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I hope Roscoe you read this b4 tomorrow as Ia m boarding your beloved Queen Victoria tomorrow in Trieste!  As I am a QV virgin I would  appreciate any tips you might have about QV.


Thank you very much  and if there is anything I can bring back from QV for  you...trinkets, china, silverware, furniture, room stewards, officers??

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Posted (edited)
16 hours ago, NowVoyager2 said:

I hope Roscoe you read this b4 tomorrow as Ia m boarding your beloved Queen Victoria tomorrow in Trieste!  As I am a QV virgin I would  appreciate any tips you might have about QV.


Thank you very much  and if there is anything I can bring back from QV for  you...trinkets, china, silverware, furniture, room stewards, officers??

hey NowVoyager! you lucky thing, boarding the best ship afloat! I don't know where you are onboard but wherever it is Im sure you will have a great time. You may be a virgin now but it won't take you long to be broken in and seduced by our favourite queen, give her hull a tap as you enter her portal for me (and also my plaque on the companion way into the commodore club.


Have a great trip and how about a few lines to keep us up to date whilst you are supping a cocktail. If Tomas is currently master you could remind him he owes me a blast on the whistle.


best regards

Edited by roscoe39
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NV2 reporting live from the aft pool deck...about to sail from our first Croatian port...sunny 😎 almost 90 /  30 degrees.

Captain Hall is Master & Commander til next week(I'll try to get the Xtra toot for you in one way or another 😜

I not only tapped, massaged & kissed the portal for you I also blessed it for your return.

No I'm not clergy but it won't hurt.

I can see why you love this ship so much...she is lovely, warm & carries lots of ice for drinks.

I took enjoy the art work especially the Stephen Card paintings.

Tonight I'll head up to the Commodore Club & splash holy water / Johnny Walker Black on your plaque & suggest sainthood for you to the Captain when I see him tomorrow at the world club party.

The only issue was the war in the 7 deck laundry room this morning...my goodness..deck 8 laundry was closed completely so there was an uprising on deck 7.   I just went to have a bloody Mary...

Love your ship.  Thank you HRH ROSCOE

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On 7/3/2024 at 2:36 AM, NowVoyager2 said:



The only issue was the war in the 7 deck laundry room this morning...my goodness..deck 8 laundry was closed completely so there was an uprising on deck 7.   I just went to have a bloody Mary...

Love your ship.  

uprising in the laundry???? how unusual.....please elaborate...don;t spare any details....


she is a great ship, its a pity they cancelled her dry dock this year in favour of putting their efforts into the enigma that is the QA, poor ole Vicky is sure in need of a touch of paint on her hull particularly towards her stern.


I see that you are halfway to Valletta, absolutely stunning port you will enjoy it.

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Good morning 🌅 HRH ROSCOE 🚢😎🤗😊

NV2 reporting live from the aft lido pool area.... Docked port side here in Valletta, Malta!!!


Once again it's an absolutely beautiful day....

We did have a lil movement in the seas last nite which was nice.

The World Club party was attended by 350 people... Everyone from lil old me w 67 days to a couple who have practically lived onboard for years.  

I do have to commend the onboard WC rep Dannilela who was able to correct ( in a matter of minutes) what I've tried getting Cunard shoreside to do for YEARRRRRS!!!


I'M INSULTED ( not really)that you believe I would continue to gossip about the brutal going ons in the laundry 🧺🧺🧺😁 room on deck 7.

As I mentioned Deck 8 laundry was completely shut down.  When I got there to iron my linen pants the room had 5 people hovering around the machines... I was able to do my ironing ( why do couples have to do the laundry together...does one think an affair could start over the cycles, do they think someone might steal their XXX XL CARGO SHORTS or are they just too hungover to realize at there is more to life & there is ship laundry service which is still quite good.

Well all of a sudden the door flies open & a woman from deck 8 pushes in w a basket full of laundry that needed to be dried.

She screams  " I going to be late"

There was no space  in the room to begin with & the other people start yelling at her to get out(Brits & American)... I don't know if it's because she had one of the sacred baskets or that she really shouldn't of been wearing stretch anything... I kept my head down & focused on my creases... Stretch woman yells back ...the mob gets louder & finally stretch woman leaves ..probably damp all over on a tour bus w a developing rash due to moisture!!!  Shocking. Frightening for my delicate nerves but all was well after a cocktail 🍹( I'm from NY so I would of just stuffed her & her laundry into a dryer & set it on high) 🤗😊😁

Last night was a 4 th of July theme & an anniversary for Cunard so red & gold was all around...the ladies looked especially lovely, the men dapper & the cocktails flowed in the Chart Room.


I'm headed off to see the town now...lunch , shopping, sightseeing... All aboard id 6 pm.

As far as your beloved QV SHE IS LIVELY LIKE a Grandmother...beautiful w a few wrinkles but you still love her. But Carnivore Corp certainly has made cutbacks all around...from maintenance to food & beverage. I'll report back after I disembark next week.


As far as your plaque outside the Commodore Club...I still haven't seen it...I check as I go into the club & TRY to find it on the way out. 🍸 🍸 🍸..I'll continue..both to search & enjoy cocktails.

Ciao Bello 😊

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4 hours ago, NowVoyager2 said:

do they think someone might steal their XXX XL CARGO SHORTS

Or maybe a gang of slim folk? 🤣

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12 hours ago, NowVoyager2 said:

Good morning 🌅 HRH ROSCOE 🚢😎🤗😊

NV2 reporting live from the aft lido pool area.... Docked port side here in Valletta, Malta!!!



As far as your plaque outside the Commodore Club...I still haven't seen it...I check as I go into the club & TRY to find it on the way out. 🍸 🍸 🍸..I'll continue..both to search & enjoy cocktails.

Ciao Bello 😊




in case you miss it........





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Posted (edited)

well so the event filled days of the laundry continue, thats comforting to know although curious to know how the deck 8 inhabitter was identified??? was it the sloppy joes or the red loyalty pin proudly displayed on her 

"my granddaughter  went to  Disneyland and all they bought me was this tee shirt"

that gave away her away? did the laundry basket have the "stolen from deck 8" tag still attached? curious minds want to know......really they need to attach trackers to those things.


Lucky she didn't push it as I wouldn't want to  cross a New Yorker anyway otherwise they could end up with concrete boots and a swim in the Hudson. 


I loved the latest story going around the ship on this years WC, after our call to Australia it was rumoured that 4 Australians had gotten into the laundrette early and locked the doors and people lined up outside just thinking that the steward had just not unlocked them. It wasn't till the Ozzie's emerged  undisturbed and triumphant with their clean and dry laundry that their rouse was discovered.  


Another myth to add to the chocolate bar in the dryer, the husbands fighting over the iron and being ejected at the next port,  and the story of the stolen cocktail dress.......or was it?


It actually sounds like a good idea.......although you didn't hear it from me.


keep the stories coming to us - the landlocked





Edited by roscoe39
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The QA digital machines sure foxed many folk and my suggestion of a  bullet pointed symbol description wall poster seems to have been taken up.

QA's deck seven laundrette was flooded in May. Not call the lifeboat flooded but enough to warrant the use of waders, or go barefoot!

Not much gossip to be picked up though. 🥴



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Another FABOO day here aboard QV.the ship is just off of Sorrento w tender service... For some unknown reason the Italians are setting off cannons every 30 minutes since 7:30 this morning 🌄 or BLOODY MARY HOUR as it's commonly known amount some people 🤔

I did ask the beloved ARTURO, THE MOST FAVORITE WAITER IN THE LIDO AREA ( DELIGHTFUL & Delish) TO have the town stop while I was having lunch & they did... I then asked Arturo  " is it time???" He said yes and then delivered a thirst quenching Aperol Spritz... LOVE HIM!!!!


As far as the laundry 🧺 room dish... several fools from deck 8 actually tried to push in by saying "their sacred deck 8 laundry was closed...very foolish tactic on their part... Deck 7 passengers responded w an appropriate & viscous counter attack w " GET OUT" WELL DONE DECK 7 🤗👍🧺🧺

LASR NIGHT WAS ROARING 20's nite...cocktails flowed & a large percentage of passengers turned out in period dress..lots of sparkle, feathers & jewelry to die for...and that was just the men!!!!

You'd be happy HRH ROSCOE 🚢🤗😎 CUNARD QUEEN VICTORIA 👑 was taken to new  heights appropriate for the Mediterranean & amount of cocktails consumed...

I'll search for your plaque tonight....😎👑🧺👍🤔🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷👑

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Anyone headed to the Mediterranean this Time of year...it is hot as Hades... thankfully there has been a breeze, which helps keep the # of sunbathers and those w too much alcohol in their systems from bursting into flames 🔥🔥🔥

Speaking of which...yesterday while sailing through the STRAIGHT OF MESSINA we had a chance to see Mt Stromboli volcano being active ... spewing smoke & ash..the Capt sailed to within a mile of the island... A little too Titanic for my taste but it was something to see( I had visited POMPEII a few weeks B4 and wrote over the loss of such beautiful artwork & real estate...and the poor souls that perished. Being so close to the volcano I dressed in my finest, making sure my pocket square coordinated w the life vest, had my steward put my luggage in the appropriate life boat w the right people... A good bartender, the most attractive officers & of course my beloved Arturo!!

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30 minutes ago, NowVoyager2 said:


Anyone headed to the Mediterranean this Time of year...it is hot as Hades... thankfully there has been a breeze, which helps keep the # of sunbathers and those w too much alcohol in their systems from bursting into flames 🔥🔥🔥

Speaking of which...yesterday while sailing through the STRAIGHT OF MESSINA we had a chance to see Mt Stromboli volcano being active ... spewing smoke & ash..the Capt sailed to within a mile of the island... A little too Titanic for my taste but it was something to see( I had visited POMPEII a few weeks B4 and wrote over the loss of such beautiful artwork & real estate...and the poor souls that perished. Being so close to the volcano I dressed in my finest, making sure my pocket square coordinated w the life vest, had my steward put my luggage in the appropriate life boat w the right people... A good bartender, the most attractive officers & of course my beloved Arturo!!

Keep it up; you are hysterically funny. You should write a book.

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Posted (edited)
10 hours ago, NowVoyager2 said:

Being so close to the volcano I dressed in my finest, making sure my pocket square coordinated w the life vest, had my steward put my luggage in the appropriate life boat w the right people... 

I do hope that the lifeboats will be loaded according to class........

Edited by roscoe39
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11 hours ago, roscoe39 said:

I do hope that the lifeboats will be loaded according to class........

Of course they are..as with all special services onboard CUNARD ships ...I was able to reserve location life boat #1 for the duration of my cruise... It's wonderful for alfresco breakfasts or cocktails parties... And making love while stargazing...just make sure to tell the Captain to shut off his video camera or you'll find yourself on YouTube 😭😢😭

I keep the count down to 8 ...2 officers, one chef. 2 cocktail waiters myself&.  2 very handsome, hopefully interesting passengers I pick up as I glance down to the lido pool from deck  10.


HRH ROSCOE...I did find your plaque...they keep candles lit on either side, splash vodka on it for blessings & whenever I mentioned your name the crew would burst into tears... They said " tell me quando, quando quando" when will HIS HRH ROSCOE BE BACK ONBOARD??? I JUST told them that was confidential but they are in thoughts... especially when cocktails start.


QV was alongside @ about 5 am this morning...I disembarked at 8:30 .. I was forced, I say forced to take a shuttle w commoners ( like the lady & son that hike the decks like they were on Mt Everest & then suddenly Momma needs a wheelchair... 🤔😜🤨 There were NO taxis to be seen & of course I spoke w the most attractive drivers I could find & they confirmed that the taxis are rare in the port especially when large tankers like MSC, NCL & SOME VIRGIN OF A SHIP are all in at once. I assured these kind souls that they indeed comfort me in my time of need 😁🤗😘


So HRH ROSCOE..I did indeed tip my toes into your Royal Heritage onboard QV... I felt your soul onboard.... And it felt so fine!!!!😁🤗😊🚢

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  • 2 months later...



The masses are yearning, desiring , requesting, demanding & begging to know when you will be back onboard your Queen???


Surely your tailors & foot men are already planning your wardrobe for the voyage( I know  a great tailor in Milan if you want to go the Italia way).


Hope to hear from your secretary soon w the official announcement.



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