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Are kaki shorts and dressy top ok for a smart casual night?


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[quote name='camperhawk'][quote name='madelinerose']Good point, because the [B]vast majority [/B]of cruisers have never heard of or have absolutely no interest in CC. Some know how to dress properly on a daily basis and be properly attired for whatever situation may arise and other's don't and never will. Dressing "appropriately" seems to be on the very bottom of many Americans' priority lists and that's not going to change.

I was in a funeral home this week and it seemed every person under 30ish was dressed in shorts, tanks, camisoles, flip flops, etc. etc. If they've never been told that there's a time and place for everything, hmmmmm.....

CC members seem to be the only cruisers who spend hours upon hours, posts upon posts, reading and asking questions about what to where, when to wear it, what color is "appropriate", is this or that "acceptable".

The majority could care less. If the non-CCers don't know how to dress when they dine in a 3-5 star restaurant , that's [B]if [/B]they've ever even [B]dined[/B] in a 3-5 star restaurant, they certainly aren't going to know when they board a ship. DH and I do. [/quote;)][/quote]

Good points. :)
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How very nice that must have been. Sorry for your loss.

[quote name='camperhawk']sorry was trying to learn how to quote and reply! What I wanted to say was when my dad died last year, all of my sons friends showed up in suits, they looked great and thank goodness for "good upbringing" as my dad always said. He would have been very proud of all them.[/quote]
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[quote name='Ethel5']Maria, you insist on being sarcastic and are trying to start a flame war and we are not buying into it. So for your edification let me go over the points made:

1. Pregnancy is a healthy state not an illness. The OP is only mid-term.
2. Pregnant women can dress appropriately and for very little money.
3. Not quite so healthy folks are taken care of on cruises-but that's not the
issue here. They too are expected to, and do dress for the occasion.
4. Shorts are not allowed in the dining room for dinner.
5. If anyone, pregnant or not, is so infirm as to be unable to dress for dinner,
then they should stay close to full medical facilities.
6. It seems that you are in the minority as most posters agree that shorts are
not proper dress-pregnant or not.

What don't you get?[/QUOTE]

Ethel - What I don't get is YOU starting this Flame war weighing in with your saracastic remarks TO ME when I put my opinion in that I feel a Pregnant lady can do what feels comfy for her. If you RE-READ the Thread it is YOU that got all SNOOTY with a flame to me FIRST. I just added to YOUR comment to me. The other posters have stated their comments in a civil manner. Don't start something if you don't want something back then try to twist the situation around.
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[quote name='airgirl']Ethel - What I don't get is YOU starting this Flame war weighing in with your saracastic remarks TO ME when I put my opinion in that I feel a Pregnant lady can do what feels comfy for her. If you RE-READ the Thread it is YOU that got all SNOOTY with a flame to me FIRST. I just added to YOUR comment to me. The other posters have stated their comments in a civil manner. Don't start something if you don't want something back then try to twist the situation around.[/QUOTE]

Why do you feel that because someone is pregnant they don't have to follow the rules?

As far as comfort it has been pointed out several times by people much more qualified then me that there are options other than shorts that are just as comfy or more.

I think it is obvious that Ethel's post are conveying a valid opinion and your responses are the only flames being thrown.

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I'm with Kellie - one good pair of black slacks (or two - one velveteen and one linen) with a stretch waist, and you can pair them up with different tops. Go for something faux-satin in a top with dressy jewelry, dressy sandals and a beaded shawl or wrap and you'll even be good for formal night, if you don't want to buy a dress you won't wear again in that size. Wear a nice cotton blouse or linen top with khaki or linen slacks and dress it up with a little jewelry for regular nights.

It's not terribly warm in the dining rooms even if it is warm outside so don't worry about wearing pants. Don't miss the main diningroom experience just because of fashion concerns - no one will know if you wear the same slacks over again as long as you switch blouse and jewelry. I guarantee you'll feel perfectly comfortable with how you're dressed. If you're watching your cash, try a thrift or consignment store. Only bring costume jewelry - it looks fab and you don't have to worry about losing a earring.

Have a wonderful time and remember, the main dining room is a fun chance to dress up a little and be pampered - just what an expectant mom should be. Congrats on your baby and enjoy your trip!
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Please do not jump down my throat for saying this...it is only my opinion.

Shorts are hugely popular this season. They are all over the runway. I have a pair in a black dressy fabrick that when paired with a gorgeous top, sexy heels and fabulous jewelry look amazing. They are just past my knee so really, it looks like a black skirt. I think an outfit like this would be fine to wear to dinner. It is not the same as wearing a pair of jean shorts or cotton shorts.
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[quote name='thechandlers99']Please do not jump down my throat for saying this...it is only my opinion.

Shorts are hugely popular this season. They are all over the runway. I have a pair in a black dressy fabrick that when paired with a gorgeous top, sexy heels and fabulous jewelry look amazing. They are just past my knee so really, it looks like a black skirt. I think an outfit like this would be fine to wear to dinner. It is not the same as wearing a pair of jean shorts or cotton shorts.[/QUOTE]

I totally agree....your outfit idea sounds perfect for any of the non formal nights in the dining room, just as a nice pair of capris, paired with a dressy shirt would be appropriate. However, anyone wearing shorts, no matter how dressy should be prepared to be turned away if the Maitre d sees fit to adhere to the rule....

Airgirl.....I think your point is well taken....and you make some valid points. However, it does appear that some of your posts in this thread have a bit of flame in them...There is nothing wrong with differing opinions...that is what makes this board so interesting...Keep posting as your opinions matter, just as everyone on cc does!!

Have a great weekend
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[quote name='thechandlers99']Please do not jump down my throat for saying this...it is only my opinion.

Shorts are hugely popular this season. They are all over the runway. I have a pair in a black dressy fabrick that when paired with a gorgeous top, sexy heels and fabulous jewelry look amazing. They are just past my knee so really, it looks like a black skirt. I think an outfit like this would be fine to wear to dinner. It is not the same as wearing a pair of jean shorts or cotton shorts.[/QUOTE]Opinions are good... but that still doesn't make shorts acceptable in the dining room for dinner. The dress code says no shorts allowed. I don't understand how or why that is ambivalent or open to interpretation.
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[quote name='Pam in MA']The dress code says no shorts allowed. I don't understand how or why that is ambivalent or open to interpretation.[/quote]

As long as the cruise line chooses NOT to enfore their dress code, people will dress as they want...right or wrong. It would only take one or two times of a person being turned away from dinner before they started to follow th dress code. Apparently it is not as important to the line as it is to some of the passengers!
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[quote name='mstv']Sorry if this was posted a hundred times. I'm new to the board and just figured I'd ask for help.

I'm not trying to be inappropriate for dinner by dressing, it's just that I'm in the middle of my 2nd trimester of pregnancy and am trying not to buy too many maternity clothes since I have to buy clothes for both the summer and winter seasons. I have a lot of summer maternity shorts, but was hoping to wait on buying maternity pants until I'm a little bit bigger. I'm a teacher so I really don't have to "dress to impress" until school starts again (and by then I'll be considerably bigger and will need bigger clothes.) I just wanted to know if kacki and black shorts would be acceptable since they are a step up from jean shorts...but I guess my husband will just have to suck it up and take me shopping again...darn..ha ha. ;) thanks for the advise everyone! Enjoy your trips![/quote]

Congratulations! Unfortunately, some people here forget what it is like to be a new cruiser and seem to take offense at simple requests for information. Shorts are not supposed to be allowed at dinner, and some cruisers will become inordinately distressed if you show up in shorts. Good grief, people, can't we cut an expectant mother just a little slack?
I hope you really enjoy your cruise! What you determine to be appropriate dress will not make or break my cruise one way or another! (By the way, I will be the woman who the rest probably decide is too extravagantly dressed! LOL!!)
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VonS.....I am in total agreement with you.....You put it very well....The OP asked a ??....and I didnt think in any way was trying to skate by a dress code....just a first timer asking what the norm was....I like to dress for dinner....but I dont even notice what most people are wearing, unless I see a dress I really admire.....and think...hmmmmmm...I will have to keep my eye out while shopping for something like that for the next cruise....
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As the OP was asking about casual nights, I think that if she's already showing, then a maternity top that's long enough over leggings or longish bike shorts (again, this was a staple of my maternity outfit as my last few months -- when I started showing -- was in late spring and summer). If she's "showing", she'll probably be "glowing" and I think many of her fellow passengers will be checking that out, not her clothes. I was one of several pregnant women on that cruise nine years ago and I don't think many of us even cared what others thought. I certainly didn't.
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Here's the bottom line for me, your mileage may vary. The line says no shorts. It puts it in all the literature. They expect us to be adults and read the literature and say, "Well, it says no shorts Mildred. You can't wear those." It does not say, "No shorts except if you don't get caught by the Maitre D, or no shorts, unless they are really expensive and you know *how* to wear expensive shorts. It also does not say, "no shorts unless you have a medical condition and have decided not to purchase a pair of pants." The line says, "no shorts."

Now people say that, "I've never been kicked out for wearing shorts, go for it." Yet, some people have indeed been not admitted becuase of shorts. Just because *you* have not been personally asked go back to your cabin and change does not mean the OP will not be.

Others are saying, "Well other people do it, you should too." Except the OP said she is a teacher and she knows how much that washes with kids. My boys come up to me every day with, "Jimmy's parents let him do it." Good for Jimmy. If Jimmy wants to justify it, then he can, but the rule is...

It's not a matter of what others think. The line says, "no shorts." It's an easy rule to follow. I see a lot of justification for breaking it, but if she's asked to leave the dining room because she's in shorts how much fun is the cruise going to be? Maybe chancing a walk back to your room is no big deal, but I've been there and done that and waddling off to change my clothes would make my night less fun. Besides, why put yourself in a position to be "Caught?" Why sit there and justify breaking one of the few rules the line has? Is it really that disruptive to our lives to not wear shorts? Come on people.
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[quote name='Nliedel']Here's the bottom line for me, your mileage may vary. The line says no shorts. It puts it in all the literature. They expect us to be adults and read the literature and say, "Well, it says no shorts Mildred. You can't wear those." It does not say, "No shorts except if you don't get caught by the Maitre D, or no shorts, unless they are really expensive and you know *how* to wear expensive shorts. It also does not say, "no shorts unless you have a medical condition and have decided not to purchase a pair of pants." The line says, "no shorts."

Now people say that, "I've never been kicked out for wearing shorts, go for it." Yet, some people have indeed been not admitted becuase of shorts. Just because *you* have not been personally asked go back to your cabin and change does not mean the OP will not be.

Others are saying, "Well other people do it, you should too." Except the OP said she is a teacher and she knows how much that washes with kids. My boys come up to me every day with, "Jimmy's parents let him do it." Good for Jimmy. If Jimmy wants to justify it, then he can, but the rule is...

It's not a matter of what others think. The line says, "no shorts." It's an easy rule to follow. I see a lot of justification for breaking it, but if she's asked to leave the dining room because she's in shorts how much fun is the cruise going to be? Maybe chancing a walk back to your room is no big deal, but I've been there and done that and waddling off to change my clothes would make my night less fun. Besides, why put yourself in a position to be "Caught?" Why sit there and justify breaking one of the few rules the line has? Is it really that disruptive to our lives to not wear shorts? Come on people.[/quote]

Exactly! Thank you.:)
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I hate to add to the debates -- but you all should be aware that shorts are NOT banned from the dining room for women, teens and children -- at least they were not on our last Diamond Princess cruise this past May. One of our party -- who I thought was inappropriate -- by the way -- attempted to wear shorts into the dining room because he saw multiple others doing it the night before. The head water stopped him and told him he had to change. Then, they seated two women and a teenage boy next to us all in shorts. I asked to speak to the Head waiter for the ship as I had not problem with them requiring our party to change -- but let's be fair -- I was told that women, teenagers and children are allowed to wear shorts. Only men are told they can not.
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Congratulations on your baby! You are going to have a great time on your cruise and I hope you find it relaxing. I wouldn't worry too much about what you wear for dinner.I agree with some that you should wear what you want when you are pregnant and if you wear a longtop over shorts they wouldn't be much different than wearing a mini skirt. You might want to try The Gap's online maternity store - I got some great pants that had an adjustable waistband that you can expand as your baby grows. Mine lasted through two pregnancies and they offer some great sales too.

Enjoy your cruise!
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[quote name='kendon']Agree with Ethel5.[/quote]

With all due respect to the Mom to Be, I must also agree with Ethel5. Pregnant or not, shorts do not belong in the formal dining room at dinner. I fail to see why pregnancy should excuse the dress code. Shorts are no more comfortable than a dress anyway, especially if you have an enlarging waistline. Karen
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[quote name='stoneharborlady']With all due respect to the Mom to Be, I must also agree with Ethel5. Pregnant or not, shorts do not belong in the formal dining room at dinner. I fail to see why pregnancy should excuse the dress code. Shorts are no more comfortable than a dress anyway, especially if you have an enlarging waistline. Karen[/QUOTE]
OMG...the OP (new to the boards) asked a question, got an answer, agreed with all the advise she got & your still picking on her, I ususally don't interfere with clothes threads buy O Man already, give her a break!!!
I'm starting to think you are all a bit cuckoo!!!
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[quote name='kingtns']OMG...the OP (new to the boards) asked a question, got an answer, agreed with all the advise she got & your still picking on her, I ususally don't interfere with clothes threads buy O Man already, give her a break!!!
I'm starting to think you are all a bit cuckoo!!![/quote]

I was just chiming in with my 2 cents, for what its worth. I meant no disrespect to the OP, nor do I consider my reply to be rude or argumentative. Also, with only one cruise in my experience, and not much longer than two years as a member of this board I consider myself fairly new too!! Karen
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