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I was drugged in Costa Maya - Majahual - BEWARE!!

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Actually I feel obligated to warn people, however my warning does not constitute a banning, therefore, like everyone else I do have a right to say it.


Of course there are more who go and enjoy it - certainly more than are held up, drugged, robbed and murdered. However because I know the police down there won't help I feel I would be remiss if I didn't warn others.


But your statements to the fact that you can't see WHY anyone would want to go to Mexico is placing judgement on those of us that DO enjoy it.


And to make a blanket statement that NO ONE is safe in Mexico is unfair to the country. You can make that statement about anywhere... are you saying that Canada has NO crime? There are many places that I personally have no desire to visit, but to say that that I can't see why anyone else would want to go there is narrow.

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Mommabean, please go directly to the hospital! Who cares how much it costs! I wish you would go now. I'm so very sorry this happened to you. How scary! The sooner you get there the better they can determine what it was. I feel like you are feeling this is your fault some how, and would like to just get over it, but it is not your fault, and you should be looked at asap.


Please have hubby drive you to the ER. I'm so sorry this happened to you, and am grateful that you are OK. :(

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Gina, I just wanted to add my sympathies to you. No one deserves to have that happen to them! I have been to Mexico several times and have been OK. I know a lady in Canada that was drugged and raped - it can happen anywhere.


It is scary to me that someone has to pay to go to the ER. In Canada, you do not. I would hate that someone would balk at getting needed medical attention because they had to pay for it.:( I am not talking of you specifically, but in general.


Please get whatever help you need. I will be thinking of you. You may find that you need to talk to someone professionally about this. I work with victims of crime and trauma, and that kind of help can be really beneficial.:)

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But your statements to the fact that you can't see WHY anyone would want to go to Mexico is placing judgement on those of us that DO enjoy it.


And to make a blanket statement that NO ONE is safe in Mexico is unfair to the country. You can make that statement about anywhere... are you saying that Canada has NO crime? There are many places that I personally have no desire to visit, but to say that that I can't see why anyone else would want to go there is narrow.


I do have a right to my opinion which I believe you don't agree with.


However to answer your question about Canada having no crime _ I could only wish. The difference between Mexico and Canada as I see it - I know I can go to the police here and not have to bribe them to investigate a crime. I know that if I get stopped on the highway for a traffic violation I will have the right to my day in court if I feel they are wrong, in Mexico - well, just not so. In Mexico make sure you have cash in your pocket to pay off that cop that stops you for no other reason than he wants money.


I will also say that there has been a 20% drop in Canadians visiting Mexico so I do believe there is a problem.


Anyway, I don't intend to discuss this any further. I believe I have made my position well known and there is no point in arguing it more. For those who feel safe in Mexico great - for people like me who don't that's OK to - isn't it?

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I am SO sorry that this happened to you! I have read so many of your posts that I feel like you are a trusted friend. Hearing this from you makes me know it really happened. Please keep us updated after your visit to the doctor.


It is very disillusioning for many of us who have visited and enjoyed Mexico for years, without incident. Yes, this can happen anywhere. It happened in Houston a few years ago to a dear friend of mine. She was out with a group of friends, had one drink at a popular club, and the next thing she knew a policeman picked her up as she staggered down a busy street. Fortunately for her, he took her home safely and everything turned out fine, but there are many who are not so lucky.


Selfishly, I am very disappointed, as we had planned to visit the places you went in Majahual. This certainly changes things! I guess if we go there, we will only drink beer that we open ourselves. But this is not about us....it really is about you getting OK. Again, please let us know how you are doing.


And a million thanks for sharing this with those of us who will visit this port! There is no way to know how much grief you have saved other!

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On Wednesday my Carnival cruise stopped in Costa Maya. I took the bus with my sister and a cc friend to Majahual. I had only 2 margaritas and lost most of my memory. This was no alcohol. I began buying buying things I didn't want. My sister did, too. Our cc friend who only drank beer thought we just got weird and wanted to buy stuff. We definitely weren't raped or our friend would know it. He got us back to the ship but all my money was taken out of my zippered side compartment of my bag. I know it was there because I had a lot and plenty of ones for tip money. It was there, we had to go before the ship left without us, I got in the taxi and my money was gone.


There is a lot more to this story. I've been brain dead for days and am only now coming out of the fog. I'm still having difficulty dialing a phone and typing this isn't as easy for me as usual - you all know how I can type.


I want all of you - my RCI and cc friends - to know what is going on in ports in Mexico. I contacted the Jackson Memorial Hospital rape unit in Miami for rohypnol info. They think it might be too late to detect it in my blood but suggested I at least see my doctor tomorrow for a test just in case it's still in me. That way at least we will know for 100% sure. I am 99.9% sure at this point it was rohypnol but would like to know with a positive test result.


I have emailed Carnival about this but would like the blood test to verify it for them.


DON'T leave the immediate port area in Costa Maya. If you feel you must leave, do it with a tour. Or don't drink anything but a bottle beer that you open yourself.


I still feel very drugged. It's a wonder I made it home along yesterday on the plane. :(




How horrible . I am glad that I left there early . I just wasnt comfortable being there ...the people are too pushy & sneaky in Majahual... look at what that girl did with my daughter , and without even asking permission from an ADULT !

I was so aggravated with them , and I noticed that Jorge was discussing the "TIP " he must have been expecting from DAVID and us I have one spanish word for those people "RATEROS"


I did totally love the whole rest of the cruise though

Cant wait to go again



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I'm very sorry this has happened to you. Cliches and platitudes won't help you feel better. Just know that all who read your posts at CC feel bad with you and for you. You are a valuable source of information and experience. You did nothing wrong, there's no need to feel stupid or guilty. You have triumphed because by telling your story, the rest of us will be safer in Majahaul.

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So sorry to hear this happened to you. I'm new to cruising and have read many of your posts. You have been very helpful to me. I'm a very cautious person, but I must admit I've always remembered not to drink the water, or get ice in my drink.... I just never thought about the possibility of being drugged. Of course I've given the talk to my daughters.....just never applied it to myself. I will be alert to this now and in the future be alot more careful. I too could of been in your situation, just because we have a man next to us doesn't mean it couldn't happen to us.

Thanks for sharing and informing all of us. We all want to be safe in Port.


Hope you are feeling better real soon. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Please keep us posted.



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That is a horrible experience, go to the ER.


I was in Maulj.. in March and had a margarita on the beach with my Dh and 2 young ds's. My Dh had a beer and made the comment that he would not drink anything that wasn't canned or bottled after I drank it:eek: .

(He's out to get me) He insisted that we not eat anything on the island.

We all must be very cautious.

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Gina, I just wanted to add my sympathies to you. No one deserves to have that happen to them! I have been to Mexico several times and have been OK. I know a lady in Canada that was drugged and raped - it can happen anywhere.


It is scary to me that someone has to pay to go to the ER. In Canada, you do not. I would hate that someone would balk at getting needed medical attention because they had to pay for it.:( I am not talking of you specifically, but in general.


Please get whatever help you need. I will be thinking of you. You may find that you need to talk to someone professionally about this. I work with victims of crime and trauma, and that kind of help can be really beneficial.:)

Actually, I'd pay if I felt it was an emergency. This is Miami. There are loads of people who use the emergency room for non-emergencies. I wouldn't want to have to sit there for hours waiting for my turn behind a combination of kids with colds and stabbing victims - only for a blood test. We have a great insurance plan which I'm only inclined to use when I need it.


The main thing is that this is not an emergency at this time. I really like my own doctor and would rather just have a low key visit with him. My 21 year old daughter is pretty smart. She must be thinking like you about what you are saying about victims of crime. She told me that she thinks I'm feeling so weird and out of it still simply because it happened. She thinks the drugs have worn off and that I'm just feeling weirded out. :(

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How horrible . I am glad that I left there early . I just wasnt comfortable being there ...the people are too pushy & sneaky in Majahual... look at what that girl did with my daughter , and without even asking permission from an ADULT !

I was so aggravated with them , and I noticed that Jorge was discussing the "TIP " he must have been expecting from DAVID and us I have one spanish word for those people "RATEROS"


I did totally love the whole rest of the cruise though

Cant wait to go again



I completely forgot about them trying to force you to pay a lot more for the hair braids than they quoted. Did you leave when the waiter got nasty and pushy about the tip? Did you see me give the guy a $5 bill over and above what he already got? I just wanted to shut him up. Then he hugged me for the picture. Where did you go then? I may have already been deteriorating at that point and I had just finished one drink. And we took a while sitting there while I drank that one - I sipped it during the entire meal. I just can't place what happened to you. I got a massage for an hour - and only after that did I drink the second drink. Two drinks over at least 3 or maybe even 4 hours doesn't sound like excessive drinking causing a drunken stupor to me.


What time did you get back to the ship? We were the last ones back - and I'm clueless as to what time that was.


Hey! I just noticed your new avatar. That's US by the pool? Me, you, your daughter, my sis and King D. :D

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First of all, I'm very saddened to hear what happened to you.


Can't you go to an urgent care facility and have them draw some blood? That way they may be able to find it in your system. Time is against you right now. I'm like you and would probably be saying the same thing you are, but you need to go! What if you are still sick in a month? You will wish you'd have gone. What does your DH say?

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Gina...........I am so sorry:( to read what happened to you......but thanks from all of us for the warning...........I know we planned on going to the Cats Meow in November............NOT now........


I think we all learned too to watch what we drink......and it would be a good idea to have one person who wont drink with us.......


I hope the doctor can tell you more what is going on...............please keep us informed............


We care.........

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How did you and your sister manage to take care of 3 kids after this happened? This is so terrible.

We didn't have any kids with us. Did I say that? If I did, it was a mistake. I still have some mild mental confusion going on. We were on the trip alone. Our cc friend, carolinamamasita was there for a bit with her 2 kids. They tried to demand more money out of her for doing her daughter's hair without permission so apparently carolinamamsita left early - I didn't know she was gone. She took her kids with her.

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Gina...........I am so sorry:( to read what happened to you......but thanks from all of us for the warning...........I know we planned on going to the Cats Meow in November............NOT now........


I think we all learned too to watch what we drink......and it would be a good idea to have one person who wont drink with us.......


I hope the doctor can tell you more what is going on...............please keep us informed............


We care.........

I think you can still go. I'd just not drink a mixed drink away from the immediate port area or be sure at least one person isn't drinking anything at all. Probably one person not drinking for every drinker would be best. That's just my take on it. The next time I cruise, I'll be the non-drinker in charge - that's for sure.

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In total it was 3 women, two kids and a man. It had already happended by the time the woman and her 2 kids left. It was not the man with us. He made sure we stayed safe (not raped or killed) and got back to the ship.



Sorry misread this post.

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Actually, I'd pay if I felt it was an emergency. This is Miami. There are loads of people who use the emergency room for non-emergencies. I wouldn't want to have to sit there for hours waiting for my turn behind a combination of kids with colds and stabbing victims - only for a blood test. We have a great insurance plan which I'm only inclined to use when I need it.


The main thing is that this is not an emergency at this time. I really like my own doctor and would rather just have a low key visit with him. My 21 year old daughter is pretty smart. She must be thinking like you about what you are saying about victims of crime. She told me that she thinks I'm feeling so weird and out of it still simply because it happened. She thinks the drugs have worn off and that I'm just feeling weirded out. :(


It's called Post Traumatic Stress Reaction, and it can affect anybody. Even what seem to others as 'trivial' crimes, can cause someone to have this reaction. It is normal, and there is nothing to be ashamed of. Some get over it with time, others need more help.


I have had victims crying in my arms because someone yelled at them and they felt threatened. It can bring back memories from long-since buried events, compounding the situation.


Adrenaline can also be released in large quantities, making you shaky, and it can last a long time (several weeks for some) in your system. Sleeping and eating can be affected, and you may find yourself dwelling on the situation. That is your body's way of helping to deal with it, and hopefully it will dissipate. Talking to supportive people helps. The worst someone can say to someone in your situation is, "Why did you do that?" or "You shouldn't have done that." What you need is non-judgemental support.


All the best,


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To those of you who feel the need to tell the OP to go the emergency room:


She has already been advised not to go. She will be following up with her primary care provider on Monday.


(Maybe this will save us from reading 10 MORE posts that encourage the OP to run to her nearest ER.)



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Just wanted to add that my thoughts and prayers are with you.


Your posts have been so very helpful to me (this one included).


My DD suffers from a rare sleep disorder and takes Xyrem (GHB) as prescribed by doctor. She has never taken alcohol with it as she has been warned that she could experience some of what you describe. In some cases it could even be fatal!


She started on a very low dose and still was quite out of it till her body adjusted. I shudder to think what a large, unexpected dose mixed with alcohol could do.



Thankfully you lived to tell the tale!



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Thanks for the warning and I certainly hope you're feeling better after seeing your Dr. and that you have no long term effects. I have read many of your past posts and even though we have never cruised together feel very sad that this happeded to such a nice and warm person as yourself. My DW and I are on the 5/19 sailing of the Fantasy, and were really looking forword to going into Maj.. for a day of fun and sun. The day we are in Costa Maya we will be the only ship in port so there will not be that many people around so we will feel less safe and now have decided to stay at the port area and remain on guard. Again, our prayers are with you and your sister.



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OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is so scary to read! Yes, Momma, I've read your posts for some time now and you are 300% credible! As I just read all of the posts, I think my feelings go along with wolfcathorse so I can't thank you enough for sharing your story and getting the word out. After that, it's up to each person as to what they do or not do with that information.


We have been to Costa Maya on several cruises. The first time was right after ships started stopping there and there was a huge swarm of bees that came to the Lido deck; so many that they closed the Lido deck!! Needless to say, it was a spa day for me onboard! There was a big open air bar/grill right by the pool that I recall seeing lots of crew eating there, figured it was okay so we had a few cool ones and some food there on our vist the second time and we enjoyed the pool right there where the ships stop and the last time, we decided to try going to town. It was soooooooooooooo scary. DH stopped for a beer or two while I shopped nearby but never ever did I accept anything from anyone and stayed within ear and eyeshod (job hazard) . I was very quickly done and ready to go and as we joined back up and walked down the street to catch the bus, the locals nearly attacked us! I had a rolling backpack and many of them offered to push it for me (in the sandy road). "No thanks!" I figured I would never see it again! So, I already knew I had no further desire to go into the town there, but we very much appreciate your willingness to share this ~ most folks would not do the same~!


We hope it all turns out okay for you :)


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