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infant on cruise


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I guess I'm wondering out loud why they would even have a "kiddie pool' or wading pool when, by nature, kids want to just get in and play! Kind of a contradiction don't you think? I can just see all of us parents standing there saying, "It's O.K Billy, you can walk around in the water but just don't get your butt in the water"...That would be something to see! Then you would have all of the kids crying and then all the other people would be upset because all of the babies are crying and then the upset people would be complaining to the staff about the crying babies and people would be getting kicked off the ship...yada yayda yada:p


I seriously think those pools are meant for "kiddies" who are potty trained, but not old enough for the regular pools yet. I'm not sure... I don't know, I don't go anywhere near those pools :D LOL! All I know is Carnival says "all pools", not "all pools except for the kiddie pool", so I would tend to think that no swim diapers in any of the pools was the rule... I just don't know...

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I guess I'm wondering out loud why they would even have a "kiddie pool' or wading pool when, by nature, kids want to just get in and play! Kind of a contradiction don't you think? I can just see all of us parents standing there saying, "It's O.K Billy, you can walk around in the water but just don't get your butt in the water"...That would be something to see! Then you would have all of the kids crying and then all the other people would be upset because all of the babies are crying and then the upset people would be complaining to the staff about the crying babies and people would be getting kicked off the ship...yada yayda yada:p


Yep, I have been wondering this all along...the children's pool is WAY out of the way and is clearly marked "children's pool" on the deck plan. Miniature slides and playground equipment right next to it. Clearly for toddlers. My 5 year old would call this a "baby pool" and would refuse to use it. No bigger than what you might blow up and have in your backyard.


I will say it again, I don't get it. Who do they think is going to use it!? The highly-advanced potty-trained 2 year old only? (you lucky parents, you). (I think average potty training age is 3-4 for boys and 2-3 for girls)

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Keep your eye on the prize Kaki...three days and you're in paradise...have fun!


I know, right?! One more unnecessary shopping trip to load up on more new things I don't need and I am THERE!

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I hope you have a great time Kaki. It will all work out, and you'll figure out the pool thing.


Thank you!! Honestly, neither one of my kids will swim very much. So while the toddler pool perplexes me, it won't be a major factor in our trip. The 5 year old is afraid of the water (I need to fix that with swim lessons this summer) and the 2 year old gets far too many diaper rashes and we like to keep his bottom dry (learned my lesson in Mexico last year - see avatar pic, that's them).


They like to crawl on the beach and make sand castles. I doubt they will submerge much into the water. They would both rather do other things on our sea days than swim or wade.

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Everyone needs to realize that "swim diapers" are not meant to be leak proof, water resistant or anything of the sort.


They are simply regular diapers, made with a less absorbent material so that children wearing them do not have as much moisture around their backsides when they get out of the pools.


They leak as much, if not more than any regular diaper.


Check this link for more info




And please keep your children who wear any type of diaper out of the pool on the ship.

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Most cruise lines allow children, we just need considerate parents. Please note "Sharecruisers" post regarding "parents" trying to get around/ignore the rules.


Also, take a look at Goingcrusin's post regarind the CDC. Do you get it, yet??


Yes I GET IT! You obviously don't. I'm telling you that these people are mostly new cruisers and probably new parents. You don't have to be hateful to get your point across. And yes, I'm well aware that most, if not all cruise lines allow kids. My point was that the more expensive lines/ships are less likely to have lots of families.


You can quote the CDC to your hearts content and yes, I believe what they/you are trying to say. All I'm saying is that most young parents have not had that experience. I certainly haven't and I use those diapers all the time, under a bathing suit. I never said it wasn't true just that it would cause some confusion for those people who have had no problems with them.


I agree with another poster who said this was no fun and a bad place (paraphrase). There are many nice people over on the family boards but right here it is a nightmare. People are so hateful. Why bother to teach my kid manners and honor and decency... if this is what the world is coming too there is no point.

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Yes I GET IT! You obviously don't. I'm telling you that these people are mostly new cruisers and probably new parents. You don't have to be hateful to get your point across. And yes, I'm well aware that most, if not all cruise lines allow kids. My point was that the more expensive lines/ships are less likely to have lots of families.


You can quote the CDC to your hearts content and yes, I believe what they/you are trying to say. All I'm saying is that most young parents have not had that experience. I certainly haven't and I use those diapers all the time, under a bathing suit. I never said it wasn't true just that it would cause some confusion for those people who have had no problems with them.




You made the statement that swim diapers don't leak (your exact words were: "I'll also tell you that swim diapers do not leak"... that's not correct. So, it hasn't happened to YOU. You can't speak for most parents. And the only way you can say that you didn't experience it, is if your child has never had a BM in a swim diaper... otherwise, you have no idea if it leaked or not (just because you don't see it, doesn't mean it isn't there... everyone knows that not all germs are seen). The FACT is, that swim diapers are not 100% going to contain feces, and that is a health hazard... For the life of me I cannot understand why ANYONE would want to argue this point!!! Illnesses caused by fecal contamination have KILLED adults and children!!! Why anyone would take this lightly just blows me away!!!! You see people as hateful because they are trying to get a point across... a SERIOUS point. Yet, you have people that want to argue this serious health hazard. If you consider that "hateful", so be it. I pray that you and everyone's children never be exposed to a pool that has been contaminated by fecal matter.


You have to understand some people are very passionate when it comes to OUR safety and childrens safety on the ship. When you have people coming here saying that something is fact, when indeed it isn't... that tends to upset people. Some people are naive enough to believe everything they read on a message board. All it would take would be one person believing what you typed, to go out there and possibly cause a health hazard.

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Yes I GET IT! You obviously don't. I'm telling you that these people are mostly new cruisers and probably new parents. You don't have to be hateful to get your point across. And yes, I'm well aware that most, if not all cruise lines allow kids. My point was that the more expensive lines/ships are less likely to have lots of families.


You can quote the CDC to your hearts content and yes, I believe what they/you are trying to say. All I'm saying is that most young parents have not had that experience. I certainly haven't and I use those diapers all the time, under a bathing suit. I never said it wasn't true just that it would cause some confusion for those people who have had no problems with them.


I agree with another poster who said this was no fun and a bad place (paraphrase). There are many nice people over on the family boards but right here it is a nightmare. People are so hateful. Why bother to teach my kid manners and honor and decency... if this is what the world is coming too there is no point.


I don't believe people here have as much issue with the clueless people as with the ones who insist on doing the swimmy thing when they admit to knowing the risk. Cluelessness as a parent isn't a good thing, but certainly all the public pools in the U.S. that actively ignore the CDC info by scheduling swim classes for toddlers in public pools are somewhat to blame for that.


I don't think people here are hateful. Expressing an opinion or posting links to references is not hateful. Expressing the same opinion repeatedly to someone who does exactly the same is not hateful. Pointless probably, but not hateful.


People do tend to be a little short because this topic comes up at least once a week. A couple of days after this threads falls off the front page or is pulled, someone will not bother to do a simple search and post exactly the same question. There is no useful new information to add, so it goes right downhill. Of course, internet skills don't equate to parenting skills, but in this day and age, someone of childbearing age who doesn't have basic skills and/or a comprehension of the word "search" is in trouble. Plus, internet skills are much simpler than parenting...

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I guess this will speak volumes....


So, those of you very few that think it is okay for an infant to be in a pool with a swim diaper on, knowing that the CDC has said that swim diapers do not contain feces... and even if you say your child won't "expose others to a terrible illness"... would you allow YOUR child in the pool, knowing that others have put their diapered babies in there??? Knowing it could be YOUR child exposed and YOUR child come down with an illness that could potentially kill them??? OF COURSE NOT RIGHT? Then what gives you the right to do that to other parents or passengers????

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Look, I'm not putting my kid in there... she has a pool at home that she can swim in (with chlorine) to her hearts content. We've had BM diapers that haven't leaked. We swim everyday sometimes two or three times a day. The non-chlorine thing is the issue and the fact that all parents that I know have not experienced the leakage. You people don't read you just want to jump on everyone. Point taken about the searching. I should have searched but it is very annoying to be spoken to like you are a villan when the honest truth is... some people just don't know.


Wouldn't it be kinder to just say it's unsafe instead of carrying on about reporting people, etc. My husband is ex-navy and when I shared this thread with him he was shocked to know that the pools have no chlorine. He's been on cruises, he's a smart guy, he doesn't swim much (prefers being the "pool boy" and keeping it all sparkly clean) and he didn't know! How hard is it then to figure out that young parents would have no clue? We are not young. We had our baby late in life after many struggles and a lot of heartache. Would I jeopardize her safety? Heck no! Would I ask that you be understanding of people who are trying to find answers? Heck yes!


Ironically enough, the only time I've ever been asked to get out of a public pool was when an adult, not a toddler or baby, had an accident in the pool. I believe the teenagers call it a "wet fart". I guess he got more than the bubbles he anticipated.


I'm sure that there are parents out there who don't pay attention. The rest of us are just trying to learn the ropes. I'll read your CDC link and I'll take it to heart. In turn could you be more tolerant of those looking for answers? If the thread is redundant or boring to you... don't post. It's that simple. I guess...as the old saying goes... you get what you pay for. Maybe next year I need to research a more sophisticated cruise line to get a kinder, more civilized type of traveler. Oh, and I apologize for stating that they "don't leak". They haven't leaked for me but (and I think I said this too) that doesn't mean it can't happen. I forget that some people think that if it's written down it's the gospel.


I regret ever getting involved in these boards. I was just so excited to be going on another cruise after so many years. I really just wanted to know everything I could. But you all win... I admit defeat... you all have broken me. Happy sailing to you and I promise you this... my baby won't be in the pool in a diaper. So you needn't worry about that from us. And I'll inform everyone who asks, in a kind way, that it is not allowed.

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Hope, I really think you are seeing things that might not be there, or you are seeing responses that are NOT in response to people just asking a simple question, but rather saying that they know the rule but choose to ignore it. THAT is when I have seen people, including myself, get upset. I wouldn't think about being rude to someone for asking if it is allowed... because they don't know until you tell them. But if they know the rule and say they did it anyway, or try to justify it by saying "it wasn't a problem for their baby" or "i know when my baby takes bm's" or any of that nonsense, is when people get upset... Like I said, we all take our health pretty seriously. And you have no idea if the water is contaminated by a BM... like I said, it's not like you can see the contamination. Just because you don't see "brown" does not mean there was not a leakage.


And I am not sure what you mean about reporting people? Are you referring to getting security? That is what a person should do... it is a hazard. If there was broken glass on deck, would you not alert security?? Of course, because it is a health hazard.


And now you are killing me, LOL! Your profile says you are 35, yet you say you are not young :( I'm 35... and young :o Don't go putting all of us 35 year olds in the grave now!!!! :D


I see you are very sensitive, and I'm sorry that you have been hurt and offended... sometimes the "hot topics" around here can get tense... this one has been pretty mild, it's still around. Hopefully some day you will understand why people are passionate about this issue. Sometimes people really do come here to get justification for doing what THEY want to do... or just to stir up trouble, knowing that this is a hot issue. you'll see that if you stick around. You'll see the ones that think they are above it all... and because it is "their vacation" they should be able to do what they want.


Happy cruising!!

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Did you explain to them that you'd take a litter box with you???? ;)


I told them that he would come with a litter box, leash and his own supply of cat food. I also told them that he wouldn't swim in the pool or pee in the kids' sand box. Carnival still said no.

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HI...I simply posted parts of posts where parents were either telling others how /where to let kids in swim diapers swim...sorry if this has offended you


actually since I would never be in a little kids wading pool, the 'danger' to me is slight..however, i would think it is NOT good for the other little kids who are in the pool, the potty trained toddlers, 3, 4 year olds....??


that is a totally scary thought...


especially a small pool...the smaller the area, the more concentrated the contamination....scary


Those quotes were from just ONE thread in the "family section">>> if yours is out of context, that you are wondering about it, I apologize


I do think the carnival employee who told you that is wrong...their rules are clear....NO swim diapers, no non potty trained kids in the pool


while a crying or fussy baby might be a bit of a bother, i think most people could overlook that...having a ship break out in an illness from filthy pools....that is a whole other story


I just think it is a NO brainer really....the ship's rules are clear...they were clear when you and your baby were on the miracle....even if the pool looked like it was for babies, it was no doubt for diaper trained toddlers

the docs that you had regarding your cruise said NO swim diapers


I do wish tho that the carnival employees would enforce this stuff, that would make it much easier on everyone

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Public baby pools:


In the States, Baby pools used by the public (including neighborhood associations) have a health and sanitation standard where the free choline in the pool has to be higher than the general pool, , is not connected to the general pool in any way, and the pool filter of the baby pool is not only separate of the general pool, but has to be running the whole time children are in the baby pool. No filtering... no baby pool use.


Do they do that to make it inconvenient for the pool operators...?


No... they do it for sanitary reasons. It's because swim daipers do not hold in feces... you need extra free chorine and filtering to keep the pool disinfected. Simple science.


Health departments don't have these standards just to make life difficult.


Why would anyone think it is okay to have baby poop in a pool (or temp getting even the smallest amount) that is not constantly filtered... and doesn't have any free chlorine to disenfect.


If your child is not potty trained... then they have no business being in a pool aboard a ship... None!

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I've become a master researcher on this subject and I have even more frightening news to impart... did you know that if someone doesn't wash their hands after wiping they could easily contaminate an entire pool? I see that happen all the time in public restrooms and it never even occurred to me. I guess those non-chlorinated pools are just dangerous all the way around. Seems it would be so much simplier to just chlorinate the darn things.


35 is old for a first time parent... admit it. Thanks for the kinder tone and words. I'm sensitive, you are right, but I hate seeing all of these people making generalizations about parents. I guess there are some out there that are, well, feces teabags. I'm not, nor are my family or friends. I'd never want to ruin anyones time and I certainly don't want anyone to get sick. This is my last post on the topic (for now). I wish I was savvy enough to go back and quote the things that got my dander up in the first place. Unfortunately I don't have the time or the patience. I'm going to sit back and read for awhile and keep my mouth shut. Maybe I'll see some of these offenders and understand where all of you are coming from. Peace

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35 is old for a first time parent... admit it. Thanks for the kinder tone and words. I'm sensitive, you are right, but I hate seeing all of these people making generalizations about parents.


Well, you may think 35 is old... and I guess many years ago it was... but many friends my age and older are having their first child... it happens. Many people are waiting until they are a bit older... so quit saying OLD!!! LOL!!! I am far from it :D


Nobody makes general statements about parents. I think most people here understand that people are referring to those parents that think the rules don't apply to them... the ones who think everyone thinks their child is so cute and will therefore turn a blind eye to everything, etc. Bottom line is a diaper in a non chlorinated pool is a fecal teabag... gross, but hopefully that term will make people think twice. People are too light on this issue.


I have researched the same thing quite a bit, regarding fecal matter and contamination... I'm not going to argue with you about it any longer... you have your opinion, and my opinion is backed up with fact from various disease control agencies... so I'm just going to leave it at that. Have a great cruise!!!

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Hope, if nothing else, you've come away from this thread with more information than you came in with (even if it did get ugly, and it did). So did I. Is there such a thing as 'too much information'? (well, yes there is, but not in this case).


And by the way, your baby is a cutie.

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I have researched the same thing quite a bit, regarding fecal matter and contamination... I'm not going to argue with you about it any longer... you have your opinion, and my opinion is backed up with fact from various disease control agencies... so I'm just going to leave it at that. Have a great cruise!!!


Wait... I lied... one last post. I wasn't arguing... I was just telling you what else I learned. I agree with you. No diapered kids in the pool. I told you that you won. :confused: I'm not arguing now. My issue was never whether or not they should be in the pool it was how hateful everyone sounded when telling people no. Argh! I hate being misunderstood.


And 35 is a little long in the tooth to be having a baby.:D On that I will argue with you. Sure it's great being financially secure and having already sown my wild oats and all but it's very,very hard. I'm a SAHM and it's still hard. My pregnancy was just this side of having to have all the yucky tests and stuff. Next one I'll have to have an amnio (or it is reccommended anyway). It would be nice if we all matured as quickly as our parents generation did. They were ready in their mid 20's for a baby. I was still a kid myself in my mid 20's. It scares the crap out of me for my kid's future. Anyway... no arguments from me. I hate that I came off as argumentative in my last post. I was actually trying to thank you for extending the olive branch. Or maybe I misunderstood you. Regardless, I hope we will all have much fun and great health on all of our cruises. And I wasn't kidding about the hand washing thing... SCARED THE FECAL TEABAGS OUT OF ME. No joke. Take care!

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Hope, if nothing else, you've come away from this thread with more information than you came in with (even if it did get ugly, and it did). So did I. Is there such a thing as 'too much information'? (well, yes there is, but not in this case).


And by the way, your baby is a cutie.


:) Thanks... wish I could figure out why the pic is so grainy. I got defensive and I shouldn't have. I just feel for all these people who simply don't know. I reread the whole thread and I think what got me started was the person who said you shouldn't bring kids period. I just don't know how they are going to learn to be in social situations if we never put them there.


Anyway... I apologize for my part in all of this craziness... PMS... it'll get you everytime!

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Only have one thing to say:


Ignorance is NO EXCUSE to disregard stated regulations and posted signs.


And any Parent worth their salt would take the time to do the research or at the very least, abide by the rules and regs. So the comment about so many people not knowing any better? Doesn't wash.

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Only have one thing to say:


Ignorance is NO EXCUSE to disregard stated regulations and posted signs.


And any Parent worth their salt would take the time to do the research or at the very least, abide by the rules and regs. So the comment about so many people not knowing any better? Doesn't wash.


I am not a parent, nor will I ever be. We are all ignorant on many things. There are things I know and you don't, and vice versa. The trick is to understand that you don't know 'all', and be open to the wisdom (or whatever you want to call it) of others. Live and learn. I do. And then, at the end of the day, you see that someone has learned from your knowledge and experience, things do get better.


As ugly as this thread has gotten at times, I think that there are those that have come away with an understanding of why some things are the way they are. That puts this thread on the positive side.

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Look, I'm not putting my kid in there... she has a pool at home that she can swim in (with chlorine) to her hearts content. We've had BM diapers that haven't leaked. We swim everyday sometimes two or three times a day. The non-chlorine thing is the issue and the fact that all parents that I know have not experienced the leakage.


You really do need to read up Hope.

Chlorine (in the quantities that you would use in a swimming pool) are NOT enough to kill fecal bacteria.


My kids have been swimming competitively for 15 years.

When the pools they practice in are contaminated by a baby swim class, practices and swim meets for 2-3 days are cancelled...why?? because the chlorine in the pool is NOT in any way strong enough to kill the bacteria. The pool needs to be emptied some, shocked with mega-large amounts of chlorine and then the kids have to wait not only until there are no signs of bacteria, BUT until the chlorine levels are then again safe.


Whether of not the cruise ship pools have chlorine makes NO difference when it comes to poop in the pool. Even if they were chlorinated it doesn't make the health risks any better.


Toddlers/infants who are not 100% trained should NOT be in a pool on a cruise ship....period.


If people get hot under the collar about this it might be because some parents blatantly say they'll do it anyway and they don't care.

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