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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Now that picture and sub-title got a laugh out of me! Tell Bailey her butt doesn't look big, she's beautiful. Looks like she has grown a little bit since avatar pic.


Another lizard update, I guess the one the boys found last week was one of two. The second one has decided to live in the curtain in Leann Emilies (Kit cat) room. She is just beside herself trying to get that lizard. If she pulls the curtain down one more time, she's going in time out! Yeah, right.


Everyone give their furbabies hugs and kisses from me.



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Nancy, thanks I will tell Bailey she looks good to go! ;)


Yes, she has grown a little. The avatar picture was taken when she was a puppy in training. She is now over a year. I started her socialization and obedience skills right away at 10 weeks. After she past her CGC, I got serious about her task trainings (although she had picked some up by just being with me 24/7. She does five tasks consistently. She is still learning more tasks (aren't they always learning) but I can take her anywhere and she just takes everything in stride.

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Here is a picture of Bailey trying on her life jacket. (whippets stand with their ears back and tail between legs) I always say that cause people say she looks either sad or mad.:rolleyes:



Andar, it looks like the life jacket is too large for her or that you have it on the wrong setting on the chest strap. The mesh part should be behind her front legs and the jacket not so loose on her, especially on her back. The better the fit, the better she's protected, so that's why I'm mentioning it.


She's very cute, though! :)

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Quampapetet, thanks for your observation. You are so right it does look funny on her.


Whippet body shapes are so unusual that it is darn near impossible to get anything to fit just right that isn't specially made for whippets.


In order to get one that would go around her deep, barrel chest, we needed to get that size. The front chest strap is still really stiff but the velcro will allow it to be tighten for snug fit. It still looks too large for her.

Then we get to the belly strap. It is tight around her deep chest but can go to the tightest setting around her tiny waist. Then her back curves down (not straight backs like most dogs) and it sticks up even though it is on the tightest fitting for her belly. :eek:


I was able to pick her up easily by the top strap and I will "break it in" more by putting it on her each day for a few minutes and me working the material. I will try and move it further forward and make sure the front chest strap is as tight as possible along with the tummy strap. Thanks.

If I go one size down the mesh strap will not go around her barrel chest.:rolleyes:


I really appreciate your concern with making sure our partners are protected. We need to do everything possible to make them safe and happy! :)

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Morning all,


2nd lizard update. Ms. Leann Emily did pull the curtain again. Its only on a tension rod, behind 2" mini blinds. Anyway, as I was going to put it back up and saw the lizard peeking over the top, it finally occurred to me to just take the curtain outside and let the little guy off it! Duh. Now everything is fine, the lizard is out back by the condensate drip line, so he has water and don't know what he eats. He was in here two weeks and looked healthy. Don't even want to venture what he was eating!:eek: Maybe Leann's cat food. :p


And Ms. Leann did not go in time out. Said she was just trying to help get the lizard out. Of course she is still looking for him.


Ok, enough lizard stories. Back to special puppy stories. I couldn't even imagine having to put my 110 lb boy in a vest. Who would pick him up, Godzilla? Fortunately, as most of you know he is not a SD. I just kinda busted in on your thread because I saw the lovely Brenny on Roz's post. And us Lab lovers can't resist other Lab's.


Everyone have a great relaxing Sunday. Have to drive to town to get newspaper, we have absolutely no home delivery in our little po-dunk town. Its a pain driving to the store to get it. Don't go everyday, unless I'm already going to town. But Sunday is a must.



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Nancy: What a good idea....take the house "outside" so the lizard is happier!!!! I don't think that Lizards need to eat or drink for a very long time....hence the two weeks on the drapes!!!!!!!

And, I too, can not resist Labs.....I've been known to spot one walking with its master, down the street and, I will literally turn my car around to see if its an English or American Lab and to just look at their faces....they can make me smile!!!!! Doesn't everyone have that same reaction???? ;)

Brenda is over 70 pounds and when I first put her life-vest on, which is exactly the same one as Bailey...I couldn't imagine anyone being able to pick her up...I'm told; if they can pick up a 200 pound man....they can pick up a 75 pound dog.....what a relief!!!!!

Darcie: I loved the picture of Bailey.....I totally understand the "fit", she's not built like a Lab or Retriever (where the vest literally "hugs" their bodies)! She's got a very special body and, it looks like it's snug, where it needs to be and as longs as the "rescue people" can pick her up, out of the water (God forbid) and it doesn't come off, you're set!! Also, I would test her movement, in the vest, by putting it on her and letting her go into a pool, see if it allows her to move her front and hind legs, easily!

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I am a member of the "Love a Lab" club! Before my own golden/lab joined our family, I thought Lab's were OK, but nothing special. Now, I just love the breed with their blocky heads, warm eyes and loving nature. I call my own dog my "BYD" big yellow dog. She has brought such sunshine to our house.

The service dogs I work with are Golden Retrievers and Golden Lab mixes. The goldens are so beautiful and and sooooo sweeet, but when I get one of the mixes(especially the ones who really have a lab look) my heart just grows and extra size. Of course my favorite dog was a huge beautiful golden, so go figure...It is really what is inside the dog, not outside.

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Sunshine: You can say all you want about that "inside" "outside" thing......but, I, like you, absolutely "melt" and, have even been known to turn around my car to go look at a Lab walking down the street, just to take a second look!!!.....So proud, So regal, So beautiful, such a hulk of a dog!!!!!! And, those mixes.....LOVE EM!!!!! :)

Well, it's official I've made our final payment on our cruise in November. I love the anticipation/shopping/planning/booking grooming/nail/hair/vet appointments (guess which are for her and which are for me???:p )

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It makes you understand why the general public just wants to pat that SD so much. They are such beautiful animals(in all shapes and sizes) and so intuned to their people, so well behaved, of course everyone wants to pat and meet them. Such a challenge when I have a young one out, they look even cuter in their capes!

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Mornin" everyone;

I guess my boy was a special case! We had him in obedience training at about 4 months because he was already so big he was pushing us around a little too much. Little did I know that was their personality and he continues to push around to this day. I won't bore you with all the traits but here are some.


1. We b-b-q alot. He will stand in the house and bark at me until I go out and clean the b-b-q out. Then he continues to bark at dad until he starts the b-b-q and cooks.


2. He will get a drink and then come bark at me until I fill his dish back up.


3. He knows what time snack time is, breakfast and dinner.

But doesn't actually wear a watch.


4. Don't even say "He's soooo cute." He goes ballistic. My niece and a friend came and stayed with us when he about 10 weeks old. She just couldn't get enough of him. Hugging and saying "He's soooo cute." Now remember he will be 13 years old in December and to this day he still does wacko.


Ok, enough for now. I could go on forever. He is slowing down and having a little bit of a tough time getting up. I am in denial that my sweet boy is getting old. He can still get moving with the rest of them when he wants to though. So I am holding him close and loving him alot.


Everyone have a great day and hugs and kisses to all the furbabies! :)


I wish I knew how to add photos. I'm one of those show me how, not read a book and figure it out...Can do it on email, but not here, or I would share my handsome boy with you guys! :)


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S.S.: Remember, dogs will not continue to do something if there's no reward in it for them!!!!! I know, I know you think it's too late to teach him......Guess what? It's NEVER too late for them.....but, sometimes, we (humans) just don't have the energy or skills to teach them!!!! And, it does take a lot of energy and consistency.....

You love him, he loves you....you're used to his antics!!!!!

I'd love to see a picture of him....Go to the upper left hand corner of this board (under the Cruise Critic sign), you'll see the words "User CP" click on it and you'll see lots of information. One is "signature picker" and another is "countdown clock"; and, much more....experiment, you can't hurt the system. Maybe we'll get to see a picture of your baby, yet!!!! ;)

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Nancy: What a handsome boy!!!! :) The picture is very easy to see now!!!!

Brenda is black......it's very hard to see her and when you try and look for her eyes, in a picture, it's even harder!

I'm a "sucker" for Golden's and Yellow Labs. Don't tell Brenny!!!!! ;)

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I know what you mean. Sister has a chocolate and he's another handsome boy. So I guess we need triplets, one of each color! :eek: I couldn't tell you the number of times papa said, I can't handle him, find him a new home, when he was 18 months to 3 years old. He wasn't serious, but the boy put dad thru some stuff.

Papa built a small enclosure for him at one point. But papa is a perfectionist, so by the time the enclosure was done, we put Reno in it and him promptly climbed right on out and looked at us both like, ok, whats next!


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I did read Marley and me, with tears streaming down my face for most of it.


Reno was actually a very good boy. Potty trained like super fast. Didn't chew anything up, was just high maintenance. Needed attention all the time. When he was real little, 12 weeks or so, he would get up in the webbed patio chair and sleep. We went to the store for a short while, came home and he was still in it. It dawned on us he couldn't down, because when he leaned forward to jump, the chair would start to fold up. When then used it for a time out chair if he was naughty.



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Ok, we've graduated from lizards to snakes. I don't really live in a zoo, it just seems like it! Hubby was getting the hose out to clean off the air conditioner condenser. No hose bib in back yard so he tells me to pull the hose under the gate for him. No problem. Have to move the trash can first and a 50' (ok, well maybe not that long, but it looked like it!) snake comes flying out from under the trash can. Ok, well not flying but hauling under belly. I scream, hubby says "What?" and I say SNAKE again. Well the snake was just going back under the can and I could see its tail had NO rattles, so I figured he was harmless. The neighbor guy was coming up the drive way so he took a broom and escorted him (the snake) to the rear of the back yard.:eek:Sounded like a good idea, but our yard is totally bricked in. I hope said snake made his way out of my yard and is looking for friendlier snake surroundings!


Now that that was totally off topic, guess I better come back around. We have friends that the husband has to have a scooter chair. They went on their first cruise awhile back and loved it. They are trying to talk my hubby into getting a chair so he can get around more. He has had a by-pass in the lower extremities and can't stand or walk very far. Another case where he looks physically capable, but itsn't. He refuses to get a wheel chair for check in. He usually finds a seat where he watch my progress in line and then joins me when I get close to the counter. Has worked out so far. Usually he will find an employee and tell them so they don't think he is cutting in line.


Need to decide if we are going to cruise this fall or not. Now with grandson in school, I'm not sure what impact it will have on him, missing any time.



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Nancy: How scary was that? I'm used to seeing these critters, living in the desert-like surroundings that inhabit Southern California and I've been surprised many a time on our walks. But, as long as they stay away from me I'm fine with them! Otherwise, I turn into a "screaming-meemie" at the sight of them! :eek:

My DH suffers from Neuropathy caused by his Diabetes.....He can lose the strength and muscle control in his legs, at any time and has been known to simply collapse while walking! He wound-up in a wheel-chair on one of our cruises on the Oosterdam (a perfect ship for a wheel-chair bound person!) This ship is so wheel-chair friendly, it even has power activated doors with heavy-duty magnets to hold them open when approaching an outside deck. Very convenient for a person with mobility issues.

When not in a wheel-chair he will look for a place to sit, while I do all the "paperwork" stuff at the dock; in the airport; in the hotel...etc., etc.

He looks like a strappingly healthy older man....but, he definitely has his limitations.

It doesn't stop us from cruising and traveling as often as we can!;)

We'll be going to the Mexican Riviera, on November 15th, aboard the Sapphire Princess....come-on, we'd love your company! And, Brenny will be onboard for the extra pats! :)

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Sounds great. I'm not sure I want to leave the boy dog with babysitter right now. It would kill me if something happened to him while we were gone.


I did run over to my cruise sights and checked out pricing. We have never cruised Princess, but have always wanted to. I hear their past guest program really isn't advertised, but it has great perks.


As to the Oosterdam, our friends did cruise Holland and said the staff was outstanding to them. Holland is by far one of our favorite cruiselines. The food was to die for, every meal.


And that extra bonus of BRENNY for hugs and kisses is hard to refuse. We will see what the future brings.


Where abouts in Southern Cal are you? I was born and raised in Riverside, now reside in Blythe (Not on purpose)



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Nancy: I totally understand about not leaving "the boy!" However, if you change your mind, in the future (beyond November), we'll also be on the Sapphire on April 18, 2009.

We love Princess for a lot of reasons......one being, they treat Brenda very well! HAL holds a very close second.....I just love the convenience of the L.A. dock (where we live-45 minutes away) as opposed to San Diego. I know it's not that far, just a 2 hour drive....but, when you're coming off a long cruise and you're still in the vacation mode....that two hour drive seems like a lifetime!!!!

I love L.A.!!!!! I was born in Pittsburgh but was transported here when I was 3 years old.....My DH was born in Detroit and brought here when he was 9. It's really "home!"

We won't fly and cruise anymore.....way too much trouble for the DH and the dog!!!!!! Security and pricing has also become a terrible pain!!!!!

We've traveled all over the world.....cruising, to us, is ALL ABOUT THE SHIP......We may NEVER get off! We stay onboard and just enjoy the beauty of being in a hotel on the sea!!!!:)

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This is getting way to scary. DH and I feel the same way about the ship being the destination. Numerous cruises we have stayed on the ship. And isn't it great having the whole ship to yourself? No lines to wait in, served immediately. We are not crowd orientated people! Since he does not fly, we cruise from the west coast and have to drive regardless. So we actually love cruising out of San Diego. LA isn't a problem though. Just seems less organized for boarding.


April 2009 will keep in mind too.



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