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Live from the Bliss March 12-26, 2023: Letters Home to Dad


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On 3/26/2023 at 9:20 AM, ceilidh1 said:

Always up for a drink. Anmywhere. Anytime. Lol. I live a few minutes walk from the port in Vancouver, so if you're in the area hit me up!

I work about 10 minutes from there!

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Week 2 Day 7 more


Something I’ve noticed this week is a significant security presence on the ship.  They are continually walking through the lounges and public areas.  On other ships I’ve seen this occasionally but never to this extent.


Our sail in to Ensenada this morning was enjoyable. 

 Sea lions barking and lolling about, seagulls appreciating the churned up water for more fishy bits, lovely sunshine and a coffee for me.  Once again people are sitting in the stairwells in hopes of a speedy exit.


My cruise critic friend and I had planned to go to Food Republic for lunch but hadn’t clued into the fact that Food Republic is only open for lunch on sea days.  Oh well.  I have a reservation for Ocean Blue tonight so we’ll go there instead.  I had a veggie burger for lunch.  It was excellent.


I spent some time in the Observation Lounge, checking in for my flight, texted, read email and moved to a nice up front lounge chair when one became available. There was an odd noise like a puffer fish getting stuck in a vacuum cleaner and it took a few moments before I realized it was the man a few chairs down snoring.  I hope his wife has ear plugs.  Or a separate bedroom. Or a deep love of puffer fish.


Should I write about the afternoon Mai Tais


or the airport transfer fiasco?  


I purchased an airport transfer through NCL from the pier to LAX this past Monday.  I knew something was amiss when the disembarkation brochure was delivered yesterday and the airport transfer information, paperwork, luggage tags and sticker for the body was not present. I went to Guest Services yesterday because I wanted to write a Vacation Hero card for the cabin attendant (before you say anything of course I tip them!) and I didn’t know his name.  Usually there is a paper in the cabin or a note on the tv but there wasn’t.  He did introduce himself to me the first day but his name is complex.  Anyhow, while I was asking the front desk person about the cabin attendant’s name (they could not help me with this) I also asked about the airport transfer.  They searched and searched and finally saw it in my account:  I had my Onboard Account open on the app to show him but that didn’t help.  He told me he could see the transfer and that info would be delivered on the last day.  At 3:30pm on the last day I went back to guest services to enquire about the airport transfer and it took a looong time before the guy could find it in the computer.  He asked if I had changed cabins and I said yes.  He said it was delivered to last week’s cabin (even though I purchased it this week.) I told him that wasn’t very helpful and he said “I know” and we both laughed. I waited while he went into the back to get/prepare/chop down a tree to make paper for the letter and he came back with the letter and the sticker.  

Then I ate some emotional support carbs.

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3 hours ago, YVRteacher said:

I work about 10 minutes from there!

Intriguing...it would truly be a small world if you taught at one of the schools my kiddos attend. Or if you were their teacher...lol! Glad you made it home safely - sorry spring break is over...

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@YVRteacher We're up early today (for two retired humans) as the hubs has a doctor's appt. this morning, and I just wanted to thank you for starting my day off right while I enjoyed my morning coffee transfusion. Your sense of humor is the absolute best - you always crack me up! I will miss your live SO much when it ends. Have a wonderful day! 🌺🌻❤️

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On 3/24/2023 at 2:34 AM, YVRteacher said:

Dinner with the Officers


So we met in the atrium at 5:10.  There were 13 passengers and 4 staff members.  We were given table numbers and were escorted to Taste.  Here is the letter I received earlier in the week. 


Note the mention of how to dress.  One woman last week wore a slouchy tank top and you could see all her parts.  She also wore her fanny pack.  Not everyone’s definition of Smart Casual is the same but I don’t think dangly bits should be involved.


Before I describe dinner with the “officers” let me go back to the Behind the Scenes tour on day two.  Right after I told the Cruise Next guy I didn’t need to stand next to the coughing woman (I didn’t call her coughing woman-I just said “I’m good here”) a man said to me “Where is your husband?”  

What, like I’m not allowed out of the kitchen without a man’s approval?  Or what is a strong-willed woman doing on this boat?  Or maybe he just really wanted me to have a husband since he has a husband?  I don’t know.  I did not need further details and I sure didn’t stand next to him on the tour.  

Back to Dinner with the “officers.”  There are two “officers” (staff members) and three guests at our table.  Me, Mr. Where’s Your Husband and his husband.  

Six reference: awkward!


We were seated at a long table for 8.  4 people in a row on one side and one person on the other side.  No name tags for passengers.  I sat next to the “officer” and we spent the evening chatting.  I’m going to respect his privacy and not name him or his country or his position but I will say he was an absolute joy to listen to and chat with.  His career with NCL, his history as a seaman, his family stories and what his kids are doing as young adults was a pleasure to hear.  He likes Vancouver because he enjoys Tim Hortons coffee and doughnuts and he is looking forward to the Bliss moving to her Alaska season.  I couldn’t hear the other staff member and I don’t know her name.  


We were seated at 5:15 and by 6:50pm NO ONE HAD THEIR DINNER.  However, I was prepared this time and had had a snack in the Observation Lounge at 3:30pm since I know the dining rooms have service issues.  I left at 8:00pm and people were still eating.  We had one waiter for 13 people.


For an appetizer I ordered the bruschetta.  It was fine.  It’s always fine.  It’s bread with tomatoes and a dollop of cheese.  If you’re lucky you get basil.  I was not lucky.


For the main course I had pre-ordered vegetarian Indian food.  I truly love NCL’s Indian food.  I was looking forward to the rich, fragrant spices, deep flavours of gently sautéed onions, tender lentils and aromatic cardamon with layers of curry and cumin.


I anticipated the beautifully presented food that would come in the silver side dishes they use in Cagney’s and Ocean Blue.  Little bowls full of the legumes and sauces.  I visualized the chef’s creative use of chick peas, different types of dahl, perhaps my favourite: mattar paneer.  Every day this week the GM’s secretary has found me to tell me the food had been specially ordered and they would definitely have food for me.  I thought there might be some warm, buttery naan with which to delicately fold around the saucy lentils.  I even envisioned some freshly sliced tomatoes and some mango chutney to accompany the meal.  Perhaps even a sprig of parsley where the green draws the eye to the carefully and lovingly presented food.


This is my plate:


The staff member seated next to me said “I’m so sorry.”

I try not to just post random one or two sentences....but you got me with this. Your marvelous dreams compared with a harsh, cold side of reality. Oh my! I'm so sorry I laughed, but...wow. Thank you, your stories (good, bad) are hilarious. 

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The expectation is for passengers to be out of cabins by 8:30am.  I had picked up a pastry yesterday so I wouldn’t need to brave the crowds as the only places open for breakfast were the buffet and Savor. 


I went to Guest Services to double check my onboard account which I had been monitoring daily.  Everything was correct.


Disembarkation was easy peasy.  I still wonder what really caused the challenges on March 12.

I do self walk off and had an airport transfer so left the ship at 8:30am.  There was a line but it moved quickly.  It took about 5 minutes to get through the terminal just because it is quite a bit of walking.  There were security guards at the top and bottom of the escalator and they were stopping people and saying to everyone to give the person in front lots of space. This is where the man fell on March 12.  There were 8 facial recognition stations with no line ups then it took 10 minutes to exit the terminal, wait for the crosswalk (this was the longest line up) get luggage marked with the terminal and walk to the bus.  They made a mistake and sent too many people to this bus and 4 people had to get off.  There was a family with young kids and I think the son learned some juicy new words; his first report card once he starts Kindergarten is going to be a doozy.


The woman in the seat in front of me turned around and started telling me about her adventures with the toilet and a night of food poisoning.  As a general life rule I prefer not to discuss bodily emissions with strangers on buses so pretended to be deeply engaged in the luggage loading process.


I fell asleep on the ride to the airport.  


This was an incredibly smooth travel day.  Terminal 6 at LAX has a See’s chocolate booth so I stocked up for Easter.  I told my dad the Easter Bunny was coming this year but he doesn’t know the fluffy, floppy eared one went to See’s. Terminal 6 also has a Starbucks.  A caramel macchiato had my name on it! 

I walked around a lot since I knew I’d be sitting for 3 hours.  We had a new plane and the flight was uneventful.  The drive from the airport to home took about 35 minutes.


Home: where the wifi always works and a bra is optional.


By the time the Bliss departed for her next cruise my laundry was in the machine and my suitcase was unpacked.  Just like that, it’s back to reality.  There is a significant lack of Mai Tais in this house.

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50 minutes ago, WindinmySails said:

Just finished all 10 pages!  Very enjoyable read, as always!  Sounds like a great experience ....although frustrating at times. I keep talking to Scott about another Alaskan cruise....maybe May 2024?  Hugs to you my friend!

I kept wishing you were on this cruise!  Miss you!!!  We are doing the Jewel the first two weeks of May 2024.



Edited by YVRteacher
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The last supper was at Ocean Blue.  Cruise Critic friend and I invited a staff member to join us and we had an incredible meal rich in laughter, friendship and delicious food.  Be forewarned: if you cruise with Cruise Critic friend, do not ask them to pass the butter!


I found out during dinner that the Bliss recently underwent significant staff reductions.  Nobody knew who was going to get a letter and if they were safe.  Some employees with 10+ years with NCL were given letters that said “your services are no longer needed.” This was in all departments except management and security.  Then, they discovered they had cut too many staff so crew from other ships were sent to the Bliss last week.  All were new hires.  

Being new is fine.  Everyone is new at some point.  The problem is that NCL/management on this ship did not put in the effort to provide training or mentorship and things are falling apart in Taste and Savor.  There have been rapid promotions such as executive housekeeper to assistant GM or galley to GM secretary.  I am not faulting or criticizing individuals, but rather am saying the lack of training is apparent and it absolutely impacted this cruise.

On the flip side, I talked with a bartender who used to be a bar manager.  He decided to return to bartender because he made way more money in tips.


This was a full cruise. Really full.  Almost 4700 passengers.  What did this mean?  The Garden Cafe was really busy both at the stations and the tables during peak times.  The pool deck was busy AND there were always chairs and towels available. Always.  You might not get the exact spot you scoped out the day before, but the sunshine reaches all the chairs (unless you prefer shade.) There were always chairs available along port and starboard in the shade. There was always space to walk outside on deck 7, 8 and 17.  

I did not receive service in the Local one night.  This is due to lots of people getting the munchies at the same time and NCL having no other free options for food.  


Out of 14 days, there were bar waiters on 2 days on deck and one day in the Observation Lounge and one day in the District.  For all other drinks I went to the bar myself.  Not a big deal at all but definitely a noticeable cut.  I’m agile (not like leap over an Olympic hurdle agile, but definitely able to get my own drink agile) and am happy to get extra steps in each day.  I have read on other recent CC threads about line ups at bars.  In two weeks on the Bliss I never experienced a line up for a drink.


Elevators.  I tried to avoid them but when you’re sleeping on deck 5 and the food is on deck 15 and you look like a manatee, you too would succumb to the need for a lift.  People, if the elevator is full it does not mean let’s cram 6 more bodies in here.  It means wait until the next one.  And if a somewhat manatee-resembling lady says let me out, just let her out without comment.  Packed elevators give me anxiety. No one wants to be on board a crowded elevator with an overly anxious manatee.


Kids and Spring Break.  If you travel during March it is likely there will be kids on board.  It is likely that the kids will enjoy ice cream, pizza and French Fries.  This will not impact your caloric consumption at all.  Not to fret: you too will be able to enjoy pizza, ice cream and French Fries.  There is enough for everyone.  It is likely that kids will run.  They have energy and they are nimble.  Lucky you!  You get to see the joy of child on a cruise.  This will not impact your own joy unless you decide it does.  That’s on you.  There are no rules that say kids can’t run.

People complain about there being a lot of kids.  I just did two weeks with over 1000 kids each week.  Not once did I ever see or hear a kid doing something inappropriate (unless you count the little guy who put his mouth directly under the soft serve ice cream spout but I thought that was kind of genius.)  I saw a mom teaching her son how to use tongs in the buffet.  I saw a dad teaching his three little daughters to walk on the right side of the hallway.  I saw families playing cards, sharing meals, spending time with multiple generations.  I heard kids ordering Shirley Temples and saying thank you to the bartenders who hooked them up with extra maraschino cherries.  


I drink Mai Tais.  I always order the Signature Mai Tai.  It was made differently each time.  What this shows me is bartenders aren’t being given proper training.  On the Encore, all the bartenders had to go in for an extra morning session because some were putting espresso in the chocolate martinis then people would complain if they ordered a chocolate martini and it came without espresso.  Yes, I know there are espresso martinis.  I love them but they aren’t included in my rif-raf-teacher-on-a-budget drink package. I treated myself to one.


Food was also inconsistent.  Lots of conversation heard this week about how good or how awful the food was.  Word on the street is the Manhattan Room was way better than Taste or Savor but I didn’t eat there so can’t comment.  The service in Los Lobos, Food Republic and Ocean Blue was excellent as was the food.  Presentation was excellent in the specialty restaurants and downright awful in Taste and Savor.  


Update 4 days post cruise:

While on the cruise I was convinced I had gained 20 pounds.  Actual total weight gain?  1 pound!!  I walked a lot, took the stairs whenever possible and resisted the desire to drink continual Mudslides.  Crepes were only served one night in two weeks so that probably contributed to the low weight gain. I would have sacrificed a couple of pounds for more crepe action though.


I saw my dad today!  I haven’t seen him since March 9.  I told him we could do something fun so he asked to go to the aquarium.  We had a wonderful day and both enjoyed the sunshine as well as the day with animals.  The current 4D movie at the Vancouver Aquarium is Shark.  It was excellent.


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Thank you for sharing your journey on the Bliss. I enjoyed reading about all the ups and downs. I’m on the Jewel out of San Diego soon and also appreciated your Jewel review a few months back. My Dad is already complaining that the ship has been “oversold” because of Spring Break and that there will be kids taking his seat at the bar. I tried to explain that ships do have a capacity and it’s not technically oversold but I guess he thinks allowing more than 2 in a cabin is overselling. I told him to just stay away from the pool area and he should be fine. 

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Just a quick comment on the staffing.  I get why staff might be thin.  People were laid off because the ships weren’t sailing.  Some of them (most of them) had to find other jobs and didn’t come back. Some were “right sized”.  Probably some that were at the upper tier of their salary range were let go for no other reason than they made more than what a new hire costs.


Is it a good thing?  No, absolutely not.  But, those of us who cruise a lot may know the reason for all of this.


But, “Janey and Joey normal cruisers” probably don’t know that.  All they know is they’re waiting for someone to bring them the Margarita they ordered 30 minutes ago, and they didn’t get it.  Or, they’re waiting for the first course of their dinner in the MDR, and it’s net coming any time, soon.


Cut backs were bound to happen.  Not planning for them  and not minimizing disruptions are all on NCL Execs.

Edited by graphicguy
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15 hours ago, YVRteacher said:

The last supper was at Ocean Blue.  Cruise Critic friend and I invited a staff member to join us and we had an incredible meal rich in laughter, friendship and delicious food.  Be forewarned: if you cruise with Cruise Critic friend, do not ask them to pass the butter!


I found out during dinner that the Bliss recently underwent significant staff reductions.  Nobody knew who was going to get a letter and if they were safe.  Some employees with 10+ years with NCL were given letters that said “your services are no longer needed.” This was in all departments except management and security.  Then, they discovered they had cut too many staff so crew from other ships were sent to the Bliss last week.  All were new hires.  

Being new is fine.  Everyone is new at some point.  The problem is that NCL/management on this ship did not put in the effort to provide training or mentorship and things are falling apart in Taste and Savor.  There have been rapid promotions such as executive housekeeper to assistant GM or galley to GM secretary.  I am not faulting or criticizing individuals, but rather am saying the lack of training is apparent and it absolutely impacted this cruise.

On the flip side, I talked with a bartender who used to be a bar manager.  He decided to return to bartender because he made way more money in tips.


This was a full cruise. Really full.  Almost 4700 passengers.  What did this mean?  The Garden Cafe was really busy both at the stations and the tables during peak times.  The pool deck was busy AND there were always chairs and towels available. Always.  You might not get the exact spot you scoped out the day before, but the sunshine reaches all the chairs (unless you prefer shade.) There were always chairs available along port and starboard in the shade. There was always space to walk outside on deck 7, 8 and 17.  

I did not receive service in the Local one night.  This is due to lots of people getting the munchies at the same time and NCL having no other free options for food.  


Out of 14 days, there were bar waiters on 2 days on deck and one day in the Observation Lounge and one day in the District.  For all other drinks I went to the bar myself.  Not a big deal at all but definitely a noticeable cut.  I’m agile (not like leap over an Olympic hurdle agile, but definitely able to get my own drink agile) and am happy to get extra steps in each day.  I have read on other recent CC threads about line ups at bars.  In two weeks on the Bliss I never experienced a line up for a drink.


Elevators.  I tried to avoid them but when you’re sleeping on deck 5 and the food is on deck 15 and you look like a manatee, you too would succumb to the need for a lift.  People, if the elevator is full it does not mean let’s cram 6 more bodies in here.  It means wait until the next one.  And if a somewhat manatee-resembling lady says let me out, just let her out without comment.  Packed elevators give me anxiety. No one wants to be on board a crowded elevator with an overly anxious manatee.


Kids and Spring Break.  If you travel during March it is likely there will be kids on board.  It is likely that the kids will enjoy ice cream, pizza and French Fries.  This will not impact your caloric consumption at all.  Not to fret: you too will be able to enjoy pizza, ice cream and French Fries.  There is enough for everyone.  It is likely that kids will run.  They have energy and they are nimble.  Lucky you!  You get to see the joy of child on a cruise.  This will not impact your own joy unless you decide it does.  That’s on you.  There are no rules that say kids can’t run.

People complain about there being a lot of kids.  I just did two weeks with over 1000 kids each week.  Not once did I ever see or hear a kid doing something inappropriate (unless you count the little guy who put his mouth directly under the soft serve ice cream spout but I thought that was kind of genius.)  I saw a mom teaching her son how to use tongs in the buffet.  I saw a dad teaching his three little daughters to walk on the right side of the hallway.  I saw families playing cards, sharing meals, spending time with multiple generations.  I heard kids ordering Shirley Temples and saying thank you to the bartenders who hooked them up with extra maraschino cherries.  


I drink Mai Tais.  I always order the Signature Mai Tai.  It was made differently each time.  What this shows me is bartenders aren’t being given proper training.  On the Encore, all the bartenders had to go in for an extra morning session because some were putting espresso in the chocolate martinis then people would complain if they ordered a chocolate martini and it came without espresso.  Yes, I know there are espresso martinis.  I love them but they aren’t included in my rif-raf-teacher-on-a-budget drink package. I treated myself to one.


Food was also inconsistent.  Lots of conversation heard this week about how good or how awful the food was.  Word on the street is the Manhattan Room was way better than Taste or Savor but I didn’t eat there so can’t comment.  The service in Los Lobos, Food Republic and Ocean Blue was excellent as was the food.  Presentation was excellent in the specialty restaurants and downright awful in Taste and Savor.  


Update 4 days post cruise:

While on the cruise I was convinced I had gained 20 pounds.  Actual total weight gain?  1 pound!!  I walked a lot, took the stairs whenever possible and resisted the desire to drink continual Mudslides.  Crepes were only served one night in two weeks so that probably contributed to the low weight gain. I would have sacrificed a couple of pounds for more crepe action though.


I saw my dad today!  I haven’t seen him since March 9.  I told him we could do something fun so he asked to go to the aquarium.  We had a wonderful day and both enjoyed the sunshine as well as the day with animals.  The current 4D movie at the Vancouver Aquarium is Shark.  It was excellent.



I love your attitude about cruising with kids. I'm taking a cruise with my kids for the first time next week. They are relatively well-behaved, but they are also high-energy. It makes me anxious thinking about how they'll act on the ship, but let's hope there are other forgiving people out there.

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