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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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We had a wonderful time in Santa Rosa with all the other Service Dogs. We all had a good time!

We learned about the service work that these dogs are doing with our Iraqi War Vets and how they're assisting children with autism. The difference that a Service Dog can make in a life of someone who would be "stuck at home" is so wonderful!

On our break periods Brenda played in the yard and ran and ran with some of her graduation buddies and with some puppies....they all had a hard time keeping up with her!

When the break was over and we would go inside she would stare at the door leading to the play yard, anticipating her next opportunity to go out and romp with the herd!

There were some very sad stories about some dogs, in my gradauation class, (2002), who died suddenly with some very weird health issues. We all had a good cry! That being said, there was a 13 year old Lab, who was still assisting her human, in a wheel chair and loving it...amazing!!!

Dogs are like humans....some have long lifespans and some don't! It can be heredity and sometimes it doesn't matter! We have to love and care for them for as long as we can......(she says with a big tear in her eye!)

Peter, what a great picture....and, Wherin is smiling, I know a dog smile when I see one! She's a beauty! And, "the ship beneath our feet"...there truly is nothing like it!!!!!

Traveling to Mexico: You MUST have proper documentation for your SD on a cruise ship. The Agricultural Inspection Form (get it from your Vet), is perfect. It has all the information that the Immigration Authorities and the Cruiseship Personnel will need.

The crate: Brenda loves her crate at work. I put a soft rug on the floor of it for her senior joints. It's her respite place, away from the people and the noise. I took the door off of it so she can go and come as she pleases.

When onboard a ship: I will leave Brenda in the cabin for short periods (I make sure that she sees me leaving.) I use the command "wait" (this means you must stay here but you are free to move about.) I do not hold a conversation with her.....When I return, I greet her with a simple "hello", no big deal. I repeat this several times a day to just get her used to being alone. I do this at home, at work or in a hotel. NEVER make a big deal about leaving or returning; it's just part of her routine, it's natural! She does her best snoring, while she's sleeping in her crate, at work!!!!

Cari: You are so helpful, thank you!

Well, I must get back to work and then go shopping and get my packing gear ready for our trip on November 15th.

Stay well and take care,


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Cari, question for you. Do you have any advice on a dog waking you up multiple times at night. The SD in training I have home now, is doing very well, but she wakes up multiple times at night. If I crate her, she is quiet all night long, but when I have her sleeping by the bed side, she pops her head up to me every few hours. She goes right back down on a "go to bed" command and sleeps well, but two hours later, she's back up. Almost like she is checking to see if I am still there.


At our class they told us that one approach is to keep your SD on a leash to limit movement tied down to something else (not on the prong collar of course, but just regular collar) -- we use this in hotels when we don't have the crate. Another way we have found is to get a soft pillow bed and give a "stay" command. Finally, we have invested in a crate that looks a little more homey than just the wire bars or plastic sides - and have that right in Cam's bedroom. That way they sleep together and both are completely comfortable.

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Roz, so glad you had a wonderful time. Isn't it amazing how motivating the workshops are? Thanks for sharing the experience.

I am excited that veterans are being partnered with SD more often. I have a brain injury and I know first hand how much help SD can be.

We currently are vacationing in So. Ca. When we get home there will be only a couple more days before our cruise.

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On our break periods Brenda played in the yard and ran and ran with some of her graduation buddies and with some puppies....they all had a hard time keeping up with her!


When the break was over and we would go inside she would stare at the door leading to the play yard, anticipating her next opportunity to go out and romp with the herd!

Leave it to Brenny to lead the herd! I bet she loved playing with everyone, kicking up her heels.:D


The crate: Brenda loves her crate at work. I put a soft rug on the floor of it for her senior joints. It's her respite place, away from the people and the noise. I took the door off of it so she can go and come as she pleases.

We took the door off Reno's crate years ago. For the summer, I took it out of our room, it was just too warm for him in it. But this winter it will be back with one of the "inexpensive" beds you can get at the grocery store. Its just enough cushion and doesn't take up that much room. The jumbo one fits in fat boys crate perfect. And talk about snoring! Holy cow. We wish we could get as comfortable as he does.


Stay well and take care,


We so envy you guys, but wish you the best trip. I have now found the 7 day Riviera on Nov 30 for $369 pp balcony!!!!:eek: I don't know how we can NOT go. Except that one little thing called a job that pays for us to go? May have a different job in the works, so it may work out. We will see.

Everyone have a great evening, what is left of it. I need to hit the homework, get dinner going and get the 5 year old in tub and teeth brushed and ready for bed. Now that all makes me tired!


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At our class they told us that one approach is to keep your SD on a leash to limit movement tied down to something else (not on the prong collar of course, but just regular collar) -- we use this in hotels when we don't have the crate. Another way we have found is to get a soft pillow bed and give a "stay" command. Finally, we have invested in a crate that looks a little more homey than just the wire bars or plastic sides - and have that right in Cam's bedroom. That way they sleep together and both are completely comfortable.


Thanks for the tip. My friend slept better last night. She just might need to get used to people. This is something the trainer will need to know and plan for when she is placed. I paid attention to what Cari said abt voices being a reward as well. I might have inadvertently been rewarding a behaviour I don't want, by patting her before giving her a go to bed command. Last night, I just murmured very softly for her to "off" and "go to bed". After she was quiet, she got a "yes", good girl from me, but again very soft, really just a whisper. She did wake up a few times, but not as many. I only have her these two nights this time, I think the more she gets used to her person always being there, the better she will do.

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What a wonderful picture of Werin smiling, you can tell how happy he is!

Roz, We leave on our cruise the 21st of Nov. and we'll be thinking about you on yours, have a marvelous time, I know Brenda will!!!!!

I love reading this thread, not only is it educational but, there is a lot of love going around!


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We so envy you guys, but wish you the best trip. I have now found the 7 day Riviera on Nov 30 for $369 pp balcony!!!!:eek: I don't know how we can NOT go. Except that one little thing called a job that pays for us to go? May have a different job in the works, so it may work out. We will see.


Everyone have a great evening, what is left of it. I need to hit the homework, get dinner going and get the 5 year old in tub and teeth brushed and ready for bed. Now that all makes me tired!




Nancy: what cruiseline has this great deal???? :confused:

Werin: You make me SMILE REALLY BIG!!!!! :) I had to print your picture to keep in my desk...You are such a pretty girl!

Sunshine: It sounds like you found the problem.....Amazing, how just a "pat" at the wrong time or too many "words" can "mark" the wrong behavior!

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Shirley: Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

Brenda gets to run and play and jump and catch and fetch and leap!!!!! She gets to come in out of the rain/snow/sleet and swealtering heat.

When she's outside, she gets to enjoy the company of other dogs/cats/rabbits/birds and humans. You see SD's know how to enjoy these pray animals and humans without the tension/aggression and fear that is instilled in them by some humans!

Brenda gets to go into the mall and restaurants, buses, trains, airplanes (right at my feet, not in cargo) and on cruiseships. She gets the pleasure of watching T.V. (she loves the Animal Planet) and has a favorite couch to lay upon! She swims in the family pool and visits the county beaches, when other dogs must "stay away!"

She's challenged on a daily basis, which keeps her mind and body toned and sharp.

She has regular visits to the Vet, gets her fur and teeth brushed daily and gets lots and lots of hugs and kisses!

She has a wonderful, wonderful life filled with adults and children who adore her and want to see her live very long!

She doesn't have to wait in a hot car or on a hot porch or out in the rain or snow.....she goes inside "everywhere" and is afforded a life filled with luxuries that I wish every dog could enjoy!

Please don't feel sorry for our "Working Dogs", we wish everyone could be one and everyone could have one!!!!!

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Shirley: Thank you for sharing your thoughts.


Brenda gets to run and play and jump and catch and fetch and leap!!!!! She gets to come in out of the rain/snow/sleet and swealtering heat.


When she's outside, she gets to enjoy the company of other dogs/cats/rabbits/birds and humans. You see SD's know how to enjoy these pray animals and humans without the tension/aggression and fear that is instilled in them by some humans!


Brenda gets to go into the mall and restaurants, buses, trains, airplanes (right at my feet, not in cargo) and on cruiseships. She gets the pleasure of watching T.V. (she loves the Animal Planet) and has a favorite couch to lay upon! She swims in the family pool and visits the county beaches, when other dogs must "stay away!"


She's challenged on a daily basis, which keeps her mind and body toned and sharp.


She has regular visits to the Vet, gets her fur and teeth brushed daily and gets lots and lots of hugs and kisses!


She has a wonderful, wonderful life filled with adults and children who adore her and want to see her live very long!


She doesn't have to wait in a hot car or on a hot porch or out in the rain or snow.....she goes inside "everywhere" and is afforded a life filled with luxuries that I wish every dog could enjoy!


Please don't feel sorry for our "Working Dogs", we wish everyone could be one and everyone could have one!!!!!


Well said and thank you! If you could have seem my SD in training yesterday at the local High School. I am sure she looked so mistreated and forlorn as children hugged and patted her. As students that were thought to be fearful of dogs, came to touch her and then hug her sweetly. As she chased basket balls in the gym and slid all over the slick floor, and then late at night, as she checked on me one more time, and with a soft "down,go to bed" went off to sleep. I don't think she has a sad life at all. Now, my life, as I said goodby to her today, when I returned her for further training.... Actually it is pretty darn good. I'm off on a cruise TOMOROW!!!!

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Sunshine: Have a fabulous, glorious, restful cruise. You've definitely earned this one!!!!

And, if you haven't heard this lately, I so appeciate all that you do for these wonderful dogs.....THANK YOU!!!!

I promise you that inside their hearts, they remember your kindness/love and all that you've taught them, as you pass them on to their future working lives!

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Two of the dogs I have really worked with a lot should be graduating in January. They will be young915 months), but they are so smart, and so wonderful!! I am excited to see who they will go with. People think I give a lot, but really, I get back much more than I give out! I love to see these dogs move on to the job they are trained for.


On another note. Most dogs really do like to "work". In fact the problem with many of our American dogs is that they don't work enough. They don't know who the pack leader is, they are treated like humans in fur suits, they probably don't get enough exercise and eat too much. Many dog problems (anxiety, aggression, obesity, chewing, barking, ..... can be tied to the fact that they need to "work". OK, off my soap box, and off to love and spoil my own rotten non working house pet.;) .

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Its Carnival, Pride, 11-30-08. CA resident rate, probably a 7A, obstructed view, but for $369 who cares! :D

I got the letter and application off to CCI to try and get our grocery store on the donation list. Hopefully they will get back with me and let me know if it is possible.

Everyone have a great evening.


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Nancy: Carnival Pride is a wonderful ship. You will love it! We did! Don't forget to look at the ceilings in the buffet area; get your 24 hour ice cream; check out the art work in the foyer and, don't miss a picture with the statue of David (I promise you won't miss it!)

I'm going to check with my TA and see if they will have any "specials" on the Pride, in January.

We'll be cruising on November 15th, I don't think I could convince my DH to do it again so soon, no matter what the price but give him a couple of months and maybe he would!


Thanks for what you're doing with CCI and your grocery store. It's a wonderful effort on your part and will assist the Service Dog Programs.

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Hi -- We will be sailing with Andar on the Star soon and she had directed me to this thread. I've been reading many pages and learning lots. I am a transit driver in the city of Vancouver and come into contact with many SD. But more importantly I teach for our union (Canadian Auto Workers) occassionally. One of the courses I teach is a week long Human Rights Course and we do cover people with disabilities but we don't really talk too much about SD but I am happy to now say you have all taught me lots. And I feel more comfortable discussing it with my participants.


Thanks again

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Hi -- We will be sailing with Andar on the Star soon and she had directed me to this thread. I've been reading many pages and learning lots. I am a transit driver in the city of Vancouver and come into contact with many SD. But more importantly I teach for our union (Canadian Auto Workers) occassionally. One of the courses I teach is a week long Human Rights Course and we do cover people with disabilities but we don't really talk too much about SD but I am happy to now say you have all taught me lots. And I feel more comfortable discussing it with my participants.


Thanks again


Hey, Vickie, thanks for popping over to this thread. You will learn so much from these great folks. Roz, is cruising 5 days after our cruise. Her SD, Brenda, is a pro at it and they were so helpful when I was plannng our trip.

When we meet on the ship, I will give you a list of websites that will help you answer questions or get answers. IAADP; CCI; Delta Society, etc. I will also bring you some brochures.:rolleyes:

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Hi All, Just a quick story... Last weekend we went to the 10th anniversary of the prison pup program at a prison near us. It was a wonderful event, about 200 people showed up. The prisoners are doing an amazing job with the dogs. There are 10 dogs currently training at this prison. All of them did a demonstration for us. Two standouts were these 5 month old black labs, they were amazing!!! 5 months old and so so smart. One had the dog walking beside a wheelchair. The other turning the light switch on and off. There was a Iraq vet there that had gotten a dog in June. As soon as the prisoner that trained him came in the room, the dog went nuts! It was incredibly touching. They had a few guest speakers and one girl was especially touching. I had tears coming down my face thinking of my beloved Rangeley. I don't know how I am going to make it through Joe's graduation in April without looking like a blubbering idiot. I can't believe how fast this is coming, John will be going to training next weekend the 10th for 2 weeks. John is feeling wierd and nervous and so am I. I will be alone for 2 weeks but John is hoping that he will be able to come home on the weekends since he has already had a dog before. For some stupid reason they have changed some of the commands so we will have to learn new ones after giving the same ones for 10yrs. But we can't complain, this organization is great!! Check it out at www.neads.org



I do have one question, does anyone have a problem with the water on the ship for their dog? Cari gives her dog some cranberry stuff a day before she cruises.


Thanks, Cindy

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Cindy, thanks for sharing that story. Brought tears to my eyes.


We were always crying at graduation when we raised puppies for Guide Dogs for the Blind.


We just got a letter from the partner of one of our favorite puppies that was paired with her 13 years ago. Unfortunately, the dog, Cactus, had just passed away. The owner wrote us an incredible letter talking about all the things they did together and how much she loved her. She said she could tell that Cactus was a very loved puppy to be that loving. Oh my, we were all bawling. How special for the women to take the time in her grief to remember the puppy raisers.


Fast forward 13 years. I had a brain injury and now have my 2nd SD. Who would have guessed?


This will be Bailey's first cruise, but we travel a lot and I always bring or buy bottled water for her. For our cruise, I was planning on taking enough water for a couple of days and then buying a gallon at the ports.


I will have to remember the cranberry juice trick. I remember the recommendation of putting a tablespoon of cranberry juice in their water. My sis has used this and swears by it, but as I said I have just used bottled water.

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Darcie, We have always kept in touch with the puppy raiser. They were a lovely family. This time we have a puppy raiser, a inmate and the guy who paid to name Joe. We will have alot of people to meet. We have already been informed that they all would like to meet us. If the inmate is out of prison, he or she will come to the graduation, if not we will go to the prison to meet them. They are always curious who gets their dog. Sorry to hear of your puppy passing away, it's always a sad time. Sorry to hear of your disability. How long did you wait to get another service dog? Did you feel strange? Would love to hear your experience.


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Darcie, We have always kept in touch with the puppy raiser. They were a lovely family. This time we have a puppy raiser, a inmate and the guy who paid to name Joe. We will have alot of people to meet. We have already been informed that they all would like to meet us. If the inmate is out of prison, he or she will come to the graduation, if not we will go to the prison to meet them. They are always curious who gets their dog. Sorry to hear of your puppy passing away, it's always a sad time. Sorry to hear of your disability. How long did you wait to get another service dog? Did you feel strange? Would love to hear your experience.



That is great that you keep in touch. Of the many puppies we raised, only Cactus' person kept in touch with us. You are so sweet to do that.


My Abby, died in April. I was so grief stricken I swore I would not get another. But when breeders heard about her passing they started to email me about a litter or potential puppy. No, No, No, I would say, I am not ready. My husband was encouraging me to find another dog too. I just couldn't. Then, a breeder sent me pictures of her new puppies. Totally UNFAIR. I said I could come look at them and temperment test.

I feel in love. We brought Bailey home at 10 weeks and started working with her immediately. She was amazing. (like the black labs you saw). By 8 months she passed her CGC. She of course went everywhere with us that a service dog in training was allowed. In July she passed her evaluation and is now my service dog. Since she is still very young, 18 months, she still has a lot to learn. This last week she has decided that she only will pick up the things she wants (teen age years). I guess it was 4 months from the time Abby died to when we got Bailey. But then she was just a puppy so it has really been more like 2 years since I had a SD. I still miss Abby so much. She literally saved my life and I will never forget her. Sorry, probably too much rambling.:o

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Darcie, What a great story. Now you should know, NEVER look at puppies! Puppies will suck you in everytime. It's so funny how they really do what they want. In his later years, Rangeley would fetch everything in the house to get a cookie. But if you asked him to fetch something, he would stretch and scratch and stretch again until you had to ask him to fetch again. He was funny. Don't ever worry about rambling on, I've done plenty of that!


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Holy cow! Unbelievable pricing for that Nov. 30, 7 day cruise, Mexican Riviera, Carnival Pride, Balcony $ 337 pp military rate, $349 pp balcony for +55 or CA resident rate. I can't stand it. Unfortunately not sure if we could pull it off......:(

wish it went out of S.F; I'd be on it!

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Hi -- We will be sailing with Andar on the Star soon and she had directed me to this thread. I've been reading many pages and learning lots. I am a transit driver in the city of Vancouver and come into contact with many SD. But more importantly I teach for our union (Canadian Auto Workers) occassionally. One of the courses I teach is a week long Human Rights Course and we do cover people with disabilities but we don't really talk too much about SD but I am happy to now say you have all taught me lots. And I feel more comfortable discussing it with my participants.


Thanks again


Vickie: Thank you for sharing and spreading the "good word" about these amazing Service Animals.

Cindy & Darcie: We are so grateful to our Puppy Raisers and keep in touch with them, with pictures and stories of Brenda's adventures. Unfortunately, they're not good communicators but that doesn't stop us from letting them know how much we appreciate the wonderful job that they did.

When we were at CCI we saw a 14 year old SD who was assisting a woman in a wheelchair. She was a Yellow Lab/Retriever mix and she was in excellent health. It was a joy watching what she can do and loves doing. Her human is going to retire her this year....even thought the dog still wants to work. CCI like to see the dogs retire in good health. So they can enjoy their "non service" life to its fullest!

Well, it's a little less than two weeks and we'll be onboard the Sapphire and out to sea. YUMMY!!!! I smell the fresh salt air already!!!!! ;)

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