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How Did it Come to Happen?


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It was 1995. Our next door neighbor invited us to join them on a group cruise they were going on that was sponsered by his employer. We had never considered going on a cruise before, but it sounded like a good idea. Of course we had seen The Love Boat on TV, and that was the total of our experience about cruises. We did not participate in the activities of the group, we just booked with them to get onboard.


It was love at first sight. As soon as we saw the big white hull of the Soverign of the Seas we were hooked. And as soon as we experienced the feeling of the ship leaving port, we were addicted. We booked a mini suite and were happy with our accomodations.


We booked our next cruise within weeks of retuning from our first. We needed to find a travel agent first. We were not happy with the agent who booked the group cruise, so we went shopping. As soon as we found the right agent, we booked. She suggested HAL and we booked the Westerdam, Eastern passage, 10 days round trip NY-Quebec.


We have been feeding our addiction ever since.



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In 1993, a friend asked me to go to DisneyWorld+cruise with her and her daughter. Money was tight and having me to share expenses was helpful. After a few days at DisneyWorld, we boarded the Big Red Boat for a 3-day cruise. I really didn't like it at all. In retrospect, a 3-day Disney cruise during the holidays wasn't the best fit for me. With many extended families traveling together on such a short trip, people were not overly friendly. The only exception was on New Year's Eve when I was invited to join a group of grandparents ringing in the New Year after the children (and their parents) were in bed.


My dad had always talked about seeing Alaska. In 1998, I decided to ask him and his wife about an Alaskan cruise. My dad is very afraid of water, so with much trepidation (Will I see land? Are the cabins under water level? What are the medical facilities like?), he agreed to go and pay my sister's way also. We also added his recently-widowed aunt and my cousin to our little party. As we flew from St. Louis to Seattle then transferred to Vancouver, he was very edgy. We didn't board until 4:15 and immediately had to report to the muster drill, so things didn't get any better. We pushed away from the dock and I think he was hooked within an hour. Due to his health, he has not been able to cruise again, but longs to cruise the Panama Canal.

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We booked our 1st cruise with Celebrity in Nov/05. My DW and I were in a horrific car accident in May/02. Suffice to say our injuries were enough that it took alomst 3 years to get myself mobile again using a wheelchair and sometimes 2 canes. Once that was nearing completion we were able to settle with the insurance company. One fine August day, I had just dropped our youngest (16) dghtr off at a friends and on the way home home I stopped in at a TA to .... get some information on a trip. Our anniversary was coming up in Nov. so on the spot I went ahead and booked and paid for our 1st cruise on Celebrity Constellation in a Sky Suite complete with butler!! When I got home I asked Karen what she would like to do for our anniversary this year since we were pretty flush with $$$. She remarked that she had always wanted to go to the Caribbean wth me, since we had never been there to-gether. I asked if she would be interested in seeing a couple of islands as opposed to just one and tossed her the brochure wishing her a Happy Anniversary!! She was absolutely awe-struck when I told her that it was already booked and paid for in full so there was no backing out now. Not that she would have!!


We booked our second cruise on the Zuidy for this Nov/06 in March of this year.

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OK...remember, you asked!!


DH retired in Aug. 2000. By Nov. he was working for another agency, heading to Europe for two years. It was a very challenging assignment because he was in the Balkans, but it afforded us the luxury of traveling all over Europe. I wasn't with him the entire time because of commitments at home (our youngest was still in college). Fifteen months after returning (Feb. 2004), he was back in Central Asia for a year (I did not go). The living conditions were sometimes extremely difficult. So to make a long story short, in order to get DH through those last few months away, we would talk about the vacation we would take when he returned. We explored all kinds of options, and decided we wanted to do something we had never done before, and the main objective was pampering and relaxation, as he was physically fragile because of the pneumonia he came down with while he was there.


I came up with the cruise idea, something he NEVER wanted to do. It would be too confining, too boring, etc. He’s such an adventure junkie. Well, I had him. He would have agreed to anything at that point, but when we actually started to research it together (thanks to Yahoo Net to Phone), he became very enthusiastic about it. We chose a 10 day Eastern Caribbean on the Volendam in a deluxe suite. OK, I was hooked and DH very agreeable. Within 3 months we booked the Volendam again, this time to Alaska this month.We keep talking about going to S. America & the Amazon, but that will probably have to wait, as we are beginning an extensive remodel and addition to our home.

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OK, Sail, you asked the question... but you haven't shared your story. :)


'Ya know....it's funny. I only asked the question because the Board seemed to be so slow I thought I'd put a few questions out there and see if we couldn't have a bit of conversation.


I never expected to read such wonderful stories. I'm so happy I asked. :)


Our story:


Long before we ever cruised, we did a great deal of domestic/Caribbean/European travel and much of it was with the same wonderful couple. They (she) was considerably older than us and we loved her dearly.


She started to develop various illnesses and travel became harder for her. In the cab, out of the cab, into the airport, out of the hotel, pack, unpack......it all got difficult.


She asked us to consider cruising and said it was something she always wanted to try. We immediately said....Sorry, that just isn't anything we could dream of enjoying. Over a few months, she asked several more times.


Seeing as we really loved her, she wasn't feeling all that great and she wanted to do it, we agreed. BUT there was a clear agreement we made. IF WE DIDN'T LIKE IT (and we fully expected to hate it), she had to promise to not be offended if we left the ship in the first port and flew home. She should not take it personally.


With that agreement, we all boarded Royal Princess. (Beats me why or how our TA sent us there.....we didn't know one cruiseline or ship from another). We walked around, looked around, had lunch in Lido, had a cocktail, went to sailaway, dinner and all four of us shock our heads in amazement we had not tried it sooner.


We loved cruising immediately. We, to this day, are so grateful we 'humored our friend'. We made her happy and she filled a dream. That was her only cruise as she died not long after. She gave us the wonderful of herself and having us in her life and the immense legacy of introducing us to this wonderful world of cruising.


Here's to Celia......Each cruise we take, Celia.......you are with us in spirit!!!

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The summer after my 8th Grade year, my family visited New York City for the first time. The Queen Mary was sailing during one of the days we were there, so we went to Pier 90 and paid our 50 cents per person to get aboard for a visit. I remember the joyous enthusiasm of some passengers who were riding with us in the elevator to the embarkation level. After touring the ship and watching her sail, I thought to myself, "I have got to do that someday, too!" I became extremely interested in ocean liners and started collecting deck plans, menus, sailing schedules, and rate folders for years afterwards.


Finally, my turn came! As a reward to myself for completing my Master's degree, a friend and I booked an 11 day Caribbean cruise on Rotterdam V. My visited to Queen Mary hooked me. Rotterdam V set the hook!


Within weeks upon my return, I began to plan how quickly could I return to cruising and share this experience with my Mother and brother. Since my brother was graduating from college that next year--and Mother had given us both a great deal of help in financing our education, I decided on giving my brother a cruise for a graduation present and also give Mother a "thank you" gift for all she had done for us both. And, of course, I would have to come along as a "tour guide". So, almost a year to the day of my first cruise, we boarded Rotterdam V at Pier 40 for a 9 day Caribbean cruise.


What a wonderful addiction it has been--and is!

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I had just finished reading John Grisham's Skipping Christmas and was intrigued with the idea of "skipping Christmas." Well, it didn’t work out that we were able to sail over Christmas, but we ended up taking our first cruise over New Year’s. We had a wonderful time! But since we took our three kids, and a friend for my daughter (we ended up with three cabins), it cost quite a bit more than what John had budgeted in his book. My hubby always joked that he was going to send the bill to John Grisham since he put the idea in my head. Turns out, my hubby absolutely loved cruising…especially the sea days. I would cruise more often if I could get hubby out of the office. :)

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My older child planned a special Christmas for just the two of us for Christmas time on the Zaandam. It was a 7 day cruise. We have a ten day cruise plan for Christmas of 2006, and we are looking for a European cruise Summer of 2007.


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What was the circumstance under which you chose/decided to take your first cruise?


How long into/after that cruise, did you book your next one?


Honestly, I never thought I would like travel of any kind. It seemed so unsettled to go from place to place, so I never understood people who enjoyed it... but I ended up doing a summer course at Oxford and discovered I loved seeing new things while I was there and going to new places. Travelling was GREAT! Met DH in Oxford and relocated to be with him. Our first cruise (1995) was not a big deal - just another way to travel together and we thought it sounded like fun since we loved on the water going across to Europe. We booked a last-minute Valentine's Day break without thinking much about it other than it would be nice to have a taste of Spain. It was only 3 or 4 nights to Bilbao and return on a P&O ferry in a tiny cabin, but it was wonderful. I don't recall much about the ship other than having a good time. Had a nasty storm on the way back and Gale Force winds; we enjoyed it immensely. Like being on a rollercoaster for hours:D There were other places to go and we went by plane, rail or coach. Didn't think much about another cruise, but if it had come up, we'd have gone.


Second cruise was 8 years later in 2003 to Alaska on Maasdam. Again, had a wonderful time. Who wouldn't love it? Beautiful and elegant ship, fabulous scenery and memories to last a lifetime! If it weren't for DH having an injury, we'd have been on a land vacation in Anchorage that year and wouldn't have considered a cruise again for who-knows-how-long...

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In 1996 at my first full time job, my office manager asked me if I would go away with her on a vacation. She was getting divorced and needed to get away. That was that. Had a great time (what I can remember of it). She had a better time. That first cruise has two great stories. :rolleyes:


Next one was in 1997 a group of friends (we originally met on AOL) and one worked for a travel agency inside a famous basement store. He booked us. It was the inaugural cruise (to nowhere I thought, but we ended up in St. Johns New Brunswick :eek: ). Back to the "what I can remember of it" .....free champagne in the cabin every night. I had my own outside cabin.


So booking of the second didn't really have anything to do with the first. I was still in my Disney World phase then. Now I have grown and realize that a cruise ship is Disney World to an adult. :D


Now the second I get back I am looking for the next cruise (don't think I would book while on board, at least not at this stage in my life).

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Over thirty years ago, I was living in New York and recently divorced.


I heard a cruise was a good place during the summer to meet singles (lots of academic professionals on holiday), so I took a one week cruise to Bermuda. Loved it and had a great time with a group of 8 singles all seated at the same table with a CUNARD officer (who was also single) who joined us every night of the cruise.


Then I met my second wife and we took a cruise together before we got married (how shocking in those days!) and have been together now for 27 years. We spent our honeymoon on a cruise. My wife took a cruise to mourn the loss of her dear mother whom we miss much (I call her the mother-in-law from heaven). We took a transatlantic cruise to celebrate my retirement. Then a cruise to the Canadian maritimes with an all Canadian French-speaking crew which was great (since my wife is a francophone). Best restaurant service, bar none, that we have ever had.


Now, we are doing a double transatlantic (over and back but on different ships) for a business trip I'm doing -- my consulting job that gives me adequate free time to travel.


I left out a few cruises in between all the others -- but for me a cruise is the ideal holiday. I love the sea and I love taking my wife to sea.


Now, if I can just find that slow boat to China . . . .

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Since we almost always travel with my parents I will tell their story, my story and our combined story.


My parents traveled several times a year with another AF couple that they have known for over 50 years now. They did all of Europe, Mexicio several times and also Antigua. One of them suggested a cruise - they all agreed, but thought a short cruise would be best - so they did a 3 or 4 dayer out Miami on the old Commodore line. They were not impressed with the ship, their room, the food or the other passengers. They all agreed never to do it again!


My story - DH surprised DS and myself with a cruise for Christmas in 1991. Since DS was only 3 we decided to try a Disney cruise - this was the old Disney Primier line. To make it more special we decided to go for our Anniversary and then 2 days later DS turned 4 years old. DH said there was only one requirement - he wanted a balcony. It's so funny because the balcaony was the smallest thing I had ever seen - it barely was big enough for one chair. The ship was very rocky and lots of people were getting sick including DS and DH on the short cruise. Needless to say we were not anxious to repeat this vacation.


Fast forward 9 years. My parents wanted to take us all somewhere for their 50th Anniversary. After 9 months of talk someone came up with the idea of a cruise in the Med. My father said his Aunt always cruised on Holland America so maybe we should check that out. We sailed on the old Noordam - immediately loved HAL and it's crew and we were hooked and have been sailing every year since.

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A work colleague had just broken up with her boyfriend. We were working the overnight shift and she said, I would love to get away from everything this weekend, I need some sunshine, warm breezes and a drink in my hand. I said, sounds like a plan to me.


Next morning we called a last minute travel place. Booked a cruise on Tuesday morning, left on Friday that same week! It was a 3 night Carnival cruise to the Bahamas on the Fantasy in February 1991. Loved it!


Next cruise was in June of the same year. Another friend of mine was so distressed about seeing our friends get married and she still being unattached. So we decided to take a "honeymoon" without "honeys" to Bermuda. Bermuda was soooo expensive, but I got a cruise brochure and the price was right. We did a NY to Bermuda cruise on NCL. What a blast! We loved Bermuda.


I would have to say that cruise holds the fondest place in my heart. I met my DH on that cruise. What can I say, I fraternized with a crew member. But 14 years of marriage and we grow more in love each and every day.


Happy cruising, Kathy

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What was the circumstance under which you chose/decided to take your first cruise?


How long into/after that cruise, did you book your next one?

Booked the Rotterdam only because there was a writer's conference taking place onboard that I wanted to attend. Had no desire specifically to cruise. It was a Panama Canal Sunfarer itinerary, but it could have been a journey to Siberia for all I cared. I just wanted to attend the conference.


I booked my next one two days after getting onboard. That next one actually turned out to be my Hawaii/South Pacific cruise that I took this past January. I originally booked a 15-day Hawaii with the future cruise consultant while onboard the Rotterdam, but changed it later for the 30-day one. Then, not six weeks after I got off the Rotterdam, I was on the phone with my TA booking a b2b on the Zuiderdam for summer 2004. Yeah ... the addiction was pretty much instantaneous. :)


Blue skies ...



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What was the circumstance under which you chose/decided to take your first cruise?
It was our honeymoon, 20 years ago this July.


How long into/after that cruise, did you book your next one?
14 years before our next cruise. We couldn't afford another cruise before we had kids and we didn't want to take really little kids on a cruise.
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Our first cruise was on RCCL's (now RCI) Viking Serenade back in November 1991. It was just a 3-day (FRI-MON) Los Angeles-Catalina Island-Ensenade (Mexico) cruise. I remember stepping aboard that ship and thinking "Wow, this can't be a ship, it's gotta be a hotel on land somewhere" It sure didn't look anything like a Navy LSD or LHA either;) . We were a group of thirteen, all from my wife's work, and we had a blast! That little cruise got us hooked and we booked the next one, again on the Viking Serenade, three months later.

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Hasn't anybody else ever won a cruise? That's why we took our first cruise - a local radio station held a contest to determine the date, hour, and minute that the black pelicans would return from winter migration and land on the river in our city for the first time in spring. (We live in the "frozen tundra", and it's amazing what you can do to keep yourself amused while waiting for spring!). I was fortunate enough to be one of the 500 people to enter and my prediction was 1 hour and 1 minute away from the time the birds landed on the river. No, we weren't there to see it, but a local birdwatching society had people stationed throughout the daylight hours.


The prize was a trip for 2 to the Caribbean, so we upgraded it to include our 7 year old son and took Carnival's Jubilee during the summer of '89. DH was annoyed because he just knew he wouldn't like it, but once he was onboard, he became the biggest spokesperson for cruising you would ever want to meet!


We knew we wanted to cruise again and decided that we wanted to see the new millennium arrive aboard a cruise ship. The three of us did just that, aboard Carnival's Paradise (the infamous trip to nowhere), standing on the top deck, champagne in hand, my men in their tuxedos, me in my finery, and no cares in the world at that moment.


The rest is history - we've since been on a Princess cruise, 2 Holland America cruises, with 2 more booked with HAL. I guess we're addicted - but wow, what a wonderful addiction!


Smooth Sailing! :) :) :)

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It's in my genes to travel! My parents were great travelers, and I was bitten by the bug early on. As it happens, my parents actually took a cruise on Sitmar in 1973 to Alaska that was very similar to our first cruise 20 years later. I remember them, not knowing anything about Alaska and following the Eskimo/igloo logic of the times, packing very heavy clothes. They were surprised at the relatively mild temperatures, and had to buy more suitable clothes there. (Dressing in layers was years away!) I still have their photo album from that cruise! Anyway, my DH and I always lived from paycheck to paycheck, and had 3 kids. Then in 1993, we received a personal injury settlement, and decided more than anything, we wanted to see Alaska. A cruise was the easiest way to do that. We left the kids with Grandma (they didn't get to go until the next summer) and figured this would be a once-in-a-lifetime trip. I mentioned to my brother what our plans were, and he suggested HAL. I had been leaning toward Princess, but his suggestion was serindipity! I wondered where his recommedation came from, as he had never sailed on HAL, but had done crossings on the SS United States and the SS France its Inaugural year. He is pretty well traveled, so I took his advice. Never looked back. We booked the cruise-tour that took off from Skagway after sailing up from Vancouver, crossed the Yukon, on to Fairbanks, through Denali, and home from Anchorage. I read as much as I could get my hands on about ships, and cruising. I think I am personally responsible for William H. Miller's ability to afford all those cruises! :) As we waited for the big day to arrive, it struck me (why not before now I don't know) that we would only be on the ship for three nights and two days! NOOOOOO! I've been trying to make up for it ever since! Once we got to Alaska, we both said, "There is no way this will be a once-in-a-lifetime trip! We will definitely come back! And on a longer cruise!" The following summer we brought the kids and did the cross-Gulf. The next year I said to DH, "Gee, wouldn't your folks like to see Alaska?" Two years later my TA called with a hard-to-pass-up deal on Rhapsody of the Seas' Inaugural season to Alaska We had a fabulous room and huge verandah on the stern, but didn't care for RCI. Back to HAL for good! And I have been to Alaska 20+ times since then...8 cruises, and 12 trips on my own. I think I must have been a sailor or sea captain in a former life, because I feel so "home" on the ocean. My daughter is graduating from high school in June, so she and I will celebrate (like we need an excuse for a cruise...ha!) on our first Vista class cruise to Alaska in July. She and I have taken the last four cruises together...just us... and had a blast! My DH has had a few back surgeries as is unable to travel at this time. I hope he gets better, because we have big plans for more cruises when DD gets out on her own. Sorry to be so long winded.

dot73 (my Sister in Survival from breast cancer): We have lots of relatives in Prince Edward County, and one dear lady remotely related to us in St. Catharines. My daughter was assigned a geneology project last year, and we discovered that my DH's ancestors were Loyalists who settled in Marysburgh Township in the 1700s.

OK, I'll shut up now.

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What was the circumstance under which you chose/decided to take your first cruise?


How long into/after that cruise, did you book your next one?


Thirty Nine Years ago I was planning on my first cruise with my Mom, but I meet my future husband and we decided to get married and the cruise money went for our wedding. My DH promised me a cruise. Well then came children and the cruise was postphoned. For our 25th Anniversary we planned a cruise and instead my DH had to have back surgery. Finally for our Thirtieth Anniversary we finally got our cruise. My best friend and her DH also went, my friend and I decided we wanted a seven day cruise because it would be the only one we would ever get. We felt our DH's were far from being excited about going. Three days into the cruise my DH asked when can we book the next one. We will be going on our 13th cruise the end of May not bad for nine years. It would be more but we do have to work My friend and her DH have been on about 16 cruises (their retired). Our cruise this month is to Alaska, our 2nd trip to Alaska. Alaska has been the most beautiful and a family trip with our children and grandchildren was the most fun. We really have a hard time doing vacations to visit family, we only want to cruise. Nothing like the pampering, good food and entertainment we get on a ship, not to mention the enjoyment of total relaxation.

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When I was a child in school the book covers we had to fold to cover the books always had something scientific or artistic on the flap. Somehow in all those years I always got "Halley's Comet Is Coming".


One day I looked up and it *was* coming. I realized I wanted to see it, badly. Most of the decent land places were booked out so I ended up sailing on Vistafjord. We had talks by astronomers during the day and viewing at night. It was the best cruise I have ever been on. And not just for the comet.


I was young and broke then and really scraped the money together. I commented that it was great, but I doubted if I would ever cruise again. One of the (what seemed at the time) older ladies at the table said she had been watching me, I was hooked and I should start building my formal wardrobe by watching sales, buying classics. That way I would be ready at my next opportunity.


True. There was some delay while I got my feet under me in my career, but now I have been on 10 or 15 cruises. Love them. Live for the sea days.


But never once since then have I seen the sky like it was on the Vistafjord with all lights shut down but those legal required. It was like we were actually cruising through the stars themselves. People have said, oh, I know I have been out in the mountains, etc. So have I. A poor substitute for what we saw on that cruise.


Every cruise I hope to see them again like that. So far, no luck.

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When we sold our sailboat, on which we had been living and cruising for almost eight years, we decided to try cruising with someone else at the helm. Our TA suggested HAL and we trusted her judgment. Our first cruise on a "ship" was a two week trip through the eastern Caribbean, Tampa to Venezuela and return on the (previous) Noordam.


We decided that we enjoyed not having to monitor the weather constantly, do our own anchoring, and having someone else do all of the maintenance, etc. was wonderful.


Many of the areas we have visited on a cruise ship we also saw on our own....we've anchored off of Half Moon Cay (then known only as Little San Salvador) with only a few other boats and no island inhabitants....so beautiful.


Though we miss being totally in charge of our own boat, we certainly enjoy cruising. On our last cruise, in 2005, we took our children and grandchildren with us to celebrate our 50th anniversary and a wonderful time was had by all. Alaska is next!

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What was the circumstance under which you chose/decided to take your first cruise?


How long into/after that cruise, did you book your next one?


Great idea for a thread! My story is probably a bit different.


I booked my very first cruise back in the summer of 1993 for May of 1994. The occasion? I realized my 30th birthday was coming up in 1994 and I had a secret wishlist of things I wanted to do just as much as everyone else. It ranged from the practical to the not so likely - I never did get to travel on the Concorde! :) In 1993 I realized I didn't do much on this list at that point and figured I wanted to get one of the remaining items "done" by the time I reached 30. So the cruise was the winner. I took the remaining year to save up the funds to pay off this 4 day Bahamas trip on Carnival. Overall, I enjoyed the vacation but I can't say it wowed me to the point of post cruise depression.


It took another 11 years before I went on my second cruise. It just seemed my money was better spent elsewhere on land vacations. Then in late 2004 our firm's cruise-aholic receptionist started spinning her tales and it got me back into thinking doing a cruise for the second time. Needless to say I booked a Pacific Coastal HAL trip for last fall and I was hooked. Yes, I got the dreaded PCD this time around and moved on to booking my first full week cruise for later this year - just months after returning home from the last one. Now, I find myself looking at 2007 cruises. Once you start you just can't stop!:D


Just call me a late bloomer!

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We had never done much vacationing - I guess putting 3 children through college (1 at MIT and 2 at University of Miami) meant that our time would have to wait. When my daughter married she and her DH took a 4 day Carnival cruise . While they liked the idea of cruising they hated that specific cruise (too bad I didn't know then what I know now!). Several years later when my older son married they took a HAL 7 day cruise for their honeymoon and loved it. That put the cruise idea back on the burner for us, so we booked a cruise in April of 2001 to celebrate our youngest's college graduation. (without him of course):) Our next cruise was in Feb 2002 and we have booked our 6th for Nov. - all on HAL.

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Once upon a time---a long, long time ago, RuthC was young and single and gorgeous, but alas, had little social life.

Then one day the man who gently roused her to wakefulness every morning announced to all his radio listeners that he was organizing a group cruise to Bermuda. Hum..., thought RuthC., Why not go?

And so she did. And she had a marvelous time! She met a handsome officer with whom she kept company on the cruise. And they danced, and talked, and visited places on the island. And Ruth was hooked---not on the officer, but on cruising.

And she has wandered happily ever after.

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