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We Though We Knew HAL - ms Noordam's Naming/Dedication Ceremonies in New York


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Thank you sooo much for being sooo thoughtful to share this all with us!! You have described it so well I feel like I was there with you! :D :D :D


P.S. I had the wonderful opportunity to have lunch with a US Supreme Ct. Justice...it is amazing that people in power can be very pleasant and down to earth. He and I discussed the problems he has with his roses in hot and humid D.C. area vs. here in Sacramento where they flourish!!;)

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As Kongen Beatrix,Queen Beatrix, Queen of the Netherlands, is not aboard some Lady does have to fill her space.> not the TLD of .NL:)



Yours/ours is the best. .US

Nobody even mentioned her yet on the BB here ..



Sail7Seas your a wonderful Ambassador but really You should be Queen for the Cruise too.


To me your brighter than any gem (Diamond) in Holland or the Diamond District in NYC


You elaborate with such finess, pose and grace.


Your writing skills are excellent .. but wait... is a Network contacting you for Show rights...I do remember Queen for a Day, I first saw that in the C. of Massachusetts.



The flowers on board there I would wager are nicer than at Keukenhof now.




Does Holland American Line celebrate Queen Beatrix's Birthday? Thats April 30th on a Sunday this year 2006 . (That would be a great Celebration day/Event on all the Holland American Ships)



In the Greater NYC area tonight 02/24/2006 A.D. it is very chilly below 20 f now at 11:05 pm est and the winds today were over 40 -45 mph.. talk about wind chill Chill of a teachers wit...


you had a wonderful day of weather and perfect on President Gen. George Washingtons Birthday when you cruised away....WWWWwwwwWW


Wish we were there now as well :-) (\:)/)



Your text has everyone excited and I have seen envy popping up ... somebody planted a good crop with no NPK added...

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Sail, congratulations on your receiving this extraordinary honor from HAL. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your report of this occasion and agree with all who say HAL made an inspired choice in their selection of Mariner Ambassadors for this event. One thing you forgot to mention was after the regular dessert came the too-beautiful-to-eat, but delectable;) dark chocolate with white chocolate keys grand piano sculpture placed on every table!:)

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A happy tiredness is telling me it's time to 'call it a night'Part IV tomorrow.

Thank you so much, Sail, for your wonderful reports about what had to be an awesome dedication ceremony. You must truly feel honored to have been selected for such an honor. And, we, too, are honored to have had someone like you and your DH to represent us.


Blue skies ... and sweet dreams ...



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I am so happy many seem to be enjoying this thread and that is great. For us, it was about being Mariners.....all of us (or most reading this board) are Mariners. If one Mariner was a part of it than ALL were.


But, before I continue on, I have something on my mind I wish to say.



I have re-read through all I have written here (and my husand read it with me last night for the first time. He never comes to CC, doesn't know how to find the page, let alone post). After reading it all, I saw a few things I wished I had worded differently. In some places I sounded like we thought we were pretty 'full of ourselves'. In another place, I expressed something very, very poorly. It came out sounding very different than anything I would have intended. It could easily have been mis-read and some could have found it disrespectful and discourteous. I am very sorry for my poor wording and wish to apologize most sincerely to anyone who thought I was getting 'a big head'.


We are, as I have said several times, an ordinary couple from Massachusetts who love HAL and that love comes from loving the people of HAL....the people on the ships and from the ships. What we experienced this week is extraordinary and the memories of a lifetime. But it all emerged from our loving and respecting the people and the ships that we go to as often as possible.


To quote (just this once, if I may) another of our regular posters on this Board..........."Thanks for listening".



(I'll be back later with the rest of the story. We're expecting snow and I need to pickup a few things.)


Thank you.

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I have re-read through all I have written here (and my husand read it with me last night for the first time. He never comes to CC, doesn't know how to find the page, let alone post). After reading it all, I saw a few things I wished I had worded differently. In some places I sounded like we thought we were pretty 'full of ourselves'. In another place, I expressed something very, very poorly. It came out sounding very different than anything I would have intended. It could easily have been mis-read and some could have found it disrespectful and discourteous. I am very sorry for my poor wording and wish to apologize most sincerely to anyone who thought I was getting 'a big head'.


I have read your postings with great interest. I certainly have not had the impression that you were 'full of yourself' or had gotten 'a big head'. You and your DH have been given an honor by HAL and you have been generous in taking the time to share the experience.

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Sail, I've enjoyed your descriptions of your Adventures of the Ambassadors very much. You have every right to be extremly proud of being chosen for such an honor and I think it would be very difficult to describe the events in such great detail without a little of that pride showing. I think most of us, had we been in your place, would have been a lot more full of ourselves than you. I salute you for representing us, the Mariners, with such dignity, class and grace. May our Ambassador Sail enjoy many more wonderful days on the HAL ships.


I, personally, would rather read an honest account by someone that was really wowed by the occasion, rather than an account that would have us believe that it was just another day of hobnobbing with the big shots. Thank you, for a wonderful series of posts.


(and if you think there were any poorly worded statements, blame it on the open bar... that's what most of us would do...:D )

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I don't think your posts sound "full of yourself" at all.


You are simply describeing an extrordinary experience that you and DH were very fortunate to be a part of. And that certainly comes out in your writing. Your writing (to me anyway) is describeing your experience perfectly.


An "ordinary person" who was fortunate enough to have the honor of participating in a very very special event. One that not too many people get bestowed on them , but would love to. We are all enjoying reliving the fun with you.


I can tell you were not only very excited and happy to be there, but very humbled and almost like a "kid in a candy store" *LOL* to be a part of it all.


A person who is "full of themselves" would be very blase about it and almost above it all "Oh well Mickey was there and Stein was there and of course they wanted us at their table so we HAD to sit with them" *LOL* You know how people like that are? :)


But part of the fun of reading your posts is the excitement in your writing about this bigger than life experience.


A few years back a friend of mine was lucky enough to go to the Oscars. Granted as the date of a nominee for one of the minor awards so it wasn't like she was sitting next to DeNiro, Nicholson, and Pacino *LOL*. But she got to be around all the glamour and excitement of it all. Being a big movie fan this was a huge thrill for her.


Being a big HAL fan, this is the same experience for you :)


Enjoy the memories and keep sharing the details :)

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Sail, you haven't expressed yourself in a pompous manner at all. Quite the contrary! You are expressing yourself almost as a child might arriving at DisneyWorld for the first time!


You're not even the slightest bit "full of yourself" ... but rather you seem completely awed by what was going on around you and you had to keep pinching yourself to see if you were really there! In fact, you must be just about pinched out by now!!!:D


I have found your account of these amazing days refreshing, fun and full of so much "inside" information. You don't need to apologize or worry about a thing.


We want more ... much more ... as much as you have it in you to share!:) I'm just thanking you for all this, my pal ... you've made the last few days really fun and exciting for someone who wasn't even there!!!

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Sail: I think your posts are great. I was so excited for you when you announced that you and DH had been selected to represent us all.

Brrr - snow. We are originally from the Boston area (Stoneham) and remember well getting ready for snow storms. Now, we think it is cold here in S/Ca with temps in high 50s. Next week though our winter will arrive with (@3") of rain predicted.

Like everyone else, I can hardly wait for your next segment of the NY/Noordham adventure.


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Don't second guess yourself. You are doing a fabulous job of bringing the entire experience to life. Being an average "Joe" myself I could really put myself in your place and imagine what it would have been like if it had been my DH and myself at the Ceremonies. And it helps the frenzy build until we sail on her Mar 4. :D


Keep up the good work!

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Localady.....would you kindly e-mail me at sail7seas7@yahoo.com Thank you.




I sooo much appreciate all the messages here. I really was feeling as though I could have been 'over the top'.


I would never want to give that impression nor would I ever want to ever get away from the very basic........it is the crews on the ships; the people who work so hard on the ships that are so very, very special to us.


I'll start working on the next Installment now. :)

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The narration of your experiences is thrilling to read because the excitement you felt is very vividly being shared with the rest of us in what and how you are writing. You honored all of us Mariners by your excellent representation of us at the Noordam's Naming/Dedication ceremony. Thank you so very much!

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I really was feeling as though I could have been 'over the top'.
Not at all. Although your experience has most assuredly been over the top, you haven't come across that way at all. I agree with Grumpy that most of us would likely be more full of ourselves with this experience than you have been. I believe your graciousness shows through clearly.
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Thanks for taking the time to describe your incredible exerience to us.


I have only been on Holland America once but I was really struck by the hospitality that I had experienced on the Westerdam. Having worked in the hotel industry a long time ago I know that that kind of hospitality just doesn't occur by accident. I comes from the very top down and there is no other way for an organization to obtain it. Money can't buy it. Based on what you have relayed it's evident that the right people are in place at the top of this organization. That's the kind of upper management that deserves the big bucks.


I look forward to your next installment.


P.S.- isn't the snow beautiful today?

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Part VI


We enter the Vista Lounge and go directly to the seats we have now become well accustomed to......:) First Row; right up front!!! We're on the left hand side of the stage. Others participating were on the right. As we entered the lounge, we were handed programs....(we took a few extras!!). Talk about excited. There we were ---our names in the Program!!!


Stewards had passed glasses of champagne and wine and juice etc and a steward hurried over to offer us a glass. Of course we needed to toast Noordam one more time.


The Lounge is full and everyone is excited and anxious to see the Ceremony and Celebrate the Dedication of ms Noordam.


All the participants are in their seats and the group "Rock-a-pela" takes the stage and sings the National Anthem.


Mr. Kruise is introduced and Welcomes everyone and the Ceremony proceeds as rehearsed.


You can feel how much everyone is enjoying this happy event.


In addition to what I have already described, Mr. Antonini (Chairman of Fincantieri Shipyards) , spoke of the special relationship between

Carnival Cruiseline and HAL. About the many ships they have already built for HAL and Carnival and the fact more are on order.


Mr. Andrew Alper (President of New York City Economic Development) spoke of the good relationship between HAL and the City and the new Passenger facilities under construction.


Captain Scott made the remarks I have already referenced and

now it is our turn. We are so happy to once again see that beautiful bell. We recite the Blessing of the Bell with Captain Scott and when we poured our flutes of champagne on the bell, there were cheers and clapping and it was such happiness.


I mentioned that during the rehearsal, they presented me with a white rose at the Blessing of the Bell. During the "Real" Ceremony, they had made a lovely arrangement of the most beautiful yellow orchid with fantastic greens and PEACOCK FEATHERS; the stems wrapped in burgundy colored velour....a color used in the decorating of Noordam. (It is in my refrigerator and still looks fresh. I managed to carry it home on the plane and each time I reach in the 'frig', I see it and take it out for another look at it.)


Marlee Matlin now signed her speech and we watch the large screen that showed the champagne perfectly broke against the side of the ship right at the spot where ms Noordam is lettered. Cheering and excitement when we watched it smash!! Marlee is presented with a lovely bouquet of white roses. Pyrotechnics and confetti and the orchestra is playing and it is a spectable we will never forget. How many people get to attend a ship's Dedication let alone participate? We are so grateful for the experience. Memories of a lifetime.


All too quickly, the Dedication came to an end and I turned to DH and said......."It's Over". But, for us, it wasn't.


Within a split second, Brian (from here on this Board ----'bepsf') and RevNeal (Greg) who are sailing on the Maiden Voyage were shaking our hands and hugging us and smiling and I was thrilled to see them both. I had met Greg earlier in the day but not Brian. What a treat he is. I adored him immediately and was so happy they made the effort to come to our seats to say hello. We only had a brief moment to spend with him but I know I will try hard to find the chance to sail with him. (We wish we had met others from this board that were sailing but it wasn't possible.)


We were floating on air......The ms Noordam was now properly named and her Bell has been blessed and I think we all said a silent prayer to ourselves to wish her always safe sailing and happy landings.........


Some final thoughts and still another overwhelming surprise in my final installment tomorrow.

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Sail - this is so exciting! I am feeling like I don't want this whole expierence of reading your posts to end! You have done such a beautiful job of sharing it with such eloquence that makes us feel like we were there. As Mariner Ambassadors you are going beyond as you are generously sharing your expierence with all of us. And no, you are not coming off as being full of yourself! You are describing it with wide eyed wonder.

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Thank you, thank you, thank you, Sail! You have provided us all with the next-best thing to being there: your wonderful narrative of your experiences at the dedication of the Noordam.


Now, I just can't wait to hear of the surprise! Please don't keep us waiting too long.

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