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Seeking the Eclipse on Zaandam!

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On 3/28/2024 at 7:13 PM, CruiserBruce said:

Settled into our hotel. No cruise ships in port today.


Excitement today was a guy trying to scam a free upgrade to the front of the place, and a quick visit to urgent care to deal with a minor medical issue.


Weather is sunny, but a bit cool and breezy at times. Going to be a bit cooler tomorrow as the storm approaches. 

Bon voyage and have a really fabulous cruise!

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19 hours ago, CruiserBruce said:

Going to be very hard to squeeze into the rest of his presentations.

On the Oosterdam, in February the lectures were standing room only.  Although they were streamed into The Rolling Stones lounge, there was still not enough space.  The passengers went to guest services and used the Let Us Know feature of the app to ask that the lectures be recorded so they could be viewed in the cabins.  The seas were rough and there were many mobility challenges people on the ship.  Our comments focus on safety.   I hope the lectures can be viewed in your cabin too.

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The rest of yesterday had several whale (killer and humpback) and dolphin sightings (some announced by the Bridge),  slowly improving weather, and generally a great day at sea.


Did a little shopping...looking for Eclipse oriented tee shirts...none yet. Bought two FCD. The FCD people were very busy.


Dinner was, in a word, mediocre. DW and I happened to order the same thing,  except for desert. The beef empanadas were...too overcooked to eat. The crab deviled eggs were standard. The steak wasn't bad, but it wasn't outstanding. The best part of the steak was the tiny dab of garlic butter was excellent....could have used about 5 times as much. The tart and fruit crisp were very good.


As normal on our cruises, we usually take a walk through the Lido after our dinner. I am usually looking to see if anything on the MDR menu is being offered in the Lido. Of course the Lido offers more items. Last night, not a single MDR item was offered in the Lido except a couple deserts.


Elliot Finkel was the main stage entertainment...a very good pianist, accompanied by the Ocean Bar Band. Nicely done.


Looking forward to the Tom Varros presentation at 11am. 

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Elliot Finkel is very talented. Met him several years ago for the first time when HAL flew him in to replace the entire dance/show crew who had been fired because they were so terrible. A very nice gentleman. Have been lucky enough to have him on a couple of cruises. Enjoy.

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19 hours ago, Cruisetrekker said:

Any toots from Zaandam on the way out ?

From San Diego? Yes. KDam and Zaandam tooted back and forth a couple times as the lines were taken up.

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Second Tom Varros presentation was every bit as awesome as the first. Almost overwhelmed by the fantastic information.  Can't wait for his next one in a few days. Standing room only...

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April Fools Day was another great day at sea. The seas have calmed...until the last hour or so, and it is quite a bit warmer. When we boarded on Saturday,  with the rain, the ship was just plain cold. It seemed the AC was running in many public spaces. I was bundled up that entire day. We got our cabin pretty warm to dry our drenched stuff, and that was our refuge.


Sunday was a bit warmer, but still chilly and windy on the open deck. The Lido pool area roof was closed all day, and got pretty warm and humid. Yesterday, the Lido was getting hot and humid by noon, so I found a supervisor, and poof! The roof opened to applause. It was beautiful the rest of the day.


Last night was a dressy night, and the menu was the 150th Gala menu. DW and I both had the shrimp cocktail...very good. She had the tenderloin and shrimp...great. I had the mushroom ravioli, something new to me. The ravioli are large...one more would have a perfect serving size, IMO. But the tastes and textures were very interesting and tasty. Liked it a lot. We both had the flour less chocolate cake...always a favorite,  even tho it came with a small scoop of mocha ice cream...definitely not a favorite. 


The Captain gave away free drinks and gave his toast. The most notable thing seems...from several hints and sources, that the Mazatlan stop after the Eclipse has become essentially optional. It was only going to be from 2pm to 6pm, and they were offering a small number of excursions. All the excursions have now been canceled,  and the Captain said last night he was prepared to sail a good way out of his way to find a cloudless sky on the path of totality for the Eclipse. That got a healthy round of applause. 


The show last night was Humanity....it has been on a couple of our recent cruises, but have never seen it. It was fun, we enjoyed it. A comedian tonight we have already met...more about that later.

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We were fortunate enough several years ago to be on the Staten off of Curaçao during a solar eclipse. There are a lot of science types on the ship and handheld GPS devices were brand new at the time. It was so funny watching them all runaround on the deck comparing where they thought we were and where the ship was. Then there was a great uproar because the captain sailed through a thunderstorm and they were convinced we weren’t going to be able to see a thing. As it turns out, we had a beautiful eclipse sitting about 3 miles off the coast of Curaçao. All the naysayers with their handheld GPS were silent after that and had nothing but praise for the ship’s captain.

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Some observations and bon mots....


The ship is in great shape. Was on her in September, she seems even better now. Yes, she is not a spring chicken, but, at least to the naked eye, she looks very good for her age.


We did 19 or 20 knots for about 55 hours down here to Manzanillo.  The first 12 or so hours the seas were 3+ meters, and there was some movement...just about the level when you start looking for where the rail might be. After that, seas got calmer and calmer. Never heard a creak or a rattle anywhere we were.


Last night was dressy night. I would say one third had suits and ties, including 3 men in tuxes. One third had nicer "Country Club casual". One sixth barely got into long pants. One sixth....well, it's not pretty.


Yes, there is a older demographic on board....70s and above. There is probably an above average number of scooters, walkers and wheelchairs. It is rumored there is 98 year old on board. However, we have counted 8 or 10 kids on board,  most under 5 or 6. Only one possible teenager.


Have had a couple issues with the Navigator app, including a Pinnacle reservation that just disappeared.  But Suesette, the Neptune Lounge concierge is superhuman. And super fast. Second commendation sent.


Learn something every day...a passenger near me today ordered a vegan omelet, and wanted vegan butter for his toast. Never thought of those...





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14 hours ago, CruiserBruce said:


The Captain gave away free drinks and gave his toast. The most notable thing seems...from several hints and sources, that the Mazatlan stop after the Eclipse has become essentially optional. It was only going to be from 2pm to 6pm, and they were offering a small number of excursions. All the excursions have now been canceled,  and the Captain said last night he was prepared to sail a good way out of his way to find a cloudless sky on the path of totality for the Eclipse. That got a healthy round of applause. 



That is a plus for going on a cruise to see the eclipse, well besides just being on a cruise. Those who are traveling to a land location may not be able to relocate to a cloudless sky as easily. 

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Last night's big news...drumroll....an excursion was a little bit late, just a few minutes...so sail away was a couple minutes late.


Otherwise,  dinner was excellent, probably the best we have had thus far. HAL has a "shrimp cocktail " almost every night, with a different name, presentation or sauce, but it's really a shrimp cocktail. Last night's was really very good in all regards. DW had the pork chop...she said it was one of the best she has ever eaten. I can say it was certainly one of the largest I have seen in any restaurant,  land or sea. I had the flat iron steak...served thin sliced over vegetables, polenta and most notably a sliced habanero pepper. WOW! Excellent!


DW had the chocolate caramel pie...thought it very good. I chose the fruit crisp because while I am perhaps the sickest chocoholic you might meet, I am not a fan of caramel. DW struggled to find the caramel, said I would have liked the chocolate. I on the other hand, struggled to find the fruit....it was all crumbles/crisp.


The entertainment on main stage was a comedian named Adam. Said it was his first appearance on a cruise ship. He frequently said it was important to read his audience and get their "nature". He was funny...moderately...but probably a bit too edgy for a HAL ship. He didn't bother us, but I suspect, based on applause and laughter levels, he might has gone a little far on a couple topics.


We are big champagne fans.  They serve a Chateau St Michele Brut that fits the Signature Drink Package and is very good. However,  we think we have caught the bar waiters occasionally substituting the prosecco. It is notably sweeter. More details in the future from your intrepid reporter.


We are a little slow getting set up in Ixtapa-Z today...Mexican officials haven't cleared us yet, and the water is a little choppy. But looks like we are a go now, about 40 minutes late.

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Some observations and bon mots, part 2.


I stand corrected....after tendering into Ixtapa today, Zaandam needs a good paint job near the water line.


For the second time, had to request opening the Lido pool roof, this time at 7:30am. It was already 77 degrees outside (mid 80s outside now, at 1pm), and was getting hot and humid inside. 


We were scheduled to sail at 12:30, but still here at 1:15pm. The Captain has been very quiet the last two days...no noon time announcement, no sail away announcement. Haven't officially heard from him since Monday's night's toast.


Have noticed this cruise doesn't have an "early morning " crowd. I rarely sleep past 5am, and am always in the gym on board at 6am opening.  Far fewer people up and around before 7am. Finally found out why...the astronomy group has been having star gazing activities after 10pm every night!


Who knows what happened to Port Chiapas? I know it's not a port on Mexican  Riviera cruises...too far south. We are going to Hualtaco(sp) tomorrow...almost that far south. I know it's more appropriate for Panama Canal and South America cruises...we stopped there on one of each. Just don't hear it mentioned any more. I thought a cruise line...possibly  Carnival Corp., had big part in building it.

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We finally sailed just before 2pm. The Captain made the sail away announcement and the horn made a firm presentation for the large number of small boats that are very active in the bay.


Otherwise yesterday was a lazy day. A late night highlight was the astronomy group saw the Southern Cross last night about 11pm. An unusual sight for most northern hemisphere residents. They were very happy. 


Dinner was very good. Shrimp Quesadilla (sp) was the shrimp cocktail variation last night....ok a big stretch on shrimp cocktail. But very good. DW had the beef stroganoff...pretty good, big serving. I had the lasagna...pretty good, good sized serving, but no competition for my s-i-l's, who makes the best I have ever tasted.


Desert was unanimous...chocolate whiskey tort. Excellent! DW had one complaint I am sure all of you, and the customer service people hear frequently....it was TOO BIG a serving! Yes...she really said that!!!


We chose not to go to the performance of a singer on the main stage. We chose to go enjoy the warm and humid evening on our balcony.  It's already warmer ( over 80 at 8am) and more humid this morning than last night.


Tonight is our first Pinnacle dinner (of 2).

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23 minutes ago, 00649 said:

Do you have a guest lecturer on board and if so who.

There is a group on board who have had a number of speakers. As I mentioned earlier, the general population of the ship has had Tom Varros speak twice, with a third presentation tomorrow. He is fantastic...can't wait for his next talk. Standing room only.

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Observations and bon mots, part 3...


I like the crew of this ship. Of course they are hardworking and great people, that goes without saying. In addition, where possible and appropriate,  everything opens or starts early. Gym opens early. Today the Dive In was open at 11am, the Lido by 11:15. The first day on board, the schedule said the MDR would open at 5:30. I asked the assistant maitre d' I was dealing with about that, and she said, yes, that was the policy, but the doors are actually open at 5pm, and you can come in and eat if you like.


Particular hats off to Ryan and Richard at the Ocean Bar. They are so much better than Tom Cruise in "Cocktail ", without the Hollywood glitter!


Speaking of dining, I can't ever recall such low demand for early seating, open or fixed. The busiest meal was the dressy night...maybe 1/3 full at 5:30. The other nights it has struggled to be 1/4 full. We have received lightning fast food service. 


5 nights in, we have received pillow candy 3 times...the standard squares twice, and the fancier chocolate on the dressy night. We have received one towel animal...a frog, on the dressy night.


Yesterday I said the ship needed a paint job at the waterline area. That was the starboard side. Today the port side looks near perfect.


Tonight Elliott Finkel performs again, then gets off at our next port, Puerto Vallarta. 


Hualtaco is an interesting port...tiny port area, mostly a resort town. Hot. The ship docks in the middle of a beach resort area, blocking about 75% of everyone's view. But so far out of the way. Only for Canal cruises.

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A little extra excitement yesterday. On Wednesday evening about 7:30, a medical response was announced to a cabin. Don't know if related, but at about 4pm yesterday (Thursday), an ambulance arrived at the gangway, directly below our balcony. From our experience, the equipment they brought on board appeared to indicate a traumatic injury. However, about 20 minutes later, the ambulance crew left without a patient. 


Fast forward to just before 6, scheduled sailaway time, we are eating in the Pinnacle. The Captain comes on and says sail away will be delayed a few minutes, as we are waiting for an ambulance to load up and transport a patient. Hmmmm...


Pinnacle was awesome. DW had the tenderloin...excellent. I had the surf and turf...melt in your mouth, no knife required 8oz filet mignon. And, without getting into the whole lobster tail pissing match, one excellent 5 oz tail. The best Pinnacle meal in the 15 or 20 times we have eaten there.


I had the key lime pie both at Lido for lunch, and in the Pinnacle at dinner. Two entirely different products. I really like key lime pie, and both were good. Don't ask me to pick a favorite. Just interesting. 


Counting the minutes until Tom Varros at 11am.

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