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Cruising w/o your significant other


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[QUOTE]Originally posted by MrNobody:
Now I know why your CC name is LadySpoilt
Actually my original screen name was SpoiltRotten, given to me by DH. And since he felt the [B]need[/B] to name me that...I felt the [B]need[/B] to make every effort to not disappoint him and live up to it. (And I am still making him pay for calling me that <VEG>)
SpoiltRotten aka Lady Spoilt


Days til Miracle Partae Pirates Cruise from Tampa
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  • 2 weeks later...
I do... As often as I can! Hubby has no problem spending every Sat.(and most Sundays) at the track during race season, then there is the annual 'Guys Only' trip to Vegas. So! I have no problem planning 2 or 3 girls only cruises a year!
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GF and I love travelling together, but every once in a while we take our separate trips. Guys weekend , girls weekend whatever.

For example, GF really does not care for Las Vegas , I love it !!!! So me and a few buddys go for a long weekend every so often.

GF loves driving through New England in the summer and stops at these diffrent craft and county fairs. BORING (as far as I am concerned) So her and her girlfriends do a long weekend thing.

Trust is definately the key and No matter how happy you are a little time apart doing something you enjoy can be agood thing.

I wouldn't do a 7 or 14 day thing without her, but an occasional weekend is cool..
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I love cruising much more than DW. Last year I booked a Christmas cruise for us and DW swears she told me she didn't want to go. Well time came for final payment, and she STILL didn't want to go. I asked did she mind if I went alone--she told me to GO AHEAD. :D I had a great time by myself, and DW probably enjoyed the time w/o me. :rolleyes:
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  • 1 month later...
[b][font=Arial][color=darkorchid]451 more days til the gals & I storm into Miami and off we go on our gal pal cruise. I cannot wait!! Oct 2005 can't come soon enough, I tell ya! :p We have a good group of us going as well. About 12 of us confirmed already. Oh yeah!! :D [/color][/font][/b]
[b][font=Arial][color=darkorchid]Happy sailing,[/color][/font][/b]
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Well I too am going without DH. This Cruise is for the Sisters. We haven't vacationed together alone since our Children were small. ,And that is some 30 years ago. All three of us are leaving the men home for this one. They are OK with it. After this Cruise we will be Cruising with Them again in 2005.
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Me, my best friend, my mom and her best friend went on a girls cruise last September, and it was the most fun of my life. My best friend is engaged, and my mom married, and they acted appropriately. However, we did have a TON of people come up and hit on us, but they rejected them. I think he just needs to trust her. I would not give up those memories for ANY man... I am getting married in 2 weeks, but would go again with the girls in a heart beat!!
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Cruised last year with just my mom and we're going again on Aug. 30th for her 50th b-day along with my aunt and sister. I love my husband but he spends entirely TOO much time in the casino. Any vacation for him requires some form of gambling. He doesn't really like laying out by the pool or going to shows. So to be honest I enjoy time with the girls b/c we like more of the same activities. We're going on a 5 day...don't think I would want to leave him for 7. But hopefully DH and I will go on a 7 day next year on a newer ship and yes, he'll spend a lot of time in the casino but I'll just bask in the sun by the pool. We dated long distance through college and law school so although we are very close, we are accustomed to having our individual time.
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I have and will continue to go on vacation without my husband. He is in the Army and deploys a great deal and he knows that going on vacation cheers me up and makes the time pass faster. So while he is gone my friends and I (or the kids and I) take off. The planning and all is part of what helps me with missing him so much. When I go somewhere new I always think of how much he would love it, but he would not want me to miss out on life because of him. And I have also gone on vacation while he has been home to take care of the children. My husband really ENJOYS knowing that I am happy and having a great time! Trust is everything in a realtionship and even more so with him being gone for 12-18 months at a time. So what is a week or two out of the grand scheme of things?? Nothing...But if I was to sit and "wait" for him to be around everytime I wanted to vacation I could miss out on years and too many memories and chances to learn about a new place and its people and deprive him of knowing that I was not sitting here depressed....the last thing he needs to do is worry about me.
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It's my first time cruising without DH.

My Dad died 2 yrs ago yesterday. A few months back my mom said she's now ready to do something so I said, let's book a cruise. So it's me, mom, sis, s-i-l, s-i-l's sis, and a girlfriend. A long weekend to Cozumel on the Imagination. We can't wait & mom's really excited. She hasn't cruised since '93.

I came up with our motto. GALS stands for Girls Addicted to Life on a Ship. 2 are newbies though, but they'll be addicted soon.
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Like a few others have said above a long weekend is usually all the wife and I like to spend apart from eachother if its a vacation. Anymore than that and I wouldnt want to commit a lot of time off/money to a trip that doesnt involve her.

Her friends want her to go on an all girl trip to vegas for 10 days, and while I trust my wife and wouldnt have a worry in the world...I do have problem with it though.... I WANNA GO TOO :D Hehe anytime there is a trip to vegas I wanna be there, but she has a lot of single friends so they would probably get all pissy and worried that my wife will just be doing "Wife" stuff with me.
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[quote name='SevenVII']Her friends want her to go on an all girl trip to vegas for 10 days, and while I trust my wife and wouldnt have a worry in the world...I do have problem with it though.... I WANNA GO TOO :D Hehe anytime there is a trip to vegas I wanna be there, but she has a lot of single friends so they would probably get all pissy and worried that my wife will just be doing "Wife" stuff with me.[/QUOTE]

[b][font=Arial][color=darkorchid]Ooooohhhhh, let her have her gal pal fun! Besides, what's done in Vegas, stays in Vegas!![/color][/font][/b] :p [b][font=Arial][color=darkorchid]Hahahaha, I am just kidding. Before we decided on making the Oct 2005 cruise a gal one, Vegas was also considered. I am happy we picked the cruise. Why? In case someone gets "lost," I would rather look for those gals on a ship than up and down on the strip![/color][/font][/b] :eek:

[b][font=Arial][color=darkorchid]Happy sailing,[/color][/font][/b]
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[quote name='Stircrzy']If she can't go, I'll take her place![/QUOTE]
[b][font=Arial][color=darkorchid]Hahaha, well, she IS going whether he likes it or not, but you are more than welcomed to come along, too!! I am sure Host Randy would like that! :D [/color][/font][/b]
[b][font=Arial][color=#9932cc]I think the reason her bf is more at ease with her going with all of us gals now is because his mom, sister and his brother's gf are going along, too. Doesn't matter much to us anyway cuz they are great people, too....and the ship isn't that small, we hope! :rolleyes: LMAO! I am just kidding. Regardless if we all choose to hang out or not, a good time will be had by everyone! I DEMAND IT!! :D [/color][/font][/b]
[b][font=Arial][color=#9932cc]Happy sailing,[/color][/font][/b]
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[quote name='SSSkipper']I took my best friend on her very first cruise a few months ago. She was so worried about leaving her children for 7 days and I had to beg her to go with me because I knew she needed a vacation. She never takes time for herself. Reluctantly, she agreed to go with me. We had so much fun together! 6 weeks later we went one more time, this time I didn't have to beg her to go. She was hooked! [img]http://messages.cruisecritic.com/infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif[/img] We just got home a few weeks ago from the second cruise. We had just as much fun the second time as we did the first. Her children and her boyfriend of 15 years (my cousin) was SO happy that she went and had a great time! 8 days after we got home she had cardiac arrest and was dead for up to ten minutes before they got her heart beat back (it took 6-8 times shocking her heart to bring her back) I have to add we just celebrated her "35" birthday 2 days earlier. Yes she is only 35 years old. This happened 15 days ago. She is of course, still in the hospital and doctors aren't very hopeful we will ever have her back like she was. She can't talk or walk yet. But she is alive and knows us and we talk to her all the time and she can smile and say at the most a few words. I have spent days at the hospital with her, and everytime I tell her to get better so I can take her on another cruise, she SMILES. I will forever treasure the memories we made and I am grateful that I was able to take her with me on the cruises and that she got the time off work to enjoy them. I gave her some happiness before tragedy struck. She has 4 children (one set of twins) and the two times she went on the cruise somehow prepared them for what was to come. Being away from their mother isn't as devastating as it would have been if she never went. So you see, life is so very precious and you just do not know what day can be your last. So to everyone, enjoy life and as you can tell I agree that people should be able to leave their SO or husband/wife to go on a cruise with some friends. Nothing is wrong with that. My boyfriend goes to Africa on his own for a Safari, and he said he will NEVER cruise so he encourages me to go and have a wonderful time and he even encouraged me to go on the second cruise with my bestfriend. I'm grateful to him, for giving me that freedom and in return I was able to give my best friend some happiness.[/QUOTE]
[b][font=Arial][color=#9932cc]Do tell us, how is your best friend doing these days? All of you have been in my prayers & I was just wondering how all was now. Please let us know! :) [/color][/font][/b]
[b][font=Arial][color=#9932cc]Happy sailing,[/color][/font][/b]
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  • 5 months later...
[font=Arial][color=darkorchid][b]Ooooooh, the clock is counting down until the gals & I cruise[/b] [b][i]without[/i][/b] [b]the guys! :cool: I cannot wait! Yahooooooo!!! Come on October!! :D [/b][/color][/font]
[b][font=Arial][color=#9932cc]Anyone else sailing soon w/o their significant other?? Do tell!!![/color][/font][/b]
[b][font=Arial][color=#9932cc]Happy sailing,[/color][/font][/b]
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  • 2 months later...
[quote name='SxyEbnyFem'][b][font=Arial][color=darkorchid]Hahaha, well, she IS going whether he likes it or not, but you are more than welcomed to come along, too!! I am sure Host Randy would like that! [/color][/font][/b]

[b][font=Arial][color=#9932cc]I think the reason her bf is more at ease with her going with all of us gals now is because his mom, sister and his brother's gf are going along, too. Doesn't matter much to us anyway cuz they are great people, too....and the ship isn't that small, we hope! LMAO! I am just kidding. Regardless if we all choose to hang out or not, a good time will be had by everyone! I DEMAND IT!! [/color][/font][/b]

[b][font=Arial][color=#9932cc]Happy sailing,[/color][/font][/b]

[b][font=Arial][color=darkorchid]Ok, ok, ok - so my friend ended up canceling last week to go on the Oct cruise. :rolleyes: She finally gave in to her bf. Ugh! Women w/o backbones so irk me! :mad: [/color][/font][/b][b][font=Arial][color=darkorchid]Now that she isn't going, I am also expecting her bf's mom & sister and their cabinmates to cancel as well, which is alright by me. [/color][/font][/b]
[b][font=Arial][color=darkorchid]After all is said & done, I will be cruising with 6 gals out of the original 12 that booked. If the others decide to cancel as well, so be it. I [i]will[/i] be on [i]this[/i] cruise w/ or w/o them!! :cool: :D [/color][/font][/b]
[b][font=Arial][color=#9932cc]Happy sailing,[/color][/font][/b]
[b][font=Arial][color=darkorchid]Happy sailing,[/color][/font][/b]
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boyfriend / grilfriend going on cruise without the other i guess is ok if that's what u wanna do... (I wouldn't, why bother dating if ur not doing stuff together such as a cruise).... husband / wife cruising without the other just sounds absurd to me....
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[quote name='remixernyc']boyfriend / grilfriend going on cruise without the other i guess is ok if that's what u wanna do... [b](I wouldn't, why bother dating if ur not doing stuff together such as a cruise)[/b].... husband / wife cruising without the other just sounds absurd to me....[/QUOTE]
[b][font=Arial][color=#9932cc]FYI: This is my bachelorette cruise. I am sure there are plenty of couples (married or not) that do many activities without their significant other including cruising. Just because you are involved doesn't mean you have to be joined at the hip, ya know. To each their own. :cool: [/color][/font][/b]
[b][font=Arial][color=#9932cc]Happy sailing,[/color][/font][/b]
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If they are together, its really her choice to stay with him. I'm sure he can give you a few things about her that aren't "perfect". Although I agree with most here, that trust is the main issue, its none of my business if my friends girlfriend doesn't want him to go on a cruise. Its your friend, and I assure you, if SHE was saying she didn't want HIM to go on a cruise, and he went anyway, you'd be telling her he was wrong.......
Basically, its none of your business......don't push the issue. If YOUR SO doesn't have a problem with it, and you don't have a problem with him going on a cruise by himself, GREAT! But that has NOTHING to do with your friends relationship.
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[quote name='NewOrleansGuy']If they are together, its really her choice to stay with him. I'm sure he can give you a few things about her that aren't "perfect". Although I agree with most here, that trust is the main issue, its none of my business if my friends girlfriend doesn't want him to go on a cruise. Its your friend, and I assure you, if SHE was saying she didn't want HIM to go on a cruise, and he went anyway, you'd be telling her he was wrong.......
Basically, its none of your business......don't push the issue. If YOUR SO doesn't have a problem with it, and you don't have a problem with him going on a cruise by himself, GREAT! But that has NOTHING to do with your friends relationship.[/QUOTE]

[b][font=Arial][color=darkorchid]Correction: they are [i]both[/i] my friends (I met him first as he is my man's best friend) & I haven't pushed the issue period. It was actually [i]her[/i] idea to go on this cruise.[/color][/font][/b]
[b][font=Arial][color=darkorchid]Who said anything about anyone being "perfect?" He's gone many places w/o her including a wk bike ride in FL with the guys, fishing trips, concert trips, etc. and no, I didn't tell her he was "wrong" for doing so. [/color][/font][/b]
[b][font=Arial][color=darkorchid]You don't know me, so don't assume you know my actions. :rolleyes: [/color][/font][/b]
[b][font=Arial][color=darkorchid]Happy sailing,[/color][/font][/b]
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[quote name='SxyEbnyFem']
[font=Arial][color=#9932cc][b]FYI: This is my[/b] [b][color=red]bachelorette cruise[/color].[/b][/color][/font]


Ummm....T will there be video?
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[quote name='livtojump']Ummm....T will there be video?[/QUOTE]

[b][font=Arial][color=darkorchid]Liv, my dear, you won't need the video. You will see it all LIVE!! :D [/color][/font][/b]
[b][font=Arial][color=darkorchid]Happy sailing,[/color][/font][/b]
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