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Why is it that I picture all people on a cruise to be a small size 4 just running amuck with their cute little cruise outfits, having the time of their lives. Like I said, this is going to be a dumb question BUT What do you think is the percentage of people on board with a weight problem? And I don't mean being only like 20-30lbs overweight. I mean QUITE overweight. I have a friend who is quite overweight and she said that when she went to Europe, she felt so out of place because everyone there was so thin. I am also overweight and I just want to make sure that I won't feel so much out of place that I'm not going to enjoy my trip. Thanks for answering.

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pam ~~~ The wonderful thing about ships is that it is a mixture of all types of people. And the vacation on that ship, is yours, not theirs. It doesn't matter what percentage of the people are small or big, rich or poor....you are all there to have the time of your lives. Never lose sight of that!! You go and enjoy!!!

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You see everything on a ship. I've cruised at 320lbs and at 170 and have been very comfortable and felt I fit in both times. I don't see weight on people so I can't tell you percentages, but they are going to run like they do in real life on land I bet.

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Why is it that I picture all people on a cruise to be a small size 4 just running amuck with their cute little cruise outfits, having the time of their lives. Like I said, this is going to be a dumb question BUT What do you think is the percentage of people on board with a weight problem? And I don't mean being only like 20-30lbs overweight. I mean QUITE overweight. I have a friend who is quite overweight and she said that when she went to Europe, she felt so out of place because everyone there was so thin. I am also overweight and I just want to make sure that I won't feel so much out of place that I'm not going to enjoy my trip. Thanks for answering.


I can't answer for the rest of Europe, but the UK is not full of stick insects and we have our fair share of 'cuddly' people. Topics related to weight come up so often on these boards that I have learnt the American term 'fluffy', so you are definitely not alone.


Enjoy your cruise; trust me, just about every woman on board will have enough body issues of her own to deal with, so they certainly won't notice yours.


Have a brilliant time, Mary

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Please dont go by the pictures you see in brochures... All models


Please take what you read here with a grain of salt, some posters dont cruise that much.


The passengers on a cruise ship are similar to what you see at your local mall etc. A real cross section I've been on lots of different ones and have seen all kinds of folks..


Have a great time...

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Its not reality TV your watching:D


Both My partner John and I have been heavy. We're talking almost 300lbs, and we've cruised and had a great time met MANY friends we still keep in touch with ( yes some are those 90lb ers that you mentioned).


However two years ago we decieded that we are seeing more and more excursions posting weight limits, so we joined LA weight loss before our PNW cruise. ( BTW I'm not saying anything against anyone ). We both lost considerable weight and both our healths improved. We even STOPPED snoring. We went down to a little over 200 lbs, in 7 months. With healthy eating and excercise.


At that weight we found we had so many more choices. We were not at the IDEAL weights that we 'Should' be at, but were within range.


We are now a little heavier. We gained and leveled out at around 225. Although we are still 'chunky' we still have the health benefits, and our bodys seem to like being at this weight. As for the ideal weight, I would like to tell the Govt. where to shove it. ( BTW it is 165-180 ). We are techically 40 lbs or so overweight.....and we are HAPPY!!!!!


The key to weight is be happy with who you are. Nobody else has to live in your shoes. and although we made the choice to drop a few pounds, it was only to enable us to do other outside activities we might never have been able to do. We still aren't at the ideal weight, but we are at a happy weight, and one that fits our new lifestyle.



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You do not have to worry about sticking out if you are heavy. On cruises with largely American passengers, the percentage of overweight people is about the same as in the general population--in other words, quite a few. Please remember that the cruise advertising you see is using models. All cruisers aren't 20-somethings either! Far from it. You will not feel out of place at all.


A couple of places we saw virtually no overweight people were Thailand and Viet Nam. Those people know how to eat heathily! But the tourists were the normal gamut of weights. In Europe, it depends on which countries you are visitin, I think.

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Since the people on the cruise vary from week to week, it'd be pretty hard to get percentages.


What I can tell you is that on my cruise there was a mix of sizes, shapes and colors and the average cruiser on board probably wasn't a size 4. I'm not a size 4 and there weren't too many people smaller than me.


I don't think you'd feel out of place at all and if you are made to feel that way, it's not your problem, it's whoever's is making it a problem.


So go on and have the time of your life, no matter what size clothing you wear!

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Why is it that I picture all people on a cruise to be a small size 4 just running amuck with their cute little cruise outfits, having the time of their lives..



Statistics show that about 55% of the US population is overweight. So you'll see that ratio on the average cruiseship - perhaps even higher.


Some people are overweight simply because they enjoy overeating and so a cruise, with it's unlimited food supply included in the price, attracts the overeating crowd which probably skews the percentage to even higher than the general US population. So don't worry about it.

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I'll go with Janes answer.


I'm a bit fluffy myself, menopause is being very cruel to me, no matter what or how little I eat, I've still managed to pack on some unwanted lbs. the last 3 years.


But, I still feel within the normal range, somewhere in the middle. I don't at all feel out of place in a size 16 bathing suit. Perhaps it is my age, but I no longer worry about what other people think of my appearance. I try to dress nicely, I do my hair, makeup, nails, pedi. I don't wear clothes that are dirty or wrinkled or that I've had from the 90's, 80's or before. I probably just blend right into the crowd.


You will see a few small sized people, but not really that many.

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I have to agree with everyone else - all shapes and sizes - and being on the "fluffy" side myself - I never felt out of place and the clothes I wore were just fine. (personally I'd like to be a little less fluffy, but I too find it more difficult to lose with menopause - so I'll do what I can do to be healthy and will be happy with it.) Jan

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The thing that looks best on everyone is confidence!! Confidence in who you are and what you bring to the cruise and life itself.


Weight and dress sizes are just numbers. And as we know, one body can fit into many different sizes depending on the designer/manufacturer. The only numbers I need are the winning lottery numbers, so if you have them, share them with all of us!!!


Amy in San Diego, who knows all too well that life is for living and enjoying with your family and friends around you.

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pampaul ~ I know all too well the concerns you're having. My husband and I just went on our first cruise in late May and I spent so much time beforehand fretting and worrying about how I'd look, if I'd fit in, if I'd be the fattest person on the ship. I made myself miserable. (And just for the record, I am 5'7" 180# size 16 so far from the fattest, but the whole "self-esteem self-image issue" I struggle with is a story for another day.)


Like everyone else here has said, there will be men and women of ALL sizes on the ship. In fact, I think the largest women I saw the entire week were the ones enjoying the hot tub ... something I wouldn't even allow myself to do because of my "size" ... oh how I admired their confidence and their attitudes. All the women I saw - of every size - were dressed appropriately and enjoying themselves. That's all that really matters, isn't it?!?!!??


I suffer with such a poor body image that I barely let myself enjoy life. I worry about my weight/my looks/my clothes all the time. Please don't do this!!! Just go on your cruise, have a FABULOUS time, and don't worry what other (insensitive) people may think or say. It's your vacation, you do what YOU want to do!!!

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i'm a large lady and i'm going on my 3rd cruise and i have never felt out of place. i will go into the pool and hot tub also. the only place i have heard people make comments about my weight was at a concert with my 14 year daughter and 2 young girls said whooooooo fat girls like her (pointed at me)are always jealous of us pretty skinny girls. (yes, I was just trying to use the potty):rolleyes: and some LA driver cut me off on the street, rolled down her window and called me you dumb fat lady or something. :rolleyes: no biggie.

So many different people,shapes, colors, sizes, etc on a ship you will feel just fine. :D

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I agree with Jane and Kathy. These are your average group of folks, much as you would see at a suburban mall (well, the women at least, not many men at malls :) ) and the body types vary widely. I do think the percentage of overweight folks can be a bit skewed on many ships due to the abundance of free food.


What I always enjoy is watching such a wide variety of people with the full gamut of body types make the effort to look nice for the evenings aboard. It is nice to see!

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pampaul ~ I know all too well the concerns you're having. My husband and I just went on our first cruise in late May and I spent so much time beforehand fretting and worrying about how I'd look, if I'd fit in, if I'd be the fattest person on the ship. I made myself miserable. (And just for the record, I am 5'7" 180# size 16 so far from the fattest, but the whole "self-esteem self-image issue" I struggle with is a story for another day.)


Like everyone else here has said, there will be men and women of ALL sizes on the ship. In fact, I think the largest women I saw the entire week were the ones enjoying the hot tub ... something I wouldn't even allow myself to do because of my "size" ... oh how I admired their confidence and their attitudes. All the women I saw - of every size - were dressed appropriately and enjoying themselves. That's all that really matters, isn't it?!?!!??


I suffer with such a poor body image that I barely let myself enjoy life. I worry about my weight/my looks/my clothes all the time. Please don't do this!!! Just go on your cruise, have a FABULOUS time, and don't worry what other (insensitive) people may think or say. It's your vacation, you do what YOU want to do!!!


I suffered from this for years and when I look back on it, I cannot believe how hard I was on myself. The one thing that really helped me (besides just years of living) was when a woman fitted me for a bra. I told her I wasn't happy with my body and she told me that she had yet to fit a woman who was, no matter how skinny, tall, shapely, short, you name it, we're all unhappy. Men don't suffer from this poor self image, otherwise you wouldn't see so many pot bellies hanging out.


It may be because we see photos of models, actresses who seem so perfect. Many of them are gorgeous, but you have to remember that a lot of times, those photos are airbrushed to not only improve the appearance of skin, but they can whittle away some thighs, less than perfect upper arms, a sagging chin.


You are a real person and people want to know you, not your imperfections. They're too concerned with their own!


No one is going to make me miss any more fun because I'm not the perfect weight or perfect face.

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You see everything on a ship. I've cruised at 320lbs and at 170 and have been very comfortable and felt I fit in both times. I don't see weight on people so I can't tell you percentages, but they are going to run like they do in real life on land I bet.


First off, I just wanted to congratulate you on your weight loss, getting in shape, etc (I know, I'm late to the party) :D I need to follow your example.


As for the OP, you will size all sizes and shapes on your cruise, just like others have said. You'll see some women and men who look like svelte models, as well as many on the other end of the spectrum. Just like you'll see all ages on the ships. Don't worry about your weight. I've seen many a large, lovely women wearing a two piece with all the confidence in the world, when I at 19 and a size 8 (5'10") can barely bring myself to wear a one piece, let alone a tankini! Confidence made these women lovely, and they would have looked great in anything they wore, so just remeber to love yourself, stop worrying about your weight, and about others, and have a GREAT time :D Now I just need to follow my own advice and let go a bit... lol

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People are all sizes-you see the size 0's like my daughter and you see the 300 pounders and everything in between. The ratio is pretty much what you see in the US everywhere. Most people who are overweight but not obese.


I see no more fat people on a cruise then I do at the local mall or restuarant.

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Why is it that I picture all people on a cruise to be a small size 4 just running amuck with their cute little cruise outfits, having the time of their lives. Like I said, this is going to be a dumb question BUT What do you think is the percentage of people on board with a weight problem? And I don't mean being only like 20-30lbs overweight. I mean QUITE overweight. I have a friend who is quite overweight and she said that when she went to Europe, she felt so out of place because everyone there was so thin. I am also overweight and I just want to make sure that I won't feel so much out of place that I'm not going to enjoy my trip. Thanks for answering.


I do not think it's dumb ?? at all....I had the same concern before I went on one, and my DH had been on 2 before me....he kept saying Your fine, Your fine..............yes I am 25 lbs over and have never felt out of place at all.........I have seen some people 450 lbs or so....and it really doens't matter as we're all there to have a great time..........trust me you will not feel out of place and go and have a fantastic cruise...

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Don't worry. I'm heavy too. You'll feel right at home.


Some places in Europe do have thinner people than the U.S., England comes to mind. I think it's because they walk everywhere! They carry their groceries in shopping bags and think nothing of walking to a tube stop "5 minutes away"... a brisk ten minute hike would be more like it. The tube itself is a workout, walking up and down stairs to change lines. At any rate, they seem to have found a balance between their food and their activity, kind of like our ancestors used to do.

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Hopefully, you have been reading the replies. DO NOT feel uncomfortable about cruising because of your weight (or your friend, either)...You can probably count the size 4's on the ship!!! We're not talking the TV Love Boat where everyone was a star....it's more like "reality TV!!!") and you will definitely see a mix of sizes....and the majority is NOT small.


Like many others on these boards, I've always fought the battle to keep fit after losing 60 pounds about 20 years ago. I TRY to stay within 5 pounds of my range but when cruising, it sometimes doesn't happen. (I'm NOT skinny) That's the nice part about cruising. No one really cares because everyone is having a good time.


Have a great cruise!!!!





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On our first cruise we had 3 very large women (a mother and 2 daugthers) as our table mates. At the time I was an average size 10/12 and my sister was a size 16. (DH and sons also along) The first night at dinner our table mates had to ask for chairs without arms because they were unable to sit in the ones provided. Those armless chairs were always in place when we arrived for dinner each night after that. It could have been an uncomfortable situation but was handled by staff very descreetly. It certainly did not effect our view of our table mates. It did not effect their joy in taking their first cruise. We all had the best time talking about our days adventures while sampling all the wonderful food options. Laughing and talking and enjoying ourselves. Don't let anyone stop you form enjoying your cruise, make the most of it. Be confident and not afraid to ask for what you need to make your time a pleasure.


Just as a side note, over the years I blossomed to a 16/18, developed high everything, dieted, exercised (still) and am now that dreaded 4/6. Much healthier but let me tell you it doesn't matter what size you are you still have the same body issues! What didn't fit right in a 16/18 still doesn't fit right in a4/6, thus the 2 sizes! Don't know many women who are happy with their bodies no matter what size. Just be healthy. I know heavy women who are healthy and thin ones who are not.


As a "thin" person I don't look down on heavy people because I am a heavy person in a thin body...now. Other people see me as thin...I do not. I am still unhappy with buldges and pooches here and there. Just remember that all those thin people are too worried about sucking in their own tummies to even think about anyone else;>


Go, enjoy!

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