colmar-loved it there sitting by a canal eating French food, trying my French.


I have to calm down. I am so envious of your French trips. Carol was just telling me about an Az  cruise-France Intensive  and when she got to the Cote d'Azur part she lost interest. St Tropez, Cannes etc.

We are definitely cruising Azamara again. 


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51 minutes ago, LT Hambone said:


Tapas !??!?!?!?!  How the <<<  BLEEP  >>> did we miss the Tapas ?!?!?!?!??! And the Lava Cakes ?!?!?!?!?!??!


Looks like we are officially members of the idiots club.....

I'm afraid the tapas aren't restricted to the Living Room. I believe they also appear in the Den and Mosaic but don't quote me.

I'm the idiot who missed the Chocolate Buffet in Cuba....


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3 minutes ago, Bimmer09 said:

I'm afraid the tapas aren't restricted to the Living Room. I believe they also appear in the Den and Mosaic but don't quote me.

I'm the idiot who missed the Chocolate Buffet in Cuba....



If that's the case I'd have to join the "idiot club" for missing the tapas and chocolate extravaganza!  There are just so many lovely events/moments/spaces on Azamara you can't do them all in short trip.  Many reasons to return!

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On 11/19/2021 at 5:36 AM, Bimmer09 said:

Yes, I have time on my hands. 

My last day at work was March 6 2020. Chicago went into lockdown on March 13.

Snowy the cat sadly left us on October 7th before our cruise. She was 18 years old and it was her time.



As we were going to be away in Europe for two weeks we waited until we got home on November 7 before getting more cats. We found two on line at a shelter over in Indiana where we have got 4 previous cats (all gone) including Snowy. We found two strays who had been found living on a golf course. We picked them up last Friday, November 12. They went from a 4 ft long cage with no toys to what I can only describe as Disneyworld for cats. Carol wears them out by playing with them. I do the feeding and they like their 10 square meals a day (LOL).


They are Rodolfo(3 years old)



and Mimi (1 year old)




Too Much Time on My Hands - Styx ?

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On 11/17/2021 at 11:01 AM, Bimmer09 said:

Welcome aboard Sir!

I played rugby in High School in Newtownards and scored a few wickets I might add (but I won't).

I used to watch rugby on TV until Eddie Waring stopped doing commentary. LOL!

You did Barthelona to Lithbon. Hope to see Portugal some day from the deck of an Az ship.



Following along and enjoying your journal, and great pictures. 

I know that this is too late for you but just a word of caution for your many readers: we recently visited Sagrada Familia, in Barthelona, (Barcelona) we were inside with plenty of police present, my wife had her wallet pick right out of her purse. Deffinently a must see in Barcelona, and wouldn't keep me from visiting again. Next time a total lockdown. 

Love Barcelona especially for the tapas and wine. Great city.



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Tuesday Night dinner in Discoveries

Tonight's Windows Cafe buffet? Japanese.

Discoveries World Cuisine? Greek



I had almost eaten this Greek Salad when I realized it hadn't been photographed



Tonight I was in the mood for the always available NY Strip steak with fries (very good choice!)



Carol, the Keftides and Nepalese pork dumplings, Momos, fried rice and cabbage but I can't find a picture of such. This what I've got...

51693922685_6f545b8f5a_b.thumb.jpg.ebdfbbb528f5b26fc9b11d7e59732d67.jpgwhatever it was it was poorly focused and I doubt if a note from my Mother would help.. I think it is the Keftides


The dessert reminded me of Baklava. Carol ate it



This is the server I called Stephanie but of course that was wrong. It is Kymberly and she is the only female server in the restaurant. We asked her to remove her mask.



Edited by Bimmer09
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8 hours ago, Bimmer09 said:

A week in Paris??!!

The closest I have  come to Paris is seeing the word on a road sign in 2003 when I wandered into France in my new car for 15 minutes. 

A week in Paris isn't even enough time to fully enjoy it. One amazing site after another. I'm a big transit geek and had a blast getting around on the Metro. And just getting on a city bus and seeing where it takes us. The Louvre is an incredible museum. My wife's not a big art museum fan, but she insisted we go to the Louvre both times we were in Paris. We like staying in the Left Bank. It has a wonderful "I am in Paris!" vibe to it. And more outdoor cafes than you can count. You'd love it there.

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Another early to bed at 10 night for tomorrow we are in Barcelona for our last day of the cruise and there's an excursion at, yep, 8.15 a.m  but I chose one that would have us back to the ship 5 hours later so we could enjoy our last day on the Quest.


Before I leave the ship the next day I'll show you the remaining Insiders just to give you the complete week's activities to fill you in on what there is to do and enjoy on Azamara. You'll also get the names of all the officers if such matters to you and the photos of the public rooms that I haven't shown yet.

Final thoughts on Azamara.

Once we are off the ship on November 4 it will be Barcelona all the way until we fly to Dublin to round out our trip.


So a lot of stuff heading this way.



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I'm late, but I have an excuse.  Just give me a minute to think of one. 


I'm a bit concerned about Azamara's provisioning, given the way they ration out French fries.  And the less said about that "hamburger," the better.  Nevertheless, I'm enjoying your food porn from a new cruiseline immensely.  Especially enjoying cruising vicariously on a copycat of my beloved Pacific Princess

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On 11/18/2021 at 2:18 AM, Bimmer09 said:

 Chris will get his, I thought and of course you did.

The song I would choose if allowed only one Desert Island disc. An epic feat of the imagination.

I bought the album (my favorite Dylan) in 1965 and it has rewarded me for 56 years.

I also have never tired of Van Morrison's Into the Mystic and Listen to the Lion.

In London I had a fantastic pair of Altec Lansing speakers which I used to use like headphones-couple of pillows on the floor, candlelight, speakers either side, an inch from each ear, song on repeat. Bliss!

Cheers friend,


I can’t believe there has been Dylan theme on this thread and I haven’t contributed. It’s all in the name.

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8 hours ago, Bimmer09 said:

Tuesday Night dinner in Discoveries

Tonight's Windows Cafe buffet? Japanese.

Discoveries World Cuisine? Greek




51693922685_6f545b8f5a_b.thumb.jpg.ebdfbbb528f5b26fc9b11d7e59732d67.jpgwhatever it was it was poorly focused and I doubt if a note from my Mother would help.. I think it is the Keftides

That's definitely Keftedes! My husband thought they were great and chose them as a main course on Greek food night

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