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Hello everyone, as promised we are aboard. Our journey down from Kent this morning was very easy, no holdups on M25- A3- M27, we stopped at Petersfield on A3 for a comfort break, arrived at Mayflower term at 11.45, car checked into P4C, all very relaxing. Thru check-in, then security & sat down for peninsular lunch by 12.30.20221006_123313.heic  then up to m/ suite on B deck, logged into holiday app, ( very easy) then booked 2 dinners in Queens grill for coming days. Could not open booking  for Sindhu, but will check later. Sat on balcony  writing  this having a cup of tea. Will report further as & when time& signal available.   All for now. Bon voyage.

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1 hour ago, Grumpycruiser60plus said:

Hello everyone, as promised we are aboard. Our journey down from Kent this morning was very easy, no holdups on M25- A3- M27, we stopped at Petersfield on A3 for a comfort break, arrived at Mayflower term at 11.45, car checked into P4C, all very relaxing. Thru check-in, then security & sat down for peninsular lunch by 12.30.20221006_123313.heic  then up to m/ suite on B deck, logged into holiday app, ( very easy) then booked 2 dinners in Queens grill for coming days. Could not open booking  for Sindhu, but will check later. Sat on balcony  writing  this having a cup of tea. Will report further as & when time& signal available.   All for now. Bon voyage.

What was your allocated check in time? What is the m/suite? We will need to book a restaurant for the night of my birthday onboard asap when get onboard in 12 days time.

I look forward to your updates to prepare me for what to expect onboard.

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Sunday 9/10. 

Good afternoon,  time for a little update.  We had 2 sea days before arriving this morning in Andalsnes. Can confirm NO Sindhu this cruise, but Oceangrill is open (we got 2 bookings & will report on those in couple of days) as of Friday is was booked out. MDR service so far has been good,same for the bar/ lounges that we have used. Staff are plentiful & seem happy. The food in mdr is as others mentioned for their cruises is OK. We now always ask for extra veg. The weather since leaving Southampton has been very good, most of yesterday there was  3-4 mtr swell but nothing to get excited about. There is a wide range of people on board,many like us doing this cruise after 2 cancelled yrs. IT is not full, in fact several  empty mini-suite/ suites on our deck. We have had 1 formal night already, I would say about 98% dressing for the night. I'm always amused with "some people's " idea of formal attire, they have the outfit, but in my view no idea how to wear it!!.  


Andalsnes. Our 1st time  here & very nice too. It has a brand new cable car ( open MAY21) With fabulous views from the top of mountain, a cafe/ restaurant  & lots of walking viewpoints too. I have taken lot's of photos on camera so hope to show those later on when I have sorted them at home. But will leave you a shot taken on smart phone as a taster. All for now, time for cup of tea on balcony. 20221009_122257.heic

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5 hours ago, silkworms said:

So Ocean Grill is open for business?

Thats good news!

How are the arrangements for ordinary dining, any queues?

Reply,  sorry I missed this, we are on club dinning 20.30. First 2 nights we were queuing level 3 for some 15mins, I think this is caused by 1. Early diners taking time to leave. They do not let you in unless all clear. 2. Usual confused people joining wrong que who are freedom dinning level 2. I would note that freedom seems to be quiet & lots of tables from 8.15 onwards. Also age demographic  with older people  wanting to eat a 18.30 very busy. Then at 8pm they all surge thru levels 2 &3 rushing for the show. 

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Thanks for that, we are also on 20.30 club dining on the next cruise. Gone are the days when the maitre’d used to come over your cabin speaker to let you know that second sitting dining was now ready for you! It was really lovely.  Glad you are enjoying, what kind of entertainment is on in the Globe?


Thanks for taking the time to post.



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  • Host Sharon changed the title to Arcadia NORTHERN LIGHTS Live Blog

Hello from Tromso.   


After a sea day yesterday,  which  was very rainy & grey,+ windy which meant Prom deck closed. We arrived  08.30 to sunshine 8° but with a strong wind, especially up the top of the cable car. I have to say that our experience with  the cable car down in Andalsnes, compared  to Tromso was disappointing  here in Tromso. The cafe up top was very lacklustre, poor coffee, no hot chocolate  dismal cakes. We did not stay long.  Views are  stunning though. We travelled  there & back on the local bus,using the tromso bus app very easy, I had prebooked the cablecar too. So much cheaper that P & O naturally. 

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OceanGrill. As mentioned above, we had managed  to book 2 nights here. Our 1st visit  was last night. First off, they have same menu for whole cruise.  Have To say the meal was nothing special. We have dined (pre covid) in Epicurean, Sindu &Limelight on Brittania and it was an event meal. No so in OG, to be fair the staff are excellent but the place is running  50% empty  & there just is no ambience. Also not helped  by us having to ask  for my DW chips  to be changed  because they came out undercooked.  Sure they very quickly brought  fresh pot, but it does slightly  spoil the start of main course. We are returning  again tomorrow, hopefully  our meal  will be agreeable. 

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On 10/9/2022 at 5:54 PM, silkworms said:

Thanks for that, we are also on 20.30 club dining on the next cruise. Gone are the days when the maitre’d used to come over your cabin speaker to let you know that second sitting dining was now ready for you! It was really lovely.  Glad you are enjoying, what kind of entertainment is on in the Globe?20221011_172621.heic


Thanks for taking the time to post.



Re Entertainment.  As a rough guide, this is from today's horizon. 

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On the subject  of current on board " Entertainment ". Underwhelming!! As a rule I don't like Musicals,Trebute acts. So we are avoiding  the theatre this cruise. We do like to relax both pre- post dinner in the Piano bar, we have an excellent waiter who keeps an eye out for us table wise. But a couple of nights this has been a little off putting, because P &O has put a Guitar busker/ singer in there. It is to our mind a Piano bar. Moan over

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Hello again.  Today in Narvik. Arrived at 08.30 this morning to overcast & drizzle rain. So we just a wander into town into a shopping centre for a look around shops, coffee & a bun.  Later today we are off on a guided tour to see/ photograph ( hopefully) Northern Lights.  Sitting now on balcony the rain has stopped & weather  app says brighter later. We were  due to go back to Oceangrill last night ( a formal night) but as you can see in previous post, we were underwhelmed,  so I cancelled & we went to our usual table & had a very good meal instead, on the menu for dessert was Baked Alaska, which I ordered knowing it was not "proper " baked alaska I would call it artic roll. see pic.  

Just to add a couple of observations since being aboard.  Not heard anyone coughing,  all staff wearing masks,  only very few passengers wearing them too. Plenty of staff in restaurants  & bars, but they do have some supply issues with drinks. Ie, some wines not available in mdr, no southern comfort & cointreau in any bars.( we like these as an after dinner treat). But you can order both from duty-free purchase to take home.just niggles really. 

All for now, hope to report again from next port Stavanger.


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1 hour ago, Grumpycruiser60plus said:

Hello again.  Today in Narvik. Arrived at 08.30 this morning to overcast & drizzle rain. So we just a wander into town into a shopping centre for a look around shops, coffee & a bun.  Later today we are off on a guided tour to see/ photograph ( hopefully) Northern Lights.  Sitting now on balcony the rain has stopped & weather  app says brighter later. We were  due to go back to Oceangrill last night ( a formal night) but as you can see in previous post, we were underwhelmed,  so I cancelled & we went to our usual table & had a very good meal instead, on the menu for dessert was Baked Alaska, which I ordered knowing it was not "proper " baked alaska I would call it artic roll. see pic.  

Just to add a couple of observations since being aboard.  Not heard anyone coughing,  all staff wearing masks,  only very few passengers wearing them too. Plenty of staff in restaurants  & bars, but they do have some supply issues with drinks. Ie, some wines not available in mdr, no southern comfort & cointreau in any bars.( we like these as an after dinner treat). But you can order both from duty-free purchase to take home.just niggles really. 

All for now, hope to report again from next port Stavanger.

20221012_213433.heic 339.51 kB · 9 downloads

Is the Indian speciality restaurant open?

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2 minutes ago, jeanlyon said:

I think he said it wasn't.

Yes just read that further up the tread and answered my own question. I have a special birthday onboard and was hoping to have a speciality meal that evening but may struggle to book with no Sindu and Ocean Grill only running at 50% capacity.

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Hello again.  Today in Narvik. Arrived at 08.30 this morning to overcast & drizzle rain. So we just a wander into town into a shopping centre for a look around shops, coffee & a bun.  Later today we are off on a guided tour to see/ photograph ( hopefully) Northern Lights.  Sitting now on balcony the rain has stopped & weather  app says brighter later. We were  due to go back to Oceangrill last night ( a formal night) but as you can see in previous post, we were underwhelmed,  so I cancelled & we went to our usual table & had a very good meal instead, on the menu for dessert was Baked Alaska, which I ordered knowing it was not "proper " baked alaska I would call it artic roll. see pic.  

Just to add a couple of observations since being aboard.  Not heard anyone coughing,  all staff wearing masks,  only very few passengers wearing them too. Plenty of staff in restaurants  & bars, but they do have some supply issues with drinks. Ie, some wines not available in mdr, no southern comfort & cointreau in any bars.( we like these as an after dinner treat). But you can order both from duty-free purchase to take home.just niggles really. 

All for now, hope to report again from next port Stavanger.

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Hello again from Stavenger, to follow  up from our Northern  Lights tour, yes we did eventually  manage to see them, although it was looking doubtful at the refreshment stop( a glass of Gluwine & a cookie in a lay-by in the rain). About 20 mins further on from stop, we pulled to side of Rd in middle of nowhere, but over in Sweden. We saw them briefly, so quite happy money we'll spent. Sadly pics  will have wait till return, they will need enhancing. 

Also while on 2 sea days down to here, Captain  announced  that Crew masks can be removed if so wished, from now on, but only if no reported cases of you know what.  Another cost saving from yesterday in mdr breakfast  no more small pots of jam/ marmalade  either, but they will place dollops of your choice on side plate. 😀  

Sun & showers here in Stavenger, so I'm writing this outside Burgerking with crew all around me. 🤣  all for now. 

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1 hour ago, Grumpycruiser60plus said:

Hello again from Stavenger, to follow  up from our Northern  Lights tour, yes we did eventually  manage to see them, although it was looking doubtful at the refreshment stop( a glass of Gluwine & a cookie in a lay-by in the rain). About 20 mins further on from stop, we pulled to side of Rd in middle of nowhere, but over in Sweden. We saw them briefly, so quite happy money we'll spent. Sadly pics  will have wait till return, they will need enhancing. 

Also while on 2 sea days down to here, Captain  announced  that Crew masks can be removed if so wished, from now on, but only if no reported cases of you know what.  Another cost saving from yesterday in mdr breakfast  no more small pots of jam/ marmalade  either, but they will place dollops of your choice on side plate. 😀  

Sun & showers here in Stavenger, so I'm writing this outside Burgerking with crew all around me. 🤣  all for now. 

Have they not used the usual environmental arguments for the jam and marmalade. As I recall it used to be the rather excellent Wilkins Tiptree conserves, but maybe I’m mistaken on that. I’d be interested to see the labels on the bulk supplies they’re now using!

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On 10/16/2022 at 6:48 PM, zap99 said:

I was finding the reports on the Arcadia Northern lights cruise very interesting. Less so the delights of SAGA, particularly the rose tinted spectacle variety.

Hello again, As mentioned above, we left Stavanger on Sunday for the return to UK. On the whole we enjoyed the cruise after being away for 3 yrs, yes there is some changes which I & many others have reported on, Was it worth it ?..........yes  we managed to see the Northern lights ( just)  our experience on board was very relaxing & we did what we wanted, The staff are ever, very helpful & I suppose we were lucky on this cruise being only 1800 people, space was never an issue, We was glad to experience the cruise without" the C" word being a negative dampener, the crew are now able to remove their masks. I noticed not many people wearing them also & as mentioned on earlier post no coughing among Pax. maybe only the usual A/C tickle.


For those of you going on Arcadia in near future & only like to Dine on table of Two in freedom ...Top Tip ask for table no46.  It is away from other tables too close. we had it for b/fast one morning.



Well we are now at home, we returned to Southampton this morning, docking around 05.00am, we were given priority disembk for 08.30 & off loading, the car across rd in car park ( Park 4 cruises) by 08.45. I would note that we were along with everybody else ,asked to wait in the Globe, simply put this venue cannot cope with that many people!!!. 


So all from me for now, I will return in day or so once I have my photos sorted & (hopefully) add them to this post.

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