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Bad Teen Behavior

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I would kick my kids' butts from here to there if they did that!!!! Our kids are 6 & 7 and although still young, never just run about and scream-bug others, make messes in stores, climb in displays, etc like I see other children. The teens who did this were the typs who probably were aloowed to run all over as young children and the parents probably just said, oh they are just being kids! HAH! You have to start out with them when they are young, it is the parents fault to some degree.

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Good to hear about RCCL kicking kids and their parents off the ships. A few years ago, some teens set fire to the Explorer's Roller blade track and got caught on security tapes. They and their parents were thrown off at the next port which I think might have been Nassau at the end of the cruise.

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"Kids these days" aren't the only kids that have ever stolen alcohol. These kids did something stupid and will have to face the consequences. I am sure alcohol has been stolen before by kids and adults but not all "kids these days" would go as far as to commit a crime to obtain alcohol.


Yikes! :eek:

Ok, then let me rephrase my generalization .... :rolleyes:


I guess its hard for me to imagine what really bad people will do these days.


I repent in dust and ashes.

We now return to our original cc thread already in progress. ... :)

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If they do that with there mothers knowledge, what would they do if she turned them loose on a ship.


I think this might be the mother that we overheard on embarkation day.

She said that she was so happy to be cruising with her children, so she could have a vacation from parenting :rolleyes:

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Good to hear about RCCL kicking kids and their parents off the ships. A few years ago, some teens set fire to the Explorer's Roller blade track and got caught on security tapes. They and their parents were thrown off at the next port which I think might have been Nassau at the end of the cruise.


$25 says that these parents are now griping about how they were unjustly thrown off of the ship! :rolleyes:

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$25 says that these parents are now griping about how they were unjustly thrown off of the ship! :rolleyes:


And probably contacting an attorney to represent and sue RCCL for interrupting their vacation which they paid for so they were entitled to complete.

I hope they had Passports for themselves and their children. :)

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It is kind of funny that you used that phrase "Grumpy old folks". A few years ago that is what my wife and I were called when we complained to a mother about her two boys, ages 10 and 12.

We were at a restaurant eating when we noticed frinch fries landing on the floor next to our table. This occurred several times.

We then saw the two boys throw some more in our direction. When we complained to their mother she said "boys will be boys". When I said they were a little to old to be doing that, she got mad and told the two boys "they are just a couple of grumpy old folks".

If they do that with there mothers knowledge, what would they do if she turned them loose on a ship.

Actually Gary, my comment was a poke at Grumm's comment about throwing bratty kids overboard, thus the "GruMMpy". Lame joke.....:)

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Yikes! :eek:

Ok, then let me rephrase my generalization ....




I repent in dust and ashes.

We now return to our original cc thread already in progress. ... :)

Now post that same generalization in the thread about sneaking alcohol onboard ship and all is great! It just really blows my mind that people are quick to condemn kids that break the rules and in this case the law, but have no problems breaking rules themselves. Having said that, I know you haven't posted in that thread so my generalization is not directed at you, just people in ummmmmmm....general.:eek: :D :p

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And probably contacting an attorney to represent and sue RCCL for interrupting their vacation which they paid for so they were entitled to complete.

I hope they had Passports for themselves and their children. :)

The video tapes were a pretty good trump card I bet. I think the contract says the Captain has discretion to remove misbehaving passengers. And I've hear that sometimes this is reiterated in the Compass.

And I hope the Captains keep removing obnoixious kids and others who disturb people's vacations and like the pyro-kids on the Explorer, endanger other passengers.

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Wow!!! :eek: I guess its hard for me to imagine what kids will do these days. I'm glad they were caught and that RCCL did something about it.


I would really REALLY not like to be facing my parents if I was that teen :eek:


I don't think it's that kids are necessarily doing anything much different than those of their parents' and grandparents' generations - they are just doing it in more luxurious circumstances.



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I would rather deal with the police in Tampa than deal with my parents if I was caught doing that!
I'm 40 now, but when I was a teen I'd have said the same thing . . . and my daughters would say the same thing today! If my daughters did that, it'd be a looooong time 'til they saw the light of day again.
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We only travel when school is in session, never on spring break or during summer vacation. Also, longer cruises seem to have far fewer kids along. I tolerated my own kids (who knew how to act in public) and I do not have to put up with someone elses kids who are acting wild. :D :D


We Have actually met some very nice kids along the way but they were few and far between.

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I think the thing that amazes this old lady, is that ANYTIME something bad is said about kids, (my husband and I together have 6 plus grands) that immediately the parents whether guilty or not, start up with with --well there are adults that do x y & z.


I don't understand how parents today (not all thank heaven) but a lot feel their kids are soooooooooooo far above repoach, can do no wrong, should be free to roam all over a ship etc. Can't anyone take criticism? Have we raised generations of I am the most important person in the world and I have the right to do whatever?


If someone said they saw drunk adults stealing alcohol, would anyone say well your kids could do the same thing? Where is self responsibility? I have grands and the youngest is almost 2, but you can be sure none of them will feel the world owes them as many of the kids today feel.


It seems as though most of my posts lately have been about kids. I truly love them, but I think their parents are the problems and they don't even see it. They are the ones making the kids of today what they are, and it's not all good.


Off my box and ready for the flames.




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I think the thing that amazes this old lady, is that ANYTIME something bad is said about kids, (my husband and I together have 6 plus grands) that immediately the parents whether guilty or not, start up with with --well there are adults that do x y & z.


I don't understand how parents today (not all thank heaven) but a lot feel their kids are soooooooooooo far above repoach, can do no wrong, should be free to roam all over a ship etc. Can't anyone take criticism? Have we raised generations of I am the most important person in the world and I have the right to do whatever?


If someone said they saw drunk adults stealing alcohol, would anyone say well your kids could do the same thing? Where is self responsibility? I have grands and the youngest is almost 2, but you can be sure none of them will feel the world owes them as many of the kids today feel.


It seems as though most of my posts lately have been about kids. I truly love them, but I think their parents are the problems and they don't even see it. They are the ones making the kids of today what they are, and it's not all good.


Off my box and ready for the flames.





OMG my mom and I have said this same thing so many times. We discuss this at great length. I could climb up on that box and add to this but I think you got the point across.


I have seen those bottles of booze sitting outside the store on the ship, when it is busy I have wondered who is watching to make sure someone just does not pick up a bottle and keep going. I know they are advertising but it is not a good idea in my opinion. Some folks just cant resist temptation!

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I think the thing that amazes this old lady, is that ANYTIME something bad is said about kids, (my husband and I together have 6 plus grands) that immediately the parents whether guilty or not, start up with with --well there are adults that do x y & z.


I don't understand how parents today (not all thank heaven) but a lot feel their kids are soooooooooooo far above repoach, can do no wrong, should be free to roam all over a ship etc. Can't anyone take criticism? Have we raised generations of I am the most important person in the world and I have the right to do whatever?


If someone said they saw drunk adults stealing alcohol, would anyone say well your kids could do the same thing? Where is self responsibility? I have grands and the youngest is almost 2, but you can be sure none of them will feel the world owes them as many of the kids today feel.


It seems as though most of my posts lately have been about kids. I truly love them, but I think their parents are the problems and they don't even see it. They are the ones making the kids of today what they are, and it's not all good.


No flames attached whatsoever.


Off my box and ready for the flames.




I think part of my issue with this thread is it came right after a bunch of threads bashing kids. I am all for consequences when anyone young or old breaks the law. My 16 yr old will be cruising with us and I trust that he will follow our rules and the rules of the ship. I just don't want him judged before he is given a chance. He isn't perfect but he was raised to respect others and expects the same in return.

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I agree with you too! I dont think all kids are bad, heck some teens have been the most helpful to me when I travel alone for work and have to haul a bunch of crap, while grown men just shove on by being all impatient because I move slower with this cast and suitcases, laptop case, purse etc.


Some kids are very respectful.


The thing is kids will be kids. Heck how many of us didnt do stupid things when we were teens. My mom is still shocked I grew up into a responsible, home owning, great job adult. I about drove her to her grave more than once with my antics.. LOL


Teens test the waters, part of growing up, see what they can get away with. These teens are paying a price, I am sure mom and dad let them have it good, in addition to the police. I still want to believe the parents took the responsible road and took necessary action, whatever it may be. In my day I would have been beaten within an inch of my life, not really, but felt that way, and then grounded, and then no telling what else.. whew it would have been unhappy in my house for awhile.. LOL


Edited to add.. when I was a teen my parents went on cruises and left us kids at home with our older sister, she is 9 yrs older than me. They told us when we worked and could pay for our own cruise then we would get to go on one too.

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When I was 22 years old , I was 5'9" and 190 lbs , my mother was 5'1' and a little over 100lbs.


We had an arguement and in fact my mother was not correct in her facts about this matter we were argueing about , but was still pressing on that she was.


Smart ass that I was . I finally told her that she (and I quote) "didn't know what the hell she was talking about"


She gave me one of those slaps across the face like in the cartoons (where you hear glass break and see stars ) and to this day I think I got off lucky because she just left it at that and didn't tell my dad about it . If she had, I wouldn't be here writing this.


Ya know what, I am now 44 years old, and if I said the same thing to her today, she would respond the exact same way.


So yes I would rather deal with the cops than EITHER of my parents . :)

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I think part of my issue with this thread is it came right after a bunch of threads bashing kids. I am all for consequences when anyone young or old breaks the law. My 16 yr old will be cruising with us and I trust that he will follow our rules and the rules of the ship. I just don't want him judged before he is given a chance. He isn't perfect but he was raised to respect others and expects the same in return.


I completely agree with you. Quite frankly most anybody who feels the need to lump all of anything together (i.e.: all kids, all blonds, all German speaking people, all people who wear one-piece bathing suits (all of these examples are as equally as nebulous)) I have to discredit their opinion because I just plain have a problem with anybody who lumps all of any type of person into one big group …. Let’s face it; there are sweet kids or bad kids (sweet German speakers or bad German speakers, etc.)… It can be despite their parents or it can be because of their parents but anybody who walks into a room and immediately dismisses or judges ANY HUMAN BEING just because they are what they are at that moment whether they are a child or a blond or they speak German or are a one-piece bathing suit wearer is a bigot.

IMHO, I’d rather hang out with the blond, German speaking, one-piece bathing suit wearing kid then the bigot any day.:p

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The thing is kids will be kids. Heck how many of us didnt do stupid things when we were teens. My mom is still shocked I grew up into a responsible, home owning, great job adult. I about drove her to her grave more than once with my antics.. LOL


There are things that kids will do to be kids and you can say, oh he is a kid what do you expect? And there are things, like STEALING that I simply cannot say, that is a kid being a kid. PERIOD!! I did not steal, drink, do drugs, etc. so no kids will not always be kids as you say and do these things. They will do some things that they will not think about yes but not these bad type of things. And yes I am sure I did some things that I cannot think of right now, I wasn't an angle but I didn't steal, drink, do drugs, thos major things.

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I guess my question is when did stealing become "kids will be kids"? How far are we expected to accept that any behavior by kids boils down to the fact that they are kids? Of course they're kids; of course they're going to do stupid things from time to time. If a 6 y/o steals a candy bar, then he or she needs to learn the lesson that stealing is unacceptable and a crime. This I speak of from personal 6-y/o experience. My mother dragged me back to the store, made me pay for the candy bar, apologize to the owner, promise never to do it again, and then took away my TV privileges for the next 3 days. I learned.


These are teenagers! There is no excuse, NONE, for this behavior. They know it's wrong; they know it's stealing; they know it's an offense that can get them and their families booted off the ship. And that is exactly what should have happened. This is not an incident where a "good talking to" or warning is sufficient. If they had done this on land, you can bet they would have been hauled off to the police station and their parents called immediately.


Stealing alcohol is worlds away from running up and down the hallway or cutting in line or talking during a show or pushing all the freaking elevator buttons. Those things are primarily annoying issues of etiquette and impolite behavior. How can anyone justify excusing this as "kids will be kids"? I just don't get it.




p.s., Yes, I remember "what it's like to be a kid" and yes, I raised a lovely DD, who was not perfect by any means.

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I think part of my issue with this thread is it came right after a bunch of threads bashing kids. I am all for consequences when anyone young or old breaks the law. My 16 yr old will be cruising with us and I trust that he will follow our rules and the rules of the ship. I just don't want him judged before he is given a chance. He isn't perfect but he was raised to respect others and expects the same in return.


I just want you to know that I would never judge your son just because he's a teen or a boy. I take each person as an individual.


However, just because this thread came after some kid bashing threads doesn't make it any less relevant. I'm not sure why this thread would be an issue for you because it's worlds away from flat-out kid bashing. Those threads bug me--even though DH and I cruise when kids are more likely to be in school and even though our DD is an adult. I don't lump all kids together is some big amorphous blob of "badness." Most kids are terrific; some are a bit of trouble; a small percentage are just plain bad. Unfortunately, that's all that some people seem to see.



I'm certain you will all have a wonderful cruise.



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It seems like there's two different complaints running through this thread. One is complaining about kids committing crimes, like setting things on fire and stealing. I haven't seen anyone defending those kids and I bet everyone agrees that ANYONE of any age who sets a fire or steals should be locked up immediately and then put off the ship at the next stop and arrested.


The other complaint is more about kids being on cruises in general. Cruise ships used to be an Adult Activity, but aren't any more. The ships are designed, priced and marketed for families and kids. I think some of the defense of the kids is a reaction to the perception that some posters want the kids gone completely. But that's not going to happen.


If kids are being kids -- splashing in the pools, talking too loud, that's ok (except in the Solarium :) ). If they're being disruptive -- pushing the elevator buttons, cutting in lines, running in the corridors -- that's annoying and the parents should deal with it, but probably won't. After all, the kids whose parents would deal with it aren't the ones running in the first place, because their parents have already taught their kids not to do those things. And RCI is going to struggle to manage it too; after all, schools deal with these issues daily and THEY can't control it either.

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