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HAL's Tipping Policy


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I'm still with 2%. There's just so much I'm going to give up. I've given up "enriched" anything along with "partially hydrogenated" any kind of oil or fat ... no more trans fats, etc., etc.


It's all too much. So the little bit of milk I'm putting on my cereal is going to be 2% and I'm not going any lower!!!:D

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Good job Hammy!

By the way, Soy Milk:eek: Yuck!

On a group of beautiful deserted tropical islands in the middle of nowhere, the following people are suddenly stranded by, as you might expect, a shipwreck:


2 Italian men and 1 Italian woman

2 French men and 1 French woman

2 German men and 1 German woman

2 Greek men and 1 Greek woman

2 English men and 1 English woman

2 Bulgarian men and 1 Bulgarian woman

2 Japanese men and 1 Japanese woman

2 Chinese men and 1 Chinese woman

2 Belgian men and 1 Belgian woman

2 Irish men and 1 Irish woman


One month later on these same absolutely, stunningly beautiful desert (and deserted)Islands in the middle of nowhere, the following things have occurred:


One Italian man killed the other Italian man for the Italian woman


The 2 French men and the French woman are living happily together in a menage-a-trois


The 2 German men have a strict weekly schedule of alternating visits with the German woman.


The 2 Greek men are sleeping with each other and the Greek woman is cleaning and cooking for them.


The 2 English men are waiting for someone to introduce them to the English woman.


The 2 Bulgarian men took one look at the endless ocean, another long look at the Bulgarian woman, and started swimming...


The 2 Japanese men have faxed Tokyo and are awaiting instructions.


The 2 Chinese men have set up a pharmacy, a liquor store, a restaurant, and a laundromat. And have got the woman pregnant in order to supply employees for the store.


The 2 Belgian men are contemplating the virtues of suicide because the Belgian woman keeps endlessly complaining about her body, the true nature of feminism, how she can do everything they can do, the necessity of fulfillment, the equal division of household chores, how sand and palmtrees make her look fat, how her last boyfriend respected her opinion and treated her nicer than they do, how her relationship with her mother is improving, and at least the taxes are low, and it isn't raining....


The 2 Irish men have divided the Island into North and South and set up a distillery. They do not remember if sex is in the picture, because it gets sort of foggy after the first few liters of coconut whiskey. But they are satisfied because at least the English aren't having any fun.

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On a group of beautiful deserted tropical islands in the middle of nowhere, the following people are suddenly stranded by, as you might expect, a shipwreck:


You forgot the 2 Dutch men and 1 Dutch woman.


One month later:


The 3 Dutch have still not figured out which of them was the woman :) and passed the time with 'droge humor'.

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Copper and Hammybee:


I have a little time on my hands....:rolleyes: So here's another version....


There were two Dutchmen and one Dutchwoman who were also shipwrecked. The 2 Dutchmen formed a trading and real estate consortium. They have a business deal with the Chinese to market and set up franchises for the various businesses on the remaining islands (which they have purchased.) They now also own the Irish distillery, and are experimenting with coconut schnapps.


(The Dutch lady, the Bulgarian lady, the Japanese lady, the English lady and the Irish lady have settled on a very nice island together, and run a tea room/gift shop/pannekoeken and noodle house. The Dutch lady has made introductions for everybody, and so now the English gentlemen are regular visitors. Everybody lives happily ever after.)

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It's so good to see MaM back on the boards:) !!


John, I have never known anyone with such a bottomless pit of humor:D .


Hammybee, wasn't that weird? Even when I posted it didn't show ... I couldn't get to it. Never thought to post again to bring up the next page. Good thinking!

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It's so good to see MaM back on the boards:) !!


John, I have never known anyone with such a bottomless pit of humor:D .


Hammybee, wasn't that weird? Even when I posted it didn't show ... I couldn't get to it. Never thought to post again to bring up the next page. Good thinking!

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After reading all 211 posts, I was really looking forward to posting some comments about tipping that I don't think ANYONE has posted before ;)


I was terribly disappointed to see that the horse is dead and buried... are there other tipping-related flame-fests going on that I could join? hee hee!



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After reading all 211 posts, I was really looking forward to posting some comments about tipping that I don't think ANYONE has posted before ;)


I was terribly disappointed to see that the horse is dead and buried... are there other tipping-related flame-fests going on that I could join? hee hee!




Shiver me timbers! No worries Matey! This is one hot topic that will spring up somewhere else sooner or later.....or you can start your own! Aaaarg, Ahab!!

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After reading all 211 posts, I was really looking forward to posting some comments about tipping that I don't think ANYONE has posted before ;)


I was terribly disappointed to see that the horse is dead and buried... are there other tipping-related flame-fests going on that I could join? hee hee!




Jenny, don't let that stop you!!! I've seen many a thread resurrected many a time. No one gets to say when a horse is dead and buried except our Hosts.


So fire away!:D

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  • 1 month later...

Jenny in Jamaica..........Would like to hear your coments on tipping.


My daughter and I just came off a cruise 10/22-11/1 on the Zaandam 10 days to Mexico the sea of Cortez. Found out some things I haven't read before on this thread. Our cabin stewart told us he received 30 per cent of the 35.00 we thought went to him..also the same for the waiter. The rest went into a pool for people who didn't get tips.


I asked a supervisor at the desk if this were correct, she said yes...the stewart and waiter both get 30 per cent of the 35.00. So that means on a 10 day cruise with 2 people in the cabin each one gets 21.00. They both work pretty hard for 2.10 per day each.


She said the balance goes to the kitchen help...servers at the Lido and dining room,laundry helpers,cleaners on the ship etc etc etc.


I asked if I took the 35.00 off and paid the stewart and waiter could they keep it and she said no they would have to report it and it would be put in a pool. If I left it as is and tipped them extra they could keep it.


Our room stewart said he liked it the old way, now he had to wait until the end of the month and rec'd it on his paycheck.


I wonder if it averages out any way if they had to share it with other members of the ship to get laundry quickly...or the waiter had to share with people in the galley or dining room.


Maybe this is only the policy on the Zaandam....I don't know. Anyway we tipped them extra to make up for it....I would be all for them charging more for the cruise and go back to the old tipping policy.

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Jenny in Jamaica..........Would like to hear your coments on tipping.


My daughter and I just came off a cruise 10/22-11/1 on the Zaandam 10 days to Mexico the sea of Cortez. Found out some things I haven't read before on this thread. Our cabin stewart told us he received 30 per cent of the 35.00 we thought went to him..also the same for the waiter. The rest went into a pool for people who didn't get tips.


I asked a supervisor at the desk if this were correct, she said yes...the stewart and waiter both get 30 per cent of the 35.00. So that means on a 10 day cruise with 2 people in the cabin each one gets 21.00. They both work pretty hard for 2.10 per day each.


She said the balance goes to the kitchen help...servers at the Lido and dining room,laundry helpers,cleaners on the ship etc etc etc.


I asked if I took the 35.00 off and paid the stewart and waiter could they keep it and she said no they would have to report it and it would be put in a pool. If I left it as is and tipped them extra they could keep it.


Our room stewart said he liked it the old way, now he had to wait until the end of the month and rec'd it on his paycheck.


I wonder if it averages out any way if they had to share it with other members of the ship to get laundry quickly...or the waiter had to share with people in the galley or dining room.


Maybe this is only the policy on the Zaandam....I don't know. Anyway we tipped them extra to make up for it....I would be all for them charging more for the cruise and go back to the old tipping policy.


Perhaps you misunderstood. As has been explained many, many times, 3.50 of your $10 per day goes to them The REST is divided among a group of others.

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OMG how we hate you Americans with your tipping policies. Its a total load of Cr......p. On a 28 day trip from Vancover, most Aussies, Kiwis and some Canadians got together and said to hell with this, this is their way, certainly not our way, and then someone worked out on the exchange rate exactly what it would cost us all... MOst people then went to the Front Office (enuf said about that sham also), and cancelled. We did not tip in US dollars we tipped in something more compatible to where the ship is currently cruising. I instructed my cabin boy to hide what we gave him, he had not seen it. I wonder if they just tell you guys that in order to extract more money from you. Our cabin boy came back gave me a big kiss and asked for my address and phone number so he can contact us when back in our city. So what do you think America. and I know damn well that what we gave our two waiters they had NO intention of sharing that with anybody else.


Down-under we do NOT TIP, maybe rarely after one "dam" good dinner, but it has to be exceptional service.


We do not believe in paying for what the employer should be doing themselves. Paying an appropriate salary, for sure as god made little apples they sure as hell work the butts off their employees. Beside that we believe we all paid "TOP DOLLARS" there was no short cuts for any of us, no discountingl, NOTHING, so in effect we were also subsidising a heap of you all. Believe me that is the last cruise for us from North America, its just too cruel, because once on board we got absolutely fleeced to the point where we all became tee-total! By the time we allowed for the exchange rate it became totally prohibitive, quite frankly I will not allow any bugger to ROB or rip me off. I don't mind spending money but when it comes down to $NZD10 for one glass of house wine, FORGET IT MATE.


So now you know how we feel about the American policy of TIPPING.

You might be interested to know, that on cruises out of Australasian ports the most we have ever paid is $AUD6.50, and then the most prominant members of the crew that had served us well were still hanging out for more tips, having shared the other with the laundry boy............................ So how come they ask for so much more from Americans?????????????????????????? and still expect a tip on top of this. Are you all so very rich?


There you go, I now feel so much better for having my VENT. Just like a Rotorua geyser :-)

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Chilalrygirl we will be travelling soon in New Zealand and Australia very soon and based on what you have just told us, we will tip accordingly. We will have someone handling our luggage at various times. We will have someone making up our room and waiting on us. We will be going on tours and asking advice and in all the time you say we do not have to tip anyone because as you say they are just doing their job. Now of course if someone goes out of their way that would be a different thing and a tip would be a nice jester. I like that, I believe myself that the tipping thing is way overdone. We have worked very hard for our wages, while not in the tourist business, but we did not expect tips for doing our job and did receive a bonus either. I really hope that if we follow your advice we will not upset anyone.

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Chilalrygirl we will be travelling soon in New Zealand and Australia very soon and based on what you have just told us, we will tip accordingly.


I'll also be headed back to Australia shortly, but I've found that Fodor's Tipping Guide is much closer to reality than ChivalryGirl:


"Hotels and restaurants do not add service charges, but it is a widely accepted practice to tip a waiter 10%-12% for good service, although many Australians consider it sufficient to leave only A$3 or A$4. It is not necessary to tip a hotel doorman for carrying suitcases into the lobby, but porters could be given A$1 a bag. Room service and housemaids are not tipped except for special service.

Taxi drivers do not expect a tip, but you may want to leave any small change.

Guides, tour bus drivers, and chauffeurs don't expect tips, though they are grateful if someone in the group takes up a collection for them.

No tipping is necessary in beauty salons or for theater ushers. "

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Chilalrygirl we will be travelling soon in New Zealand and Australia very soon and based on what you have just told us, we will tip accordingly. We will have someone handling our luggage at various times. We will have someone making up our room and waiting on us. We will be going on tours and asking advice and in all the time you say we do not have to tip anyone because as you say they are just doing their job. Now of course if someone goes out of their way that would be a different thing and a tip would be a nice jester. I like that, I believe myself that the tipping thing is way overdone. We have worked very hard for our wages, while not in the tourist business, but we did not expect tips for doing our job and did receive a bonus either. I really hope that if we follow your advice we will not upset anyone.

Boards I hope you have a lovely time in New Zealand. Its a scenic beauty. Just had a ring from my friend from Statendam who is spending her last day in NZ today, they were in Christchurch having done the country from North to South, she was absolutely estatic, over the moon and already planning to come back as she said almost 3 weeks was just not long enuf.

In NZ we have a minimum wage policy so no one is totally disadvantaged and I think most jobs pay over the top of that. Tourist industry is probably the worse and maybe some ppl have got used to Americans tipping, but we do have a "no tipping" policy and we most certainly would never dream of tipping unless like you say someone had gone over the top to help us. It is very hard when we travel to the US as we kinda don't think about it and then wham, you sit down and buy a cup of coffee and then look at each other and go, what do we add here, its really totally frustrating.

Enjoy N Z

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I'll also be headed back to Australia shortly, but I've found that Fodor's Tipping Guide is much closer to reality than ChivalryGirl:


"Hotels and restaurants do not add service charges, but it is a widely accepted practice to tip a waiter 10%-12% for good service, although many Australians consider it sufficient to leave only A$3 or A$4. It is not necessary to tip a hotel doorman for carrying suitcases into the lobby, but porters could be given A$1 a bag. Room service and housemaids are not tipped except for special service.

Taxi drivers do not expect a tip, but you may want to leave any small change.

Guides, tour bus drivers, and chauffeurs don't expect tips, though they are grateful if someone in the group takes up a collection for them.

No tipping is necessary in beauty salons or for theater ushers. "


I don't live in Australia I was talking about my home coungtry and besides what you have basically quoted a "no tipping" policy, its common sense really.....I holiday in Aussie also, I would never tip in a hotel or restaurant for a meal, and most Aussies would not either, I might slip the boy a small tip for carting my luggage, but I might not either, the Aussies were also moaning their heads off on the ship about the tipping policy, their attitude is no different to mine. They also had the tips removed and looked after the people they wanted to tip, just like us. I live down here, you do NOT! I eat out frequently, we do not tip, nor do we get chased out onto the street, and we are welcomed back just as warmly the next time we go. But like I said to Boards you Americans have probably stuffed it for yourself by throwing your cash around while travelling.........

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I had to go organise breakfast for my DH, but while I was doing that I was thinking about leaving the ship in Auckland. There were no porters so to speak pierside, there were security guys (who I suspect were being paid by HAL), the were taking over luggage and wheeling it off to taxis etc. they were most certainly not looking for tips, the idea I believe was to clear the ppl from the ship just as quickly as was humanly possible and I assume that was what HAL had arranged.

One differece between Auckland and Sydney airports, we don't charge for wheelie trolleys, Sydney does, I can't remember but I think it was $3 into the machine to unlock it. So maybe you might pay more over there than here..................

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I don't live in Australia I was talking about my home coungtry and besides what you have basically quoted a "no tipping" policy, its common sense really.....I holiday in Aussie also, I would never tip in a hotel or restaurant for a meal, and most Aussies would not either, I might slip the boy a small tip for carting my luggage, but I might not either, the Aussies were also moaning their heads off on the ship about the tipping policy, their attitude is no different to mine. They also had the tips removed and looked after the people they wanted to tip, just like us. I live down here, you do NOT! I eat out frequently, we do not tip, nor do we get chased out onto the street, and we are welcomed back just as warmly the next time we go. But like I said to Boards you Americans have probably stuffed it for yourself by throwing your cash around while travelling.........


I didn't say you did live in Australia, but thsat I was visiting OZ. Boards noted that they were visiting both countries.


The main point is that we all should observe local custom about tipping whereever we happen to be. And it's my limited observation (based on conversations with the few dozen folks I know in Sydney & Melbourne) that Aussies think Americans overtip and Kiwis undertip...

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Ha ha bloody ha, very funny!!!!!!!

Think what you like, believe me I know a lot more Aussies than you, I frequently spend time in Sydney with relatives, we eat out a lot and do all sorts of other things. THEY DO NOT TIP


I know plenty of North Americans who don't tip, either. That doesn't mean that most Americans believe in a "no tipping" policy, though.

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