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Willdra's Visual Carnival Vista Oct. 15-22 Review


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18 hours ago, AKR2011 said:

I hate being so late to this party, but I am so happy to finally check in. Your reviews and nightly prayers are the absolute greatest. Thank you so much for taking the time to do these for us!


Thanks for joining us! Glad to have you aboard! 😁

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I set my mental and physical alarm for 8am. We would only be in Coz until 2:30. I silently wished that whoever decided that we would be in Cozumel from 7 freakin 15 am to 2:30 pm gets audited by the IRS every year for the rest of their natural lives, may their comb over never withstand the wind, and may their socks never stay up on their legs. Because who in the world wants to go ashore and come back that early? Not I said the cat. It didn’t seem worth it to me, so I didn’t make my normal reservation at Paradise Beach. For the first time in I don’t know how long, we weren't going there. It was just weird. It felt like we were skipping out on family. It’s our staple go-to and I would be lying if I said I wasn’t slightly disappointed with this itinerary. However, we were on a cruise, not at work (or worse) and this day was my BIRTHDAY so we were gonna make it do what it do. Ha!


W and I got up and I opened my small birthday presents that he could bring. I also had some big stuff on my wish list that he couldn’t bring, so he took pictures of the rest of my bounty that was at home. As always, he got everything that I wanted. #Queening


When I peeped outside it was raining on the pier. We had a great view of the area, and we could see peeps running for cover. W reminded me to get my umbrella before we left. I always keep a small but sturdy umbrella in my big suitcase for days like this. I also have a very lightweight rain jacket that folds up. I just leave them in my suitcase all of the time, so I never forget to bring them. Work smarter.









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We went to the Late Risers breakfast on the Lido. W chose the Omelet station and I went to the random section. I got the French Toast, Bacon (it was in abundance), and a Croissant with Ham and Cheese. The Croissant with Ham and Cheese was the move! The only thing that would’ve made it better would’ve been heat. I pointed out where I would be sitting to W after I got my feast, and I sat down.


While I was waiting for him, there were 2 couples talking behind me. One lady was telling her whole life story to some strangers. You could tell they weren’t into it, they were just like “okkkkkk”. Soon after I sat down, the couple who weren’t really saying anything got up and left. I was not mad. I don’t think people realize how they aren’t just telling 2 people their story, they're telling all of us the story. And all of us don’t really want to hear it. Especially when it is sad, sensitive, and very personal info. 


W found the table ok, but he brought me an Omelet and more Bacon. I guess you can’t have too much Bacon on your birthday.


However, future me is reading this now, and I see why my doctor says my cholesterol is high. Dang. She might be right. I won’t fight her the next time she tells me to watch it. #Nofun


Ok back to the cruise. The rain looked like it was ending and according to the Weather Channel app, it would be over at 11:15. We rode down to pick up our stuff and we were off the ship and in a cab by 10:30. With The Dream, Paradise, and Vista in port, there was no shortage of bodies out there.












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We stopped at a few shops after we walked thru Dufry. W went to Panama Jack to find a hat first. He tried one on and I told him it wasn’t for him. He didn’t really like it either, so he didn’t get it. That was a close call. He stayed in there for a while trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. Nothing worked. Before leaving the store, I made a note to put a little extra cash in the church collection plate the next Sunday, cuz God was coming thru with the come thru. Every hat that W tried on all week looked like an autopsy.



We looked in a few more shops, then we walked up to the front where there were lots of taxis waiting. The price on the sign for a taxi to downtown was $8. Our driver charged $10, so W said that included his tip. He drove us all the way down to the last shop, and we would walk back up. It’d been a minute since we went shopping downtown. I soon remembered why we stopped going. There are salespeople who stand on the sidewalk outside of almost every shop trying to get you to come in. Tacky.









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We went into a large store down there and I bought several gifts. There was a lady in front making the personalized woven bracelets. She said they were $10 each. I walked away. She saw me later and said they were $7. I said ok and got 2. The first price is never the real price. I prolly could’ve gotten her down to $5, but I figure she’s trying to make a living. No way was she getting over on me by making 2 personalized bracelets for $7 each. There was also a young man who kept helping me. They must get credit for purchases that they assist with. He was low key stalking me, but I had him getting on ladders and climbing shelves to retrieve items, so I didn’t mind the light stalking. If they just follow me around and keep asking me what I want, I will walk out tho. That’s awful. Most of the time, I don’t know what I want until I see it, so I need them to leave me alone and let me look. Or I exit.


We continued this same pattern up and down the street. About halfway down, we spotted another Starbucks. I wanted to see if they had the Cozumel mugs. Last time we were in Cozumel, the other Starbucks only had the ones that say Playa Del Carmen. W and I went in, and he made himself comfortable. Starbucks doesn’t frown upon vagrancy when you are purchasing things. They take the Starbucks Gift Cards in your digital wallet, and they take Apple Pay, so your purchase is secure.











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When I got the stuff I wanted we got a cab back to port. It rained off and on all day, (No thanks Weather Channel App). Unfortunately, Cozumel has a drainage issue. Standing lakes of water were everywhere. I tried, but I couldn’t avoid walking in some of the pools of water. I was glad that I had good shoes on, but I was a little concerned that the cut on my toe could get infected. I don’t know what was in that water. I didn't even want to think about it. I made a mental note to disinfect it and change my little Band-Aid when I got back on the ship. Can't be outchea losing my pinky toe from walking in yucky water. Not cute.


To return to port, the taxi driver charged $8. When we made it back, W found a seat, while I darted in and out of a few shops to get my Cozumel staples. I didn't know when I would be back, so I needed to stock up. After I came out of the first store it really started to rain. By the time I got out of RonJon, it was typhooning. We sprinted over to Dufry where we knew it would take a while. We were right. People were walking thru the store very slowly, then the line just stopped. Abruptly. Nobody wanted to go outside. 


I asked W if he was ok with going out. I had my umbrella, so I was good. It’s not a short walk once you leave the comfort and safety of the Dufry Store tho. W said he was ready, so we made a run for it. The wind and rain pushed me along. I walked on W’s right side cuz that’s where the rain was coming from. He didn’t want to share my umbrella, but I was trying to at least keep some of the rain from hitting him. It seemed like we walked 6 miles to get back to the ship. There were 3 gangways setup to get back on. This was good and the lines moved in quick. Once we made it under the lifeboats, we weren't getting hit with rain as much. We put all of the stuff in W’s backpack, then dinged in. When the security agent scanned my card, he told me Happy Birthday. The guy behind me said “It’s your birthday girl? I didn’t know they did that” I said I’d never had them say it (at least not that I could remember), and I’ve been cruising on my birthday for years. 


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When we got in, of course W was way wetter than I was. He changed clothes while I took pictures of the Dream since it was right outside of our balcony. It was still raining pretty good.


Food was next on the agenda. I pulled up the options and decided that I wanted Blue Iguana. W wanted Deli. We picked out a table up on the Lido then went for our food. The line for Blue Iguana was crazy long. What made it worse, was this couple who got their food, then told some of their friends to get out of line and come up to get their food with them.  So this couple from the back of the line skipped the whole line by going up to order with their friends. This means that the line didn’t move for like 10 minutes. Uh oh. You've got a long line full of tired, wet, hungry people, and you just skip to the front because your friends told you to?


At that moment, I could hear Kevin Hart in my mind saying "It's.about.to.go.down". Right when I thought it, a young man in line said “That’s not right. Y’all need to wait like everyone else”. This kinda low key started a chain reaction of everyone else saying stuff to them too. It wasn't all nice either. I’m gonna admit, I was glad that things were said, and that I didn't have to say them. There are times when you can skip a line, and there are times when it is absolutely inappropriate, and it might be hazardous to your health. This was inappropriate because it’s not a fast process. Especially when the skippers don’t know what they want, and/or they have to wait for more ingredients to be made.


I was in line so long, W came to check on me. When it was my turn, I just got what I could so I wouldn’t hold up the line further. My burrito salad was delicious, so I wasn’t upset about the wait and lack of toppings anymore. Back on-board time was 2:15. Since we were already up there, we went up to Deck 11 to watch our last sail away.













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At 3 pm the ships horn blasted and there was some sort of disturbance on Deck. My first thought was “Pier Runners”. I walked over to see what the ruckus was, and sure enough everyone was yelling down there telling them to run. One thing that got me, was the number of bags they had with them. How did they have all of this time for shopping, when they were 45 minutes late for the ship? I had questions. 


First there were 2 people running, then 1 more shortly after. During this time, Guest Services made several announcements looking for about 4 people. Then it came down to 1 person who was still M.I.A. They kept calling for her and even made cabin announcements. At around 3:14, a passenger in one of the bicycle carts came peddling down the pier. Everyone started yelling and clapping. The missing passenger had been found and she made it back on. We could tell it was her cuz as soon as they saw the bike, the crew started untying the lines to release the ship. It was kinda exciting. One guy said he’s never seen pier runners before, and they need to add it to the Funtimes as an activity. I think it would take it up a notch if the missing person(s) were made to get on the intercom and tell everyone where they were, and what happened. I mean we are all invested in this story, and we were all emotionally involved. I even bonded with a few of the ladies around me while we were waiting to see how this thing played out. The least they could do is to tell us why we went through this emotional rollercoaster and give us closure.


We got back to the cabin around 3:30 after the Vista finally set sail an hour late. In our mailbox there was a letter telling us that we wouldn’t have hot water until 8pm in the cabin.

So far our issue has been too much boiling hot water. Now we wouldn’t have any? At all? This could be interesting.




















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At 3 pm the ships horn blasted and there was some sort of disturbance on Deck. My first thought was “Pier Runners”. I walked over to see what the ruckus was, and sure enough everyone was yelling down there telling them to run. One thing that got me, was the number of bags they had with them. How did they have all of this time for shopping, when they were 45 minutes late for the ship? I had questions. 


First there were 2 people running, then 1 more shortly after. During this time, Guest Services made several announcements looking for about 4 people. Then it came down to 1 person who was still M.I.A. They kept calling for her and even made cabin announcements. At around 3:14, a passenger in one of the bicycle carts came peddling down the pier. Everyone started yelling and clapping. The missing passenger had been found and she made it back on. We could tell it was her cuz as soon as they saw the bike, the crew started untying the lines to release the ship. It was kinda exciting. One guy said he’s never seen pier runners before, and they need to add it to the Funtimes as an activity. I think it would take it up a notch if the missing person(s) were made to get on the intercom and tell everyone where they were, and what happened. I mean we are all invested in this story, and we were all emotionally involved. I even bonded with a few of the ladies around me while we were waiting to see how this thing played out. The least they could do is to tell us why we went through this emotional rollercoaster and give us closure.


We got back to the cabin around 3:30 after the Vista finally set sail an hour late. In our mailbox there was a letter telling us that we wouldn’t have hot water until 8pm in the cabin.

So far our issue has been too much boiling hot water. Now we wouldn’t have any? At all? This could be interesting.




















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Unusually, W suggested that we take a nap. Say less. You don't have to tell me twice. I set my alarm on my watch for 5pm. I fell asleep fast. My mental alarm woke me up at 5:15. I never heard or felt my watch. I checked it, and because I had it on silent mode, it didn’t buzz or ring. What good is an alarm that's not alarming???  Anywho, I was happy that we didn’t oversleep too much. We had to be downstairs in Ocean Plaza at 6 for Chefs Table. I jumped up and turned on the water in the shower to see what I was dealing with. It wasn’t hot hot, but it wasn’t freezing either. I could work with it, and I figured I prolly wouldn't die. I let the water get as warm as possible then I got in. I’d opened the balcony curtain before I got in the shower, which I knew it would wake W up soon. It did, and he was digging in his closet shortly afterwards.


Before we went down, I took a few Tums because I know how Chefs Table rolls with the wine. I planned on drinking my body weight in vino, so I had to prep for it. We were able to do all of our necessities and get downstairs by 5:59. We know that people are often late, and the time that they tell you has a little cushion. We just don’t want to be those people that everyone is always waiting on. Dislike.









Here's the dinner menu that we didn't eat












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The presentation officially started around 6:15 and ended right at 9pm. It was a lot of fun, and I was happy with the peeps that we sat with. Shout out to the lady in our group who kept offering me Splenda to sweeten up the red wine. The look on her husband's face was priceless when she whipped it out of her purse. The food was different this time and as always, we were full to our toenails between the food and wine. Per usual I can’t even explain it. Chefs Table is one of those things that you gotta experience for yourself. It is difficult to do it justice here. 


























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When we were finished, we quickly went to change then ran down to the Limelight for the Comedy Club. We got there at 9:09 for the 9:30 show and it was already packed. I found 1 seat next to a lady, and I left W to fend for himself (this was my birthday not his). It was every man for himself with this seating. After I sat down, the lady next to me conferred with her family, they all moved down one, and miraculously they had another seat, so W was able to sit by me. Fortunate.


The show was very funny even tho it was the same comedian from the night before. He was actually standing by us on deck while we were waiting for that last passenger to get on. He started the show talking about that last lady, so we knew it was gonna be a banger. The show only lasted 30 minutes and it was over way too soon. During the show they announced that the 80’s Rock and Glow Party would be held in the atrium because it might rain. We ran back down to the cabin to get some stuff, then we went to the lobby on Deck 4. We got there 49 minutes early, and it was already filling up. We found good spots and got ready.


Savannah puts on a great show, and we had a lot of fun. They played some good songs, and the sing along gave me life.

















After the party W and I went to Lido for water and soda, then went back to the cabin.


Before I fell asleep, I said a prayer thanking God for blessing me to see 53 years of life. I also thanked God that my skin is not outchea aging like a bag of forgotten about lettuce in the bottom bin of the refrigerator.  I also thanked God that I didn't smell like that bag of lettuce either. At least I hope not.



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11 hours ago, LouChamp said:

Aloha. Thank you for sharing your voyage and of course the food pictures!

All the best for a great holiday season and new year.

Thank you and Happy Holidays to you too!  ♥️♥️♥️

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3rd Sea Day


No alarms were set cuz we didn’t have to be anywhere early. I got up around 9ish, with W following close behind me.


We moved around the cabin doing this and that until both of us were ready.


W checked us into the queue for brunch at 10:02. We had to wait a few extra minutes on this one. On the last day everyone knows about it, so there’s a longer wait. Our table was ready at 10:44. When we got down to Deck 3, we saw why. The whole entire ship was either in the Dining Room or waiting. Everywhere. People were waiting on the stairs, in the hall, and on Deck 4. For why? If your table isn’t ready yet, do something else until it is. Besides isn’t this a fire hazard? SN: Fire hazard is definitely my go-to when peeps are breaking rules.


When we got to our table, the server came by, we got coffee, and I ordered Skillet Cake, Cheese Grits, and Bacon. W ordered Lox, and Huevos Rancheros. I got my correct order, W got the Lox and 12 Hour French Toast. He was like "I didn’t order that". The server asked what he ordered. He said “huerroranchoro”. Then he looked at me. I looked back like "Uh uh don’t put this on me. I'm not getting involved." Neither the server nor I understood what he was saying. Then he said it again. I shrugged. I got nothing dude. The server thought about it, then said “Oh Huevos Rancheros?” And W agreed. I laughed cuz what language was that? And why did he look at me when he said it? I am not your hood translator sir.
















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A few minutes later he got the correct order. We ate and didn’t linger this time. The people at the table next to us were talking loud enough for the whole restaurant to hear. Since that’s the opposite of my fave, we left as soon as possible. Everyone else in that section did the same. Yikes.


We went back to the cabin for a little bit after that. We packed up our bags and went up to Lido. There were lots of cruisers out on deck but there was also lots of shady seating options. We found a lounger on Deck 11, under the overhang of Deck 12. It was really breezy there too. I kept my sweater on all day since it was windy and a little chilly. I don't know what I'd do if I ever forgot to bring a sweater and a light jacket. My body temp alternates between Antarctica and hades, so I need options.


We were kinda close to the smoking section, but since it was windy the smoke was going in the other direction. I was shocked that the same people sat out smoking all day long. I guess smoking can be an activity also. I don't blame them for sitting in that location. We were able to see the Dream following us all day, which gave us something to look at other than the open water. Later on, W went to get in the pool, and I fell asleep. When I woke up, the crowd had not changed at all. 


This is as good a place as any for a quick PSA for the ladies. Guys, keep scrolling, I’ll let you know when you can start reading again. Clears throat. Taps mic. Are the men gone? Ok great. Ladies, please don’t go to a cheap plastic surgeon, who accepts dem Penny Saver coupons, to get your lip fillers injected. Go to someone reputable who has a real office, that’s not in the front of a Winn Dixie. If you go to a Great Value plastic surgeon, you will get Great Value results. They will have you outchea looking like a Whoville resident, or one of Daffy Duck’s ghetto cousins. With lips just too fat and extra plumpy and bumpy for no reason. No.Reason. Stahp it.


Ok gentlemen, you are welcome to rejoin us here.



















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At around 2:30 I got up and went to Guy’s Burger Joint. W got food from the buffet. I also got cake cuz the Chocolate Extravaganza was going on. It was a boring and lazy day. #Loved It. I read my book and played a game on my iPad all afternoon. W sat around thinking of new ways to be W. At 4, he said he needed to go back to the cabin. The Diamond/Platinum Party was at 5, and apparently he needed an hour to get ready for it. After a hefty eye roll, I got ready to go back. In the cabin, W showered while I did as much of nothing as I could. This is my last day of vagrancy and I intended to get my money's worth.










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