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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday November 15th, 2022


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Pat never called, so I am assuming she doesn't want my help, or she got the info from me she needs.  
Didn't hear from her at all.  And yesterday, I had to track her down.  Today I didnt bother. She did call Barbara over to take what she wanted from Shari's.  She asked me what I wanted, and i told her an old Christmas tree I had given Shari the first year she had moved in, (her mom was complaining that Shari didn't decorate) bet it has been trashed, that was many many years ago.


I was right in the middle of a sale, and got a text to get off line, thought I would stop in and catch up.

I finished the sale.  I have a zoom meeting with the other group at 6.

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2 hours ago, luvteaching said:


DH is making progress but slow. He has a heel problem with a deep tissue injury which is slowing him down. I had a Care Conference yesterday unbeknownst to me until I got there. Communication is not a strong suit at times from the facility. Overall he is making slow progress. I can't talk to the wound care people who change his heel dressing because they only come on Wednesday (wound care Wednesday) and they are done before 9:00 AM. His blood work that was ordered last Friday was finally done yesterday. It gets frustrating trying to be an advocate. Oh well - we soldier on. 



Try leaving questions for the Wound Care people with the nursing staff.  I used to do that when my dad was in rehab.  I didn't always get answers, but I kept bugging them.  If they didn't get the answers, I resubmitted my questions with "Second Request" noted on them.  


Rehab can be a scary place.  In my dad's case they had written him off as an old man with dementia who was going to die soon anyways.  They couldn't have been further from the truth.  He was having a reaction after surgery due to his use of lithium for bipolar disorder.  I recognized his symptoms and they were classic.  I brought that up with the doctor at the rehab place who dismissed it and said he was the doctor, not me, and he said Dad didn't have that.  I asked him why he thought that and he said that he didn't know anything about the condition I had mentioned.  That was when my brother physically removed me from the room.  I think he thought I would flatten the doctor.  A trip to the ER later confirmed my diagnosis and as soon as they started weaning Dad off the lithium he began getting better.  


Advice from a physician friend was to make sure someone was with him each day and to vary the time of our visits.  He suggested stopping in for a while, taking a break, coming back, take another break and always stop in during the evening.  We were lucky because the rehab place was right in town.  Now it seems that they try to place them as far away as they can.


2 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

When I got to the rehab hospital, DH had just finished a therapy session.  I mer Hena, the occupational therapist who was all smiles.  She said he'd made it through the hour without his blood pressure dropping.  DH even requested going to the gym to try walking.  He was still sitting in the wheelchair for another 15 minutes before the BP dropped.  They finished changing the sheets and got him back in bed.  After a BP check they did an ekg. 


About an hour later one of the doctors came in to see him, after the weekly evaluation of his progress. She was encouraged that he is beginning to make progress, and said they will keep working on the BP problem.  It sounds like they won't be sending to the hospital.  I probably won't ever meet his "regular" doctor. He visits sometime between 7 am and shortly after 8 am.  Visiting hours don't start until 8 am which is hard for me to get here that early.


It will take time, but he is slowly heading in the right direction.  After meeting one of the doctors, I feel he is in the right place.




The fact that you are more comfortable is a major improvement.  

2 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Hi @dfish Debbie,


1 lb Brussels sprouts 

1 small head cabbage


Olive oil 

4 strips thick bacon

2 Tbl balsamic vinegar 

1 small green apple peeled and sliced like a matchstick

1/3 cup chopped maple or sugared pecans


Preheat oven to 400

Line a baking sheet with foil.

Cut sprouts in half. Cut cauliflower to match size of sprouts.

Put veggies in a large bowl, toss with 2 TBL olive oil, 1/2 tsp pepper, 1 tsp salt.

Spread vegetables out on pan with sprouts cut side down. Bake 15 minutes. Turn over the sprouts and bake another 10-12 minutes til nicely charred but not mushy.


Meanwhile cook bacon til crisp and break into small pieces. Save 3 Tbl of bacon drippings. Add balsamic vinegar to bacon drippings and a bit of salt and pepper. My sister adds a tsp of Dijon mustard to the sauce. I don't. 


When the veggies are done, put them into a large bowl, toss with dressing, pecans, apples and bacon. My sister sprinkles feta cheese on top,  I don't..


Oh, that sounds good!  I will definitely be trying this.


11 minutes ago, JazzyV said:


I think we should all try to recycle, although I have to go out of my way to recycle glass, as it's not picked up with the rest of the stuff.


When my sister lived in France they picked up the paper, tin cans, cardboard and plastic at the curb.  For the copious number of empty wine bottles we produced, we had to walk them down to "the point" where there was a big recycle bin for glass and a little one for batteries.  Every night after dinner I would leash up Moose, the dog, and we'd do a run to the point to drop off wine bottles.  One time when she was traveling for business I almost got the bottles totally cleared out before she came home to generate more. 

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9 hours ago, Cat in my lap said:

Good morning!  I go to my cardiologist this afternoon.  Hopefully all is well.  I also see the pacemaker tech who can tell what has been happening for the past 6 months by putting the sensor on top of it.  Technology is great!  

Tonight we see Mannheim steamroller for our first Christmas show of the season!


Best wishes to all!

We will be there as well.

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6 hours ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning everyone, 


It's a cold clear day here in the PNW and I love it! Rain isn't in the forecast for almost a week which is nice. 


DH is making progress but slow. He has a heel problem with a deep tissue injury which is slowing him down. I had a Care Conference yesterday unbeknownst to me until I got there. Communication is not a strong suit at times from the facility. Overall he is making slow progress. I can't talk to the wound care people who change his heel dressing because they only come on Wednesday (wound care Wednesday) and they are done before 9:00 AM. His blood work that was ordered last Friday was finally done yesterday. It gets frustrating trying to be an advocate. Oh well - we soldier on. 


@Quartzsite Cruiser Your husband sounds. like he's doing better than mine (minus the blood pressure issues). Hang in there! Caregiving isn't for the faint of heart! 


Now off to see DH for a few hours and then I have a 3:00 PM Doctor's appointment (check in with the PA) in Bellingham which is about 25 minutes north of us. While I'm up there I plan on a bit of shopping at a few favorite spots and then a stop at Boomer's Drive-In for chicken Swiss mushroom burger to bring home for dinner. 




I heard a month or so back about your husband and I'm sorry about that, we enjoyed meeting him on, was it Alaska or Hawaii?  Some cruise ago.  


Caregiving is NOT for the faint of heart.  Dad is now destined for a wheelchair, the tilting kind like the late Stephen Hawking always used.  We're also in the midst of acquiring a Hoyer lift.  After that, and probably not until the spring...some type of stair chair and possible a smaller Hoyer lift for vehicle use and travel....a lot of investment in equipment. 


We are considering a sailing next fall to Hawaii, they are offering a RT Seattle on Princess similar to the 2020 Eurodam trip that never took place, but not sure yet, the extra responsibility of travel with someone 100% disabled might be too much for me.  


Much love and prayers!



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We had been waiting to hear back from the Captain regarding masks after our covid tests yesterday. My family is all negative. Well they just told us that even though the covid numbers are low, the Hal ships in Australia/New Zealand will have a mask requirement. We were told by someone, not the Captain that it was because of the Princess ships. From what I understand, some towns want cruising shut down again. Not good. 
   So we will continue to wear our masks. Saves on my makeup! Lol

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Good evening.  Today just got even better.  At the first afternoon therapy, after a couple of BP checks, DH walked from his room to almost the midtle of the gym before he got tired, his BP started dropping and he sat back down in the wheelchair. Hena measured the distance at 158 feet.  He was definitely walking better than he has since before his first surgery.  I think there will some not as good days amid the dood days.  BUT, he's definitely headed in the right direction.



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1 minute ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good evening.  Today just got even better.  At the first afternoon therapy, after a couple of BP checks, DH walked from his room to almost the midtle of the gym before he got tired, his BP started dropping and he sat back down in the wheelchair. Hena measured the distance at 158 feet.  He was definitely walking better than he has since before his first surgery.  I think there will some not as good days amid the dood days.  BUT, he's definitely headed in the right direction.




It sounds like he's going further before the BP drop.  Or am I wishing that?  Anyways, if he is, perhaps the BP issue is resolving itself?  I hope so!

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2 hours ago, atexsix said:



I heard a month or so back about your husband and I'm sorry about that, we enjoyed meeting him on, was it Alaska or Hawaii?  Some cruise ago.  


Caregiving is NOT for the faint of heart.  Dad is now destined for a wheelchair, the tilting kind like the late Stephen Hawking always used.  We're also in the midst of acquiring a Hoyer lift.  After that, and probably not until the spring...some type of stair chair and possible a smaller Hoyer lift for vehicle use and travel....a lot of investment in equipment. 


We are considering a sailing next fall to Hawaii, they are offering a RT Seattle on Princess similar to the 2020 Eurodam trip that never took place, but not sure yet, the extra responsibility of travel with someone 100% disabled might be too much for me.  


Much love and prayers!



Warm thoughts and prayers to you, Bruno.

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50 minutes ago, dfish said:


It sounds like he's going further before the BP drop.  Or am I wishing that?  Anyways, if he is, perhaps the BP issue is resolving itself?  I hope so!


 You're correct.  He seems to be lasting longer before the BP drops.  At least this is so for the first time each day.  At 1 pm, it happened sooner.  The BP situation is improving, but slowly.  When it gets very low, its hard for him to think and hus eyes don't focus correctly.  We're just happy with any improvement no matter how small.  It will take time for things to get back to normal.



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Good evening, 

It's been a good day. DH walked today - not as much as @Quartzsite Cruiser's but the most he's done - 26 feet! I am rewarding him with an Oreo Cookie milkshake when I go in tomorrow. 


@atexsixBruno - it was on the Alaska cruise last year - Nieuw Amsterdam - that we met. I enjoyed seeing DD at the Lincoln Center stage and chatting with him. I'm sorry he's declining. You're doing a great job of being there and taking care of him. Kudos! Please tell him hi for me and I'm thinking of him. 


@dfish, THanks for the ideas. If I don't learn something tomorrow I'll start requesting the info in writing. That's a great idea! Rehab places are scary and I feel for the people who don't have people advocating for them. The people in direct contact with DH are very kind and caring but they are hampered by "the system". 



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9 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good evening.  Today just got even better.  At the first afternoon therapy, after a couple of BP checks, DH walked from his room to almost the midtle of the gym before he got tired, his BP started dropping and he sat back down in the wheelchair. Hena measured the distance at 158 feet.  He was definitely walking better than he has since before his first surgery.  I think there will some not as good days amid the dood days.  BUT, he's definitely headed in the right direction.






That is such great news! Helps both you and Steve stay positive. 


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12 hours ago, atexsix said:



I heard a month or so back about your husband and I'm sorry about that, we enjoyed meeting him on, was it Alaska or Hawaii?  Some cruise ago.  


Caregiving is NOT for the faint of heart.  Dad is now destined for a wheelchair, the tilting kind like the late Stephen Hawking always used.  We're also in the midst of acquiring a Hoyer lift.  After that, and probably not until the spring...some type of stair chair and possible a smaller Hoyer lift for vehicle use and travel....a lot of investment in equipment. 


We are considering a sailing next fall to Hawaii, they are offering a RT Seattle on Princess similar to the 2020 Eurodam trip that never took place, but not sure yet, the extra responsibility of travel with someone 100% disabled might be too much for me.  


Much love and prayers!




Bruno, I'm sorry to hear DD is declining.  I know how devoted you are to him and what great care you take of him.  Prayers and good wishes for you both.🙏




10 hours ago, cunnorl said:

We had been waiting to hear back from the Captain regarding masks after our covid tests yesterday. My family is all negative. Well they just told us that even though the covid numbers are low, the Hal ships in Australia/New Zealand will have a mask requirement. We were told by someone, not the Captain that it was because of the Princess ships. From what I understand, some towns want cruising shut down again. Not good. 
   So we will continue to wear our masks. Saves on my makeup! Lol


Hurray for your family testing negative!  I think the cruise lines are going to have to do what they have to do in order to sail their ships in that region.  We don't want those ports closing down!  Sounds like you have a good attitude about the mask wearing.  I heard from HAL this morning our cruise starting Saturday will have a mask requirement for the first 3 days.  Of course if we want to wear them the entire time that is up to us and I'm sure no one will care.  We're having our Covid tests in an hour so fingers crossed we are negative too.  (cruise is 28 days to the Amazon and back).




10 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good evening.  Today just got even better.  At the first afternoon therapy, after a couple of BP checks, DH walked from his room to almost the midtle of the gym before he got tired, his BP started dropping and he sat back down in the wheelchair. Hena measured the distance at 158 feet.  He was definitely walking better than he has since before his first surgery.  I think there will some not as good days amid the dood days.  BUT, he's definitely headed in the right direction.




That's good news Lenda.  Improvement is slow at first, but I bet he starts moving along faster as the weeks go on.  Prayers his BP problem is solved.🙏




9 hours ago, luvteaching said:

Good evening, 

It's been a good day. DH walked today - not as much as @Quartzsite Cruiser's but the most he's done - 26 feet! I am rewarding him with an Oreo Cookie milkshake when I go in tomorrow. 


@atexsixBruno - it was on the Alaska cruise last year - Nieuw Amsterdam - that we met. I enjoyed seeing DD at the Lincoln Center stage and chatting with him. I'm sorry he's declining. You're doing a great job of being there and taking care of him. Kudos! Please tell him hi for me and I'm thinking of him. 


@dfish, THanks for the ideas. If I don't learn something tomorrow I'll start requesting the info in writing. That's a great idea! Rehab places are scary and I feel for the people who don't have people advocating for them. The people in direct contact with DH are very kind and caring but they are hampered by "the system". 




Karen, every little bit helps!  26 feet yesterday, 28 or 30 today perhaps.  Hoping you can get information through writing since they come in too early for you to be there.  Get yourself an Oreo Cookie milkshake too while you're at it!😁

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12 hours ago, luvteaching said:

Good evening, 

It's been a good day. DH walked today - not as much as @Quartzsite Cruiser's but the most he's done - 26 feet! I am rewarding him with an Oreo Cookie milkshake when I go in tomorrow. 


@atexsixBruno - it was on the Alaska cruise last year - Nieuw Amsterdam - that we met. I enjoyed seeing DD at the Lincoln Center stage and chatting with him. I'm sorry he's declining. You're doing a great job of being there and taking care of him. Kudos! Please tell him hi for me and I'm thinking of him. 


@dfish, THanks for the ideas. If I don't learn something tomorrow I'll start requesting the info in writing. That's a great idea! Rehab places are scary and I feel for the people who don't have people advocating for them. The people in direct contact with DH are very kind and caring but they are hampered by "the system". 



I've been told several times by the V.A. how lucky my Dad is to have someone, the majority of their patients don't.  The health care "system" has a ton of challenges and I try not to push too hard when advocating, but there are times when I'm sure the Home Health people are tired of me.  

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