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The Fleet Report and Daily for Thursday July 13th, 2023


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Good afternoon Dailyites, 


It's a very pleasant 70's here in our corner of the Pacific Northwest with the sun shining and a nice breeze blowing. DS is working away. Monday - Wednesday he worked on taking the old railings off of our back porch (wood and lattice which had definitely seen better days) and put up all new railings and nice handrails going down the stairs. It looks so much better. He used pickets and put the crosspieces up just a bit. Now he's working on the pumphouse. He's torn it down and now comes the rebuild. DH built it 40 years ago so we're long overdo as the mice and critters had made it their homes. 


We have a date and place for DH's Celebration of Life - a local Sedro-Woolley park with the use of the picnic shelter and play area for the kids and the date will be Saturday, Sept. 16th. Haven't decided on anything else just yet. 


Last night my 91-year old friend (we did water aerobics together pre-Covid) passed away of cancer in her bones and lymph nodes. She wanted no heroic measures and was on hospice. When I'd call her I always told her she was "on the top of the list" and even on Friday she asked if she'd made it to the top. I'll miss her but she had a life well-lived. There will be a service at her church in a few weeks. 

I guess that catches you up on the last few days. I'm doing well and tackling projects. Today I made cookies - one batch of chocolate walnut and a batch of oatmeal peanut butter chocolate chip - so the cookie container is now full. This afternoon is contacting a company or two regarding DH and getting some thank you notes written. 

Happy Thursday (or Friday Eve)! 




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Good afternoon from hot central Texas.  The weather app says it's 102F and feels like 112F.  Dry heat or not, that's hot!  


It turns out that DH will need some dental work, and that will happen the first part of next month.  We were lucky they had a cancellation this morning so we can get that taken care of sooner rather than later.  At this point, he doesn't need to be on the care list, and one appointment should take care of everything.


I'm slowly catching up on small things like writing emails, and taking care of paperwork.  The latter is not high on my list, but it must be done.


5 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Nice photos Lenda.


Thank you, Graham.


6 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Not a fan of barbershop music, but know others are.  I often wish I had some geek genes, especially when DH wants to fix the computer with an axe.  I don't normally live in a fool's paradise, except when I buy a lottery ticket . . .


A cool and cloudy morning out there today, although all the weather apps on my phone say it's sunny. . .I beg to differ.   We are going to get up to a high of +27 (80), so it will be a pleasant day and I likely won't need to get the A/C working.  Today I'm going to measure the papyrus - I've been keeping track of their growth to see how tall they get this year - and may add some fertilizer to help keep them going skyward.


@kazu I'm sorry to hear both you and Ivan had a difficult day yesterday; hopefully today will find the two of you better.

@marshhawk sounds like you may have gotten a dyslexic PT person - working on the wrong side... yikes!  I concur with most of the others that your DH should go visit his mom before he starts his chemo - it makes the most sense to me, despite what his brother says. 

@kochleffelI think I'd just hang around late at night singing Kumbaya to bug them!  LOL 


Not a lot on the agenda today; we were supposed to go over to friends for drinks and appies, but they had an elderly uncle suddenly pass away, so that's been postponed.  I think I'll take the time to sort out the blankets (I've made more than 20 this time) for children going into foster care, and the kitty blankets (last count there were close to 50), bag them all up and take them to the drop off location.  Time to reclaim part of our spare room!  


I'd like to try the drink of the day if someone made it for me, as I sure don't have the ingredients for it.  The wine - again, if someone offered it to me, I'd love a small glass.  I haven't had salmon burgers in ages - we used to buy them at the big box store, but haven't done so for I don't recall how long.  I think once I've dropped off the blankets, we'll make a trek over there and pick up a box so DH can toss a couple on the barbecue.  Salmon burgers with a creamy cucumber salad will make a nice light dinner that we can enjoy on the deck tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



Gerry, I like your idea for Paul @kochleffel  to stick around and sing Kumbaya late at night anyway.

I'm sorry your friends' uncle passed away suddenly.


5 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good afternoon everyone.

Thank you to Rich et al for the Daily and Fleet Report and all other contributions.

I am just checking in. Not sure I can read all the posts in one session.  It appears I have between 5 to 10 minutes per session before I get kicked off the internet.  Don’t know what is going on and can’t find anyone to help.

Prayers for all, especially those who have lost loved ones, and those who are ill or who have loved ones who are ill.

I slept poorly last night.  Had every intention of getting off the ship today in Gothenburg, Sweden.  We arrived at 10 am.  I said I would take a short nap after breakfast and then go out.  DH didn’t want to.   I woke up at 2:30 pm.  Needless to say I needed to sleep more than go to shore.  

Oh well!

Take care everyone,

God Bless,



Terri, I'm sorry your missed Gothenburg, but I'm glad you got some needed rest.


4 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn.

Barbershop music is ok. I embrace my geekiness! I'll pass on Fool's Paradise Day. Funny quote. Pass on the meal (fish), maybe to the drink, and the wine sounds good but is too expensive for me. I'll salute Captain Cook. I haven't been to Moorea Island. 


Another hot day, with possible severe storms this evening. When I went to put out the trash last night, I realized it was a bit cooler with a nice breeze. So I decided to mow; I usually don't like dusk due to mosquitos (who love me), but I put on repellant and did it. I had to stop halfway through due to my back, and take a short sit/hydration break. When I finished my hair was dripping wet from the humidity, but I got it done! So I'll relax today. 


I don't know what's going on here; shootings every day. Over the weekend, a 14-year old and a 15-year old were shot and killed. And the shooters were fellow teenagers. Something has to change.


@kazu I hope you feel better today, and Ivan too. 

@StLouisCruisers Prayers for Amy on this sad anniversary. Thanks for the Moorea photos. Sadie and Milo are so cute!

@smitty34877 I'm glad Lou enjoyed himself, despite it tiring him out. Woohoo on the new hip functioning so well.

@marshhawk It is tough that your therapist is always changing. Mine is going on vacation on Friday, but the replacement is someone I had the first week. I think they're both good. I only go twice a week, and do try to do the home stuff, as I want this to work. Good to hear that Chuck's DM is home from the hospital. And my 2 cents is that he should go to visit her before his chemo.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Great photos, thanks.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers to those Celebrating.


Vanessa, it's always nice when you can get the yard work done when it's a little cooler.  I don't know what can be done about all the gun violence.  It seems people don't want to work out their differences, just shoot those they have problems with or don't like.  Still, something needs to be done. 


28 minutes ago, luvteaching said:

Good afternoon Dailyites, 


It's a very pleasant 70's here in our corner of the Pacific Northwest with the sun shining and a nice breeze blowing. DS is working away. Monday - Wednesday he worked on taking the old railings off of our back porch (wood and lattice which had definitely seen better days) and put up all new railings and nice handrails going down the stairs. It looks so much better. He used pickets and put the crosspieces up just a bit. Now he's working on the pumphouse. He's torn it down and now comes the rebuild. DH built it 40 years ago so we're long overdo as the mice and critters had made it their homes. 


We have a date and place for DH's Celebration of Life - a local Sedro-Woolley park with the use of the picnic shelter and play area for the kids and the date will be Saturday, Sept. 16th. Haven't decided on anything else just yet. 


Last night my 91-year old friend (we did water aerobics together pre-Covid) passed away of cancer in her bones and lymph nodes. She wanted no heroic measures and was on hospice. When I'd call her I always told her she was "on the top of the list" and even on Friday she asked if she'd made it to the top. I'll miss her but she had a life well-lived. There will be a service at her church in a few weeks. 

I guess that catches you up on the last few days. I'm doing well and tackling projects. Today I made cookies - one batch of chocolate walnut and a batch of oatmeal peanut butter chocolate chip - so the cookie container is now full. This afternoon is contacting a company or two regarding DH and getting some thank you notes written. 

Happy Thursday (or Friday Eve)! 





Karen, the plans for Phil's celebration of life sound good and so nice to have something for the kids.  Your DS is really moving along with the projects.  Our condolences on the loss of your friend.  



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DH came home yesterday from a visit with his brother and sis-in-law in Arizona (they live in the “mountains“ elevation 6K ft). So I finally turned on the AC. 👏😁


I had a doc appt this morning to go over labs, etc. Everything is status quo, no changes needed to meds or supplements. Don’t need to see her again until Jan. 👍

4 hours ago, ssawjo said:

It is also National French Fry Day!  I like mine crinkle cut. 

I like steak fries with guacamole. 😋

Thank you all for caring and sharing. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe, healthy, and cool everyone. 

Edited by dobiemom
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I'll be brief.  BIL had another reality check, and called both brothers to come NOW.  So DH is heading out tomorrow morning.  Flying to Little Rock.  He has been trying to get in touch with the doc, about next week, I am thinking with what the nurse said, they are considering other options than the chemo.

Trust me, surgery is not an option.  Maybe back to proton thereapy. (radiation)


I got Ashley today at PT who explained that since both rotator cuffs were torn in the past, that both sides need help, but one side needs more help (since it's the one with the pinched nerve)  Ashley applies pressure to the very sore back until the big old mean Knot in it goes away. 


I love her.🤗

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Hello everyone. Very late posting today. Thank you for the Daily and Fleet reports. 

I am in the middle of a busy day as I am seeing clients and have lots of meetings today. 

Thinking of all on the care list and celebrating all who are celebrating. 

Have a safe and healthy day. 


Oh, 660 days until my next cruise!

Edited by Denise T
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Hot here!  DH got out this morning to pick up eye drops RX. I’m glad my yoga class is by zoom. Tomorrow I have an outdoor lunch with a church group, likely my last group thing before eye surgery coming up in less than 3 weeks. 🤞

@luvteaching Karen, happy you’ve found a venue you like for Phil’s celebration of Life. The cookies sound great!  

@smitty34877 Enjoy the family and be extra careful at the pool - you certainly don’t need any new concerns, but your progress is so encouraging! 

@kazu Hoping you and Ivan can both get 2good days in a row by not overdoing. Easier said….


@marshhawk Wishing Chuck smooth travels. Momma Norma might really rally knowing he’s coming and I hope their visit is filled with smiles and good memories. I guess you know PT stands for physical torture…. hoping you see improvements very soon. 

@JazzyV Vanessa, you keep at it beyond my comprehension!  Thanks for keeping up with us here too!  

@Cruzin Terri Good you got some more rest. Better to enjoy what you do than try to do everything. Thanks for your efforts to checkin. 

I used to always have a sleeve of Costco salmon burgers in one of my multiple freezers, they’re so very versatile!  Now I have just the standard condo refrigerator freezer so other things take priority. Maybe next months’ trip to Costco I’ll try to make room for salmon burgers again. I miss them. 

We have DH’s beautiful panoramas of Mo’orea on our living room and bedroom walls!  A true paradise place on earth. We’ve been there 2 or three times (I think twice on one trip) and he did a photography excursion once while I did swimming with the rats and sharks then beautiful drift snorkeling. It’s a magical place!  

Blessings to all!  They go out first thing in the morning regardless when I get a chance to read the posts. May everyone stay safe and well!   m—

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15 minutes ago, RMLincoln said:

 We’ve been there 2 or three times (I think twice on one trip) and he did a photography excursion once while I did swimming with the rats and sharks then beautiful drift snorkeling. It’s a magical place!  

Pretty sure you meant rays . . . unless there are swimming rats, which if that's your comfort level, then go for it, girl!   Heck, there are swimming pigs in the Bahamas, so . . . . .

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22 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

swimming pigs in the Bahamas, so 

We stayed at Stanley Cay Yacht Club, boat was included with the villa.  My DH didn’t understand why I wanted to go there until we met the pigs.  Great day!

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2 hours ago, luvteaching said:

We have a date and place for DH's Celebration of Life - a local Sedro-Woolley park with the use of the picnic shelter and play area for the kids and the date will be Saturday, Sept. 16th. Haven't decided on anything else just yet. 


Good for you 👍. You don’t have to decide anything else yet.  I’m glad you gave yourself some time to get it sorted.  It’s nice but painful at the same time.  But, I hope you can take some joy out of the company and people who will share their stories about how special Phil was.  


If you don’t mind me putting in my 2 cents, try to see if someone can kind of MC it and get it kicked off with people talking.  It’s not easy to do for you.  I’m speaking from experience ♥️ 



2 hours ago, luvteaching said:


Last night my 91-year old friend (we did water aerobics together pre-Covid) passed away of cancer in her bones and lymph nodes. She wanted no heroic measures and was on hospice. When I'd call her I always told her she was "on the top of the list" and even on Friday she asked if she'd made it to the top. I'll miss her but she had a life well-lived. There will be a service at her church in a few weeks. 


I am so sorry to hear this 💔. Prayers for her and you.  Another death so close is hard 😢


1 hour ago, marshhawk said:

I'll be brief.  BIL had another reality check, and called both brothers to come NOW.  So DH is heading out tomorrow morning.  Flying to Little Rock.



Thank heavens on our BIL.  So glad Chuck is going now. ♥️ 



1 hour ago, marshhawk said:

  He has been trying to get in touch with the doc, about next week, I am thinking with what the nurse said, they are considering other options than the chemo.

Trust me, surgery is not an option.  Maybe back to proton thereapy. (radiation)


Prayers that whatever they decide work well 🙏🏻 



1 hour ago, marshhawk said:


I got Ashley today at PT who explained that since both rotator cuffs were torn in the past, that both sides need help, but one side needs more help (since it's the one with the pinched nerve)  Ashley applies pressure to the very sore back until the big old mean Knot in it goes away. 


Yippee 👍. Sounds like a good TP.  Stick with it and eventually, God willing, the knot will go away forever 🙏🏻 



40 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

Pretty sure you meant rays . . . unless there are swimming rats, which if that's your comfort level, then go for it, girl!   Heck, there are swimming pigs in the Bahamas, so . . . . .


Heck there’s a rodent stealing surf boards now - an otter and destroying then 😂 

So sorry to hear of your friend’s loss 😔 

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1 hour ago, marshhawk said:

I'll be brief.  BIL had another reality check, and called both brothers to come NOW.  So DH is heading out tomorrow morning.  Flying to Little Rock.  He has been trying to get in touch with the doc, about next week, I am thinking with what the nurse said, they are considering other options than the chemo.

Trust me, surgery is not an option.  Maybe back to proton thereapy. (radiation)


I got Ashley today at PT who explained that since both rotator cuffs were torn in the past, that both sides need help, but one side needs more help (since it's the one with the pinched nerve)  Ashley applies pressure to the very sore back until the big old mean Knot in it goes away. 


I love her.🤗


Annie, I'm glad Chuck is flying out tomorrow, but I hope DBIL's change of heart isn't because of a turn for the worse.  Wishing Chuck a safe flight and a good visit with Mamma Norma, and wishing the best for Mamma Norma.  I'm glad you got a good therapist today, and hope you can keep her.



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1 hour ago, ger_77 said:

Pretty sure you meant rays . . . unless there are swimming rats, which if that's your comfort level, then go for it, girl!   Heck, there are swimming pigs in the Bahamas, so . . . . .

Yes Graham! swimming with RAYS!  sigh. 
It was a very moving experience. The rays would come brush up against us. Thankfully the sharks were small and did not brush up against us, but they were curious and interesting to watch close up. Very memorable. And the drift snorkel in another part of the lagoon was so beautiful. I climbed out and trudged back up along the beach multiple times to put into the gentle current again and enjoy it carrying me along over the reef and fish. Magical!  

Edited by RMLincoln
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5 hours ago, RMLincoln said:

Yes Graham! swimming with RAYS!  sigh. 
It was a very moving experience. The rays would come brush up against us. Thankfully the sharks were small and did not brush up against us, but they were curious and interesting to watch close up. Very memorable. And the drift snorkel in another part of the lagoon was so beautiful. I climbed out and trudged back up along the beach multiple times to put into the gentle current again and enjoy it carrying me along over the reef and fish. Magical!  

I know what you mean about swimming with sting rays, as I’ve done that shorex at Half Moon Cay a couple of times.  I compared the experience of the rays touching my skin like feeling wet velvet.    I’m a scaredy-cat when it comes to sharks though, even before the movie Jaws came out. 

I apologize if I might have offended you about the rats, but I just thought it was funny. . . I have a weird sense of humour.  

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