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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Fairborn, you probably know of hibachi restaurants, I just don't describe things well. It is an Asian restaurant where they grill your dinner right in front of you. The chef was making the fried rice, which has fried egg in it. He was tossing a small bit of the fried egg. Sometimes they do a vegetable or shrimp.


I was one of the rude people. I realize people are in their own world, don't realize how difficult it is for disabled and most aren't intentionally rude, just oblivious. I understand this, my husband gets mad; he is worried about me falling and hurting myself.


Linda and Halo


I understand exactly where your DH is coming from - I think we can all be in our own wee worlds sometimes, especially when people are talking on their cell phones or wearing head phones they are oblivious and just walk straight into you! Halo is a big dog and folk still walk into him so you can imagine what it's like when we take the little pups out! People don't really look down I think. I have a Guide Dogs bright blue rucksack which says "guide dog puppy in training please do not distract" - you just know what I'm going to tell you - some see it as an invitation! Everyone wants a cuddle! Mind you I can't blame them with the cute puppies but I always tell the cuddlers, that they must never do this or distract a working dog and they always reply "oh no we wouldn't" Oh yes I say to myself and that's a squadron of pink piggies flying past! LOL!


I don't think we have an Hibachi restaurant where we are but it sounds like fun - we live out in the sticks in the north of Scotland!

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Fairborn, how is Europe in acceptance of service dogs?


If I go back across the pond, it would most likely be to the U.K., Denmark (my daughter's boyfriend lives in Denmark and/or Germany. Her minor will be German and she has talked about living in Germany.


I was surprised how many people didn't see Halo, he IS a big dog, great Dane/lab.


Linda and Halo

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My daughter graduated today. Had several new experiences with Halo and he did wonderful, mom got stressed (I tend to have high anxiety so not a surprise). And dad is really becoming REALLY intolerant of rude people.


Congratulations to your daughter. Halo is a beautiful dog.



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We are back from our Alaska cruise. We had a fabulous time - Henri was the most popular passenger on the ship. She had so many fans; we would be out at the glacier or in town and people would be passing by saying hello Henri.


It was frustrating dealing with Celebrity's Special Needs department regarding the location of the relief box. When I wouldn't take no for an answer they just stop responding to me (they even ignored my request to speak to a CRO so I do need to follow up on that). Once we got on the ship (which was an embarkation nightmare - it took some people four plus hours to board) we immediately went to Guest Relations and asked to speak to the Hotel Director. A little while later while later we ran into him while walking around the ship and he told us that the box was being moved to our balcony within the hour.


Henri turned four on the cruise - the dining room made her a cake and all the waiters sang happy birthday. One night when I didn't realize that everyone was watching us, I had Henri pick up her leash and hand it to me - all of the waiters and tables around us broke out in applause. It was so funny.


We went on several excursions: to the Mendenhall Glacier, whale watching, the train in Skagway, the Raptor Center in Sitka and to the Parliament Building in Victoria. All were accessible and welcoming to service dogs.


We flew into Seattle on Southwest so that we could spend the afternoon with Henri's puppy raiser before driving to Vancouver. At the Canadian border, they didn't even ask to see Henri's rabies certificate. We also flew home on Southwest from Seattle (I am posting a photo of the indoor dog relief area inside security). On our flight home there was another woman in a wheelchair waiting to pre-board our flight. When we landed, she was miraculously able to walk off the place carrying her suitcase!


Dianne & Henri









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Henri has the most expressive eyes I think I've ever seen. I doubt there's much that happens around him that he doesn't know about.


One question. Was that chocolate icing on the birthday cake?

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Henri is gorgeous, such beautiful eyes and her coat is the shiniest I have ever seen.


I, mistakenly, told an acquaintance when she said she was B6 and said there were 35 people boarding before her, it would probably be more than that because wheelchairs and disabled go on first regardless of their place/number. She now gets a wheelchair. She is not disabled. I, on the other hand, think I will be in a wheelchair soon, but still try to stay mobile as long as I can. I will take her B6 and she can have my wheelchair and ALS. Yes, it kind of irks me.


Linda and Halo

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I loved the leash story - ah good girl Henri you are so clever and looking after your Mum so well. I'm not surprised at all that you were the absolute star on your cruise. I see your Mum got you a special birthday collar too - you're a very pretty girl.



Dianne - it looks like you had beautiful weather on your trip - isn't Henri just in the most perfect spot on your verandah?

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Wishing you a happy weekend too Aunty Roz and Horton! It's never too early to get organised for your cruise, it always comes around faster than you think!


I was going to write a wee quip when you referred to Halo as a "delicious blonde" - takes one to know one! LOL! :* But I thought I was probably in as much trouble - well almost - as DKD for our last Aunty Roz joke! :p You know we love you!


We are having a heatwave here - 29C today - that is unusually hot for us - the dogs are panting, drinking lots and lots of water and looking for shade. We have no AC! We don't really need it - maybe we are California Dreaming?



DKD - how is the beautiful Gretel doing?


fairbourne you can send some of that warm weather my way. We have been having fall weather.


Gretel is fitting in quite well here. One of the big things we want her to do is turn off my daughters light at night. We are working on that every day and she is coming along great with it. We are in the process of making plans for a Disney World trip in December. Gretel has been there twice with her puppy raiser so we know it won't be an issue. We have to wait at least six months to puppy raise again. They want Kim and Gretel to bond. We are hoping to get another pup to raise after we get back from Disney World.

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Henri has the most expressive eyes I think I've ever seen. I doubt there's much that happens around him that he doesn't know about.


One question. Was that chocolate icing on the birthday cake?


Yes, it was chocolate cake - she couldn't have any so we had to eat it for her!



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Hey everyone, input needed. We had an email today that Holland America has cancelled our April cruise so that the Veendam can now offer approved Cuba itineraries. We can re-book and get a small shipboard credit.


Not sure about taking a service dog to Cuba. Nothing on the APHIS site. Does anyone have any input?

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Hey everyone, input needed. We had an email today that Holland America has cancelled our April cruise so that the Veendam can now offer approved Cuba itineraries. We can re-book and get a small shipboard credit.


Not sure about taking a service dog to Cuba. Nothing on the APHIS site. Does anyone have any input?


Hey Chris I did a quick google search and did not come up with very much - there is this pet travel site which had some information but I don't know how reliable or how old it is:




there was also an article from 2011 that was talking about how at that time Cuba was way behind the times regarding Service Dogs - don't know if it has improved or not:




hopefully someone who has been there lately can help you more...

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Hey everyone, input needed. We had an email today that Holland America has cancelled our April cruise so that the Veendam can now offer approved Cuba itineraries. We can re-book and get a small shipboard credit.


Not sure about taking a service dog to Cuba. Nothing on the APHIS site. Does anyone have any input?


I am going to Cuba the end of June. There wasn't much out there, but I got the jist that service dogs are not allowed or recognized.


I have mobility issues, luckily not 100% wheelchair bound. Reserved a private 6 hour, old vehicle tour that will adjust to my needs. It is private and is $150 for two of us for 6 hours.


Linda and Halo

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I am going to Cuba the end of June. There wasn't much out there, but I got the jist that service dogs are not allowed or recognized.


I have mobility issues, luckily not 100% wheelchair bound. Reserved a private 6 hour, old vehicle tour that will adjust to my needs. It is private and is $150 for two of us for 6 hours.


Linda and Halo


Thanks, Keith and Linda for the fast info!


Linda: Are you going to take Halo on the tour? I'd be interested in knowing the name of the tour operator you are using.

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Thanks, Keith and Linda for the fast info!


Linda: Are you going to take Halo on the tour? I'd be interested in knowing the name of the tour operator you are using.


Halo is not going on this trip. It just didn't appear service dogs would be allowed into port.


I am going to be on Carnival and they don't allow the service dog not to be with the handler at all times. So if the service dog can't go into port, neither can the handler.


Are there any cruise lines that allow the dog to stay on the ship without the handler?


Linda and Halo

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I am going to be on Carnival and they don't allow the service dog not to be with the handler at all times. So if the service dog can't go into port, neither can the handler.


Are there any cruise lines that allow the dog to stay on the ship without the handler?


Linda and Halo


My understanding is that the dog must be with A handler at all times on all the lines. If you are going with other people, that might work


Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk

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Hey everyone, input needed. We had an email today that Holland America has cancelled our April cruise so that the Veendam can now offer approved Cuba itineraries. We can re-book and get a small shipboard credit.


Not sure about taking a service dog to Cuba. Nothing on the APHIS site. Does anyone have any input?


That's interesting - maybe there is nothing on the APHIS site because no one thought to update now that travel to Cuba is not restricted.



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Happy weekend everyone. :hearteyes:

Welcome home and Happy Birthday to our favorite "Henri!" You look like you all had a wonderful cruise and I'm not a bit surprised about how the cruise ship ignored you, although it looked like you got the box placed exactly where it should have been, after speaking with the Hotel Manager. Persistence really does prevail for we who travel with our dogs!

I love how the artificial turf is being used in some relief areas......it's so easy to take care of and the dogs love it. Horton uses it everyday on my patio, at home.

Amazing how that woman could abandon her wheelchair and walk off the ship, and even carry her own bags.......it's a miracle! :rolleyes:

Linda, your family is certainly handsome and "Halo" fits in very well. I'm so happy that you joined our group. You're courage to stay upright and keep going is very inspiring. Linda, It's never a good idea to leave your dog behind in the cabin. It serves no purpose and really sends a negative message to the dog, who should ALWAYS be by your side. If you MUST leave him behind, he should be watched by a family member or friends onboard. I never do this......If Horton can't go off, I can't go off!

Again, like so many of our Caribbean ports, Cuba has a lot of unleashed, roaming dogs both in their cities and on their beaches. Since safety is always an issue when we enter a foreign port, I would NOT be too anxious to go to Cuba, with Horton, just yet!

DKD, I'm so glad to hear that Gretel is finding her footing in your home and that you're looking forward to PuppyRaising as soon as you can. You and your family are truly amazing givers!!!!!

Fairbourne, where are you getting your weather from? Probably from us, here in L.A. It's going to be in the 90's again this coming week. We did have a rest from it all, for a few days, with some "May Gray" and then we get the "June Gloom!" But, first we have to suffer with intermittent heat waves.

I'm off to Eugene, Oregon, next Friday to watch my Granddaughter graduate from High School. OMG, how did that time fly by so quickly? She's our Kendal Jenner look alike, without the attitude! I'm going to be driving up with Horton. It's 1100 miles away and takes me a day and a half to drive it, going through the cascade mountains, passing Mt. Shasta and the glorious Sacramento River. The trip also takes you past Indian Reservations and famous trails taken by the Lewis & Clark Expedition and folks winding their way through the gold rush territories. The sights are astounding and well worth the road trip! And, to think it all ends up with my beautiful children. My Granddaughter will then head her way down to Santa Barbara, CA [a two hour drive from my home] to play on the Women's Basketball team and eventually become a Veterinarian. Life is good!

Take care, everyone ♥

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I don't think I would even be comfortable leaving Halo unattended. I might leave him at home, but never more than 2 hours.


When we go to Cuba, my daughter will be taking care of him. After she goes off to college, if we don't take him with (I am really starting to need him more and more, so that won't happen often), I am going to have him stay with the trainer for "refresher".


Linda and Halo

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never a good idea to leave your dog behind in the cabin. It serves no purpose and really sends a negative message to the dog, who should ALWAYS be by your side. If you MUST leave him behind, he should be watched by a family member or friends onboard. I never do this......If Horton can't go off, I can't go off!


I'm off to Eugene, Oregon, next Friday to watch my Granddaughter graduate from High School. OMG, how did that time fly by so quickly? She's our Kendal Jenner look alike, without the attitude! I'm going to be driving up with Horton. I


I would never leave Henri alone - on the very very rare occasion that I have not had Henri with me, I always leave her with a family member. We had so many offers on our cruise to babysit Henri - we had one couple who really wanted her to spend the night with them in their cabin. I wouldn't do that of course, but I did let Henri greet the wife with her vest off (if Henri has her vest on she is really calm and composed and at most will give a slight tail wag when people greet her). She was so happy to get to meet the "real" Henri (she is completely different with her vest off - lots of tail wagging, hugs and kisses). The woman's sister came up to me later and said that she was literally crying and that I had made her cruise.


Congratulations to your granddaughter and safe travels next week Roz and Horton.



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Halo is like Henri with and without his vest. He is a very calm dog both ways, but with his vest will give a slight wag, without it, tail and kisses go crazy.


He is so funny at home, we say he gives drive by kisses. When he walks past you, no matter where he is going, he will give me a quick kiss.


Linda and Halo

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Hi everyone!


I've been really absent. On May 5th, I fell and badly broke my ankle. Had to have surgery, and that turned into a problem. Guess I aspirated on the table and stopped breathing. That got fixed. But I cannot put weight on my foot for several months.


Jagger has been a sweetie. I'm staying at my Mom's because I can't take care of myself and Jagger. So he's getting a BIG vacation. He is very attentive though. He's going very well on the commands I do use. Will have to do a bit of a refresher of things when I can walk again.


Changed my three day cruise into the four day one. Love that at-sea day and the less hectic-ness of a four day compared to a three day.


In other fun news, we are working on doing a group cruise for our service dog organization. That should be fun with so many onboard. (already checked with Carnival on having so many dogs) Probably won't be over 10 dogs anyway.


I have to go and read some back pages. I've missed reading many posts because it was hard to get to the computer.


Hello to new members! Love hearing about all the dogs I "know" and your adventures. :)



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Roz, enjoy that drive! Oregon is so beautiful.


We are in Oregon now for another week, camping in state parks on the coast. Spectacular scenery! We had a really fun morning June 1 at snowy Crater Lake, with enough road open to go to the visitor center and drive a small part of the rim road and see the stunning lake. Hot chocolate by the lodge fireplace gave Raylene a chance to snooze, and then we had clam chowder in the lodge dining room.


This week we also visited Raylene's trainer - you can imagine what a joyful, puppyish reunion that was! If I had a better internet connection, I'd post a pic.


We visited the Dogs for the Deaf campus in Central Point for the first time yesterday (DFD delivers the dogs to clients for in-home training). We had a tour and met the head of training. There's a beautiful portrait photo if Raylene in the reception area!


We're a long way from Florida but enjoying every minute of this two-month road trip!

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