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QM2 November 18th 2006


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"... no cask and limited keg ..."




Disappointing but not altogether unexpected. Well, David, perhaps we can find your favorite in bottles, then! I'll buy you that round even if we have to pop the top first! :-)


Speaking of bottles, you hear loads of talk about wine selections on ships, but not so much about beer ... since we've determined there is little draft - does Cunard keep much of a selection in bottles? Any Belgians? Inquiring minds want to know!


- Spike

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"... no cask and limited keg ..."




Disappointing but not altogether unexpected. Well, David, perhaps we can find your favorite in bottles, then! I'll buy you that round even if we have to pop the top first! :-)


Speaking of bottles, you hear loads of talk about wine selections on ships, but not so much about beer ... since we've determined there is little draft - does Cunard keep much of a selection in bottles? Any Belgians? Inquiring minds want to know!


- Spike


Well, I can definiitely assure you they have Stella Artois.


And a few other good ones


P.S. But not a beer cruise, for sure!

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Hi all,


Did anyone else recieve their voyage information booklet today? I got mine and according to the info ( if im reading it correctly) we only have 2 formal nights (or royal nights as they all them). I was told there would be at least 3 maybe even 4 by cunard when i booked. Not happy if there are only 2 as i love getting dressed up, dont get much chance normally, so i was really looking forward to wearing my posh frocks. I suppose though it will mean less luggage to pack and carry about.


Hope the have stella on tap as was mentioned as i love a pint with my fish and chips.


What time do you reckon embarkation will start as it says in the booklet that you will get an allocated time and not to arrive before then or you will be turned away until your time. Does antone know if this is enforced as our flight arrives Southampton airport at 11am so we would be there about 12 at the latest and i dont fancy sitting on the kerb with cases in hand for hours on end.


Gotta go and eat now, shouldnt have mentioned the fish and chips!



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Hi all,


Did anyone else recieve their voyage information booklet today? I got mine and according to the info ( if im reading it correctly) we only have 2 formal nights (or royal nights as they all them). I was told there would be at least 3 maybe even 4 by cunard when i booked. Not happy if there are only 2 as i love getting dressed up, dont get much chance normally, so i was really looking forward to wearing my posh frocks. I suppose though it will mean less luggage to pack and carry about.


Hope the have stella on tap as was mentioned as i love a pint with my fish and chips.


What time do you reckon embarkation will start as it says in the booklet that you will get an allocated time and not to arrive before then or you will be turned away until your time. Does antone know if this is enforced as our flight arrives Southampton airport at 11am so we would be there about 12 at the latest and i dont fancy sitting on the kerb with cases in hand for hours on end.


Gotta go and eat now, shouldnt have mentioned the fish and chips!






I think you'll find that you'll get 3 formal nights, the usual sequence is casual, formal, formal, informal, formal, casual. Embarkation times are rarely, if ever, enforced. From 1230-1300 you should have no problems boarding.


Why did you metion fish and chips and a pint of Stella? I was being so good and now I have to have that for lunch!


Very best wishes

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I think you'll find that you'll get 3 formal nights, the usual sequence is casual, formal, formal, informal, formal, casual. Embarkation times are rarely, if ever, enforced. From 1230-1300 onwards you should have no problems boarding.


Why did you mention fish and chips and a pint of Stella? I was being so good and now I have to have that for lunch!


Very best wishes


Sorry about my sloppy typing. I'm constantly amazed they let me out on my own.

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Hi all,


"Not happy if there are only 2 as i love getting dressed up, dont get much chance normally, so i was really looking forward to wearing my posh frocks.


it says in the booklet that you will get an allocated time and not to arrive before then or you will be turned away until your time. Does antone know if this is enforced"


I'd happily get the Tux out for all 6 nights if I could!! I wouldn't worry about it, if memory serves I think the booklet we had before our honeymoon said the same thing (I'll check if I remember) but we had three formal. Anyway, we can declare a 'Cruise Critic Formal Night' and get dressed up regardless!


We arrived at about 10-10:30 for a mid-day boarding last time and they didn't bat an eyelid, probably just a bit of 'hype' to stop 2,000 people turning up at once.

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"Stella! .... STELL-A!"


(Sorry, couldn't resist the movie quote ...)


I'll have to have one now, when I am at my brother's house later today for a family gathering ... sadly there will be no fish & chips ... come to think of it, I don't know what they're serving.


BTW, Karie, not looking for a "keg-party-at-sea" ... just that I tend to be more of a beer connoisseur than wine. I like Stella, but prefer Hoegaarden ... and of course if I am really in the mood for "tasting" then a tour through a few 'trappiste' selections is always fun.


Actually, I prefer UK beers as much as anything ... what's wrong with Bass, anyhow? :-) I suppose it's "Irish", but I like the Wexford Cream Ale, too ... though you can only find that sort of thing in a "widget can" here in the 'States. As it happens, we have a very nice "faux-Irish" pub here that is always "Perfect Pour Certified" for their Guinness ... and always has a fair selection of ales and ciders on tap. (A Guinness & Cider snakebite ... now *that* sounds refreshing just now ...)


Ummmm ... enough about beer, I suppse?




Whatever the drink, this crossing will be a wonderful time, and I am truly looking forward to meeting as many of you as possible!


- Spike

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"Stella! .... STELL-A!"


(Sorry, couldn't resist the movie quote ...)


I'll have to have one now, when I am at my brother's house later today for a family gathering ... sadly there will be no fish & chips ... come to think of it, I don't know what they're serving.


BTW, Karie, not looking for a "keg-party-at-sea" ... just that I tend to be more of a beer connoisseur than wine. I like Stella, but prefer Hoegaarden ... and of course if I am really in the mood for "tasting" then a tour through a few 'trappiste' selections is always fun.


Actually, I prefer UK beers as much as anything ... what's wrong with Bass, anyhow? :-) I suppose it's "Irish", but I like the Wexford Cream Ale, too ... though you can only find that sort of thing in a "widget can" here in the 'States. As it happens, we have a very nice "faux-Irish" pub here that is always "Perfect Pour Certified" for their Guinness ... and always has a fair selection of ales and ciders on tap. (A Guinness & Cider snakebite ... now *that* sounds refreshing just now ...)


Ummmm ... enough about beer, I suppse?




Whatever the drink, this crossing will be a wonderful time, and I am truly looking forward to meeting as many of you as possible!


- Spike


Not a HUGE beer drinker, though I have a few favorites. Marc is more the beer connoiseur in the family.

When we were in our beer making phase, I made a lovely Irish Nut Borwn Ale that I nearly cried to open the last bottle. I'd never be able to duplicate, I am sure!

They do have Stella on Tap on the QM2- At least in the Golden Lion's Pub. (Ah, you've made me sad again. When my Dad was an Exalted Ruler of the Elks club, they went to the annual convention, in Texas- Houston or Dallas or somewhere) I remember tales of someone-not my dad- shouting from a balcony in the hotel or convention hall "STELL-A!" Stories from my cool step-mother. Who knew my Dad was a party-animal!?!)

Anyway- a good, nut brown is fine with me, I like Bass, Newcastle, Harpoon is fine, But I also like Tequiza- the one iwth a bit of lime and Blue agave taste to it. It's light for a good summer beer. If I have to drink anything made by Anheuser Busch or Miller or other standard American breweries, just shoot me. I'd rather have horse p....Well, you know. But I am more of a mixed drinker (fits the personality- also quite mixed! Shaken, stirred, what-have-you!) Mojitos are a fave- (hmm, need to go plant some mint) Margaritas- rocks, no salt, Gin and Tonics in a pinch, if you have limited choices- but make it a good gin- Bombay Sapphire is a fave, although I have discovered Magellan- French! Who knew the French made good gin- well, upon investigation, I discoverd the DUTCH invented gin, and the French were also known for it! Magellan is also a good sipping gin, as is Sapphire. Also Tanquery Ten is not bad. And if I am in a mood- martinis- not of that soda pop vodka, for people who don't realy like booze, but want to get drunk or appear sophisticated. A proper martini should contain GIN And not much else- maybeTHOUGHTS of vermouth, that is surely enough. a twist of lime, for color, and you're done! If you keep the gin in the fridge or freezer, you need not even worry about possibly watering it down by shaking and straining with ice!



Who suddenly feels quite thirsty!


P.S. We don't have much here in Colchester, CT. But we DO have a good IRish opub! lousy food, asis proper for an Irish pub,- the ploughman's lunch is edible, mainly because it's hard to ruin it- but every manner of good imported beers on tap- Including not well known ones here in the states!


Hoegaarden- hmm, what does that translate to in English<G>? I didn't know they grew them in gardens! <EG>

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Karie -


I didn't catch whether or not you said, but will you be joining us on this crossing?


I actually had a LEFFE at my brother's today instead of the Stella ... that and a Sam Adams. If you haven't had Hoegaarden, it has been (fairly successfully, I will admit) imitated here in the states by Blue Moon, so if you've had that you know what it's like - BUT FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE don't put any FRUIT in the glass .... UGH!


Actually I hop back-n-forth between beer and cocktails, depending on my mood. I enjoy gin very much as well ... have you ever had a drink called an "Aviation"?


If you like gin, it is a favorite. It is an old "classic" cocktail, rarely found these days (I make them myself) mainly for the difficulty of locating Maraschino liqueur. (Many states do not allow it to be imported, though I've never learned why ...).


You take a nice jigger of good gin, add the juice of a lemon (yes, the WHOLE thing) and then a splash of maraschino. (By the way, if you don't know, maraschino has nothing to do with the red juice cherries are packed in.) It is very good! I also like gimlets made with gin. I do a pretty fair job of flaming an orange or lemon peel ... if you want an interesting read, pick up Dale DeGroff's book 'The Craft of the Cocktail.'


Nothing against wine, of course. I enjoy wine with my evening meal ... as a "pairing" ... but the rest of the time I will generally be found with beer or cocktails.


Now I'm making *me* thristy!


- Spike

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Hi all,


All this talk of cocktails is making me want to take a cruise right now as you just cant get a decent cocktail in Scotland. I long for a decent cosmopolitan, vodka martini and a margarita (straight up, no salt). Yes i like american style cocktails, with lots of alcohol and not a lot else. Here we get them with little alcohol and lots of juice/soda etc and they dont even get served in the correct glasses, i have yet to see a martini glass in all the bars i have ever been in (and thats a lot of bars).


That is one of the reasons i love cruising, the other being the food, take for example that i have my eggs benedict for breakfast, a nice club sandwich for lunch and all the courses on our lavish dinner, if i was to go out and eat all that here it would probably cost around £100+ a day, cruising costs around half of that a day and i get all the entertainment, activities, housekeeping and a chocolate on my pillow thrown in. Fantastic value for money if you ask me!!


This is the busiest week of the year at work for me, its our annual highland games gathering and around 10-15,000 people descend on our normally sleepy little village for the games and the pipe band competition they come from all over the world to compete, so if you dont here from me for a while, i might just be asleep, catching up on some lost zzzzzz.



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Karie -


I didn't catch whether or not you said, but will you be joining us on this crossing?


Actually I hop back-n-forth between beer and cocktails, depending on my mood. I enjoy gin very much as well ... have you ever had a drink called an "Aviation"?


If you like gin, it is a favorite. It is an old "classic" cocktail, rarely found these days (I make them myself) mainly for the difficulty of locating Maraschino liqueur. (Many states do not allow it to be imported, though I've never learned why ...).


You take a nice jigger of good gin, add the juice of a lemon (yes, the WHOLE thing) and then a splash of maraschino. (By the way, if you don't know, maraschino has nothing to do with the red juice cherries are packed in.) It is very good! I also like gimlets made with gin. I do a pretty fair job of flaming an orange or lemon peel ... if you want an interesting read, pick up Dale DeGroff's book 'The Craft of the Cocktail.'



Now I'm making *me* thristy!


- Spike


Sadky, no I will not be joining you. I wish I could join every one of these, includng QE2 and QM2 at the same time!

I have not enjoyed an aviation. I will have to try it. And I am not sure if I have any Maraschino way back in the back of my liquor cabinet. I have some pretty obscure liquers!


Now you must enjoy one of my favorite Blogs. This gent is from NOLA- New Orleans, and his blog kept me enthralled throughout the Katrina debacle. He now lives in California, but has gone back to NOLA to see family and friends and does a NOLA radio show. He also has a book called Digital Dish, which I have, which has recipes and stories from foodies and cocktail aficianados around the world. (Including a fellow with a blog called "meathenge"- Hows's that for a true carnivore!) Anyway, do head over to his Gumbo Pages, and his Blog, Looka- Scroll down on the right hand side to "Cocktail Hour". You can learn about the Original Sazerac Cocktail (now illegal in its origianl form) Peychaud's bitters, with which the Sazerac is now made, and so many others. He is the king of the cocktail. He links many other cocktail pages and blogs. And even some craft brewed beers. And you might even like the Gaelic at the top!

The blog itself has all sorts of content- some of today's news, decidedly with a leftist leaning (Fair warning!) but many with a foodie and cocktail bent. I have emailed back and forth with him. I also have the book Digital Dish, (And read passages to Marc in our favorite up nawth BBQ place) and also the "Doctors Professors Kings and Queens: The Big ol' Box of New Orleans" four disc boxed set of all kinds of NOLA music from Jelly Roll Morton, and Beausoleil, Irma Thomas to Dr. John, the Radiators and the Iguanas. Right on down to Louis Armstrong and "Do you know what it means (to miss New Orleans)


Do check it out. His top story right now:

Ardent Spirits latest Newsletter is out



I suspect you will get a lot out of his blog. But you have fair warning. You may be up all night! Clicking here, clicking there, bookmarking this, printing that!



Who loves good food, good friends, and good drinks to share with them.

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Hi all,


All this talk of cocktails is making me want to take a cruise right now as you just cant get a decent cocktail in Scotland. i have yet to see a martini glass in all the bars i have ever been in (and thats a lot of bars).


the pipe band competition they come from all over the world to compete,




Wait til you see the martini glasses on the QM2. I do belive they have their own thread someone around here!


And don't get me started with the bagpipe jokes!



Who once spent New Years Eve in a dorm at UCLA with a bagpipe band from Eastern Canada (Might have even been Nova Socita- In fact, I think it was!) As we celebrated each successive time zone's New Year. I was 17 at the time. We were there, staying in the dorms to play in the next morning's Rose Parade.



Who used to do all sorts of neat things. Before she got too old, and too pooped to pulsate!

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Donna -


Hope the influx of visitors for the annual event is not too exhausting ... be sure and take a moment to breathe!


From the discussion here, it sounds like whatever sort of gathering we plan for the QM2, it had better involve some beer, wine, and cocktails! :-)


... counting the days ...


- Spike

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Does anyone know whether or not there is any "flexibility" in use of airport transfers when purchased with the sailing?


The reason I ask is that we will be arriving a day before sailing in the UK, and will be staying on in the Miami area after ... should I keep my transfers and expect to be able to use them for transport on different days and to different places, or are these only good for certain transport on sailing days (such as from airport to terminal, etc)?


Does this question even make sense? LOL


- Spike

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My understanding is that transfers are only valid for the day of sailing or debarkation. If you don't want to use them on that day they become invalid. I'm pretty sure it's in the Terms and Conditions in the brochure and on the website.



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Hey, all!


Can't believe we are rapidly approaching the "90 days out" mark!


Especially since I began brainstorming this trip over a year ago ...


Got my tux and tie this week ... just need to make sure it consistently fits between now and November! (Bowflex three times a week for me!)


Is anyone else having trouble thinking about anything other than the QM2?


- Spike

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Hi everyone,


Been hectic at work but now that its all over i am officially in cruise mode.


Spike- All ive been thinking about for the past 14 months is this cruise, and the next one. Time is ticking away quite nicely now, cant believe its soohhh close. I can see it now champagne in hand, sailing away from Southampton, shivering with cold, but hey that wont matter, some nice food, fantastic company and lots of parties.


"Are we nearly there yet mom"



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Well, Pepper ... I've been accused before of being obtuse ...




What I meant was - I can't seem to keep my mind on much besides this trip ... and wondered if anyone else was having the same problem!


(Apparently Donna is in the same boat as I ... figuratively for now, literally come November!)


- Spike

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